Chapter - 31
Hello Fam :)
A/N: - There would be another update before the end of the day if I get at least half an hour's time in between my lab. :P
Happy Reading...
Nandini had returned from a meeting when she saw she had a call from the reception. "Sara, you called?"
"Nandini, Vishal is here to meet you. I asked him to wait", said the receptionist.
"Why? Send him in", she told.
Minutes later, Vishal came in with a wave of his hand before awkwardly dropping it. She rolled her eyes at the familiar gesture. "Sorry, ma'am."
"It's still Nandini, Vishal. Come, take a seat", she told.
"But you are the CEO now."
"Do you think I care about that?"
"Definitely not", he said, grinning.
Nandini called for coffees for both of them. "How am I this lucky for gracing my office with your presence?"
"I just wanted to meet the CEO of Murthy Industries. We have waited years for you to take over. It's sad that I am not part of the company but I am equally happy to see a capable person leading the company", he said.
Nandini nodded and tapped fingers on her table. They were interrupted when the coffees came. "I hate that you aren't part of the company. Vishal, if you don't mind, can I ask you the reason to leave the company? Priya told me that no one is aware of it. You aren't obliged to answer. Actually, I wasn't expecting many people to stick by but you were the last person I thought would leave."
"I am sorry, Nandini."
"Hey, I am not blaming you. I know my parents and they can test your patience sometimes."
Vishal gave a sad smile before sipping his coffee. "The last time I talked to you, you told me you were going to London for your MBA. I thought I would have to wait for two years for you to take over and since you were supposed to be in London, there was no one to monitor their activities. They threw unwanted parties, fine, but the standards of the company were going down because of Murthy Industries' affiliations. Nandini, a year later we were told that you weren't interested to take over the company but I didn't believe them. I wanted to wait for you to confirm with us.
"Around that time, Murthy Industries got an opportunity with some reputed MNC but they had some requirements. To fulfill them, a board meeting was set up and I was asked to attend them. Your dad had signed some desperate contracts without thinking about the consequences. I was working on the technicalities of the deal with the MNC. After the meeting, your dad told me to hack the MNC's website and get the contracts if everything fails. It would have been put them in jail but the company would have been closed too. I know what the company means to you but I believed them on that day that you have nothing to do with us. I didn't want to work for them anymore. Hence, I had to quit."
"Okay", she told. Seriously, she didn't know what she would have done if something happens to Murthy Industries while they had her life under their control. "Why didn't you keep in contact with anyone in here?"
"While I was leaving, to cancel the MNC contract, I had hacked the websites and emails of these local contracts. It had caused a loss to Murthy Industries and I know everyone might have suffered. I couldn't stay with the guilt and had to cut ties with everyone."
"You know, you are being dramatic?", teased Nandini. "They would understand you, Vishal. Many weren't happy with them. But you did something that would hurt them and it was brave."
"I don't know, Nandini. I was not a goody-two-shoes and I agree I was impulsive too."
She shrugged. "You know what? I don't care."
"I saw the news. They had put you under house arrest? How could they have done that?"
"They have used substances but let's not talk about it. Manik saved me and I am here as the sole owner of this company. They haven't legally related to this company anymore. I don't know why you have decided to meet me in person today but Vishal, I want you here with me in the company. Is it possible to have you back in any way? Can I manipulate you into rejoining Murthy Industries again?", she said. She had something in mind and she needed him in here. She saw him thinking and waited for him to answer.
"Do you really want me here? After knowing I had harmed the company once?"
Nandini snorted. "Come on, Vishal. I have always known that you were dangerous. It's my parents who have underestimated you and they have paid the price. So, are you interested? But let me warn you, I can't give you a hike I promised to as of now."
"I don't care about the hike. I don't care if I am not getting the payment for a few months if I have to help you stabilize the company. Is the company still under losses?"
"We are bankrupt. I have donated every Murthy property and asset to the trust. It only brought me pain and I didn't want to associate myself with them. Malhotra Industries is sponsoring us now and Manik is paying the salaries to everyone for the coming six months."
"Oh, God. Your husband is an angel, do you know that? I have been following him ever since he had taken over Malhotra Industries and trust me, after the terrific Nyonika Malhotra if you are undermining him as some shy and young businessperson, he would prove you wrong with his arguments without breaking a sweat."
"Trust me, he is high on logic."
The guy chuckled. "Give me two weeks for putting up my resignation there and I am all yours. Meanwhile, what do you have in your mind?"
"Nyonika Malhotra had filed a case against my parents after they tried to create a mess out of our lives. Now they are free because some idiot had bailed them. Vishal, first of all, the board members had asked me for a meeting. That they want to be an active participant in the decisions which would take in the company. And then after only a few days, my mother visited me. I don't think this is a coincidence. Just like I have people loyal to me working under them, I think we have people working under them in the office."
Vishal rubbed his hands. "So, cleansing the office it is. Nandini, give me the emails ids of all the employees and their names and I will start working."
She raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to hack their emails? Because I can't compromise on their privacy."
"No, of course not. I have an idea of who it could be. I am hacking into only their emails and you can throw them out before they could question about compromising their privacy", he told.
Nandini was about to protest when Priya came in. "Nandini, the Malhotra twins are here to meet you."
"It's okay. Send them in. Manik anyway knows Vishal", she told.
"Nandini, they asked you to come out instead. They said they have some announcement to make and keep the things professional between you both", said Priya.
Nandini gritted her teeth. "Cabir Jungli Malhotra. He is born to create drama everywhere he goes."
The other two only laughed as she barged out of her cabin before following her.
Going out Nandini found Cabir narrating something animatedly whereas Manik was laughing. Both the twins were in their own world irrespective of the ogling they were getting by the female population of Murthy Industries.
She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Are you inclined to create a scene here instead of meeting me inside? Cabir?", she asked him more than Manik because she was sure it was his idea.
"It's not me. It's Manik", said Cabir without skipping a beat.
Her husband gaped at the boy. "Baby, I asked you to use my name when she screams at you. You don't have to provide her information and give her ideas that I had messed up something."
Nandini rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Don't bother to give him any lessons. He wouldn't use it. Now, what did you two do?"
Manik took a breath and let out a huff. "Nandini, I request you to listen to me first, please. I have taken a decision regarding Murthy Industries without your permission."
Manik was the sponsor and her husband so it should be fine. Also, he was sensible too. It shouldn't be a problem but the way he was panicking, he was giving her an idea of really messing up. Being familiar with his overthinking, it shouldn't be that big of a problem.
Nandini cupped his cheek. "Manik, are you trying to get a part-time job in Murthy Industries?"
The move took him off guard and it took a moment for him to realize her question. "What? No." He chuckled when he realized she was joking and the initial tension left his body. Nandini relaxed beside him. "I have dismissed all your security staff. Everyone who is supposed to keep Murthy Industries safe is replaced by a capable team that works for Malhotra Industries. Their organization has been working with us for years and there isn't a single complaint registered against them", he told.
"Why this sudden decision?", she asked.
In a surprising move, Manik took a step closer to her and then grabbed her hand. "Because your safety is my utmost priority. I can't concentrate on my work thinking anyone can walk inside your office and your cabin without your permission. It was Mrs. Murthy the last time. It could be anyone again. I don't want to take any chances when it comes to you", he told. He muttered the last line more to himself, staring at the floor.
If Nandini wasn't wrong, there was a desperation in his voice as she maintained her frown on her head. "I thought you were a Ravenclaw but you proved to be a Gryffindor, Malhotra."
Manik snapped his head at her. "I am a Ravenclaw", he said, whining.
Nandini shook her head in disbelief before wrapping her arms around his waist. Surprisingly, Manik hugged her in return, releasing the breath he was holding the entire time during their conversation.
Breaking the hug, Nandini sighed. "The next time you decide something, try to inform me before. Deal?"
Manik grinned. "Thank you."
They were so engrossed in their conversation that Nandini had forgotten about the crowd around them. Of course, the thing that brought them was the clearing of a throat and when she glanced up, she was met with Cabir's smirk. "What if it was a surprise?", asked the younger twin.
Nandini glared at the boy. "No one allowed you to take any decision regarding my company. Who knows, I would find animals all around my building if I gave you this freedom. I seriously don't trust you."
Cabir whined. "Bhai."
And of course, how can Manik see his baby brother sad? He flung his arm around his brother, pulling him into a hug but Cabir, the idiot, stuck his tongue out at her.
Nandini smirked at the younger twin. "Manik", she called, because he was her goddamn husband. Without lifting his head, Manik pulled her in, making it a group hug. The office was long forgotten.
"Am I looking good?", asked Cabir.
It was the evening. After the announcement in the Murthy Industries, they went to have lunch together, and then Cabir announced that Navya was returning by the evening flight to Mumbai. Hence, the three were outside the airport waiting for her and Cabir was showering questions on them. Sometimes about his hair or his clothes. She didn't understand how would his ever messed up hair would look different today or the funky stupid color combination he wears would make him look smarter than every day. But love is blind and Manik Malhotra is so much in love with his brother. Hence, he kept on assuring him without a second thought.
"Of course, baby. You are looking the finest. Stop stressing yourself", he said the umpteenth time.
Nandini rolled her eyes. "And anyway, she had seen you rolling in the mud in the forests of Africa and still chose you. I am sure she doesn't mind your clothes."
"Bhai", whined Cabir to which his brother pulled him into a side hug.
"Baby, Nandini is just teasing you. She is bored waiting so she is having fun. Don't worry, kid. You look really good."
Nandini smirked. "Manik, you know what I love the most in you? You never force me to lie about anything even if it's about your baby brother's looks. Seriously, you are the best."
Cabir glared at her and her smirk got wider.
"Manik, am I looking pretty?", she asked, without wavering her eyes from the younger twin and felt Manik's hand on her cheek.
"You are looking gorgeous, Nandini."
"Bhai, but you said I am looking good", complained the younger twin.
"But baby, Nandini is looking gorgeous doesn't mean you are looking bad. Why are you worried, kid?"
Cabir glared at Nandini some more.
"Manik, out of the two of us, who is looking more gorgeous?", asked Nandini. She was baiting and she knew it. It was the revenge for every time the idiot Malhotra had teased her ever since she got married to Manik.
"You know what?", said Manik, crossing his arms and taking a step away from the two. "Both of you do whatever you want but don't pull me between your arguments."
"But Manik, you didn't answer the question", asked Nandini, smirking at the pout on the younger Malhotra.
"Navya is looking absolutely the best", declared Manik. On cue, Navya ran towards his embrace.
"Manik Bhai, I missed you so much", yelled the girl.
Nandini suppressed a smile. "Did you see that?", she whispered to Cabir. "Manik is the most gorgeous person here. Your own girlfriend doesn't bat an eye towards you. How mean?" She left him and stood beside her husband. "Navya, how are you?"
Navya pulled away from Manik and wrapped her hands around Nandini. "Nandini, I am fine. How are you? How is Mukti and Abhimanyu?"
"Navya, babe, I guess you should ask about your boyfriend first", said Cabir, a frown on his head.
When she went to hug her whining boyfriend, Manik pulled Nandini away from the couple. "What are you doing? Why are you tormenting him?"
"Manik, the love of my life, do I need a reason to torment you baby brother?", she asked.
The sagging of his shoulders in defeat was the answer itself. "No."
Nandini chuckled and wrapped an arm around him. "Don't worry. We are having his favorite dessert after dinner."
If it's not our favorite head couple.
They turned around and found three people grinning at them.
"Kritika, ma'am", said Nandini, seeing her senior in college, the head girl before her.
"Hello, Nandini. Didn't expect you to find here."
"Can't believe you two got married. Didn't even invite me to your marriage? I thought I was your favorite", said Sekhar, the one who found every reason to tease her. Looks like nothing has changed much.
Nandini saw the rest of his friends throwing subtle glares at him and before Manik could defend himself from his self-guilt, she entwined their fingers. "Of course, you are still my favorite,'' she assured. "But sir, I thought big shots like you would want a grand reception instead of a small wedding. We were just planning for that."
"Yeah", interrupted Sameer, another senior. "He is such a big shot that his boss can't live a day without him."
Sekhar glared at him. "Don't remind me of him. He is a nightmare", he told before turning towards her. "Nandini, do you know I took my leave yesterday saying I am dying in a few days?"
"What if he asks you when you return back?", asked Manik.
"I will tell him I returned back from the dead", said Sekhar.
"Very believable, sir", said Manik.
Nandini chuckled. She was sure her husband was already thinking of a better logical excuse. Before anyone could say anything, Cabir jumped in.
"I thought your batch was my favorite. I wasn't wrong", he commented.
"You are?", asked Kritika. Of course, since usually, the maximum interaction happens between the consecutive batches, they mightn't have formally met Prince Malhotra.
"He is Cabir. Manik's twin brother and the reason behind half of the chaos during your final year", told Nandini.
Sekhar grinned. "It was you? That's what I thought. You were the invisible force behind the shy head boy Manik Malhotra. It makes sense."
"Don't blame me, Sir. It was all Nandini. Who do you think has groomed Manik into a terrific head student?", he teased.
"Nandini, I thought you were impartial. Did you cheat Manik into his head studentship?", teased her senior.
"No, sir. Nandini could never do this", muttered Manik. There was an adorable frown on his head because how can Manik Malhotra be normal listening to someone taking the wrong path. Especially someone close to his heart.
Nandini stomped on Cabir's foot without Manik's notice before winking at her senior. "And what if I did, sir? Manik has proved his capabilities so early into his headship, right?"
"True", said Kritika. "You two were the best head students the college has ever seen."
"Sekhar sir, have you met Navya? Cabir's girlfriend? She came to our Indian culture conference", she told.
Her senior smirked. "Girlfriend? Is that why she looks familiar? She is in most of the pictures in the magazine. Cabir? I thought you were professional."
"Sir, I am professional", protested the Malhotra twin.
As they both were in their banter, Kritika pulled her aside along with Manik. "Nandini, we have seen the news. I am sorry you had to go through that but are you both happy?"
When she glanced at Manik, he was already looking at her with a smile gracing his lips. Manik was every blessing she never thought she deserved.
"You deserve every blessing", muttered Manik.
And she realized she said that out loud. Kritika cleared her throat. "I got my answer, Nandini", she teased before pulling both of them into a hug. "Stay happy", she whispered.
They broke the hug when Sekhar slapped her head lightly. "So, CEO of Murthy Industries, if my boss removed me from my job, do I have a place in your company?"
"Sir, am I even capable of hiring you? But don't worry. Your boss would look like an idiot if he removes one of his best employees", she told.
He threw an around her, pulling her into a side hug. "Don't let the world snatch my head girl. I didn't know if we would be in touch or not after college but if we weren't, it shouldn't be for that reason. Take care, Nandini. Don't let anyone hurt you again. One message and we all are here for you, okay?"
Kritika interrupted them this time when there was an announcement. "I think we should leave. Nandini, stay in touch."
"Sure, ma'am."
Sameer gave another hug to both of them and followed Kritika but Sekhar stayed back. "Actually, we are going for a batch reunion. We do that every year but when I return back, I want a special party from you. For taking over Murthy Industries. For coming back to us and of course, for marrying the blushing handsome beside you."
"What?", protested Manik, earning giggles from everyone.
When Kritika called him again, Sekhar punched Manik's arm lightly and ran in their direction.
"I didn't know he even knew me", muttered Manik.
Cabir and Nandini both rolled their eyes. "Manik, love, everyone knows you ever since you stepped into our college on your first day", said Nandini before dragging him towards the car. Cabir and Navya followed in.
Two days later, Nandini has returned after checking the last-minute presentations for a meeting when the receptionist came to her cabin. "Hey, do you need something?", she asked because usually, she would call her instead of walking to her cabin. Also, the girl looked panicked.
"Nandini, Mrs. Nyonika Malhotra is in the office to meet you. You asked not to let anyone in so, I asked her to wait."
"What? Are you mad?", she screamed almost even if she was following the girl towards the waiting room. "You don't just ask the Nyonika Malhotra to wait for someone understood? Never do that again."
"But Nandini-"
"No. She is Nyonika Malhotra. There are no buts and I was just preparing for the meeting. I don't care even if I am inside the meeting, okay? I am sure whomever I have a meeting with would agree to the same", said Nandini. Reaching the waiting room, she saw Nyonika flipping through a magazine and held her ear. "Mom, I am sorry for making you wait. She was being stupid."
Nyonika beamed when she heard Nandini speaking and pulled her into a brief hug. "She wasn't being stupid. She was doing her work."
"But you shouldn't wait."
Nyonika chuckled. "It's okay, Nandini. I would evaporate if I wait for a few minutes for my kid. Anyway, are you busy?"
Nandini asked the receptionist to leave and dragged the older lady towards her cabin. "Actually, there was supposed to be a meeting but I could postpone."
"No, Nandini. I am here for a casual meet. I never stepped into this office but now that you are here, I couldn't stay away. So, when is your meeting?"
She glanced at the time. "In ten minutes."
Nyonika nodded. Just then Priya came in to inform about the arrival of people from the other company. "Nandini, do you need your assistant with you in the meeting?"
Nandini frowned in confusion. "Not necessarily. I can manage. Do you need her for something?"
"Yeah, actually. I was wondering if she could give me a grand tour of your office since I am stepping here for the first time."
Nandini agreed and asked Priya to take care before leaving for the conference room.
Nyonika waited for Nandini to go out of their audible range before pulling her assistant aside. "Hey, I am sorry but I didn't get your name."
"Ma'am, I am Priya."
"Right. Priya, I want you to do something for me. Can you arrange a meeting for me with the head of security?", she asked.
"Of course, ma'am. But-"
"No questions, please. I want to do this before Nandini returns from her meeting. A meeting with the head of security and the blueprints of this office. Is that possible?"
Priya had a confused frown on her head but she nodded. "Yes, ma'am. They must be in the storeroom. I will get them."
"Meanwhile, ma'am, I will show you the second conference room. You can wait there."
"Thank you, Priya."
While she waited for Priya, Nyonika smirked. She had a plan and no one could interfere in what she had planned. Priya returned back with the head of security and a bunch of files.
"Ma'am, this is Mr. Yuvraj Sarna, head security of Malhotra Industries", said Priya. "And that's his staff. The blueprints you have asked."
"Right", said Nyonika and went through the blueprints. "Mr. Sarna, I wanted to talk to you. Please, sit down. Priya, you too, please. Mr. Sarna, we have been associated with your company for the past few years and we trust your capabilities. It is the reason why my son Manik thought it would be best to hire your company with Murthy Industries."
"Thank you, ma'am. We feel honored to be associated with Malhotra Industries and now Murthy. We would never give any chance to complain to you", said Mr. Sarna.
"I hope the same. Mr. Sarna, there is a thing I want you to take care of. The previous owners of the company, Mr. and Mrs. Murthy have been cut their ties from this company. Personally, I feel they are a threat to my daughter, Nandini. I don't care if you think this is a request or order but if I find the two of them within five kilometers around Murthy Industries, I will wipe off the whole identity of your company."
Nyonika crossed her arms. "It's a very simple instruction, Mr. Sarna. Can you do it? Or should I talk to another agency?"
"No, ma'am", said the head before thinking. He finally sighed and gave a smile to her. "Ma'am, keeping our clients safe is the only principle we follow. Any harm to your daughter would have to cross from us. I stand by my word. We wouldn't give you any chance to complain."
"Thank you, Mr. Sarna. You have the company's blueprints with you and if you need anything, Priya would help you. Priya?"
"Of course, ma'am. Nothing is more important than Nandini's safety for any of us in the company."
"Good. Thank you, Mr. Sarna."
Once the head of security left, Nyonika asked Priya to stay back. "Priya, I know I can trust you. I have seen Nandini handling the company from home and before that the four years you have been her assistant. It was all possible because of you. And I am telling you this, I don't want Nandini to face any issue from the Murthys again. If you have any doubt that she is in any trouble be it from any clients, any employee, or the Murthys, just give me a call or Manik. Anyone of us. I am giving you my personal number. I think you have Manik's right?"
"Yes, ma'am. I know what the company has undergone in her absence under the Murthys ownership. I promise I would not let any harm come to her or the company again", said Priya.
"Thank you so much. I would take a leave now."
"Ma'am, but Nandini is still in the meeting."
Nyonika laughed. "Actually, I wanted to look upon the security measures. I will talk to Nandini at home."
"Priya, where's mom?"
"Nandini, she left sometime back. She said she would talk to you at home", said Priya.
"She came to meet me and left without talking to me", muttered Nandini.
"Nandini, actually, she didn't come to meet you."
"She came to meet Mr. Sarna to overlook the security measures. And-"
"She warned Mr. Sarna to keep you safe", said Priya and narrated the entire conversation.
Nandini couldn't help but laugh, confusing her assistant. "Actually, I am not surprised. The lady who could gift a licensed revolver for my safety, it isn't surprising for her to threaten my security staff which apparently was appointed by her own son."
"Because she considers you as her daughter."
"I know", she told, surprised because how does Priya know about this.
Priya chuckled at the surprise in her voice. "While she was talking to Mr. Sarna, she said she wanted her daughter safe. Not daughter-in-law or Nandini or her son's wife."
Nandini felt her eyes stinging. She knew Nyonika loved her like she was her own daughter but calling her the same in front of the whole world was meant a lot. "Priya, I don't think my own mother had loved me as she does. She is the mom I never ever had in my life." When Priya threw her arms around her, Nandini took a moment to accept that she really had people who loved her wholeheartedly.
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