Safety Isn't Always First. EDITED
I get out of my truck and smile as the horses run up to me. I petted their heads as I smiled. Suddenly, our German Shepherd, Max came running towards me, barking his head off. "What is it Max?" He bit onto my pants and started pulling me towards the house.
I ran after Max and gasped when I saw it. The house was trashed. There wasn't any food, glass things were broken and what looked like blood on the floor. "Papa!", I yelled, but there wasn't a reply. "PAPA WHERE ARE YOU?!", I yelled again, frightened.
Max bark at me and I looked down at him. He held a note in his mouth. I grabbed it and read aloud. "Kari, baby. I'm going with a few people, don't worry about me. I should be fine. Please take Max with ya and stay with Umehito. He should be able to take care of ya there. The animals should be fine on their own fer now. I love ya baby."
I crumbled up the paper and walked over to the room. I looked inside and saw something unusual. I lifted it up and gritted my teeth. "SON OF A-"
I looked over at Max and he was looking at me. "Sorry Max.", I said through gritted teeth. I paced back and forth as Max did something. I look over and Max had tried to pack my bag. I smiled and scratched his neck. "Thanks Max. What would I do with out you." I took it from there while Max grabbed his toys and placed them in my bag. I grabbed my phone and dialed Ume's number. "Ume. I'm heading to your place. I'll tell you when I get there. No don't come get me, the animals will flip. I'm bringing Max too. Alrighty, bye."
I hung up and zipped up the bag. I grabbed my clue and shoved it in my pocket. I have to ask Caleb to look into this. I have a good feeling who it is but I can't make assumptions. Oh but if it is-
Max bark loudly again and I looked at him. "Right, lets go before something else happens.", I said, opening the truck door so Max could jump in, then I let myself in. I drove a bit over the speed limit, but if it was too much, Max would warn me.
I pulled into Ume's mansion and grabbed my stuff. Max followed behind me, making sure I didn't drop anything. I kicked the door and I heard a maid gasp. She quickly opened the door and gasped. "Karinata!", She said and I sighed. "Hello Jamina." She opened the door wide enough for me and Max to go through. I walked up stairs and opened Ume's door. He was currently shirtless and brushing through his Golden hair. I set my stuff down and hugged his waist. "Ume...Papa was taken.", I said and he turned towards me, giving me a hug. "Is he okay?! Who took him?! Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, I don't think dad is. None of the animals are hurt, but their a bit shocked.", I said and he pulled me in closer. "I have a question. Do you know anyone by the name Nekozowa at school?", I asked and he laughed. "That's me. We changed our last names, due to my mother remarrying." I looked at him and laughed. "So you took that picture!" I said and he laughed, making me laugh too and he bent down to pet Max. "Kirimi would love to see you again Max.", He said and Max whispered barked, using his inside voice. Max ran out the door in search of Kirimi. Ah, I taught such a good dog. If only I could teach Kyoya some manners on how to treat a girl....WHY AM I THINKING OF THAT JERK?!
In just a few minutes, Kirimi came into Ume's room, riding on Max's back, cheering. "RiRi!", She yelled, sliding off Max and running over to me. "Hi Kiri!", I said, lifting her in the air and spinning her around. She giggled as I sat her down. "Let's go see your mother.", I said and she nodded, running down the stairs at top speed. "Race ya.", I said before me and Ume took off down the stairs. I mean, just because we're 15 and 18, doesn't mean we can't act like kids once and awhile. Ume was ahead by a few steps, so I jumped on his back and pushed myself off of him, giving me a few more steps ahead. "Hey you cheater!", He said and I laughed. Suddenly, I tripped over my foot and felt myself fall. Arms wrapped around me and covered my head as we fell. I tightly closed my eyes, but then I felt my back hit the floor, not as painful as I thought, but painful none the less. I opened my eyes and Ume was inches away from my face, his eyes closed tightly and his arm wrapped around my waist and head. He opened his eyes and smiled. "You okay?", He asked and I nodded. "Are you?" He nodded and then gave me a peck on my nose, sending me on a blushing spree. He laughed and pulled away, helping me up. "Your too cute.", He said and I hit his arm. "Whatever. I clearly won cause I touched the ground first.", I said and he laughed. "Technically, I won because my arms hit the ground, then your back hit.", He said and I puffed my cheeks out. "Don't worry love, you'll win some day.", he said, pinching my cheeks and walking to the kitchen. I walked after him, and smiled once I saw his mother. Kiyomi, means Pure Beauty. Her name sure does go with her personality. She looked up from her papers and smiled. "Karinata!", She said, standing up and walking over to give me a hug. "Hi Kiyomi.", I said and she told me to sit.
"So how long are you visiting?", She asked and I shrugged. "I have no clue. Speaking of which, please excuse me. I have to make a phone call.", I said with a polite smiled, before leaving the room.
"404! At Your Service! What Is Your-"
"Caleb, it's me.", I said and I heard his sigh.
"Thank goodness. So what's up Piggy?", He asked and I sighed. "1.) Enough with that nickname. I ain't no pig. 2.)I found out who Nekozowa was, its Ume's new last name. 3.) come by Ume's house, I have to tell you something.", I said and he grunted in agreement. "See you in a few.", He said and I smiled. "Cya."
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