38: Deal
For the first time in a very long time, Taehyung actually slept peacefully; No horrid nightmares or the sweetest dreams. He didn't dream at all, and that's what made it blissful.
However, what he didn't find entirely delightful was waking up the next morning to five blurred figures spread around his room, all facing him.
What the fuck.....
Was the sex too good that got me seeing things now?
Taehyung squints his eyes and rubs them with one hand to clear his vision, turning his face to the side and sees Jungkook turned to him, still laying beside him, staring down with a stern gaze in his eyes.
"Good morning baby."
What's going on?
Taehyung looks around once again to see a more clear visual that the figures in the room were exactly Jungkook's main five.
Not part of his imagination.
Out of instinct he tried to grab the knife under his pillow but something held onto his wrist. He slowly trails his eyes to his right wrist to see it handcuffed to the wooden pole of the bed.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
With his other hand he fiddles under the pillow but Hoseok twirling with a familiar knife captures his attention, making him groan out loud in annoyance.
Of course Jungkook noticed the knife before he woke up.
He's a paranoid as Taehyung is.
Well, this is definitely a treat.
So Taehyung sits up, scooting back to the headboard with a naked knee up as he rest his other arm on it. The white sheets just barely covers his body, only his pelvis that provides a gentle tease from the lustful eyes staring at him.
The sinful tease affecting Jimin the most as he crosses his legs.
With a dry chuckle, Taehyung stares at them, "Smart, very very smart," He snickers and looks around the room, finding just about ten possible ways he's able to escape this scenario, "So, how may I help you all this fine morning?"
He's so lucky they're too special for him, he would've mutilated their bodies by now for even being in his room without permission.
Namjoon steps forward first, tattooed hands to his back and a professional gaze filling his eyes, "So we are aware that the Orchid gang is after you-"
"No shit," Taehyung mutters while reaching to his night stand and pulls out a glass of water with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Namjoon stares at him with a questioning gaze to how Taehyung drinks a bit of the water and then puts the toothpaste on the toothbrush and begins to brush his teeth.
If he's going to listen, mind as well do it with good hygene.
"And..... We have spoke amongst ourselves," Namjoon continues, glancing at Jungkook, "In order to take down their empire, you're going to need some back up."
Taehyung stops brushing his teeth for a moment, nearly chocking on the minty paste, and scrunches his face up in pure horror.
Oh hell no.
"Absolutely not," Taehyung muffles against the toothbrush, taking the glass of water and hauls a mouth full of water before rising his mouth and throws the water back to the glass, "You will not go near them."
Jungkook groans beside him, "And here I wonder where you get the idea that you have a say in any of this," He mutters while putting on his boxers and black skinny jeans, walking around the bed and stands before Taehyung, "You think you can just waltz in and not expect a bullet to fly through you head the minute they see you?"
Taehyung purses his lips and shrugs, "Anything but risking you guys in this mess," he says, his mind made up with a stern tone, "This is my mess alone, don't get involved."
"This is not just about you," Yoongi bellows, narrowing his eyes, "If Orchids is rising power, that's an issue for us. If they're making subtle moves here, in our property, that's not just a small problem."
"And what do you expect to do? Set up a meeting and discuss it over tea?" Taehyung mimics bitterly back, "Orchids are not the same anymore. Don't make the first move."
"Too late," Seokjin taunts, looking out the window, "We arranged a meeting next week to meet with the boss's right hand man."
Taehyung whole world just dropped. For a moment he alone forgot to breathe and an intense rise of panic flooded his body.
The volume of his voice caused Yoongi to jump in his spot and Jimin to fall off the chair from the sudden reaction. But Taehyung didn't care. His blood is pulsing so fast through his body and he aggressively moves against the handcuff. Taehyung's frantic eyes moves to Jungkook, "Call it off, please!" Taehyung pleads, desperately trying to yank himself free.
Orchids will use their time of preparation to use, of course they fucking will.
And Jungkook will be the one in line of shot.
Jungkook narrows his eyes, "No. You are now my issue to help settle Taehyung, and I don't like to share," Jungkook snarls with arms crossed, "You can either help us, or you can just stay here cuffed to this bed for all we care. Your safety is what matters to us."
"Fuck my safety!" Taehyung curses hysterically, "They can kill you! T-They..."
Taehyung couldn't continue. The thought of his ex girlfriend blurred his mind and he couldnt fight the tears of finding Jungkook with the same fate.
Any of them with that fate to be exact.
His throat clogs up and he desperately tries to fight off the tears spilling his eyes. This is exactly what he was trying to avoid for these past few months. He desperately tried to handle this situation on his own, without getting anyone in trouble.
And look at now what happens.
Jungkook and his gang wants to get involved.
Not just one person, but a whole fucking numbers of people under Jungkook's command.
But these six want to on their own will; No one is forcing them at all, they genuinely want to.
More deaths that Taehyung will feel at fault for.
Jungkook noticed the desperate tears springing Taehyung's eyes and he sighs, leaning down, to caress Taehyung's cheek, "Oasis is most famous empire in Korea, Taehyung. We have tools, resources and allies that can help us. All we need in order for this to work is you, since you are the one that knows them with the palm of your hand and back. I promise you that after this you don't have to fear hiding anymore. You will be protected, and I won't let anything or anyone hurt you anymore. I won't dig anymore to your past, we will leave it alone. Just.... Stay.... I need you to stay and help me settle this with Orchids so then it won't be a problem for us."
Taehyung stares into the sincere gleam in his eyes, knowing he means every single word that escaped his lips. For a moment Taehyung's defiance wobbles and he begins to feel that vulnerability mixed with fear that he has tried to hold back for a very long time. He hates to admit how worried he feels about this whole entire situation. Not even for himself, he could give two shits about whatever happens to him.
He doesn't want them to die.
He doesn't want Jungkook to die.
Taehyung didn't want to fall for this plan, but something inside him felt the need to trust Jungkook's words. They need him, that much he knows. They wouldn't last a damn meeting with Orchids without some proper attitudes. Taehyung doesnt want them to risk any of this, but he feels the family environment that he has never felt before.
The environment to be needed, and how much his life is valuable to them; no matter what he did to them.
This gang is so different in their own way.
They are actually family, not just the idea of family like any other gang.
And that's going to be their biggest strength.
If Taehyung were to be connected with his past self, he would join them in a heart beat. Now, he wants to start new, away from the gang activites and live his life away from danger.
He can't do that with a gang hunting his ass.
This needs to end, and if the most brutal gang in Korea are willing to help him, he has to say conditions first.
So with a deep sigh, he grabs the glass cup from the nightstand, cringing at his blue spit in it, "The minute this is over... I'm probably going to leave back to America. My father needs me. Now, If I agree to what we are doing, I want full freedom, no strings attached," He says and looks up, meeting a pained look in Jungkook's eyes that flahsed with rapid speed but he covered it up with a cold expression.
Jungkook knows he can't argue against this, either he does and lose Taehyung right now and possibly risk him ending up dead, or he doesn't and lose Taehyung later by leaving.
As much as he hates it, he has to promise his freedom.
No matter how unsettling it feels in Jungkook's heart.
"You have my word," Jungkook says, staring at the cup in Taehyung's hand with reluctant eyes.
He's planning something...
Taehyung smirks, "Good. Well, let me start off by saying thank you so much for letting me join this suicide squad and," With rapid speed he throws the substance from the cup to Hoseok's face, that was the nearest to him. He kicked the blanket to Jungkook's face and swung his pillows to the rest. He slams his glass cup against the nightstand and with ease uses the broken shard to pick on the handcuff. The minute he freed himself, he reached for his automatic gun from under the bed, a chaotic smile on his face as the rest of the boys freezes in their spots.
Maybe this won't be so bad.
"You are going to need a bit more preperation with me before any of you meet with Orchids."
Currently in class, about to leave soon yay!!
Thank you guys so much for supporting this book so much, your reactions literally gives me so much motivation! Thank you for being such a good support group of people to me.
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