Chapter - 27
Hello Fam :)
I haven't edited it. I will do it later.
Warning: Nandini dealing with some Malhotra stupidity. Also, love-sick idiots again. :P
Happy Reading...
Nandini saw Manik's text saying he went to court. Even though she wanted to accompany him, talking to her best friends was important too. She sighed. She missed her husband. If she had known confessing her love to him would turn her into a love-sick teenager, she wouldn't have done that. Who was she kidding? She would turn into a ridiculous clown if she got Manik in her life. Instead of further torturing herself from her own reasoning, she went to find the lady responsible for all this mess.
Nyonika was in her given room, going through a magazine when Nandini entered. Even though she was initially reluctant to stay at the Thakkar house, Raman had convinced her to stay there. He respected the lady but then everyone did. "I blame you for messing up my mind", said Nandini, barging in.
"Ahan, my darling daughter", said Nyonika, smirking and putting her magazine aside. "To what to do I owe this privilege of being accused. Is this anything related to my son going to court?"
"You manipulated me into behaving recklessly and I did and now I have a husband who was mine all along", she told, barely hiding a grin.
Glad to be acknowledged.
Nandini turned around to find Cabir there. She rolled her eyes but the younger twin wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him tighter. "Thank you", she told him and then to her mother-in-law.
Nyonika brushed her off. "I am happy you found each other at the end."
She smiled. "Yeah. Hey, I don't want to be a pessimist but it feels like it's too easy."
"What?", asked Nyonika.
"After everything we have gone through, I told Manik I love him and he said he loved me too, and just like that we are together. Is this supposed to be that easy?", she asked.
Cabir chuckled but Nyonika cupped her cheek, brushing her thumb there. "Love is the simplest thing, Nandini. I understand your parents never made you feel it was this easy but trust me it is. It's what keeps us going."
"And you are right", interrupted Cabir. "Manik's brain sometimes works complicatedly and you don't know what's going inside. Just to be on the safe side, look for any panic attacks."
Nandini nodded. Because she knew Manik and he didn't accept things without a round of questioning. The ladies spent the time talking after Cabir slipped out of the room giving some stupid excuse. Nandini let him be. She had a plan and it was arriving tomorrow. Until then, she wouldn't bother the younger Malhotra.
Manik's panic attack surfaced earlier than Nandini had imagined. It was early in the morning and Nandini and Mukti were lazing on the bed, before having to start the day when there was a knock on the door. She frowned looking at the time. It wasn't even seven. Groaning, Nandini went to open the door when Mukti refused to open it saying since it was a knock, it was Manik and asked her to deal with her husband herself.
"Every knock doesn't mean it's Manik, Mukti", retorted Nandini.
"So? I have a good point and I get to sneak in some extra minutes of sleep", muttered the bride, stuffing her face on her pillow.
Nandini rolled her eyes and went to open the door. She was surprised to find it was really Manik, who was still in his pajamas but there was an alarmed look on his face. "Is everything okay, Manik?"
He shook his head. "Hold me, please."
Nandini glanced at the corridor and found a few elderly people going around the house, waking up. She pulled him inside, pushing the man onto the couch before wrapping her arms around him. She blinked her eyes at Mukti when the girl sat down, a worried frown on his face. It took them a while before Manik started coming back to himself.
Once they broke the hug, Mukti poured some water. "Hey, sweetheart, you want some water?", she asked, shoving the glass in his hand without giving him any choice to protest.
Manik took the water and gulped down the whole glass. Nandini stroked his hair, smiling when he leaned towards her without any conscious effort. "What happened?"
"I went to court to submit the papers. I just can't believe it's all real. It felt as if I would wake up and I would lose you", he muttered.
"You wouldn't, Manik. I am not going anywhere. I promise, okay", she told.
Manik nodded. "I know. I just needed a moment."
"Yeah? I am there whenever you need me but you aren't getting rid of me anytime soon."
"Good", he whispered, before standing up and smiling at Mukti. "Sorry for disturbing your morning. I will be out of your room now."
Mukti rolled her eyes and cuffed his head lightly. "Stop being so formal, idiot. We are friends, yeah?", she told, and pulled Manik into a brief hug. "Now leave the room and make yourself pretty for the sangeet. I am sure the ladies would swoon all over you in the evening."
A blush crept on his face starting from the tip of his ears and a protest on his tongue before he escaped the room.
"God, you weren't wrong about his blush", said Mukti. "How can someone be so adorable?"
"Told you", Nandini said with a smirk. That adorable mess was all hers.
Nandini had done all the arrangements for the sangeet making sure her best friends got the best pre-wedding party. Since she wasn't supposed to take any kind of alcoholic drinks and Manik frowned upon having someone strip for one's entertainment, the bride and groom scrapped the bachelorette. Cabir was disappointed initially but going by his nowadays, Nandini wasn't sure he would be up for it anyway. Also, her plan would be arriving soon, and then she will have something else to concentrate on.
Towards the end, when the youngsters, the cousins of both bride and groom, pulled them for a dance, they dragged Nandini along with them. They did something but the dance, going totally desync with any of the moves just like back in their college making everyone confused. It ended with a group hug. It was finally the last performance of the day, a romantic number, and the youngsters took complete advantage of it. The rest of the people were leaving one by one for dinner.
During the sangeet, there were all kinds of performances planned for the couple. The kids were the cutest and the elderly were adorable but Nandini would shoot someone if she wasn't getting her husband to dance with her, who, by the way, hasn't left Nyonika's side since the beginning of the party. Nandini braced herself as she went to the mother-son duo.
"Manik, may I have a dance with you?", she asked.
Manik gave his sweetest smile, the one he reserves for convincing people. "Nandini, I apologize but I don't dance."
Nyonika was looking at the interaction with an amused smirk as Nandini glared at the man.
"Oh, yeah? Was it your alien twin who danced with me during the golden jubilee anniversary of our college in your 2nd year?"
The smirk on Nyonika's face only grew wider. "Manik, you didn't tell me you 'danced' with Nandini in your college?"
"No, I didn't", said Manik before turning to Nandini, a glare replacing his smile. "Nandini Manik Malhotra, you dragged me to dance with you when someone tried to ask you to dance. Here, no one did so, that's not necessary."
"Nandini, I think you should repeat that dragging thing again", told Nyonika, giving her best serious look to her son.
"What? No", protested Manik.
"Will you be okay?", Nandini asked Nyonika, ignoring Manik for the moment.
"She would be perfect, love birds", said Cabir. He was avoiding everyone since the morning but even he couldn't resist a possible drama where every member of their family was gathered, however 'heartbroken' he might be. "Hey, beautiful", started Cabir forwarding a hand towards his mother, "would you give me the privilege to dance with you?"
Nyonika smirked. "I would be honored, Handsome", she told.
Manik laughed at their drama as they went to the dance floor. Nandini took advantage of his wavered attention and dragged him to a corner of the dance floor.
"This isn't fair", whined Manik even though he matched the steps with her. "I hate this. I was avoiding this since the start of the party."
"Manik Malhotra, you cannot not dance at your best friends wedding", she scolded. "You have already escaped in yours."
In her eagerness to announce her surprise, she missed the frown on Manik's face.
"Are you still afraid of people looking at you or did you forgot how to dance?", she asked.
"I learned how to dance because it was important for formal parties. Mom asked me to but I am still not comfortable dancing", he told.
Nandini rolled her eyes. "You won't be comfortable if you are hiding behind your mom every time. And take the advantage, Malhotra. Look around. Everyone is in their own world."
Manik looked around in disbelief. "Nandini, see, Cabir is teasing me", he complained.
Nandini followed his gaze and found Nyonika whispering something to Cabir and the younger Malhotra laughing. She was doing that ever since she realized Cabir was down and Nandini couldn't love her more for that. But he was a multitasker. Hence, even though he was keeping up a conversation with his mom, he smirked at Manik and her. Nandini smirked back at him. He doesn't know what's coming on for him. "Ignore him, Manik", she told, distracting her husband. "Do you know, our surprise will be here at any moment? In the meantime, can you please handle Cabir for me?"
"Handle Cabir? Wouldn't he be happy if Navya is coming?", asked Manik.
"I am not very sure about that, Manik", she told. She went off the stage when she saw Navya slipping in and sent a text to the girl to stay put. She then went to the DJ and asked him to close the party. There was a groan from the youngsters but one by one everyone was vacating the place for dinner. The Vardhans and Thakkars were already looking after the arrangements there.
When it was finally the Malhotras and the bride and groom left, Nandini clapped her hand. "Mukti, Abhimanyu, I have a surprise for you. Someone's here to meet you."
Mukti jumped in excitement as she saw Navya and pulled her into a hug followed by Abhimanyu. Nandini saw the frown on Cabir's face once he noticed. Navya, after meeting the couple, saw Manik and crashed onto his chest. Manik only returned the hug with a smile. When they broke the hug, she was crying and he cupped her face, wiping her tears, assuring her that she was fine. Nandini couldn't admire her adorable husband more.
"Who's this pretty girl, Manik?", asked Nyonika.
There was an edge to her voice. Of course, she was a stranger to her. Nandini was about to jump in as she remembered the time Manik refused to acknowledge her presence all those years back while he was afraid of his mother's reaction.
To everyone's surprise, Manik had a hand wrapped around the girl as he faced his mother. "Mom, this is Navya Naveli. She is my friend and a really special one at that. Right, Navya?", he told, asking the last question to the girl beside him. It made her cry harder and Manik hugged her again, whispering something inaudible to everyone present in the room but Navya.
Nandini saw the moment the confused frown turned into realization on Nyonika's face. While everyone's attention was on Navya and Manik, she pulled Nandini away from the small gathering. "Is this girl my baby son's girlfriend?"
"Ahan! Smart woman", said Nandini, grinning.
"That I am", said Nyonika, with a huff. "Anyway, why isn't he excited about her presence?"
"Eh, you will have the report max by tomorrow morning, officer."
"Interesting. Can I have a chat with the girl?"
Nandini smirked. "Are you trying to go into Nyonika Malhotra, the powerful businesswoman role or the ultimate strict sadist mother-in-law?"
Nyonika pouted. "You are tarnishing my reputation. I am not strict and sadistic. I am sweet, innocent, and beautiful."
Nandini chuckled at her tone. Yep, definitely Cabir's mom. "You need to be strict, mom. We aren't getting a girl for our baby Malhotra without a proper check. Why don't you take your time? I really need to put some sense into the said baby's thick skull."
Nyonika patted her back. "All the best, love. I know you will come out with flying colors."
Nandini clasped her hands, letting a dreamy look pass over her face. "And there will be another wedding where we will force my husband to dance."
"Even better", said the older woman and shook her hand professionally.
When they walked back to the crowd, Cabir was glaring at them and continued to glare when Nyonika pulled Navya out of the room along with her. If death glares could kill people, she would have died already. Hence, she ignored him when he stomped his foot, glared some more before stalking out of the room, ignoring Manik's frantic calls behind him. Her husband frowned for a moment before he informed Nandini about checking upon him.
Irrespective of the mood, Nandini grinned at the wedding couple, the only people present right now.
"When I said I want Navya to attend my wedding, I didn't ask you to create a huge soap opera here", teased Mukti.
"Listen, don't blame me", told Nandini. "It's all the Jungli Malhotra. Why don't you two have dinner while I go and try to evaporate a thick layer of idiocy that the Jungli Malhotra has lately accumulated around him?" Because she could give all the time if Cabir was sensible but when you are leaving your girlfriend of years days after you make heart eyes at her tv show wasn't counted as sensible. Also, no one missed the heartbroken look on the younger twin's face while Navya had no idea about the reason for their apparent 'breakup'.
"What about you? When will you eat?", asked Abhimanyu.
"I will have later with Manik", she said and left the room without waiting for their reply. Nope, she was going to have her dinner with her husband but not giving any chance to tease her for that.
When Nandini went to Manik's room, he was fruitlessly trying to convince his baby brother to tell him the reason for him being upset. Cabir, on the other hand, refused to open his mouth. Nandini rolled her eyes. Sweet and cute isn't going to work right now.
She walked to the twins and dragged the younger one towards the bed, forcing him to sit down. "Don't you dare move from this position while I go and talk to your brother for a few minutes", she warned and grabbed Manik's hand, taking him towards the washroom, only to be interrupted by Cabir.
"You can't just drag my brother to washrooms and expect me to be quiet", he said.
Nandini raised an eyebrow. "That's my husband you are talking about. We ought to have our privacy."
"I don't care", said Cabir, gritting his teeth. "I know what you are up to. Quit it. You can't create secrets between us."
"But baby, you said you are fine if I have secrets with Nandini", interrupted Manik.
Nandini could kiss him for being the logical one.
"Not when she is plotting against me", said Cabir.
Nandini rolled her eyes and smiled at him, sweet and sarcastic. "And why do you think my life revolves around you? I want to kiss your brother senseless because he has been looking adorable since the evening. Reasonable enough? And I am definitely not taking your permission. Thank you."
As she locked the door of the washroom and turned around, she found her husband as a blushing mess.
"Nandini... Mom...Navya", he spluttered, "I mean-"
Nandini rolled her eyes. "Manik, I lied", she told and waited for her to calm down.
"You lied?"
"I need to talk to you but there are people all over the house and Cabir's in the room. I don't want people snooping into this conversation", told Nandini.
Manik nodded, relaxing slightly. "It's not that I don't want to. But-"
She leaned forward to kiss his cheek, shutting him up. "I will kiss you when I feel you are ready, okay? You said we have all the time in the world."
"We do", muttered Manik. "I really love you."
"I love you too, Manik", she told, giving him a sweet smile. "But right now, I need a favor from you. I want you to leave this conversation to me. I can be blunt or rude."
"Nandini, I know you guys can be mean to each other but you do care for each other too. So, it's okay", he said. "I will ignore it. Is Cabir hurting himself?"
"I guess. Let's get him out of that, yeah?"
When they returned to the room again, Cabir was sitting in the place he was supposed to, looking pissed off. When he saw her, he glared at her. "You didn't kiss my brother senseless. He isn't blushing."
Nandini rolled her eyes. "Dude, I am not discussing my romantic life with you, okay?. Now coming to yours, I have a few questions and you would answer me."
"Listen, I-", started Cabir.
"Thank you", interrupted Nandini. "First question. Why didn't you invite Navya to the wedding?"
Cabir gritted his teeth. "It's Mukti and Abhi's wedding. Why would I invite her?"
Nandini shrugged. "Because she is your girlfriend. Also, because when Mukti asked you for her contact number, you simply ignored her making some excuses."
"I didn't make any excuses", said Cabir, almost raising his voice. Almost. I forgot to give her the number. That's it. Why are you making an issue out of it?"
"Next question. Are you trying to break up with her, Cabir?"
"Just because you have your married life sorted, doesn't mean you will try to get me married", he yelled, finally losing his patience. "Stop interfering in my life. I won't bother your private time with your husband."
"Baby, that's-", said Manik.
"Manik, no", said Nandini, shaking her head. Manik doesn't need to be involved in this mess. She turned to the younger twin, ignoring the edge in his words. "Cabir Malhotra, if you think you can push me away by offending me, sorry, but you are highly mistaken. You will pay the consequences of this later but first, we are sorting something else. Enough of this baby love between you two brothers. Are you trying to break up with Navya? Yes or No."
"That's my personal life", muttered Cabir.
Nandini raised an eyebrow. "You didn't leave my personal life while trying to set me up with your brother, right?"
"Are you taking revenge?", he asked, disbelievingly.
"Think whatever you want to but just answer my question. Yes or no?"
"Why are you asking me when you already know the answer?"
"I want to hear it from you."
"Yes", he screamed, pulling his hair. "Happy, now? Leave me alone."
"Care to explain the reason for leaving your girlfriend of, I guess, 6 years, whom you were very much in love with the last time I checked it from you?"
It should be the right question because she saw the moment the fight left the younger Malhotra. He hunched over his frame, resting his elbows on his knees and hiding his face behind his hands. "Because I am not the one for her. I am not capable of keeping her happy for a lifetime. She deserves so much more."
Nandini rolled her eyes. "And you realized this after all these years?", she asked. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Manik frowning. He might have a protest on his tongue to counter-argue his brother's statement.
Cabir laughed looking at Manik but it lacked the playfulness that always was laced to it. He then turned to Nandini, a sad smile etching his features. "Manik is always my hero. He is a gem. Do you even know how much he loves you? He just perfectly handles everything single-handedly. When he got married to you, never did I realize how perfect a husband he can be. He thinks about your well-being. He gets you a mobile, laptop, and whatever it takes to bring a smile. He buys you a car because you missed driving. He fulfills all your wishes even before you ask him or anyone else. It's as if you are constantly on his mind. And look at me? I don't even call her on a regular basis. I never bothered to plan any surprises for her. I don't even remember her birthdays. I don't deserve her, Nandini."
His voice lowered by the time he reached the end. He looked vulnerable but Nandini didn't want to deal with this by coddling him. He gets enough pampering from both his mother and Manik. She snorted, hiding the way it hurt her to see him sad. These boys were forced to grow up at a young age after their father's death and if there was one thing that was common between the two was their fear of losing their loved ones. She had seen that several times in Manik and even if it was rare in Cabir, it was always there. He keeps the people close to whom he considers his own. Who would know better than her when he babied Manik or when after marriage tried to sort every mess of hers?
She walked towards him such that they were facing each other and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. "I will tell you one thing just this once. So, don't repeat this stupidity again with me. Manik is the most perfect person anyone could ever find. Sure, he has his own flaws. But no one can be as good as Manik. Neither you nor anyone else. It's the truth even if it hurts you", she told and waited for him to agree with her. When he did, she continued. "Now listen to this. Even if you think constantly about me and do everything that Manik does for me, I wouldn't ever fall in love with you. Similarly, Navya would only consider Manik as a cute brother. She wouldn't leave you for Manik. We are destined to love one person, Cabir, and when it happens it's special for everyone. Even if Navya has some 100 choices, she would still choose the wild you, who would go on treks with her, or participate in some wildlife photography contest. Just because everyone at home calls you baby doesn't mean you are one. So, now act your age, stop being a baby and-"
She halted when there was a knock on the door. Nandini gestured to Manik to check the door and smiled when she saw Navya. Cabir looked at his shoes, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.
"Navya, are you okay?", asked Manik, putting an arm around her and grabbing her hand with his free one.
Navya nodded and when she looked at Nandini, Nandini smiled at her, big and reassuring. A contrast to any of the expressions she gave to Cabir. "Glad Navya is here", she announced, faking excitement, and grabbed Cabir's face, this time by pulling his ear gently. "Now, Cabir, we are going out. You are sorting things with her and coming back to your wild self by tomorrow morning."
She didn't wait for him to agree or disagree. Whichever it was, Cabir Malhotra was capable of keeping her up with his stupid argument. On her way out, she hugged Navya. Poor girl was beyond her mind without knowing the reason behind her breakup. At least the idiot should have the decency to give her a proper reason. You don't just wake up one day and decide to break up with your girlfriend of six years. "Sort things out", she whispered in Navya's ear. "He's a bit off track but I promise still loves you the same. Don't leave him." She pulls Manik along with her and out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Outside the room, Manik grabbed her hand. "Nandini, I apologize on his behalf."
Nandini rolled her eyes. "Manik, I was equally rude but it was needed because even you should agree that he was just being stupid."
She grinned when Manik nodded in agreement with her. "Yeah, if she had any issue with him, she would have left him earlier. They were always like that and they had a good bond going between them."
Nandini sighed. "Not everyone shares your common sense, Manik. Now, what's the plan now? Stargazing or Mom?"
"Mom?", he asked hesitantly.
Nandini's smile widened. "Correct answer, Malhotra. It has been forever since I had a decent conversation with her." And with that, they went to Nyonika's room.
Nandini woke up to find herself curled up beside Nyonika. They talked till late at night and slept like that. Manik was on the couch. She recollected their conversation from the previous night. Nyonika loved Navya. That lady had a weird fascination with girls that could shut her son's mouth. Once she realized Navya was that girl and not the one sweet one that interacted with Manik, Nyonika approved her for her baby's son. After Navya, she concentrated on teasing Manik for finally getting the girl of his dreams, who blushed like a tomato. When Nandini came to her husband's rescue, the older lady slapped her hand playfully.
Stop ruining my fun, Nandini. He looks cute when embarrassed.
Because Manik was a subtle idiot, he diverted the attention away from him to Nandini's rejoining her company. Right now, leaving both of the sleeping Malhotras, she slipped out of the room silently to get ready in Mukti's room. An hour later, there was a knock and she wasn't surprised to find Manik.
"Good morning, husband", she said. "Do you want to come in?"
"Morning. Is Mukti in?"
"Yes. Getting ready."
"Can we talk here, please?", he asked.
"Yeah, what's wrong?"
"Nandini, Ishita Aunty wanted me for something and even Abhimanyu said he needed some help. I need to take a shower but Cabir is sleeping in my room. I need my clothes."
Nandini chuckled. "You can wake him up, Manik."
"Yeah but Navya is there too and it's-"
"It's inappropriate. It's still early in the morning", he told.
Nandini laughed at the blush that covered his entire face. "You know we can have loads of fun here. Come with me." She dragged him towards Cabir's room and rapped her knuckles on the door continuously.
"Okay, give him some time. Once was enough", whisper-yelled Manik.
"This is more fun, Malhotra. You don't understand. This way, we are instilling fear in the opposition and giving them less time to cover up their area of crime", she told.
"What opposition?", asked Manik. "It's my brother there."
Nandini ignored him and continued banging the door until Cabir opened the door. She smirked at the haphazardly worn shirt. If she wasn't wrong, it was Manik's, and the buttons were all wrongly put.
"Mom, I am just-", he said and halted when he saw Nandini in front of him. "You? Why are you hell-bent on breaking my room's door?"
"Good morning to you too, Cabir. Thanks for inviting us in", she said, with a smile, and went in pushing him away. Navya at least had her shirt on properly and Nandini winked at the girl. Navya isn't the victim here.
"Listen, I didn't-", shouted Cabir, following her. "What are you...Bhai, what is she doing here?"
"Will you at least speak two coherent sentences, please?", she teased the younger twin. "Manik, get your clothes", she told him without taking her eyes off Cabir. "Actually, there's some ritual in a few hours, and Manik and I are needed there. You know your brother, right, he needs to take a shower before starting his day because of which he needs clothes which are locked in your room. So",
Meanwhile, Manik took his clothes without making any eye contact with anyone present in the room before standing beside her. "I am done. Can we leave?"
"Of course."
While Manik was eager to leave the room, Nandini took her own sweet time. When she reached the door, she halted in her step and turned back, scratching her forehead when reached the door. "Cabir, next time when you open the door, try to button your shirt properly. You know, our dressing sense gives away most of our crimes."
She saw Cabir looking down at his shirt and heard him muttering 'sadist' under his breath before Manik had dragged her out of the room.
Hours later, there was another knock and Cabir barged into the room, Manik following him. Before she could say a word, the younger twin had her engulfed in a hug. "Woah! Change of heart?", asked Nandini because, for the past two days, the younger twin was only throwing daggers at her.
"I love you", declared Cabir.
When she looked at Manik confused, he had an adoring smile as he looked at the two of them. She broke the hug and pushes Cabir to sit down before taking a seat in front of him. Shooting daggers was even familiar to her but this sweet and emotional Cabir wasn't her cup of tea. "Is everything okay with you?"
"Yes", said Cabir. "Everything is fine and will always be fine at our home because you are in our lives, Nandini. Nothing can go wrong now. I had given up on Navya. I never thought we will be together again."
Nandini glared at him. "You do realize right, you aren't forgiven for saying all those mean cruel things to me? When are you getting my cheeseburger then?"
"Every day for the rest of my life, if you want it. Just a call and you will have it in front of you within an hour", promised Cabir.
Nandini punched his arm lightly. "Late service. Swiggy guy promises of twenty minutes."
Cabir chuckled. Nandu glances at him, taking his hand into hers, and cupping his cheek with another. This was the person who brings smiles to everyone's lives. At least if he considers them his family. This was the person who brought Manik into Nandini's life.
"Cabir, Manik isn't the only one who's special. Manik might be the most 'good' human being but he is incomplete without you. You have always protected him from this world. You two might be poles opposite but you are like the poles of the same magnet. North or south, you two are together. Maybe it's the twins' thing. I don't know. Never ever underestimate the effect you cause on people around you or the smiles you put on their faces, baby. We all love you", she told honestly.
"You just called me baby", pointed out Cabir because he was an idiot who ignores important conversations.
Nandini glared at him. "Annoying, mean, or sadist, I consider you as my sibling and I won't let even you take any stupid decisions to ruin your life."
Cabir blinked the tears away from his eyes. Yeah, the great Cabir Malhotra can't handle emotional conversations.
"Tell me honestly. You avoid emotional conversations because you cry like a baby, right?", she teased.
When Cabir whined at Manik, she felt things falling back to normal. Manik laughed at the two before wrapping an arm around Nandini. He bent down and kissed her, surprising the other two. Because it was Cabir that was the center of the discussion right now.
"Thank you for keeping us together", he told her. "You have no idea how much I fall in love with you every time you take things in your hands."
Her sweet idiot.
But because it was Cabir, he smirked at the two. "Isn't the PDA going overboard?"
"Cabir, when I came to your room in the morning, were you-?"
"Stop right there", yelled Cabir. "I am leaving. My girlfriend is waiting for me." Without waiting for them to answer, he ran from the room, leaving the other two laughing.
Spoiler: Low-key Drama :P
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