The Things I Don't Know EDITED
"Kari, please tell me what happened.", Haruhi said urgently, trying to snap my out of my little daze. Soon enough, everyone but Kyoya was surrounding me, trying to see if I was okay....but I wasn't. He can't know.... I-I haven't told anyone. I-Is he trying to blackmail me? Is this his way of getting even with me? What did I even do?!? I didn't do anything wrong, right?! Maybe because I didn't kiss him... maybe he thought I was pulling on his heartstrings. No, because he said we should give em a show, so why.... I stood up and marched over to him. I slammed him against the wall and looked into his eyes, with murder written in them. "Say anything and I swear that you will have to deal with me.", I said and he smirked. "You do remember my family is very big and have a military base, right?", He asked and I gritted my teeth. "I don't care if your family could summon demons, mess with me, you'll regret anything bad you did in your life.", I said, backing away and changing.
((Chapter Pic))
I threw the clothes at him and walked out. "See you guys later.", I said, before slamming the doors shut and walking out the school. I need to go there. I need to calm down. If I go home now, Papa would kill him....maybe that wouldn't be so bad? No, I'm going.
I ran all the way into the woods, dropping my stuff off at the beginning of the trees and ran farther inward. Once I got to a huge open space, I slid down the steep hill and walked along the creek. After about ten more minutes, I found my place. A smile crept on my face as I saw it. It was an open place, with an old unused railroad that has rusted over. The sunset would set right above the railroad tracks, and usually around that time, the fireflies would come out, lighting up the place with a magical glow. I waited on the rock and pulled out my phone, getting my camera ready. Once the sun set, the fireflies did what they usually did. I snapped a picture and smiled, posting it on Instagram. I have over 1.7K followers and I'm happy... If only I was that popular in real life. Heheh, it's because I only take pictures and post drawings on there. Not once do I have my face on there. Most people at my school follow me, without knowing it's me.
I took a deep breath in and suddenly, I was tagged in a photo. I looked at the photo and my blood ran cold. Someone had just now taken a picture of me, looking at the railroad. I have to admit it was a good picture, but it made me feel reeeally uneasy. I stood up and looked around, but saw nobody. I looked down at the comments and people started flipping that they saw the back of my head.
"Guys! I don't know who took this picture! I think I'm being followed!", I said and I swear people started turning against this person and threatening to find him and call the police. I was so scared, that I ran all the way back to my truck, grabbed my things and sped all the way home. I put my truck in park and ran into the house. "Hey Pumpkin, what's the matter?", Papa asked and I shook my head, running up stairs as fast as I could.
I got on the guys Instagram and looked at him. He had no face pictures, but most of them were of black magic. I called my friend, Caleb (aka 404)and he answered. "Whats up Piggie?", He asked and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Zero, hack this person and find out who he is. His Instagram is @ DarkSoulsWillSuff .", I said and I heard him started typing away. "Why exactly am I doing this?", He asked and I sighed. "Look at the recent picture he posted."
I heard him inhale sharply and started typing faster. "Got it. It's a guy Nekozowa. He goes to Ouran Highschool, owns his own club. He doesn't like the light so he wears dark clothing and even his blonde hair is covered with a black wig.", Zero said and I nodded. "Thanks Zero.", I said, hanging up before I could here his reply. I got on our schools website and looked up Nekozowa. But nothing came up. I closed my laptop and ran downstairs.
"Hey Papa.", I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Hey Pumpkin. How was school?", He asked and I stiffened. "Good.", I said and Papa looked at me. "Don't ya lie to me.", He said and I sighed. "Horrible.", I said and Papa handed me a mug. "Well, at least ya got yer life planned out.", He said and I looked at him. "Are we down financially?", I asked and he nodded, rubbing a hand across his face. Bags were visibly under his eyes and he slouched more than usual. "Papa, imma get a part time job, stop workin' yourself so much.", I said, putting a hand in his back and helping him to his room.
"Pumpkin I can't have ya workin' at a place ya don't enjoy. I want the best fur ya.", He said and I smiled. "I appreciate the offer Papa, but I gotta take care of you before I can do anything else. Don't worry bout me, I'll be fine.", I said, helping him into bed and I turned off the lights. "Get some sleep Papa.", I said and he smiled tiredly. "Night Pumpkin."
I closed the door and walked down stairs. I got the slop and gave it to the pigs, cleaned the horse crap, gave them some new water and hay, brushed their mane and tail out, feed the chickens, got the eggs, sheered the sheep, feed the sheep, tended to the garden, and mowed the lawn so the cows could graze. I got in the house and sighed. I walked upstairs to the shower and took a quick shower. I changed into a large T-shirt and short shorts, and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I walked downstairs and started the fire in the stove, so I could start cooking. I got my bag and got out the homework. I started on that until the chicken was done cooking. Once my timer went off, I dropped my pencil and grabbed the chicken. I set it down and put it on the table. I also took out the corn And put picks on the ends of them. I grabbed the potatoes and started making them. Momma would be proud Kari. I smiled the thought. Momma would be proud.
I took a bite out of my chicken and I ate some corn. I put the rest in the fridge so when Papa got ready for work, there would be food for him. I got a sticky note and slapped it onto the fridge. "Chicken, Corn and Mashed Potatoes are in here. Good luck at work today Papa!" Each time, I would write something little and set for him before his work.
I sat back down at the table and finished my work. I looked at the fire and smiled, remembering the old times, when Papa, Momma and me would gather around the fire and tell each other about our day. We would laugh and tell jokes. At some point in time, I guess I fell asleep.
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