Chapter 3: The Vast Horizons
Chapter 3: The Vast Horizons
It has been more than two days since the experiment has been given light. The scientist were testing out theories of what is to come when they activate the NetherStar Experiment.
The NetherStar Experiment was doing whom knows what. The thought of releasing such immense power in constant bursts of dark and light convulsions. It's to say that if the experiment was a success, HE will be obtained.
HE was a being past the vast horizon of our own reality. We have soon discovered that this is more than what is to meet the eye. We have tried the experiment once before, but the unlucky victims were soon to be lost, the entity somehow managing to drag them away to god knows where.
"Let me out you slimy fuc*ers" the being snarled, his hand banging on the glass. The being was a tad bit more on the attractive side to say none the less. The black hair that seemingly dropped down his face, the blood red eyes boiling with rage and anticipation to be let out of the hellish prison he is now trapped in. He was a good size of 6'3 and his skin was fair but more on the tannish side.
"No" the scientist turned his head, watching the floor not wanting to see him at the moment. "I will not set you free being, for your merely an experiment that has gone wrong."
"I am no experiment, I have more dignity and self pride to one day get out of here and end you". The man in the cell smirked, his lips coiling to show the greed of a snake and the devilish intents that were brewing in his head.
"But will you?" The scientist pushed up his glasses. "That cell is made from the fallen stars that we have managed to obtain, will you really break out of there?"
The demon recoiled, staring at the man. "Now who says that one of you sack of bones might let me out" the smirk had only became more infested with his dark desires.
This is a being of pure hate and rage, the manifestation of evil to say none the less. He wants world domination, but also, he wanted someone he can care about. A man that suits his needs.
He was alien to this world, and this cell is just the one thing keeping him away from his true orders he had managed to obtain.
The scientist ignored him, the sound of his pen tapping against the wood of the cardboard slate he used to write with. "Now with the experiment in phase 2, we may begin extracting vitals that will lead us to who you really are."
The demon like figure rolled his eyes, the slick black hair now jetting from his scalp, as he pulled at his hair in annoyance, pure annoyance.
"For a man of your 'intelligence' you must have managed to see the red light" an alarm soon went off; the man snarling and jumping from the jump-scare.
The scientist had soon turned back. The brutal thumps of his heart making his body shake life the soft surface of a drum. The cage was empty, the experiment was a failure.
"Containment Breach on Sector 3A." The scientist yelled into the walkie talkie that had soon buzzed to life. "Experiment 20A has escaped his capsule, do not let him leave the premises."
The scientist soon heard guards as he grabbed the Nero Gun. The gun used to neutralize the demon in his track once once before, but tonight is the full moon. We don't know what the effects are, but we do know that it will have catastrophic outcomes if the test escapes.
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