Chapter - 26
Hello Fam :)
Just to recap, Manik and Nandini had talked out their issues and confessed their feelings with Nandini signing up their marriage papers. The marriage is official, legal and the two idiots involved are totally on board.
Warning: After the oblivious idiots, we are dealing with love-sick idiots because someone can't keep their partner out of their heads. Maybe, the feeling is mutual. :P
A/N: - I have written this chapter over a long period of time. Any mistakes, or errors, do let me know. Also, slightly messed up wedding rituals. I have no idea about the order. ;)
Happy Reading...
Nandini felt like she was floating in the air. There were flowers around and she was in the middle of a beautiful valley. The greenery around her was overwhelmingly calm. The birds were chirping. There was a stream in the distance. The sun was just rising. It was so peaceful that she didn't notice someone's presence until they had their arms around her waist. The sudden contact startled her and she turned around.
Except she was in her room, probably sometime after the sunrise, startled awake to the land of reality.
She heard Manik's faint voice, hoarse with unuse. He had a frown on his head as she glanced at their position. She felt her heartbeat going steady after a few minutes and a smile gracing her lips as she laid back down, snuggling beside her husband. Instantly, his hands were around her pulling her close.
"Did I scare you?", he asked.
Nandini shook her head. "I could get used to this every morning", she told. As she peeked a glance at him when he didn't answer, there was a blush on his face even with his eyes closed. She got an idea and mentally prayed her husband wouldn't combust on the spot. Lifting her head, she leaned towards him to place a soft kiss on his cheek. She saw his eyes tighten to shut and him going still beside her. "This okay?", she muttered. She could hear his heartbeat rising from where she was balancing herself.
It took a few minutes for Manik to calm himself down and when he did he exhaled a breath, opening his eyes to glance down at Nandini. "Okay", he whispered, not breaking the peace around them.
Nandini held his gaze for a moment longer, making sure he was really okay and not pretending for her sake. When she was satisfied, she put an arm around him and pecked his cheek repeatedly. Just a grazing touch to make sure she could do this. That she was allowed to do this. This time when she peeked a glance at him, his eyes were closed again but there was a smile on his face and his whole face somehow turned into a tomato. She felt a warmth inside her. This Manik, this blushing idiot, with whom she had the freedom to say anything, to do anything, with whom she didn't have to hold herself back was the one she chose to fall in love with. Seeing him right now made her believe that it was all true. She had truly, completely, had her Manik back. She closed her eyes to relish her moment.
It was a long time when Manik started stroking her arm to gain her attention. "We should start getting ready. We would be late if we are not starting in some time."
"Can't we stay here for a few more minutes? It's peaceful", she muttered.
Manik chuckled. "I want to stay too. But the Haldi ceremony will start at eleven and you know they wouldn't start unless we are there."
Nandini nodded without actually giving an answer or making an effort to get up.
Manik laughed again. "Hey, we will have lots of time for us. I promise."
Something settled in her heart as Manik leaned down to kiss her head, squeezing her arm. He promised and she would believe everything he promised.
Turns out Manik was right. When they reached Thakkar's house, the whole area was in chaos. After Manik dragged Ishita with him to help her with the wedding rituals and to calm her down, Nandini turned to go to Mukti. Contrasting to the chaos outside, she was lying on her bed, playing some stupid game on her mobile. Her Haldi outfit was laying beside her. Nandini shook her head.
"What the hell, Mukti? Don't you want to get married?"
Mukti sat down and grabbed her to pull her down into a hug. Breaking the hug, she grinned. "Thank god you are here. I was planning to call off the wedding."
"What for?"
"Arey, my one best friend is missing since yesterday. How can I get married to the other?"
Nandini rolled her eyes, grabbing the outfit and thrusting it into Mukti's hands. "My drama queen, don't try to give a heart attack to your fiance. He is already panicked without your input. Now, mind getting ready?"
As the girl mock-saluted and rushed towards the restroom, Nandini shook her head in disbelief. After she changed into the outfit of the day, she sat the bride down and helped her set up her hair.
"What aren't you telling me?", asked Mukti, glancing at their reflection in the mirror.
"You are glowing. You are smiling and if I am not wrong lost in someone's thoughts. What did I miss?", she asked waggling her eyebrows playfully.
After their conversation the previous day, she knew Mukti would guess in an instant but Nandini shook her head. "I will tell you, of course. But after Haldi along with Abhimanyu."
"Fine", said Mukti with a dramatic sigh but her grin only grew wider. After her hair, Nandini helped her with the final touches. "Hey, Nandini, I wanted to invite Navya to the wedding."
"You didn't?", asked Nandini. "I thought you were friends with her at least."
"We are, of course. But she lost her mobile again and I don't have the new number. We usually catch up online when something like this happens or she reaches herself out to us but she has gone underground it seems", said Mukti. "I tried asking Cabir about her but every time I take her name, the guy is making an excuse or postponing it to give it to me at a later time before disappearing."
Nandini frowned. The last she knew they were fine. She groaned. The Jungli Malhotra was up to something. "Have you tried Skype? Email?", she asked. When Mukti nodded, Nandini sighed. "You know what? Navya is coming to your wedding. Leave it to me."
"I knew you would deal with this. You are the best."
They were interrupted by a knock and the Ishita along with Mrs. Vardhan entered in, going into a teary mess when they saw the bride. Nandini signaled Mukti of leaving. She had a mission to accomplish. If Jungli Malhotra refused to give his girlfriend's number there was a nerd who would give it to her.
Nandini found Manik in the backyard near the stage where the Haldi ceremony was about to take place. Abhimanyu was already sitting there bouncing his leg up and down. She went up to him and bent down to give him a hug before kissing his cheek. "I shouldn't be saying this and I would regret saying it for the next week but you are looking extra handsome today and Mukti would fall for your gorgeous face if she wasn't already in love with you."
A smile cracked on his face. "You think so?"
"I know so, best friend. Stop thinking you would mess up anything. You haven't messed up for the better part of our years. You both are together more number of years than you are apart from each other. Just trust me, you would be so fine and I would have punched the crap out of you if I have any doubt about you being the perfect husband for Mukti", she told. In response, Abhimanyu wrapped his hands around Nandini's stomach and she bent again to kiss his head. "Don't overthink, okay? Mukti will be here in some time and I am stepping away for a moment for making a call."
When Abhimanyu nodded her saying he will be fine, Nandini glanced up at Manik who had an adoring gaze as he looked at both of them. She glanced at Cabir who was standing in a corner, typing something furiously into his mobile. There was a frown on his head which made her frown. She grabbed Manik's hand and pulled him far away from the crowd.
"Nandini, where are you taking me? The ceremony is about to start", said Manik, although he followed her effortlessly.
"This can't wait, Manik", she told, shutting him up. Once she was away from the crowd, she halted and turned to face her husband who had a frown of his own on his head.
"Nandini, you are looking gorgeous", he said with all seriousness, "but there is something missing."
"What?", she asked in confusion.
Instead of answering, Manik rubbed his fingers on her forehead, smoothening the frowns there. It brought an instant smile to her face. Of course, he would be a nerd about everything he does.
"Now that's the expression that matches with your outfit."
"Where did you learn flirting, you nerd?", she asked.
"I wasn't", he spluttered, ducking his head down. "It was a compliment."
She shook her head, tiptoed to kiss his cheek, letting her lips linger there for a few extra moments. Manik smiled through blush and Nandini wanted to capture it forever in her heart. Instead, she slapped his arm. "Stop distracting me, you beautiful idiot. We are on a mission here."
"We are?", he asked.
"Yes, give me your mobile", she asked.
He pulled out his mobile and gave it to her without a question and it reminded her of the nerd that did the same during the initial days of their friendship. "You could have asked me there too", told Manik, leaning on the tree behind him, letting her do whatever she wanted in her mobile.
"You still don't put a password on it?", she asked, scrolling through his contacts. "I am avoiding your brother at the moment, by the way. Don't tell him I am using your mobile. Ah, there it is", she muttered as she found the number. "Manik, can I make a call using your mobile?"
"Have you exhausted your balance? Why didn't you tell me before? Should I recharge it?"
"Offo, Manik", she muttered, dialing Navya's number. "I am calling Navya. How can you not invite her to the wedding, Manik?"
"I didn't know if Mukti wanted to invite her or not. I informed her though."
"She wants to. Hang on a second", she told as Navya answered the call. Nandini stepped away from Manik as the man waited patiently for her to finish her conversation. He was checking the time on his watch as Nandini made her way back to him. "Thank you", she said, handing him his mobile back. "Now listen, Navya is coming back by the next available flight. She might reach for the sangeet tomorrow but this is a surprise to Cabir and you wouldn't utter a word to him about this okay?"
"What if he asks me about this? I can't lie to him. He sees through it", muttered Manik.
Nandini rolled her eyes. "Why don't you let him assume whatever he wants? Say yes and leave from there, okay?", she told, before dragging towards their friends. "Let's go. It's about to start."
"I have told you several times already, Navya. I don't want to talk to you. So, do me a favor and don't call me again. We are over. Nous sommes finis, if you don't understand English. Goodbye."
Cabir cut the call without waiting for another response and threw his mobile across. Fortunately for him, it fell on the bed and saved itself from any physical damage. He yelled in the empty room, pulling his hair out of frustration. Why can't people take a no like an adult? No, they have to push around and make the life of the person hell. He glanced at the time and realized the Haldi ceremony was about to start and made his way downstairs to the venue.
Going down, he found his brother fussing over Abhimanyu as the groom had a frown on his head. Maybe another panic attack. Seriously, if he didn't know how much he loved Mukti, Cabir would have guessed that he didn't want to get married to her. But then Nandini appeared out of nowhere, leaning down towards Abhimanyu as she whispered something to him and he relaxed instantly. Guess, the golden trio of the space college still has the magic between them.
He was surprised when after that, Nandini dragged Manik away from the stage and the crowd and his brother went willingly even if he was talking, probably asking the questions which she was ignoring. Did something really happen yesterday? God, what wouldn't he give right now for them to realize that they were in love. It has been too long dealing with their combined stupidity. He didn't need to make others believe in love when he had his heartb...No, he wasn't going there, not now.
"All okay there, kid?"
He turned to find Nyonika standing beside him.
"Looks like you are trying really hard to get a new mobile", she told, pointing at the way he was punch-texting his mobile.
Cabir raised an eyebrow. "Do you think Manik would finally gift me a new mobile?"
"Nope. He would probably ask you to buy yourself if he sees you punching the mobile."
Cabir narrowed his gaze. "Did you know he bought Nandini a brand new mobile right after she came home?"
Nyonika shrugged. "Not everyone is Nandini, Kid. And not everyone does he love as much as he loves Nandini."
He believed her for a moment because Nandini was everything to Manik but then his family was everything to his brother too. It took him a moment to realized something and glared at his mother. "You are messing with me, right?"
The lady just grinned. "It brought you out of whatever mood you were in. Now smile for a few hours and come find me to talk about what's bothering you after that, if you want that is."
He felt like hiding. If Nyonika was guessing his grief then he was doing a shit job of hiding it but then it was Nyonika and she was good at reading people, especially her something is troubling her kids. He sagged in defeat and wrapped his arms around the woman. "Thanks, Mom. I love you but I need some time to clear my head."
"Take whatever time you need, baby. But don't hurt yourself. We are there. Manik is too, you know that, right?"
"Of course, Mom."
They noticed Manik coming back along with Nandini. While she went to stand beside Mukti, Cabir pulled his brother close to them. "Not bad, Bhai. Have you started romancing secluded places already?", he teased.
"Yes", said Manik, too eagerly, and just like that he escaped towards the groom as fastly.
"What the hell just happened, Mom?", he asked his mother who was controlling and failing to contain her laughter. When she shrugged and pointed towards the stage, Cabir saw Nandini raising an eyebrow at Manik. The boy shook his head and smiled in assurance. Nandini gave her own smile before fussing over Mukti. "Do you think something has happened between them that we don't know of?"
"Looks like it. The smile isn't leaving Nandini's face and the tension that Manik was carrying yesterday is absent too."
If put like that, Cabir thought maybe Nyonika was right. And on top of all that, there were stealing glances when the other wasn't looking and the absence of any embarrassment if they are caught by one another accidentally. Something definitely has happened.
After the Haldi ceremony, Nandini was in Mukti's room, replying to her emails when Abhimanyu barged inside the room. "What's wrong with you?", he said. "You could have asked me to meet anywhere in the world but no, you chose Mukti's room out of all the places. Do you know how many people I had to dodge and convince that no, I am not sneaking around with the Bride before marriage? How can you do-"
His rant halted abruptly when Mukti came out of the restroom, changing into a pair of casuals. Abhimanyu, the idiot, reached her in three strides and engulfed her in a bear hug. "Baby, I missed you, love."
Nandini glared at him in disbelief. Not a minute ago he was complaining about getting caught by the relatives. "Drama company", she announced loudly, forcing the pair to break the hug.
Abhimanyu pouted. "Still, I had a lot to explain to them."
Mukti rolled her eyes and cuffed him upside his head before dragging him towards the bed. "So, Nandini, what do you want to talk about?"
Nandini grinned. "So, last night since it was raining we were stuck at home. We talked and somehow it led to the confession part where I ranted about wanting him as a part of my life and Manik said he loved me. Has been since four years and nothing has changed since college."
Mukti had the biggest if smirks and a 'told you' on her face but Nandini was surprised by the frown on Abhimanyu's head.
"Wait a second", he started. "You doubted Manik's love for you?"
"Not like he mentioned it to me after all these years. How would I know if it hasn't changed during four years", she retorted.
"What's wrong with you?", said Abhimanyu. "When we said you were missing, we had already met your parents and they said you chose to sever your contacts with them, that you preferred to work underground. But five minutes into our conversation, Manik was confident that you were in danger. Half an hour later he confirmed that you never went to London for your MBA. He promised to get all his men at work to track you down. Two days later, you were in front of me, married to him."
"Okay. I didn't know about what happened between you and Manik but I have lived most of it. So, I know. What is the point you are trying to make here?", asked Nandini. Manik getting into his Sherlock mode, Manik using his authority to get something done was so hot that she wanted to confront him, maybe tease even.
"Nandini, Manik married you. And that boy is passionate about any love between the characters of his books. He doesn't do things in halves. Do you really think he would marry any girl, if it weren't you or if he weren't in love with you?"
"Abhimanyu, I asked Manik to marry me. I haven't given him a choice there", she told. She had lost all hope but when she saw Manik, the one person she trusted and wanted to fall in love with at some deeply hidden vault of her heart, she became desperate enough for an escape, to grab the life where she would be able to breathe freely without someone monitoring her every breath.
Abhimanyu rolled his eyes. Mukti was equally confused but somehow she agreed with whatever her fiance was talking about. "Okay, listen. You asked him to marry you but it was his choice, okay. Conscious or subconscious. For god's sake, he blushes around you even after all these years and you don't have to say anything complicated to get that reaction out of him."
Nandini gaped at him. "Don't tell me, you haven't noticed yet, Abhimanyu? Manik blushes all the time, when someone compliments him, when he is embarrassed, when he thinks he is being stupid, hell there was a time when he used to do that right after voicing out his opinion. How could you not notice it? It was an integral part of him."
"No, he blushes when you compliment him."
"You are blind then. I can't believe you never noticed it before", she told. It was a fact. "He was a blushing mess after the whole class congratulated him on becoming the head boy. You were there at that time. He blushes when one of the professors announces in the class that he topped the class. Or when the Principal appreciates any of his ideas. Seriously, it's all the time."
There was a moment of silence and Nandini tried to remember why were they even discussing Manik's blush. What was their original topic anyway? Yeah, right. They confessed last night and Nandini wanted nothing but to find Manik. Maybe love was stupid but she was loving all the stupidity if it was associated with her husband.
"Okay, fine. I was blind", agreed Abhimanyu. "But why were you taking a note of every situation where Manik blushed?"
She rolled her eyes at the smirk on her best friend's face. The groom wouldn't look pretty with a black eye or broken nose, she reminded herself. "Since you were blind, you wouldn't understand why I did it?", she told. When Abhimanyu raised an eyebrow at her, she groaned. "I would regret asking you this question for the rest of my life. We know Manik is a beautiful person and his heart is too pure and that's one of the reasons why we love him but what do you think is his most attractive feature is? A physical one." She was going mad if she was discussing the physical attributes of her husband's personality with her best friends. She even mentally apologized to Manik for putting him in their conversation like this even if he wasn't present in the room.
Abhimanyu took a moment and then shrugged. "I don't know. His muscles?"
"No, you idiot. His muscles appeared months late but his blush? It was right there with him since the start. And when Manik blushes, he looks like some prettiest angels descended from heaven. It's innocent, like a newborn baby, like a white canvas devoid of any color, like the full moon in the night sky and it's so Manik. He looks so pure, untouched, and you want to just wrap him in the fluffiest blankets." Nandini would have probably continued if she wasn't interrupted by the collective gasps of her best friends. "What?", she asked.
"You loved him even back then?", asked Mukti, talking for the first time since she told the news.
Nandini didn't agree right away but didn't deny either. "He was the opposite of everything I have ever hated. I could see myself falling in love with him in a world where my parents weren't trying to make my life hell or planning to manipulate anyone I love but wishing for that world felt so far-fetched back then that I treasured every moment I could spend with him."
"So, what happened after all these years? Why didn't you even try till now to know if Manik was still in love with you or not?", asked Abhimanyu.
For Abhimanyu, who had the perfect parents, for whom life was sunshine and rainbows if you had your family and friends with you, it would be difficult to grasp the intensity of the situation. Nandini had to crawl to the corners of her heart or run to the opposite end from the shadows of her parent's world to believe in that sunshine and rainbow. She glanced at Mukti. Mukti, somewhat understood her, because she had experienced it even if it was just a misunderstanding. Mukti pulled her into a hug and dropped a kiss on top of her head.
"It's okay if you didn't know that Manik still loved you. What matters is you know now and you are happy. That's what matters the most", she said.
Nandini nodded her head, pulling from the hug but instead rested her head on Mukti's shoulder. The bride wrapped her arm around Nandini. "Abhimanyu, I was a mess when Manik rescued me. I had no idea what would happen to me or how I would move forward in my life because I never sat down to think about it. I never thought it was possible even. And with the divorce papers, I really didn't have a clue."
"DIVORCE PAPERS?", screamed Abhimanyu. "Manik gave you divorce papers?"
"Abhimanyu, shut up", scolded Mukti.
"Yeah, he did. Along with the papers for registering our marriage in court. Apparently to give me a choice after the way we got married."
Abhimanyu sighed before dropping on the bed. "What happens now? What's the equation between you two now?"
"I love Manik, Manik loves me, and we are going to be together for the next sixty years", she announced. She didn't know who screamed, who squealed but a moment later she was engulfed by two pairs of arms. She might have shed some tears but it was all hidden within the protective embrace of her best friends.
They somehow fell asleep and when hours later Nandini asked Ishita about why she didn't wake them up or made Abhimanyu leave the room, she just laughed.
"It has been years since I saw my three kids like that. I didn't want to ruin it", she said.
When Cabir went to his room, Manik had already changed into his formals. "You going somewhere, Bhai?"
Manik nodded. There was unknown happiness on his face and he was barely able to contain it. Cabir narrowed his gaze.
"What's going on, Bhai? Is this happiness anything to do with you sneaking secret glances with Nandini all throughout the Haldi ceremony? If yes, I am entitled to know before anyone else because I am the self-appointed cupid to your love story", he ranted.
Manik turned around and stared at him. He knew that look of pure disbelief from the number of times he had been awarded during his short lifetime. "Self-appointed cupid? Do I even want to know where that came from?"
"Have been since our college. I just made it official recently in your cabin with your cabin walls and furniture as the sole witness", he told.
Manik sighed in exasperation. "I sometimes feel glad Mom didn't make you the sole decision-maker of the company. Years of her hard work would have gone into the drain just like that."
"Or I would take it to newer heights where everyone can't stop talking about Malhotra Industries", offered Cabir.
"You know what? I don't doubt that either", said Manik and ruffled his hair because he was sweet like that.
"You going to office even after I told you not to?", asked Cabir again when he saw his brother gathering papers and files.
Manik chuckled. "No, kid. I am going to the court", he told before walking towards him and pulling him into a hug. "Nandini loves me. Sue had signed our marriage papers yesterday. I can't believe this, Cabir. After all these years, I get to have Nandini in my life, as my wife, as my family."
Cabir felt his eyes stinging. God, if anyone truly deserved love, it was Manik and Nandini was as perfect as she was. "Bhai, I am so happy for you", he said. He broke the hug to see the pure happiness on his brother's face, reminding him of the times when he stood strong enough not to let his first heartbreak break him. His patience had finally paid him off. He cupped Manik's cheek. "You both truly deserve each other, Manik. Just look at the way even destiny got tired of keeping you both apart. Don't let anything take away this smile, okay, Bhai? It's so precious." He mentally slapped himself when he saw Manik frowning at him with a confused stare.
"Is everything okay with you, baby?", asked Manik.
Cabir grinned, praying his brother wouldn't notice the fakeness in it. "Of course, Bhai. I am too happy. We have to celebrate this occasion. I need a treat."
"Does the treat includes chocolates?"
"Tons. You can't deny me anything today", replied Cabir. He could do with some of his favorite person's chocolates right now. When Manik nodded with a slight chuckle, he knew his Bhai would find multiple sources of happiness for him. "Why don't you start leaving? The court will be closed soon. Even better, why don't you send someone instead?"
"I want to do this myself. I don't know. This feels personal and important", he said, blushing like the romantic sap he was.
Cabir rolled his eyes. "Of course it is important but I never knew my Manik has this huge of a romantic side to him."
Manik glared at him but the effect was ruined by the redness at the tips of his ears. "I will start then", he said and hugged Cabir once more, squeezing the nape of his neck. "Baby, kid, if you need anything, anything that's bothering you, I am here for you whenever you are ready to talk, okay?", muttered Manik near his ear. Instead of waiting for his reply, Manik kissed the side of his head and left the room giving him a smile that felt more like assurance and promise.
Cabir brushed some stray tears that made their way out of his eyes. What's up with him failing to mask his emotions in front of his family? First, it was Nyonika and now Manik. He refused to even think about Nandini because if that girl had any hint about it, she wouldn't be giving him time like the other two. Instead, she would force him to speak the truth just like he himself would do. Hence, he actively avoided his head girl for the rest of the day.
A/N Note: Unknown to him, Nandini already started her planning. :P
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