14: Trust
I gazed at the locket with every bit of dislike. But even though I hate it, I don't know why I still wear it. I wear it more often then I bother wearing that scarf. My friends kept trying to purdsuade me into throwing it away, or hidding it again, or just give it away. But no matter how I try I still don'y take it off. Its annoying and irritating how I'm paranpid whenever I take off the locket. There is still a part of me that feels Quibble whenever I wear this.
But that bastard isn't worth me. The only thing I want for him is to have him beaten up. Hmmm maybe I can ask one of the guys to locatw him for me and kill him? But that could land us all in prison.
There was a knock on my door, ans I smiled when I saw my little sister enter. "Hey squirt what are ya doin' up late its nearing midnight?" I asked her. She shrugged and yawned. "I could ask you the same thing" She went up close to me and saw the locket.
"That's pretty, can I have it?" She asked reaching to touch it, but I slapped her hand away. She looked hurt. "Sorry" I apologised and picked her up by the waist and sat her on my lap. "What happened to the necklace I gaved you?" she demanded. "Its in my drawer, didn't wanna loose it, its too precious for me to even show off to others" I half lied.
She bought it good for me. "I couldn't sleep, can you tell me a story? I like it whem you tell me stories, and sing" She said and I chuckled. "What do you want me to do first?"
"Sing me a song" She said. Knowing full well she'll be asleep before I end the song, I decided to just go with that.
"Er lets see....I know this one"
I took out a music box and it started to play tune. I layed her down my bed.
***Piano music picks up***
Do you know what its like....to feel
So in the dark, to
Dream about a life, Where you're
The shinning star......
Even though it seems, like
Its too far away, I have to believe
In myself, its the only way
Already her eyelids grew heavier
This is real, this is me, I'm
Exactly where I'm suppose to be
Gonna let the light, shine on
Me, Now I've found
Who I am.... There's now way to
Hold it in, no more hidding who
I'm meant to be.....this is me.....
The next thing I heard was Scootalou's snorings and I chuckled before snuggling in the covers beside my favorite sister.
I dragged my ass inside Canterlot high. Not many people were here since I'm early. The school was a little quiet and peaceful, but in a few hours it would be chaotic, crazy when the other kids comes along.
I opened my locker and looked at the mirror inside. I looked awesome, as usual. But not twenty percent cooler. I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep because Scootalou moves around in bed alot, plus she kept stealing all thr blankets. And I hadn't had time to brush my hair. Not that I should even bother anyway. Since it'll be tangled again from all the running around.
"Wazzup Dashie!" I spun around to see Fleetfoot, Spitfire, and of course, Soarin walking towards me. My expressiom remained blank.
"Jeez you look terrible" Soarin commented. I frowned. "Y'think?"
"What Soarin means is that you haven't been looking....the same since....last week" Spitfire defended.
I shrugged and slammed my locker shut.
"You aren't wearing that locket today right?"
Well technicaly I have it in my pocket but hey atleast its not around my neck.
"Where is it?"
"Don't know"
I turned around and walked to the classroom without so much as a second glance. I don't know why I'm being moody today, I guess I just don't feel like talking much.
When I entered the classroom, noone was there yet, since its still early. So I wasted my time walking around the hallways, running my hands to the locked lockers and letting my head go to space.
I don't know why I feel so sad and realy realy angry. Eh, maybe I have my period today and that explains why I'm being moody? Fluttershy's always angry and a total beast whenever its her time of the month.
"Rainbowdash" Great Soarin's here again. Ugh.
I kept my eyes firmly pass him. He walked towards me but I just walked pass him like he's just the thin air. I know, rude but like I said, I realy don't feel like talking to anyone today. I hadn't realized it, but I don't excatly know where my feet are taking me.
The next thing I knew was I was at a part of the school I didn't recognized.
I passed the football fealed, passed the basketball court, pass the soccer fealed, pass the garden, and ended up infront of a big ass lake, and there were fountains nearby. The lake didn't seemed to be a lake. Because it wasn't even deep. The water just reached the top of my knees and there were no fishes or stuffs therd. The water was crystal clear.
I sighed. This place is realy awesome.
I grabbed the locket, and took it off, I bit my lip.
"Fuck" I muttered and then threw it in the lake. I chuckled and turned around, but then I realized what I did.
"Shit!" I cussed again and ran to the water splashing it and looking for that locket desperately. "Where is it?! Where is it?!!" I yelled and continued splashing the water looking for that mother fucking locket.
"Dash! What the hell are you doing?" Soarin appeared and he looked realy worried. Did he follow me here?
"Please Soarin help me find it! Soar help me find it!" I pleaded, tears forming in my eyes again. And unluckily, dark clouds began forming. This is stupid! I'm stupid! Why did I even threw it at the lake? Why do I care for that peice of shit?
"Please Soarin help me!" I yelled at him again.
"Dash whatever you're looking for your never gonna find it"
"I don't care! Help me....please" Itbeas beggining to drizzle.
He sighed. "Ok"
We spent the next twenty minutes looking for the locket. Even though I hadn't told him what we were looking for.
"Hey Dash, is this it?" He picked up something from the water and showed mr the locket. "Thats it" I said relieved.
He wiped it using his dried sweater and gaved it to me. "Thanks" I said lightly smilling. Suddenly, he pulled me close, burrying my face to his chest (A/N: EEEEEEEEAAAAK!!!!!!)
My face is burning right now, as I awkwardly hugged him. He stroked my hair. "Sometimes I wonder about you Dashie" (A/N: Inspired by The Bad Boy Wants The Athelete)
"Er, you do?"
He raises an eyebrow and I shook my head. "Sorry I wasn't thinking straight"
He continued stroking my hair. It feels so good. "Why were you ignoring me earlier?"
"Don't know"
"You don't know?"
I sighed. He looked at me more sternly. "Dash, I wanna help you, but I can't help unless you let me. Please, I care about you"
"Realy?" I asked not believing.
"Yea, I care for all my friends but you're diffirent. In a good way I mean" He smirked at my blushing face. Stupid emtions, I hate being so sappy. It ain't cool.
"Hey Rainbowdash?"
"I think its time you let it all go, move on. Its been a long time" He adviced. "Its just realy hard to move on when you've been betrayed by someone you loved" I said almost crying again. It was still drizzling.
"I did everything for him, I changed myself for him, I trusted him, and was so stupid! I can't believe I spent my life with him trying to be the girl he's always wanted! I gaved half my attention mostly to him I never had time for my friends, I almost lost them because of him, and...and he betrayed me" I sobbed in his chest again.
"Its realy hard you know, to love once and get stabbed in the back. He's a bastard who cheated with me with a bitch" I said through clenched teeth.
Suddenly I felt like being picked up bridal style.
I didn't complained, I felt safe in his arms. He sat me down under a willow tree and sat down with me, he leaned my hesd on his shoulder. "Its ok Dash, I'm here for you, if you ever need someone to talk to, someone to cry on, I'll be there for you" He assured.
"Those were the same stupid lined Quibble bastard pants used on me. How am I suppose to know I can trust you?" I questioned. He wrapped an arm around me and smirked. "I can be full of surprises" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder playfuly.
"When are you gonna stop being such a dick?"
"A hot one to be exact" He teased. Then he eyed me. "Aaaaand when are you gonna stop being suck a sexy cry baby" he teased. I punched his shoulder again. Harder this time "Ouch! Quit it" He winced in pain. I chuckled.
"Feeling better?"
"Yea a little" I sighed. I took the locket and opened it. Instead of getting rid of it, I'll just get rid of the picture. I took out the two pictures and closed it.
"What are you gonna put inside it this time?"
"Don't know" I shrugged and put it on. This time I felt much much better. Soarin kissed my cheek, making me turn red and glare at him. "What the hell did you do that for?"
"To make you feel even better" He shrugged.
For a few short minutes we sat there
Then it was time to get inside for school. But then, to my horrification! He carried me inside bridal style!
Everyone we passed by, were squeeling and pointing and giggling and chanting 'Soarindash!' ew ew ew ewwww!
"Soarin! Put me down!" I said embbarrassed and annoyed. "Ok" he said and literaly dropped me to the floor. "Ouch!" I yelled. He laughed a little and ran to class. I laughed alongside him and ran after him feeling.....realy realy awesome! Definition: great. Like my mood lightenned up
He was right. He realy us full of surprises. I don't know what to expect next to that idiot. Who knows?
Hehe, what if soon he confess his feelings and ask me to be his girlfriend, Ahahahahaha! Now that would be a big surprise. Yeesh, like thats ever gonna happen. When will that happen may you ask? Hmmm let me think....never in a million years!
A/N: So this was dramatic again buy hey wasn't it sweet of Soarin to comfort Dashie? Eeeeek I was fangirling the whole time! Lol ok have a superd day everyone see ya in the next chapter
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