Chapter 20: Traitor!
3rd persons P.O.V
Bethany and Adrienne met up at the cafe Deanna had asked them to. When they got thee they saw their blonde friend chatting idly to the person behind the desk, her hair being twirled around her finger. "De!" Adrienne called once they had entered, the blondes head snapped up.
She smiled again at the male behind the counter before skipping over to her two friends. "Are you okay?" Bethany asked instantly, concerned for her friends.
"I'm fine, turns out they were looking for someone who looked like me." Deanna shrugged as she left the cafe and hailed a taxi. One stopped almost instantly and she gestured for her friends to get in. "Where are we going?" Bethany asked skeptically as Deanna closed the door.
Deanna coughed and scratched the back of her head as the taxi began to move down the street. "Deanna!" The two brunettes exclaimed.
"Okay I lied. I did this really, really bad thing while with the Avengers. It seems they're after us for our abilities so I had to pay them debt. So since they already had me I decided to hand you guys in to as my pay back." Deanna exclaimed.
"What possessed you to do that?!" Adrienne exclaimed "Traitor!"
"They don't know about the other thing guys, only us as us." Deanna said in a hushed whisper.
"What possessed you to do that tho?" Bethany repeated Adrienne's earlier question.
"The tears I brought to Captain America's eyes." Deanna mumbled.
"What?!" They pair of brown haired girls exclaimed again.
"Look I was an idiot and said some mean things okay." Deanna sighed in frustration. "I'm only trying to make it up to them."
"They better not find out about the other thing!" Adrienne grumbled.
"And if they do we tell them in our own time, not when you do something stupid understand?" Beth questioned, her tone laced with authority.
"Yes ma'am" Deanna nodded before dropping her head in shame. The rest of the car ride was silent and why they stopped everyone got out, including the cabbie. "Well Bethany, Adrienne it's nice to finally meet you in person." The cabbie said with a smile, the brunettes looked at Deanna.
"Thanks Tony." Deanna smiled in return. The cabbie took off his hat to reveal non other than Tony Stark. Bethany and Adrienne froze for a moment. "You're very welcome now come on girls you have the rest of the team to meet!" Tony all but cheered, leading the girls inside.
"I'm so going to kill you when non of them are looking" Adrienne whispered to the blonde.
"And I won't help, I'll back her up" Bethany also threatened. Deanna didn't say a word, only gulped.
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