He broke her
After a month
Anika is sitting on the bench solving the match question ,when shivaay comes there and kissed her forehead
Shiv. What are you doing baby.???
Ani. I'm just doing those questions which I'm feeling difficult to solve . She said concentrating on her note book solving the question fastly
Shiv. Don't worry you will pass it. He grin kissing her temple.
Ani. I don't know shivaay. but last exams went very well and I'm convinced that I'll pass it. But this math it's just heading on my nerves I'm not sure about it. It's putting me in tension.
Shiv. Anika calm down don't take Too much tension. Everything will be fine. He cheer her up kissing her cheek again and again.
Ani. I hope so. She pout and kept head on his shoulder rotating pen in her mouth.
Ma. Ani you both are here. Come let's go exam is going to start.
Shiv. Yes let's go
Ma. You people come fast. i'm going saying this she immediately left from there.
Shiv. Chale. He collected his books and about to go when Anika hold his hand and stopped him
Shiv. What happened. Anika comes infront of him and peck his lips keeping hand on his chest
Ani. Best of luck she blushes.
Shiv. You too baby he pulled her closer and suck her lips passionately
Ani. Let's go now. she grab her bag and left from there along with him.
In class.
Seeing the paper Anika's face beam finding it quite easy. She mostly knows the answer . She look at shivaay who is sitting another chair and gave him shiny smile which he reciprocated it
Pro. You people can start. As student heard "They all got busy rustling with their papers and bags. Anika immediately got the pen and other necessary things and started her paper. After almost five minute suddenly all people's attention went Principal who enters there along with other two professors making all students stopped their chores whatever they were doing.
Prin. miss Anika hearing her name Anika lift up her eyes and got up from her seat looking at him confusedly
Pri. We doubt that you have been cheating in all exams miss Anika. Is that true ???
Pro. Sir what are you saying she is really bright student she can never do it.
Ani. You are mistaken sir I can never do it. Though what would I get by cheating" when I have studied so well. she speaks is trying her best to keep herself steady infront of them "but she knows how traumatised and scared she got after hearing him. Even Her friends are seems pretty worried specially malika whose palm started sweating seeing her in trouble.
Pro. Stop lying miss Anika. We have got strong prove that you have been cheating. and today you crossed your limits stealing the exams paper. Hearing his scream Anika tumble in fear and look at him with wide eye
Ani. I can't do this. I told you I can never even think to cheat. She cry shivering in fear hearing professors scream.
Pro. Miss Leena go and check her bag. He orders professor leena who so wanna deny it. But being helpless she nods hee went toward anika.
Ani. Why would she do it. when I didn't do anything. Please trust me. I didn't cheat. I don't have anything with me which would help me to cheat in exams.
Pro. Miss leena what you waiting for go and check it. He again orders glaring anika
Miss leena. Yes sir she goes towards Anika and started checking her bag. Anika try to deny but she didn't listen to her and kept scrolling her bag.
Miss l. There is nothing sir
Ani. I'd told you I didn't do anything. please stop all this she started crying having hiccups seeing them doubting at her
Pro. Check her jacket. She must have kept in there. Hearing him professor leena snatched her jacket which was in her hand and started scrolling it and there you go. It was in her side pocket making all people shell shocked after seeing the notes in there.
Ani. This is not mine. She denied shivering badly seeing all these papers which she don't know from where they came into her jacket pocket.
All people started whispering seeing the paper making her more panic and she cry standing all alone without having anyone's support.
Miss l. Sir here is the papers. ....
Ani. I didn't do anything I don't know how it came in my pocket . I swear I didn't have any clue about it. She hiccups trying to put sense in their brains. but there is none who could hear her. Everyone are just looking at her disgustingly making her condition more miserable.
M. She can't do it. It's must be someone's planning to defame her. Malika came ahead to defend her friend.
Ra. Stop defending her malika. It's not first time she is doing this. she is keep doing it from her early age. hearing Ragini's statement Anika widen her eyes and look at her shockingly.
Ani. Don't lie di please you know very well that I can't cheat even in my wildest dreams. I've studied day and night. I didn't even think about the time. Then how can you assume that I could cheat like this. she sobs looking at her with teary eyes but she just twist her mouth and turn her face away like bitch.
Pri. Anika Get in my office right now. I guess we need to discuss this matter thoroughly. He speaks sternly folding his arms on his back.
Ani. Please don't do this I didn't do anything. She sobs trying to tell them again and again that she didn't do anything. But no one is paying head to her single word and busy blaming her for that crime which she didn't do it.
Pri. I said come in my office miss Anika. He screams making her shudder in fear. She sniffs and nods walking behind him she look at shivaay and found him sitting bending his head down like he don't know what's happening around.
Leena. Let's go anika she hold her arm and took her away
M. Bullshit you all people knows that she can't do anything like this then why are you silent ???
Pro. Maliks sit down and do your exam. principle will handle this situation. you don't need to worry about anything.
M. But ....
Pro. Miss malikaa. Malika stomp her foot and sat on the chair again tapping her foot on the floor in tension
In office
Ani. You guys are defaming me I swear I didn't do Anything. Trust me I've no clue about these piece of papers. She hiccups telling them again and again about her being innocent.
Pri. Oh really then how come this exam paper cAme in your pocket. He sneers throwing papers on the table.
Ani. I don't know about it but I can't do this. I can never even think to do like this in my life . Please try to understand. she sobs pleading infront of him but he is not convinced to hear her any of the word.
Pro sharma . I can never thought that you can do this Anika you were such a bright student. He says shaking his head in disbelief.
Ani. How would I convince you I didn't do anything. She screams in frustration shrugging her shoulders.
Pri. Miss Anika all proofs are against you so we can't do anything.
Ani. There can be something which can proof me right. Please try to think something. I can never do such thing please she Hiccups folding hands " pleading them to not blame her like this
Pri. There is nothing left but suspending you miss Anika. Your all papers are cancelled and for life time you won't able to do mba. He announced it bluntly without knowing , how important her studies are for her life. She did hard work from childhood for her education"so that she could achieve something in her life. and here god is being Unfair with her again putting her in this satiation. when he knows she didn't do anything. hearing him she stumble and look at him with wide eyes
Ani. You can't do this. You can't ruin my life time hard work. You know that how much hard work I did for this. You itself had racomanded my name to companies for internship. then how can you say that you gonna suspend me and won't let me give exams for whole life
Pri. Do you know what you have done miss Anika. You have stolen exams and when someone does like this he get this kind of punishment only. He shout smacking his hand on the table making her step back in fear. But still she grip her strength and shook her head in disapproval.
Ani. Why are you blaming me like this. I didn't do anything I know that.
Pri. If you would had knew the depth of your mistake then you would had never done it.
Ani. You don't have proof that I stolen it. Is there any cctv of something. which can show me on mistake.
Pri. This paper is enough to make you thief miss Anika. Now I can't do this. You are getting suspend and that's final.
Ani. You ...you won't do this
Pri. I will do this. Infect I'm doing now He pulled the suspension paper looking at her angrily and about to sign them when she stopped him coming infront of him.
Ani. Don't do this. my career will be ruined because of your one sign. I'm ready to do anything whichever you want me to do. but don't do this. Please I fold hands infront of you. she sobs folding hands infront of him keeping it on her forehead.
Pri. Do you have any proof to make you innocent miss Anika.
Anika went In thoughts after hearing him. right now she don't have anything with her to proof herself. right.. She is in such a mess that she is unaware of way out and stuck in big hole which is full of dark nothing else.
Pro. Sir one second I know you are angry with her for this mistake. but maybe she didn't do it. professor Mehta spoke in favour of Anika stopping principle to sign on papers
P. What are you trying to say professor???
Pro. We can take her test here as well. I mean as per as your information" she has stolen this piece of paper. but I don't think so she has answers of all the book. So I guess we can take her test here infront of all of us. If she passed then well and good and if she didn't then you can do whatever you want.
Ani. I can do it. I can give you test infront of you. Leave on notebook I'll solve on the board. You Just tell me the question. I will do everything She sniffs wiping the blood which ooz out from her nose because of tension.
Miss leena. Anika beta she got worried seeing blood running through from her nose.
Ani. I'm I'm ok don't worry. Just tell me what I've to do she says wiping her nose with her wrist.
Pro. Fine this is your last chance.
Ani. I will try my best to proof myself right. She determined wiping her tears and bleeding nose
Pro. Ok fine. Let's go. He pick up markers and went out following with professor and Anika
In empty class
Professor's eyes are just widen seeing her solving whatever they are giving her. Despite feeling sick she is still writing on the board fastly without having a little break. He is trying his best to give her hard questions so that she face some problem. but she is solving it without having a little hesitation wiping the blood from her nose time to time with her sleeves . After almost ten question when they saw her not having a single mistake they stopped her and shut the book
Pro. I had told you na she can't do it. There is someone else who tried to defame her sir
Pro. I will decide about it later. You may go now miss Anika but remember one thing sword is still hanging on your head. Anytime it can fell over you. Now you may leave.
Ani. I tried my best to proof myself. If you want I can give exams again all of my previous books. as I know I didn't do anything.
Pro. You may leave. Anika just gave him last look and left from there with slow steps having floody eyes thinking about consequences of all this mess which someone created for her.
In canteen
Ranveer come towards shivaay and hold his collar placing slap on his face
Shiv. Ranveerrrrr
Ran. Shut up just shut up shivaay.
Ar. What's wrong with you ranveer what are you doing???
Ran. What I'm doing what he have done with anika.
Om. Stop creating issue here ranveer
R. I'm not making issue but he is doing it. He made such situation that people think she is cheating in exams. He screams pushing shivaay punching on his chest
Shiv. What bullshit you are talking about ranveer. Have you gone crazy ???
R. I'm not saying bullshit. but you are the one who tried to ruin her career. just because she was going ahead of you
M. Matlb
Shiv. He is lying. He is making stories so that he could get Anika
Ran. Oh please I'm not cheap like you who would stoop so low for getting something. I've stepped back long back when I saw her in love you.
Shiv .. oh really then what's this ?? why are you getting aggressive now when you don't feel for her anything
Ran. Exactly why I'm feeling restless. when you are her boyfriend and should be worried for her. He tilt his eyebrow forming his lips one side
Shiv. I'm worried. I'm just waiting for her to come out
Ran. Yeh you are waiting for her to come out and tell you that they have kicked her out from the college and you can have back your first position in everything. Isn't. He screams shoving his hand all around breathing heavily in anger.
Shiv. You are getting mad ranveer I really don't wanna talk with you. he try to go but he hold his collar and pulled him back
Ran don't run and face me mr shivaay singh oberoi. I know that what you have planned to take revenge on her.
Shiv. Matlb
Ran. I know that you are the one who stolen that exam paper and put in her jacket and gave information about it secretly to principle. He screams making everyone shocked along with shivaay.
M. Whattttt ..... His all friends widen their eyes after hearing him. they can't believe what they heard with their ears.
Shiv. It's it's nothing like that you are just blaming me So that you could manipulate everyone against me.
Ran. I'm not cheap like you shivaay. I can never stoop so low to get something but you can ....you can do anything for your success. You want everything for you. That's why when Anika started getting your position. you got offended and started planning all this. First you Trapped her in your love and then did all this drama to Make her exam thief infront of everyone.
Shiv. I didn't do anything you are blaming me unnecessarily. so that you could fill people ears against me. and get anika for you. He spit back at him gritting his teeth in anger
Ran. You don't love her shivaay. I know that. so you don't need to hide anymore. all drama has been finished. your truth is infront of all people. Tell them that you never loved her. You were fuckin doing drama to gain her trust to break it. Just spill the damn beans just tell your fuckin truth. Say it shivaay just say you don't love her. Blurtttt outttttt
Shiv. Yesssssss I don't love her. I don't fuckin love that trash. I never done it. It was all drama to trap her so that I could withdraw her attention from studies. What do you think I would love girl like her " who is nothing but not even equal to my maid. No I would never. I can never love that bloody stupid girl. She has no sense in anything. Ara she can't even dress up gracefully. then how can you think that I would love her. My choice is not that bad. My standard is high and I would love that girl only" who would go on my all terms. She should be rich beautiful and stylish. unlike her who has nothing but a dumb heart which fell for me. She fuckin said she loved me oh god you don't know how much i felt to Laugh. when she confessed her love for me. I was feeling so tacky being with her for mare few months And she was planning to spend whole life with me. how could she ... how dare she except me to love girl like her. I can never do that I'm shivaay singh oberoi and shivaay singh obeori doesn't love that stupid middle class average Anikaaaaa. who got nothing with her not even a good graceful family. he screams on top of voice raising his hands up. Whole place filled with the silence after hearing him. His friend are just numb and angry on same time with him for doing all this with her. They thought he loves her but here he was doing all this to remove her attention from the studies.how stupid are they " who couldn't understand his planning. And kept assuming " he loves her. when they knew that how big player he is "who just love himself only no one else
M. Anikaaaa her name slipped from her mouth when she saw her standing in the door entrance having face full of tears along with bleeding nose which is running till her neck but she has long forgotten to wipe it and staring at shivaay who is standing looking at her with wide eyes.
Shiv. Anika he calls her but she just step back stumbling two three times and started running cluelessly without knowing where she is going.
M. Anikaaaaaa she gave death glare to him and run behind Anika along with her friends.
Ar. Anika stop here. he calls her from behind but she is just running running without looking back or her way. In no time she run on bare road and that's it !! a car cAme swiftly and hit her making her fly high and in seconds she fell on the floor straight on her back leaving her eyes wide open while blood is running like river Down from her head
M. Aniiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Precap ...😐🤡
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