Chapter 26: Party Plan
Bethany's P.O.V
It only took an hour for the clouds to release the load they were carrying. Rain pelted from the sky as Deanna and I put the motorcycles away, both of us laughing and smiling from the ride. Once inside we both sighed, the warmth of the fire fighting the coldness that surrounded us from the little rain we got caught in.
"You two look cold." Tony commented from the sofa.
"No shit Sherlock it's raining." Deanna replied. Bucky looked at my blonde friend wide eyed while Steve said;
"Watch your language Mockingbird."
"Sorry Captain." She shot back befits rolling her eyes and heading up the stairs.
"Do you and Deanna not get on then?" Pepper asked Steve as I grabbed a blanket off the back of the sofa and throwing it over my shoulders.
"It's not that they don't get on." I began to answer.
"They just don't see eye to eye on things." Nat finished for me. Steve didn't reply, he simply nodded in agreement. Suddenly the blonde yelled from upstairs;
"Beth get up here I have the perfect idea for the house warming party!" Her shout made me jump. Neither the less I made my way up the stairs and down the hall, into our shared bedroom. Deanna was curled up on her bed in long PJ trousers and an oversized black hoodie.
"You hollered?" I asked, sitting next to her. The purple iPad Stark had gotten her was lying next to her and her laptop was open on her lap. On the screen was a YouTube video in black and white, 1940's swing music drifting from the speakers as the people on the screen danced.
"Well I was browsing party ideas and something came up, a swing dancing party. So I YouTubed the dancing and found out it was from the 1940's." Deanna interrupted me, sitting up straighter. "Since we've just got James back and Steve still seems a little off with the current world I thought we could throw a party like the 1940's ones!"
My eyes never moved from the screen as I listened to the idea. Slowly a smile creeped across my face. "That would be cool." I agreed. "But that's a lot to put together."
"We can find people." She waved off. "At least this way it has a theme, I don't just want a house party because they're never that good."
"What about Tony's house party's?" I questioned. "They're meant to be good."
"That's in the tower, we only have a house." Deanna replied. "And besides haven't you always been obsessed with the 1940's?"
"History in general." I countered. "But I guess witnessing something from that era first hand wouldn't be that bad."
"Great!" Deanna chirped. "Well it's Sunday now so how about next Friday?" She suggested.
"I can't see why not." I shrugged.
"Cover your ears." Deanna advised. Doing as she said I screwed my eyes closed and prepared. "Pepper! Natasha! Sofia! We need your help! Tony we need your money!" The last yell made me laugh. Deanna smiled at me before she joined in.
"He's not going to mind right?" I checked.
"He's Tony Stark. Billionaire, Tony Stark. He'll be fine." Deanna assured me as the sound of four sets of footfalls entered my hearing range. "Besides if he does complain Pepper will put him straight."
"Ah, the power we have over the men." Natasha chuckled as she entered the room.
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