Chapter 34: Briefcase bashings
Deanna's P.O.V
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Grabbing the brief case I had filled with all the files I could find I jumped over the body of the male I had knocked out earlier and sprinted towards the east wing of the building, hoping no other Agents would make their way towards me and rendering me screwed.
While I searched the office for the files now in the brief case an Agent had come in a tried to flirt with me. Taking it in my stride I decided to flirt back and hide what I was doing. It was going well until one of the filing cabinet draws fell out of the filing cabinets, hitting the floor loudly.
The loud noise had made me jump and swear loudly, causing the man to chuckle. However ever when I swore my accented voice dropped back to my normal voice, giving me away completely. That ended up in a fight, not before he pinned me against the wall and informed other offices.
Making it to the east side I heard scuffling from inside one for the offices and flung open the door to investigate. As the door opened it revealed four people in total, one female and three males. The three males were all laying flat in the floor with several staples in their face.
The female however stood tall with the stapler in her hand. Blinking a few times I stared at my brunette friend before asking "Did you just beat up three guys with a stapler?"
"They attacked me and it was the first thing in hand!" Bethany argued. "It seems they know we're here."
"Yeah that's my fault." I admitted as we left the office and began sneaking down the corridors in order to leave in noticed.
"How was that your fault?" The question was hissed in my ear as we came to a stair case, a female holding a gun running up them. Without a word I jumped from behind the corner and slammed the brief case into the female, sending her flying down the corridor unconscious.
"My voice changes when I swear." Came my answer as we stood tall and descended the stairs, not making eye contact with anyone. As we made our way to the front door Beth texted Sofia and received a message back almost instantly.
"She's outside. By the way what's in the brief case?" Yet again I ignored the brunettes question as we made our way out of the building and to the car that was waiting. Beth got into the front while I slipped into the back and opened up the brief case. "It's a laptop?"
"With all the files yes." I nodded, grabbing a memory stick from inside my bun and plugging it into the socket.
"You used the briefcase laptop as a weapon?!" Bethany exclaimed from the passenger seat.
"Yes but I didn't hit her that hard with it, it just hurt more because it's a laptop. It's not broke." I assured her as I began hacking the computer and downloading all the files onto the memory stick. "Before we get back we need to find a body of water so we can destroy the case."
"Why would we want to do that?" Sofia asked.
"Because I give it five minuets till they notice it's missing." I replied.
"Eight to track it and begin following us." Bethany added.
"If we keep the case they'll track it to the house and we don't want HYDRA Agents knocking on the door." I continued. "So before we get to the jet and get out of here and back to the house we need to throw it in water, getting rid of it and breaking it in the process."
"This is so surreal." The scientist murmured from the drivers seat.
"What is this life?" Bethany asked, causing Miss Donald to nod.
"Don't worry about it." I assured, quickly opening the door and chucking the briefcase into the lake before closing the door and sliding back into my seat, the memory stick filled with the files back in my bun. "You'll get used to it, we had too and we were only sixteen."
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