Clues and Emotions. EDITED
I heard the door bell ring and I took off to the door. Gotta get there before the maids. I ripped open the door and before I could even see the person, his smelt gave it away. Caleb had THE most amazing smell ever. He smelt like lemon cake and cinnamon. Best smell ever. I looked up and his red hair swished in the wind, his reddish brownish eyes looking down at me. He was wearing his black flannel and blue baggy jeans. He pushed up his glasses and smirked. "Done checkin' me out?", He asked and I rolled my eyes, punching him in the chest. "Keep dreaming."
"Always princess.", He said cockily and I snorted. "Princess my butt." He scratched his chin. "Should I say Dike? But I'm pretty sure your straight...", he trailed off and I punched him. "Shut up and get in.", I said and Ume came. "Hey Caleb.", Ume said with a warm smile and Caleb stiffly nodded to him. "So what did you need Piggy?", Caleb asked, looking over at me and I nodded. "I found something before I left the house. I think I know who did this, but I need to be sure. If it is, I'm sooo kicking his butt.", I said handing it to him and Caleb took it. Dropping it like it was hot, he laughed. "Oh yeah, that's him." I growled under my breath and ran upstairs. I changed into a shirt, skinny jeans, heels and brushed through my hair, making it look less nappy and more, Fabu. I walked down stairs and grabbed my leather jacket.
"I'll be back. I need to get some revenge.", I said and Caleb snickered. "Last time she got revenge on me, she-", I slapped a hand over his mouth and smiled. "Don't spoil the surprise. Remember our promise?", I said and he puffed his cheeks out. "Fine."
Caleb's revenge was way different from most of the ones I do. His was more.......uh-lets say heated.
I smiled and gave Ume a hug before I got into Caleb's car. I snatched the keys while I was talking with him. Hey, he has a Black and Red Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. It costs like 4.8 million dollars. Ah, the life of a hacker and the hackers friend. Anyways, time to make sure this guy, stops right now, before I give him a beat video games. He's a master, but if I can beat him, he'll wallow in self pity and never talk to me again...or he'd hire a hitman. Well it doesn't matter as long as he doesn't do it anymore.
I turned on the car and it purred to life. I smiled in satisfaction. I back out of the driveway and did a sharp turn like they do in Fast n Furious. "HEY! BE CAREFUL WITH MA BABY!", Caleb screamed as I honked at him, then shot off down the street.
I smiled as I came to a stop light, the top part of the car down and I looked over to see... Kyoya!? I guess he didn't recognize me, Because he was staring at the car, with such want. He rolled down his window and smiled at me. "Hello Ms. Can I ask you how much your car was?" I smirked and suppressed a laugh. "More than you.", And with that, the light turned green and I sped to the dudes house. I laughed the whole way there. Ha! Who's more expensive now?! I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. I got out and locked the car before walking up to his mansion door. I rang the doorbell and a maid appeared. "Mrs. Kasami! What brings you here?", She asked and I smiled politely. "Could I please talk to the young master?", I asked and she nodded, allowing me in.
I sat down as the maid went to go get him. I haven't seen Keegan in awhile. I wonder how much he's changed. Suddenly, a boy with shaggy dark blue and and green eyes walks down the stairs. He's in a suit, as if he's about to go somewhere. I'm gonna be honest, he's freaken hawt. "Well hello Karinata.", He said and I stood up. "Keegan. It's been awhile, hasn't it?", I asked and he smiled. "Always one for chit chat weren't you? Just get to the point. Your here because we have your father and we practically destroyed your home, am I correct?", He asked taking a seat and I did the same, sitting across from him "Indeed you are. I would like to discuss your reason for doing that.", I say professionally and he smiled, placing a hand under his chin. "Because I'm still in love."
I swallowed the lump and he smiled, sitting up abit. "Tell you what. I'll let your father go, get my men to clean up your place AND they will pay your farms bills for a year.", He said and I smiled. "If, you be my personal maid for two weeks.", He said and I automatically deflated. "If I remember correctly, you worked as a maid for my father for two years, so you should know what to do for your, Master.", He said, dragging the last word out.
I kept my face straight as I thought. Is two weeks that bad? I mean, bills for a year, free cleaning and Father will be safe? It seems too good to be true...I don't like this, but I have no other choices do I? I stuck my hand out and he grasped it, sending tingles up my arm. "Welcome back Kari.", He said with a warm smile. I stood up and before I could leave, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his chest against my back, leaning into my ear. "Why did you end it with me?", He asked and I looked down. "You know the reason. It was....because I got into an arranged marriage.", I said, and his hug tightened. "Are...are you okay with that?", He asked and I bit my lip.
"I-I don't know. Umehito seems to be okay, and well...I just don't know. I like him, but I don't know if I want to be forced."
"Then tell them that ", Keegan said, pulling away from me and turning me towards him.
"You think it's that easy? You think I could just go up to my Papa and say i can't do it? I can't help the family? I won't be the one who brings my father pain. I'm doing it because this will help Papa. Even if I had a say, I would still do it. Family is too important.", I say, feeling an overwhelming feeling in my stomach. I bit my lip and looked down, trying to fight tears.
"This.....this is for Papa. Umehito is a good guy, and...", I try to finish, but the words get caught in my throat. I didn't want to cry. Don't do it. You gave to stay strong. Keegan pulled me into a hug, this time I returned it, burying my face into his suit. "It's okay to cry. I'll always be here. I always was, and I always will.", He said and I gripped into the back of his suit.
"Keegan. W-What do I do? I need t-to do this for Papa, but I don't wanna be forced!", I said, letting out a painful sob. He hugged me tighter as I cried. I haven't cried since...last time with Keegan. When Momma passed. Keegan held me in his arms as I sobbed.
"W-Why did he have to kill her?!", I yelled into his suit and he tensed, hugging me tighter. "I know. It's going to be okay."
"Is it?", I asked, pulling away. "Is it really going to be fine? I've told myself that each day, 'It'll get better. Just keep smiling'. But has it worked? Have I been happy?" I asked and he wiped away my tears. "It may not be fine, but your a tough girl. If anyone can do it, it's you. I'm not saying it's gonna be okay anymore. Because I don't know that, but I will say this. I'll always be here. Married or not. Broken or Healed. Come to me when anything happens.", He said and I nodded.
After abit, we said our goodbyes and I headed back to Umehito's house. As I stopped at the red light, I saw Kyoyas car again. He rolled down his window and smirked. "Kari, you look nice." I glanced over at him and rolled my eyes. "Thank you. Didn't recognize me earlier huh?", I said and he laughed. "As soon as you insulted me, I knew it was you."
I glared at him and stepped on the gas as the light turned green. I drove to Ume's house and parked it. I walked in the house and Caleb was being held back by Ume's personal Butler. "What is going on here?", I asked and everyone looked at me.
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