Chapter - 30
Hello Fam :)
Happy Independence Day. This day today let's be thankful that we have food, a place to sleep, electricity, and the internet to learn anything. This day let's pray for those who are struggling for these basic necessities.
A/N: What's wrong with you people? You guys make my life so difficult. Have you seen the response in the last chapter? There were around 740 comments on a single chapter? Seriously itna kaun karta hai? I thought I would reply to every comment because I was free during that time but then I lost count after reaching a certain point. (Don't worry I read every comment.) Do you know what that means? Either you are fond of the revolver that Nyonika gifted Nandini or the cheeseburgers Manik made for her. So dangerous you people are. :P
Warning: This chapter is all about Nandini. And a version of Manik we all can connect to. ;)
It was one week already and Nandini didn't even realize where the time went by. To be honest, she was enjoying her work. But there were some loopholes inside the company too and she needed her best guy to work with her. "Who has replaced Vishal in the tech department?", she asked her assistant Priya.
"Sagar, Sagar Chawla."
"How good is he as compared to Vishal?", asked Nandini even though she knew the reason.
"He is good but no one can be as good as Vishal."
Nandini nodded. It was the fact. "Why did he leave the company?"
"We don't know, Nandini. But there was a meeting with all the board members where he was asked to attend. He was furious after the meeting. No one knew what happened and suddenly he gave his resignation. After he left, Murthy Industries had lost a few contracts, and Mr. Murthy had screamed to everyone that he was a traitor who wants Murthy Industries to fall down. He never replied to any of us when we tried to contact him again", told Priya.
Except he didn't ignore her when she met him after all these years. "My parents never realized they shouldn't mess with that guy. He was capable of bringing down any company", she muttered. Maybe she could talk with Manik and ask about their tech department to help her with the work she had in mind.
"Nandini, the board wanted a meeting with you", informed Priya.
She chuckled. Yeah, she was expecting that. "Already? I thought they would at least wait for a month." After her grandfather, her parents had replaced their previous board members with the people of their choices and she didn't trust the people who were friends with her parents. If she wasn't wrong, they wouldn't be too fond of her either.
"Set up the meeting for tomorrow. I need to meet someone before", said Nandini. "And Priya, send a formal invitation to Malhotra Industries. I will anyway talk to them at home."
After lunch, she went to the part of the city she hadn't visited for some fifteen years. After her grandparents, their mansion was converted into a public library and she didn't want to see other people overshadow her memories with them. His lawyer, the one who also helped Manik with everything, was waiting for her when she went there. "Neeraj uncle, how are you?", she asked. This was the person who had protected her grandfather's Will all these years, not to forget one of the few people who has known her since her birth.
"I am fine, Nandini. How are you? How is your married life?", he asked but there was a frown on his head.
"You don't look so happy about that question", she asked.
"I am not happy about the circumstances under which you got married", he muttered. "Come with me." He dragged her to the other side of the mansion where her grandparents used to live. Nandini had a room of her own for whenever she stayed there. They went to the study room. She was reminded of the number of times she had come to this room as a kid. The lawyer locked the room and pulled Nandini to a chair, taking a seat beside her. "Nandini, are you happy? That Malhotra kid, is he taking good care of you? Tell me honestly. You have the company in your hands now. I will get the divorce papers ready in no time if there's any problem."
"Neeraj Uncle, I am absolutely fine. In fact, I have never been happier for years now. You know my parents. Manik, Manik is, I don't really have words for him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And trust me, he even gave me the divorce papers to sign because he thought he had married me against my will. So, yeah, don't worry about the legality of this situation. But I have a question for you."
"You know grandpa the best. Do you think he would have liked Manik?"
Neeraj smiled and caressed her hair. "For him, the most important thing is your happiness. Does Manik respect you? Does he make you happy? Do you feel safe with him? If the answer to these questions is yes, then yes, he would be really happy about you, kid."
"Thank you", she told. "Actually, I came here for something else. I want you to do something for me though."
She left for home three hours later.
"Hello, everyone", greeted Nandini, as she entered the conference room where the board members were waiting for her. Priya was with her and she took her seat beside her assistant. "So, what's this meeting about?"
"Ms. Murthy, we are the board members of this company but suddenly we are being informed that some inexperienced girl has taken over the company overnight. Don't we have any importance in this company? We don't have to get to know about this from some news", started one of the persons.
Nandini recollected her memory and the contacts of her parents. He must be Khurana. Meanwhile, Manik made into the meeting.
"I apologize for being late. My previous meeting got extended", he told.
"That's fine, Mr. Malhotra. You haven't missed much. Just the board members being upset about an inexperienced CEO", she told him.
Surprisingly, Manik relaxed and sat down after sharing a smile with her assistant.
She ignored them and concentrated on the meeting. "Mr. Saxena, I am sorry for your issue with me being the CEO but it wasn't overnight news. I have been the CEO for four years now even if I haven't been very public about it."
"But the Murthys were monitoring your move. So, it wasn't your sole decision. But with them gone now, I don't think you are capable of handling it all by yourself."
"As responsible members of this company we wouldn't allow you to risk the lives of hundreds of people", said another.
"We suggest either you step down or you let us have some control in the company."
"We can guide you and as someone going through the losses, it would also help your company. What do you say?"
Nandini stayed silent while they were talking and leaned forward once they were done. "I was wondering if you guys have some WhatsApp group sort of thing where you discuss topics like this. You know, you are all in perfect sync with each other. Practiced or are you dancing on someone else's choreography?"
"Ms. Murthy, that's what we are talking about. You are immature. We are talking about something important and you are joking about it."
"Trust me, I am genuinely curious about this. Anyway, after the previous owners of Murthy Industries completely stepped down from the company's affairs, we have gained 3 international projects and several local. We are about to sign another one in a day or two. Does that prove to you my capabilities?", said Nandini.
"Are you buying out the deals with your parents' hard-earned money?"
Nandini saw Manik rolling his eyes but otherwise, her husband was really witnessing the drama without bothering to comment. Her assistant, on the other hand, had a huge frown on her head. "I would never waste my parents' hard-earned money. It is entirely donated to Murthy trust. Do you still want to 'guide' me in my company?"
"What the hell, Nandini? How can you be stupid?"
"Oh, we are on a first-name basis now? Well, it's my company and I will do whatever I want. So, if you aren't interested, you have the freedom to step down as the board members."
"How do you even run a company with that attitude?"
Nandini smiled. "Let me deal with it myself."
"Ms. Murthy, we would love to guide you", said Saxena.
"Mr. Saxena, thank you for your concern. Trust me, you are the angel descended from heaven to save me and my company. A slight correction to everyone present here though. It's Mrs. Malhotra, Nandini Manik Malhotra. I am married to Manik Malhotra and we want to keep the 'saving and guiding me' part within the family. Hence, meet the sponsor of Murthy Industries and the CEO of Malhotra Industries, Manik Malhotra", she said. She waited for a moment to let the news sink in. She didn't understand how could they not know about it because her parents had already made an announcement before getting themselves arrested or maybe they ignored it.
She glanced up when she felt a knee bumping into hers and saw Manik. But instead of looking at her, he had his eyes on everyone present in the room except her. It's as if he was ready to challenge any objection raised by her board members. The bumping of the knee might be an accident but then Manik blinked his eyes at her. Their silent interaction was noticed by a few and as they passed the judgemental assessment looks towards her Manik, she wanted to divert the attention. Her Manik sounded so precious, she thought, reminding herself of the number of times Cabir had said that in front of her.
"One more point. As the CEO of Murthy Industries, I am reforming my team and I am starting with my board members. So, it's not a choice. You, all of you are stepping down. We have enjoyed your time in this company and whatever you have done but it's time, we part ways."
"You can't do that. You only have sixty percent of the shares in the company. We own the rest forty. Our decision is important."
"Trust me, I can. Just like my parents have replaced all the previous board members when they took over the company. I am learning from them", she said. "Coming to the shares, according to my grandfather's will, I own hundred percent shares from the moment I am stepping as the CEO of Murthy Industries and it would further go to whoever I transfer to. So, you have the papers in front of you. Sign them and leave respectfully or else, I will terminate your positions myself."
She was met with fierce glares but fifteen minutes and a few warnings later, it was only Manik and Priya in the room.
"That's more than the head girl I have known. Thank you for providing me with free drama", teased Manik.
Nandini rolled her eyes. "I actually wanted you for something else. Would you be a board of members in the company? I want to transfer the forty equally between you, Cabir, Abhimanyu, and Mukti. What do you say? If you are agreeing with this, I would get the papers done. I have talked to Neeraj uncle already."
Manik thought for a moment before glancing up at her. "Are you sure about this? I mean you don't have to transfer it to anyone."
"No, Manik. They are right. No power should be in the hands of a single person. This way, you guys can correct me if I am taking any wrong decisions and I would be assured that all the people involved are my family and would have my back at any time."
"If that's the case, then sure. I would love to be associated with you in any way possible. But I promise you don't need someone to correct you."
"Stop sweet-talking, you nerd", she teased. "I will talk to the others and get the papers ready."
Ten days later, Manik, Cabir, and Abhimanyu were the board members of Murthy Industries. Mukti refused to be a part of it since she had nothing to do with business but she insisted her ten percent shares be written on Manik's name making it twenty for him and the other two have ten each. It didn't surprise anyone since everyone knew how much the girl loved Manik but Cabir did protest about unfairness which everyone ignored.
Two days after that, she was surprised to find Cabir pacing outside the house when she returned from the office. "Is everything alright, Cabir?", she asked.
"No, nothing's alright. You. You think Bhai is sensible, capable and you wrote him more shares than me. You think he is more special than me but you know what? He is being stupid right now in his room", ranted Cabir. "Is that the person you wanted to write the maximum of the shares you could write to in your company?"
Nandini frowned. Manik can't be stupid. "Cabir, is Manik fine?"
"The love of your life is very fine, Mrs. Malhotra. But he has been driving me mad for years now", he told.
She grabbed him by his collar. "If he isn't fine and you're talking nonsense here, I will throw you from the top of this building."
"You can't kill me from that."
"I would throw you again until you are paralyzed or until you lose your vocal cords", she told. She smirked when he gulped and nodded. Leaving him there, Nandini went to her room.
She found Manik curled up on his bed. When she went closer, she heard him sniffling and it broke her heart to see the tears in his eyes. She sat down beside him and wiped the tears with her thumb. "Manik, what's wrong?"
It took Manik a while to realize her presence. But as soon as he did, he tried to hide himself from her and buried his head more into his pillow. "Please, leave me alone, Nandini", he said, his voice muffled due to the pillow.
"Manik, you are crying. I am not leaving you alone until you tell me what's wrong."
"I am fine. I don't want to talk about it."
She rolled her eyes and lied down beside him, pulling him into her embrace. "Talk about it or we are staying here until you are smiling again. And trust me, I am more stubborn than your brother. You know me."
They stayed like that for some time before she heard Manik again. "He died."
"Who?", she asked. Death was an untouchable topic with the twins.
"The character from my current read."
Right. She was definitely going to kill Cabir. Taking a deep breath, she ruffled his hair. "It's okay, Manik. Take your time."
It must be the right thing because Manik leaned more towards her and tightened his hold on her hand. Nandini kept on stroking his hair until he calmed down enough. Half an hour later, she asked him for the book. "What's your favorite part of him? Open that page."
Manik frowned but he took the book and opened a page.
"Would you read this chapter aloud for me?"
When he did, Nandini listened to him. It didn't make sense to her because the chapter was from somewhere in between but it must have been for Manik because he had a smile when he finished it. "Feeling better?", she asked.
Manik nodded. "I have fallen in love with him but then the author killed him", he muttered, glancing down.
"See, he is alive, Manik. You just have to turn to a different set of pages, okay?", she told. The honesty and vulnerability he was showing just for a character shouldn't surprise her because the guy is always into the books and it should be normal but maybe it did because she was encountering this side of Manik the first time. Manik solidifies his place in her heart with every single action of his and today was no different. She fell for this idiot once again who would take even his fictional characters seriously.
"Have you eaten anything?", she asked him. If she was right, he would have ignored all the basic necessities. He confirmed it by shaking his head. Nandini sighed. "Get freshen up and come down. I will change and get us something to eat."
Downstairs, Cabir was pacing around in front of Nyonika now. She walked to stand in front of him, crossed her arms, and glared at him. "If you are being overdramatic unnecessarily to scare me again, I would definitely kill you, Cabir."
"Nandini, what happened? Is Manik fine?", asked Nyonika.
"He is mourning the death of a character he started loving. And Cabir has to be insensitive and dramatic about that too", she told, without taking her eyes off the younger twin. "You are the baby of the house doesn't mean you would put your underdeveloped brain into use every time."
Surprisingly, Cabir shoulders hunched, accepting his defeat. "I thought you would stop him. This happens every time some of his characters die and he cries as if they are real people. I can't see him crying."
Nandini rubbed her forehead before sighing. The Jungli Malhotra and his overprotectiveness towards his brother. "Cabir, they might not be real for us but they are real for him. It might not make sense to us but for Manik, they exist and he falls for them, he shares their happiness and grief. He lives their lives whenever he reads a book. That's where he forgets his surroundings in order to travel with the characters. If Manik is mourning a character, let him do it. It would make him feel better."
She glanced at Nyonika and saw her smiling at her whereas Cabir stood there as if being scolded by the Principal of his school. "Do you want to eat something?", she asked him because food is one thing that would bring an instant smile to his face and it did.
When Cabir went to the kitchen to get something to eat, Nyonika pulled her down and kissed the top of her head. "You are my darling. You handle both of them perfectly."
"Trust me, Manik is fine but I really deserve an award to deal with your baby prince."
"That you do", said the older woman chuckling.
Nandini raised her head to find Manik walking towards them. He pulled her away from Nyonika and wrapped his hands around her. "I love you so much. Thank you for understanding every emotion of mine. I don't even remember ever telling you anything about this but you know what to say and you never mock me for reading books. Thank you for accepting them."
"Manik, those books are an integral part of who you are. I might not read them but I wouldn't ever not accept them. It's all you", she told and desperately wished he understood her. She would never keep Manik away from his books. He would lose himself. She thought he did when he pulled her into a hug again and kissed her on the cheek before leaving to meet his baby brother.
She touched her cheek in a daze. Even if it has been a couple of times already, it still felt new when Manik initiated the kiss, however small it was.
Nyonika cleared her throat teasingly. "The kids are already smitten by you. Consider me in that list too."
Nandini rolled her eyes before dragging the lady towards the dining room.
Nandini had just completed an online conference when someone barged into her cabin without knocking. She half expected it was Cabir but was surprised to find her mother in front of her.
"My darling daughter", said Mrs. Murthy.
"Mother", she said, standing up from her chair.
"Looks like your husband is making you work every other day of the week", she said, taunting.
Nandini chuckled. "I think it's a common human practice to work every day of the week. But I doubt you are human even or that you work. It's sometimes hard to believe. Actually, most of the time."
Her mother glared at her but she has been immune to it for years now unless she was injected with substances. The lady frowned when Nandini's smile didn't falter.
She smirked. "What happened, mother? Are your drugs not effective enough?"
"You know?"
"Unlike you, I have a smart husband. He figured it out within a week of getting married. I am sorry for causing another disappointment to you, mother."
Mrs. Murthy laughed after throwing another fierce glare. "You know that's why you don't fit with us. Your smart husband? He is a rulebook and believes in making you work like slaves. In fact, the whole Malhotras are like that. They work and work until they die or retire."
"NOT. A. WORD. AGAINST. MY. FAMILY", she said, gritting her teeth.
It only made the other woman smirk wider. "Your family? What family are you talking about? One who would take away your properties and leave your company to losses? After your sorry excuse of marriage, did he even take you on a date? A vacation? No, right? Because your marriage isn't valid. And no one would believe it. In fact, he hardly appears with you in public. Is he ashamed to be seen with you?"
Nandini rolled her eyes. "Would you like some water, mother? Because your brain isn't working", she told but then slapped her head. "Oh, no. How can I forget? It hardly ever works."
"Nandini", she screamed.
"Yeah? Glad you remember my name. Coming to my marriage, it's valid where it matters", she told and crossed her arms. "And you are right. Manik Malhotra isn't a person who takes you on exotic dates. Manik Malhotra is someone who will proudly hold his girl's hand in public and silently tell the world that she belongs to him. Manik Malhotra doesn't go to extravagant business parties to flaunt his relationships with people. He will spend that extra minute every day after work with his family and won't let them think, he has other priorities. Manik Malhotra is a blessing that is never written in your life. Most importantly, the satisfaction I get whenever I say, I am Nandini Manik Malhotra, wife of Manik Malhotra, I bet your husband can never give you that."
"We will see your end, Nandini", said Mrs. Murthy was about to leave when Nandini called her.
"Mother, don't bother. You were right on another point. We don't match and I have caused another disappointment for you. Because Manik Malhotra doesn't own my properties. I have written everything to the Murthy trust. If you need something, I think you could go there instead of popping up in my life again."
It took the older lady a moment to process the new information. She frowned and gave her a disapproving look. "You are stupider than I thought. You could have comfortably lived your whole life with what you have in your name."
"And invite people like you in my life? I am sorry but I think I prefer having zero balance in my bank accounts to having you in my life. Goodbye, mother. I hope we don't meet again."
Nandini glared in the direction her mother had just left, crossing her arms. How dare she enter Murthy Industries after everything that has happened? She promised herself she wouldn't let them ruin her grandfather's dream and ideals again. She wouldn't let them ruin the lives of thousands of people who trusted her.
Nandini was startled to find Manik entering her line of sight. She blinked her eyes as he walked inside her cabin and pulled her into her chair. Without leaving her hand, he knelt down in front of her. There was a lone tear as he stared at her. Nandini felt her breath stuck in her throat. "Manik, what happened? What's wrong?", she asked and cupped his cheek to wipe the tear. "Did something happen? Why are there tears in your eyes?"
"Nandini", muttered Manik. He wrapped both of his hands around hers and brought it to his lips. "Nandini, I apologize, I didn't take you to dates and vacations. You are special and you deserve to be felt special."
Nandini sighed and freed her hands from him to pulled a chair for him. "Manik, I have always seen my parents going on dates and parties. They don't leave a chance to flaunt their 'love' in front of everyone even when the reality is the whole opposite between the closed doors of our house. You don't flaunt your love. You just simply love people just like you know how to. Everything you do, every word you say, makes me feel special. You are not them, Manik, and that gives me hope. Unlike my father, you will someday become the best dad and would never leave your kid to hurt herself or grow in a loveless life."
"And I know you wouldn't let your mother affect your life and will make sure to give that extra love to our kid that you were deprived of."
Nandini felt her eyes stinging. "We will try to be the best parents our kids can be proud of."
Manik nodded and placed a kiss on top of her head before pulling her into a hug. "I promise, Nandini. We will give the best possible life to our kid."
And she believed because Manik Malhotra never makes a promise that he couldn't fulfill it. A few months back, she didn't know she would stay alive for long but right now, in her cabin and in the arms of the person she loved the most, she was thinking about her kid. Their kid. And she was fortunate enough to share her entire life with the person who was the reason behind all this.
They broke the hug after a long time. "Can we bunk for the rest of the day?", asked Nandini. Seeing her mother had definitely ruined her mood to do any work for the rest of the day but now she wanted to stay with her angel in disguise. He was the only person capable enough to light up her whole heart and bring her away from any lingering darkness.
Manik smiled. "It's your office, Mrs. Malhotra. You are the boss here. You don't need permission to do anything."
Nandini smirked. "Right. Let me inform Priya."
"Yeah. Nandini, I wanted to make a call. How about I will wait for you near the parking lot? Is that okay?"
She gave him a thumbs-up as she asked Priya to come to her cabin to ask about any pending works that needed her immediate attention.
Reaching the parking lot, Manik glanced around and made sure there was no one in his audible range before dialing a number. "Hey, Baby. I need your help regarding a change in Murthy Industries."
"Listen, Bhai", said Cabir. "Your wife would kill me if she finds out I am helping you in changing something from her office. Remember, the last time she said she doesn't need any favors from us."
Manik sighed. "Kid, I will take care of her. You just do as I say. You can escape by giving my name anytime."
"Interesting", muttered his brother. "Tell me, Bhai. Do you want me to explode the city?"
Manik rolled his eyes. Seriously, exploding?
Next chap: Abhi kuch socha nahi hai. :P
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