The Trick Is To Ignore Them...Or Play Their Game. EDITED
"Pumpkin~", my Papa's voice said. I attempted to shoo him away, but he only grabbed my sides and started to tickle me. I shot up and started laughing. "Papa! Papa! S-Stop it!", I said while laughing. He threw me over his shoulder and set me down. "I got some good news.", He said, grinning from ear to ear. I sat up and blinked rapidly. "I got a promotion, so I'll be gettin' paid 25 dollars a hour!", He said and I smiled widely. "Papa that's great!", I said, clinging onto him, giving him the biggest hug I could. "Thanks kiddo. Fur taking care of everything.", He said, and this is the part the makes me happy, but cry. "Yer Momma would've been proud." I gripped onto his back and smiled. "She'd be proud of you too Papa." We sat like that for awhile before I hit his back and smiled.
"Ya gotta go to work Mister or that promo will be out the winder.", I said, mocking his thick country accent. "Alright, but make sure yer get to school on time, okay?", He said, trying but failing at mocking me. "That was horrible Papa.", I said laughing. "Well I ain't no damn Actress.", He said and i fake gasped. "Your profanity!" "I could say something lik-", I put a hand over his mouth and smiled. "Hurry before you're late.", I said and he nodded, kissing me on top of my head. After seeing him off, I did my morning chores, and ran up stairs. It was a bit chilly out, so I threw on a brown sweater and some baggy jeans. I braided my hair and I slid on some boots.
I got in my truck and took off down our old dirt road. I pulled up to the school and hopped out. I walked to my class and everyone was looking at me. I smiled and sat in my seat. Haruhi glanced back at me and I shrugged. Maybe it's because something good might happen, or maybe it's because I woke up seeing my Papa. Either way, I'm still happy.
End of day, cuz I'm done boring you guys😂😂
I walked in and I swear I almost did a double take. Nobody was here. So, I started to walk to my truck, confused as all get out. Suddenly, I was snatched up. "Target." "Captured."
I looked up and saw the twins grinning evilly. "Good job boys. Make sure she gets there safe.", Tamaki said and before I could say anything, I was whisked away. "W-Wait!", I said before I was taken away. The rest was a blur, but now I'm in the changing room with Haruhi picking out a bikini. "Why am I here?", I asked and the twin maids smiled. "Why wouldn't you be here?", They asked creepy like. "Because I'm not, really a host.", I said and they shook their heads in a disapproving way. I tried to sneak out, but Haruhi grabbed my arm. "If I'm going down, your going down with me.", She said and I sighed. "Fine, but don't make it too reveling.", I said and I was whisked away once more. Like a few minutes later, I was in a light blue top with matching bottoms that were high waisted. They brushed through my hair and sent me out with Haruhi. Tamaki saw us and he handed us a sweatshirt and shorts, blushing like crazy. "S-Suoh-Senpai. You do realize it's like 99 degrees out here?", I said and Haruhi took it. I pushed it away and shrugged. "You don't have to address us so formally anymore. We're your friends!", he said, which made me smile. He attempted to give it to me but I crossed my arms.
"If they really wanted me to wear a bathing suit then they gonna get it.", I said, walking with Haruhi to the lawn chairs. Suddenly, The twins were on either side of me, making me want the jacket. "What do you guys want?", I asked and they smirked. They picked me up, making me squeal abit, before they started making their way to the current pool. "Guys! Dont you dare!", I said, trying to squirm out of their hands, but I failed. They started swinging me back and fourth, counting. "1.....2......3!!!!", They let me go, and I landed in the water, cold water surrounding me. I touched the ground and kicked off of it, darting to the surface.
I pushed the hair out of my face and looked at them, glaring at them. They were too busy laughing, so I went under start and held me breath. I waited for a while, and I thought that I would have to surface, but then I saw Hikaru jump in, pick me up by my waist and pull me out of the water. "Kari!", Karou said and I started laughing. "Oh you guys should've seen the looks on your faces!", I said and Hikaru dropped me, making go under and I resurfaced. "We thought we drowned you!", Hikaru said, splashing water at me. I laughed and splashed him back. I pulled Karou into the water he yelled before going under. I laughed and he grabbed my leg and pulled me under. Soon enough, me, Hikaru and Karou were in an all out splash war.
I made my way out and Mori-senpai handed me a towel. "Thanks.", I said, drying my hair quickly and my body. As I was trying my hair, Mori picked up my chin so I was looking at him. I felt my stomach twist and my heart pick up. He looked abit more and let go. "W-What was that all about?", I asked him and he looked at me. "You remind me of someone.", He said and I blinked afew times. "And who would that be?", I asked and he stiffened. He shook his head and walked over to Honey-senpai, who was currently in the current pool.
I looked down at myself and wrapped the towel around me. "Kyoya-Senpai.... Did a guy named Nekozowa tell you that information?", I asked, holding onto his swimming trunks as he walked by. He looked back at me and I looked up, desperate to know the answer. This was my information that I didn't want to get out...and here was Kyoya, who had to have learn it from somewhere. "Yes, I did acquire some information from Nekozowa-Senpai.", He said and I looked down. "Does he know me?"
"Yes he does. In fact, you know him as well.", He said and I looked up at him, confusion clouding my brain. "What do you mean?", I asked and he turned away. "Kyoya-Senpai if you don't tell me I'll ignore you!", I called after him and he shrugged. I smirked. "I'll tell them something about you that YOU wouldn't think I knew!", I said and this made him stop in his tracks. "And what would that be?", He asked and I smirked. The fish has been hooked."Oh you know, the time you brought someone home an-", I said but then he covered my mouth. "How did you find out about that?", He whispered and I smirked under his hand. I licked it and he pulled away, wiping his hand on his shorts. "I have ways.", I said before cannonballing into the current pool.
Wow, I just made that up on the spot...acting has helped me so much in life.
I smiled as I went up, but heard screams. I looked over and before I knew it, I was being dragged under water. How, well I don't really know, but I was taken under like a rock.
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