Chapter 26: Superthrees
Deanna's P.O.V
After losing my bet to Clint everyone but Pepper, Jamelah and Fury headed down to the training level that Stark had. They team wanted to see how good were so suggested a quick fire training session. We got there and instantly me and the girls froze. "Ah shit" I mumbled.
Our fighting styles were the same when we were the Superthrees. My bow and quiver sat in one corner, Beth's guns and daggers in another. "What do we do now?" Beth asked quietly. Me and Ronnie shrugged slightly.
"Something wrong girls?" Bruce asked, he had a clipboard in hand to write down notes on us all.
"Can you excuse us for a moment." I said holding up one finger before pulling the girls out into the hall and towards the elevator. "Sorry but I think it's time we tell them about the Superthrees, they're going to figure it out."
"Telling them the truth would gain trust." Beth pondered.
"Yeah but we've already lied, what if they don't trust us?" Ronnie added her voice.
"Just get changed and meet outside the training room quickly!" I said as I jumped off at my floor which was one above the training room. Changing into my Mockingbird outfit I bolted it down the stairs to the floor below. The girls followed in the elevator seconds later.
We walked to the door and I smirked. "Want to make an entrance?" I asked, they nodded. I nodded to Ronnie who literally blew the door off its hinges. Me and Beth rolled in and hid in the shadows until we retrieved our weapons. Ronnie stayed in the shadows at the door.
"Hello?" Cap called out, Tony called his suit. They all got their weapons ready as I notched an arrow onto the bow and Beth loaded her guns. Ronnie lit her hands up blue and we all stepped out of the shadows. They all looked at us. "I thought we left you in England?" Tony thought, flipping up his mask.
"No, you brought us here." Beth said with a small smirk.
"What?" Thor and Loki questioned at the same time making me giggle. Clint turned to me and aimed his own arrow at me. "I know that giggle..." He suddenly said thoughtfully.
"Of course you do idiot" Ronnie remarked.
"How can you not put two and two together?" I asked lowering my bow and pulling off my mask, the girls did the same. "It's true what they say then, a mask can hide any identity."
"Girls?!" Natasha spluttered.
"Surprise!" We all yelled with a laugh.
"You're the superheroes in England?" Steve asked.
"Yep it us. To be fair I thought you would have clocked on soon, you know with my 'mocking' attitude towards you." I said with a shrugged.
"You've just met the Superthrees." Ronnie beamed.
"And they didn't run off!" Beth added. The whole team stuttered and spluttered.
"I'm surprised Bruce didn't go all Hulk and attack us." I said with a giggle.
"Are you always so happy?" Clint asked.
"All part of being me birdie" I smirked before slipping my mask back on. "So training?"
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