Chapter 16: Brother?!
Deanna's P.O.V
Quickly, I hurried down the street and towards the cafe Louis had asked to meet up in. I knew for a fact he was classing this as a 'date' but I really needed to tell him straight to leave me alone. I was sick of his calls and sick of his constant asking to be a couple again, like just no.
When I reached the cafe I spotted Louis waiting out side dressed in a red tracksuit and black body warmer over the top. Groaning at his fashion sense I walked over with a fake smile. "So what's up Louis?" I asked making him jump slightly.
"Would you like to go in first?" He asked pointing towards the door. Nodding I followed him into the small cafe that wasn't really much. Scanning the room my eyes landed on a table near the back. "You have to be fucking kidding me!" I groaned. Louis looked back/down at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked. However he asked quite loudly so the people at the table looked over to us.
Can you guess who was at the table?
If you guessed the Avengers have a gold star because you are correct.
"Bitches can't leave me alone" I muttered pulling out my phone and dialling Beth's number. However Hawkeye had already got up and was heading to where me and Louis' were standing. Instantly my spare hand drifted up to my nose that had already bruised over form slamming into his chest.
"Louis pissed you off already?" Beth asked as soon as she answered the phone.
"How long does it normal take to wake up after being knocked out?" I questioned ignoring her question.
"A while why?"
"Well if your the Avengers it's not long and Hawkeye is about to confront me, I have to go bye" With that I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket. By now Clint (yes I researched his real name) had reached us and was talking to Louis who looked dead scared.
Louis them turned to me "De you didn't tell me the famous Hawkeye was your older brother!" He gasped. My whole body went numb, The Hawk was just smirking at me. That bastard!
"Okay one; its Deanna not De. Two; he isn't my brother and even if he was I don't think I'd tell you." I replied scowling at the archer.
"But he said-" Louis started.
"Do you believe everything you're told?" I questioned with a snap. Louis looked down before muttering something and walking out. I gaped at him, the bitch had left me with the Avengers on my own. "Am I fuck your sister!" I spat at the assassin after turning away from the door.
Clint simple chuckled "Might as well be" Stark's voice suddenly said as he appeared next to the Hawk and looked down at me closely. "You look quite a bit alike."
"Would you like to be thrown across the room Mr Stark?" I asked sweetly "Because if not I suggest you get out my face before a break it and send you crashing into your little superhero huddle!"
"Oh she's feisty, why wasn't that in her file?" Stark asked.
"It was" Steve sighed standing up and coming over to us. It was now just us in the cafe so I couldn't really ask anyone for help; great. "I'm sorry madam but since you're not going to come quietly" Steve said reaching me.
"Am I fuck coming quietly!" I snapped but it was to late. Steve has one arm around my middle pinning my arms down and the other over my mouth with a cloth that smelt horrible. I kicked and lashed around but my body became heavy: chloroform. He had drugged me. That was my last thought before I fell into a dreamless sleep.
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