T h r e a t
I watched my breath leave my mouth and float up into the cold night air. The rain was pouring down on the roof of the pavilion Hvitserk and I were under. The cheers from the great hall were as loud as ever and Hvitserk and I were doing everything we could to drown them out. We wanted the events of tonight to be erased from our minds. At first we talked about everything and anything so long as it wasn't about Ivar. When conversation ran dry, we turned to the mead. Now we were both drunk and still the celebration raged on.
Hvitserk stumbled across the pavilion and fell into the beam that was helping hold up the roof. He wrapped his arm around it to help him stay on his feet but he leaned out from the cover of the building and was now getting soaked from the storm.
"My brother," He pointed towards the smoldering ship, spilling his mead. "Ivar the god!" He sneered, downing the rest of his drink.
A girl with honey colored hair, wrapped in a dark green cloak came from behind me, making me jump and made her way towards Hvitserk. Being as drunk as I was, I blinked twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Who was this girl and why wasn't she with the rest of the village in the great hall? Surely Ivar must be keeping tabs on who is there showing their loyalty.
Thunder rumbled over the sky and Hvitserk chuckled. He sounded like a scared child.
"Why do you stay here?" The stranger asked, her voice quiet and kind. "Why not leave?"
Hvitserk turns slowly to face this mystery woman and I can see a smile start to form on his face. He must know her by the way his eyes softened. I felt the smile pull at my lips, it was nice to see him smile, if only for a moment, after everything that's been happening.
She held out the pitcher of mead she had in her hands and Hvitserk followed the silent command, lifting up his now empty cup for her to fill.
"I want to leave but I can't... the Gods won't let me. There is some reason I have to stay here. I love my brother, Ubbe but one day I abandoned him. I jumped ship and Joined Ivar. I still don't know why but one day I will." He confesses, his speech slightly slurred.
Even in my drunken stupor I can see what she is doing, or more specifically what she wants to do so I take this as my queue to leave. Quietly, I finished my drink and lifted up the hood of my own cloak and I stumbled out into the rain towards my home.
**A/N: I completely forgot about this character until I started to rewatch this season so I could be accurate with the story. This girls' name in the show is Thora so to avoid confusion, I am going to rename her Katla. Fun fact, Katla is one of the Volcanos in Iceland.
Katla, the girl from the other night, was now a regular face in our group. She and Hvitserk had become close over the past few days, which was not a problem in my eyes. He needed to have some joy in his life and she was seemingly doing just that, bringing him joy. I had not seen Hvitserk smile since England.
She was nice enough, always polite to me, Thora and Svend and would even come with Thora and I into the woods for our training exercises. She wouldn't practice with us but she was great at keeping conversation and that's what we needed. Anything to keep our minds off of what was happening in Kattegat.
It was later in the morning and I could see that the towns people had already flooded the market when I came out of my house. Thora, Svend and I had stayed up late the night before, drinking, so there was no way we were going to wake up early for training.
Stepping out of my home I tugged my cloak closer around my chest when I felt the harsh winter winds whip around me. Snow had already started to fall, winter was officially here in Kattegat meaning that travel now was almost impossible. We were all trapped here now until the spring. I set off into the crowd to find one of my friends, hoping one of them would want to tag along with me while I went hunting in the woods. The constant mocking had died down but I still saw the looks and heard the whispers whenever I was out alone so I made a point to always try to be with someone.
Thankfully, I saw Hvitserk and Katla huddled together in the center of Kattegat, just outside the great hall and I made my way towards them. Hvitserk loved to hunt and Katla usually spent the day helping her mother at their stall in the market. When I got closer to them I noticed they were staring off at something, a look of concern and disgust on both of their faces.
"What are you both staring at?" I asked, trying to keep my voice light.
Hvitserk just raised his hand in response, pointing in the direction of their gaze.
There, in the middle of the market place, snow covered bodies were hung from a wooden structure. My stomach dropped.
"Wha... what is that?"
"A warning from Ivar of what will happen if you choose to rebel against him or if you claim that he is not a God." Katla whispered.
"How do you know this was Ivars' doing?"
Hvitserk turned to me with a look of disbelief at me even questioning if Ivar was capable of doing this.
"He's been calling people into the hall, we assume to question them. These are a few of the men who spoke out against him on the night of the sacrifice." Katla explained.
"This is ridiculous, he can't kill half of Kattegat just because they won't play along with his delusions." I demanded, my voice growing louder making a few of the people around us look in my direction.
"Shh!" Katla hushed me, a worried look on her face. "Please, the last thing we need is for you to be marked."
"Ivar wouldn't." I said so matter of factly but as soon as the words left my mouth I remembered where exactly I stood when it came to Ivar. I was no one to him now that he had Freydis.
Katla's light brown hair was blown over her face from the ripping winds and she quickly moved to brush it back behind her ears. "I wouldn't go speaking so boldly in public is all I am saying. Not until we know what exactly is going on."
Hvitserk's hands were clenched in tight fists while he stood there trembling. His eyes didn't move from the dead bodies. Katla placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to try and get him to calm down but he stormed off, demanding that he needed to go to the Seer.
Katla and I looked at each other, worried about what this, Ivar's madness, was doing to his own brother.
My hunt had almost been a complete disaster. I spent most of the day trying to track down a deer that I had seen when I first entered the woods. I went to pull out an arrow from my quiver and spooked him and instead of giving up on chasing him, I spent the day being stubborn and tracking it. I'm sure I passed better opportunities all afternoon but my mind was wrapped up with other things. Like Ivar and his questioning the townspeople to try and find out who is disloyal to him.
I couldn't help but wonder if I would be called upon and what would happen if I was brought in to be questioned. Was it Ivar doing the questioning or was that up to Freydis or one of his men? And if it was Ivar, would our previous feelings towards each other mean anything?
When I finally caught up to the buck, I ducked behind a bush and, quietly this time, pulled out an arrow and nocked it. I took a deep breath in while I pulled back the string, aimed and let go of my breath while also letting go of the arrow. The arrow hit right where I was aiming for and within seconds, the buck was dead and I now had food for the next few days, a beautiful pelt to sell and antlers for me to keep.
I thanked the goddess Skadi for providing me with this animal and for helping keep my aim true. Taking my knife from its sheath on my belt, I then proceeded to process the animal.
I'd finally finished gutting and skinning the animal right as the sun was setting and now I had the arduous task of hauling all of this through the woods, in the dark, back to town. As brave as I'd like to think I am, walking through the woods at night while carrying a fresh kill had me nervous. Every sound had me jumping out of my skin thinking it was a predator stalking me.
I mentally scolded myself for not thinking of lighting a torch before trekking back to town. Not only would I not be tripping over everything because I could see but it would also scare off most animals. To make matters worse, it started to snow again.
By the time I got to the edge of the woods the snow was already accumulating and was up past my ankles making it more difficult to walk while dragging my kill. The town was quiet and dark, the light mainly came from the moon that was high in the sky. It must be later than I had originally thought. No worries, at least I wouldn't have to worry about walking through the crowds.
I made it to my home and burst through the door, swinging in the carcass across the floor. I was completely out of breath and exhausted so I backed up so my back hit the wall and I slid down until I collapsed on to he floor. To top off my acts of stupidity for the day, I had left a candle burning on my table all day long. I'll admit, it was nice coming home so late to a house that had some light but for Odins' sake, I could have been homeless if that had caught fire.
It took a couple of minutes for me to catch my breath and while I did I could feel the aches and pains from todays hunt sink into my body. I was going to be useless tomorrow. But before I could crawl into bed, I had to go and collect some firewood so I could start a fire to warm my home.
Grabbing the chair next to me, I hauled myself to my sore feet and made my way out of my home to the pile of firewood I had stacked up against the outside wall. I grabbed a few pieces, cradled them in my arms and turned to go back inside when I saw movement low to the ground.
Wild animals rarely stalked the streets of town, even at night. Squinting my eyes to try to get a better look I instantly recognized the slithering motion. Ivar.
What is he doing out this late and without his crutches?
My curiosity got the best of me, as it always does, so I quietly put down the wood, pulled my hood over my head and hurried after him.
Trudging through the even deeper snow, I tried desperately to be silent but it was proving to be impossible. I looked down at the ground in hopes of finding some of the snow Ivar had already packed down from crawling when I noticed something staining the snow.
Is this blood? I thought. I dipped my fingers into the stains and brought them up closer so I could examine it. It was no mistaking it, even in the light of the moon, this was blood.
Was Ivar hurt?
I quickened my pace, not really caring if I was heard at this point. Maybe Ivar needed help and maybe if he heard me coming- wait. Why do I care if Ivar is hurt? After every time he's hurt me he deserves pain.
The two voices in my heard fought the entire time to the Seer's hut. They finally stopped bickering when I saw Ivar slither inside.
I rushed over to the side of the hut, finding a spot where I could peak inside. The hut was in its normal disarray. Empty bottles and cups everywhere with bones, twigs and half empty plates of food scattered in between. What looked like hundreds of candles were also lit, their flames dancing wildly with every gust of wind that blew through the many holes in the walls of the hut.
For one of the most important people in our village, no one seems to take care of him. All they care about was what he had to say about their destiny.
My eyes found Ivar and I could see the blood that was spattered across his face as well as his sinister smile. Ivar leaned over the Seer who was laying in the open pit that he used as a bed and that's when I saw the gaping, bloody hole in the Seer's head.
The Seer was dead.
He was considered almost godly himself, since he was able to receive messages from the Gods. He was also the only one who knew about Kattegat's past. Without him, all of our towns' history is lost. Who would do such a thing?
Had Ivar gone to the Seer and seen who had done this and he tracked down the murder? Is that who's blood he's covered in? Surely he could not have done this.
"Lord Ivar, the wagon is ready." Ulf came through the doorway of the hut, hunched over so he wouldn't hit his head off of one of the talismans that was hanging from the roof.
"Good, get this rotting corpse out of here." I heard Ivar's voice call from a distance.
I gasped, my hand covering my mouth, while the realization sunk in. He wasn't returning back from killing the murder. He was coming back with Ulf to help him dispose of the body.
"You've killed him." I whispered.
"Who have I killed?" Ivar whispered back.
I went to scream but Ivar moved fast, his hand covering my mouth while he grabbed me and pulled me down and into his chest. I thrashed against his body but it was no use, he was far too strong.
Ivar and I were sitting on the back of the wagon that was used to bring the body of the Seer out, deep into the woods. Ivar was planning on getting rid of the body and he had his most loyal guards with him to do it. Ulf, naturally, was one of them. He had Ulf drag me onto the back of the wagon when he found me spying on him. Ulf threatened me to keep quiet and stay put on the wagon at knife point. I was weaponless and outnumbered so I had to obey.
Ivar had his arms crossed over his body, hugging his cloak close to him. He had ignored me the whole ride and was still ignoring me as his men grunted and dug into the frozen ground.
The torches that were burning to light the woods were managing to throw some heat our way and I thanked the Gods for that. It was freezing cold and I was forced to sit and watch men dig for however long it would take.
"I don't need to be here for this." I grumbled.
"Yes, you do." Ivar said, his voice was quiet.
I sighed at how stubborn he was being about this. "You can't go around killing everyone who doesn't believe your claim to be a god."
Ivar stiffened, annoyed that I saw through his actions. "I didn't kill him. And yes, I can, so you better watch that mouth of yours."
"Or what, you'll kill me too? Have me strung up for everyone to see? At least that will give the towns people something new to talk about."
He finally turned toward me with his head bent so that he was looking at me through his lashes, his evil smirk painted on his face. "You dare talk to one of the Gods this way?"
I couldn't help but laugh in his face. "Freydis has done a number on your mind." I could see Ulf out of the corner of my eye stop his ferocious digging when he heard me speak Freydis' name. I imagine he was worried I somehow knew his dirty little secret and was telling his king. The funny thing is he had no idea, or at least I don't think he knows, that I do know what he and Freydis have done behind Ivars' back. "You're worse than when you were a child."
"Shut your mouth! Do not talk about your queen that way!" It took everything in me not to tell him about his precious Freydis and his most loyal viking. I wanted so much to smash the perfect image he has of Freydis.
"She is not my queen. And you know what, Ivar? You are not my king." I crossed my arms and turned my back towards him. I didn't care if I looked like a child having a tantrum, I couldn't look at him any longer. His stupidity was making me feel nauseous.
"Ulf!" Ivar called out to him. "It looks like you'll have another body to take care of, hmm?"
Ulf laughed madly and I could see the smile on his face spread. He was all too excited to do his masters' dirty work.
I turned sharply back to him. "And that's another thing. Keep your fucking dog away from me."
Ivar chuckled, happy that he had finally got under my skin. "Or what?"
"Or I will kill him." I leaned closer towards him and made my spine as straight as I could to try and seem like I was taller and more imposing. "Let me make this abundantly clear to you, Ivar. I am no longer, in any way, yours. You do not have the right to have your bastard of a soldier follow me, berate me or put his hands on me."
"He touched you?" Ivar's facade dropped for a moment at my informing him that Ulf had laid his hands on me. His brows furrowed and his face turned soft.
"Call off your need to have me followed. For fucks sake, Ivar, leave me be! You've done enough!"
Ivar could hold his rage back no longer. He pushed forward making me cower back against the other side of the wagon, my blood running cold. I brought my legs up to my chest to keep him from getting any closer.
"If you tell anyone about tonight, I will send Ulf to kill your little friends. And if you think about denouncing me as a god one more time, I will send you to see Hel myself. Hmm?"
I watched his eyes travel over me, seeing the fear that he had just caused. His face softened slightly and he started to back away from me. He blinked rapidly a few times as if to blink away his anger.
With a shaky breath I got down from the back of the wagon, sinking into the now deep snow and straightened out the fabric of my pants.
Ivar reached his hand out to me to try and stop me from leaving his side. "Briet, wait I-I'm so-"
"Fuck you, Ivar. May your fellow Gods curse you."
The next morning, guards were posted outside of the Seers' hut keeping the towns people at bay. They were all questioning what was going on and why the seer has left them. Left them? Hah! If they only knew it was their king who had killed him in the dead of night. A few people pushed past me, trying to get to the front of the crowd.
When the guards seen them pushing forward they yelled for them to stay back, pointing their axes in their direction. Hvitserk breaks through the crowd and pushes past the soldiers while they were preoccupied.
I felt an arm wrap around mine. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked up and saw Katla standing next to me, her eyes focused on where Hvitserk had gone.
He was only inside for a few moments, when he pushed past the hanging fabrics of the doorway and emerged, his eyes were filled with rage. I wondered if Ivar had his men clean up the blood from last night. By the way Hvitserk was pushing past people as he made his way to the great hall, I had the feeling that I knew the answer to that question.
"I wonder what he saw..." Katla whispered.
I was torn between telling her the truth right then and there or believing Ivar's threat from last night. Would he really kill me after everything we've been through?
"My people, we have suffered a terrible loss. All of us. The Seer has been taken from us. Believe me, we are doing everything we can to find out what has happened to him." Ivar spoke, his voice filling the great hall. He had summoned everyone in town to the hall in order to address what had happened.
The guards couldn't keep everyone out of the hut, especially after they saw Hvitserk leaving with his fingers covered in blood. The truth spread through town like a wild fire and the people were all in a panic.
Ivar, who was always confident in his lies and his abilities to threaten people seemed spooked now that his brother and I know the truth. He was trying to cover his tracks. He knew that there were people who were plotting against him, he didn't need Hvitserk or I giving kindling to stoke their fires.
"We need him. No one can remember Kattegat without the Seer. He knows everything about us. All about our past and everything about what the future holds for us." Ivar continued, walking out into the crowd.
He grabs the hand of one of the women who was crying silently in the crowd and looks at her, putting on his best sincere face. "I will find whoever did this and make him pay in his... or her blood for what he has done to us."
That was a threat and it was absolutely directed at Hvitserk and myself.
"In the meantime, do not be afraid that I have been revealed as a God. The gods have always lived among us. It will not affect your lives, it will not change anything except that you all are entitled to be proud that you are ruled over by a God."
Ivar turned and points to Freydis. "And that soon my wife will provide us with a divine child."
Freydis clutches her now swollen belly and smiles her disgusting, fake smile. I want to smack it off of her face.
The crowd yelled "Hail Ivar!"
Ivar turns and stairs directly at Hvitserk and I. His delusional smile on his face while he relishes in the crowd chanting his name and their loyalty.
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