S p a r k s
After Ivar had left me alone I dressed myself and sat by the small fire, letting the heat dry my wet hair. His words still played in my head, nagging me. I was angrily fidgeting with the hem of my apron as I stared at the mist coming from the waterfall. I had this foolish idea of being a shield maiden even though I had no proper training. It was my fault... I could have gone to live with Lagertha and learned from the best but like a stubborn child I chose to stay. I stayed for nothing; I had no one here. Though Sigurd offered to bring me with his brothers I felt awkward tagging along. Sighing in frustration I tossed the fabric away from me and stood, kicking out the fire with the piles of snow around me.
Heading back to town I took my time, not wanting to go back but wanting the warmth the great hall provided. I wasn't alone for long on the walk back. I heard distant footsteps in the snow and before long I heard my name being called out.
"Briet!" Sigurd panted as he jogged to catch up with me. "What are you doing out here?"
Rolling my eyes I kept walking. Of all of the people in town, he was the last one I wanted to speak with.
"You can't still be mad at me. What was I supposed to do?"
"Anything!" I snapped, stopping in my tracks and wiping my head around to glare at him.
He huffed in response as his hand shot up to brush away strands of hair that had fell from his braids and were in his face. "You know my relationship with my mother and Ivar. They wouldn't listen to me." Sigurd reached out, his hand landing on my shoulder. His thumb stroked my shoulder in a silent attempt to calm me. "At least you don't have to worry about food?"
Infuriated at his words my fists clenched and before I could think I felt my fist slam into his face. I felt the cartilage of his nose smash as my knuckles collided with him. Blood erupted instantly as he grabbed for his broken nose.
"What the fuck?!" Sigurd screamed, blood pouring between his fingers as he clutched his face.
"I don't have to worry about food?!" I brought my hands up in front of my face, my fingers outstretched but curled as if I was holding invisible balls. "I'm a fucking slave!" Throwing my hands down at my sides I let out a frustrated scream, "Uughh! Leave me alone!"
Turning to get away from Sigurd I felt his hand wrap around my wrist, holding me in place. "Let me go!"
"No!" He shouted, his free hand still holding his face. His hand around my wrist felt wet from the blood that stained it. I wrinkled my nose at the feeling of his blood on my skin.
"Would you just listen to me, please?" He begged as he finally took his hand from his face. He opened his mouth making an 'O' shape as he tried to wiggle his nose and assess the damage.
I glared at him as I watched him wince from the pain I'd caused him. I crossed my arms and sighed dramatically trying to get him to say whatever it is he had to say so I could leave.
When he stopped making faces from his pain he finally spoke. "Bjorn is coming to Kattegat. He should be here in a few days."
Furrowing my brows I questioned him snidely "What has that got to do with me?"
Sigurd scoffed. "He is Lagertha's son. He knows you and about your relationship with Lagertha. When he sees your predicament, I am sure he will demand your freedom from my mother. And if not, I know he will go to Lagertha about it."
"Bjorn and I have no history. He will not care about what has happened to me and I do not think he will tell his mother. Wishful thinking, Sigurd." I turned from the boy, twisting my wrist and pulling it sharply out of his grasp before I started running.
The thin leather of my shoes padded against the floor of the great hall as I tip-toed through the building. I'd returned the borrowed cloak to the place I had found it earlier as well as the cloth and leather canteen back to the pantry. I was now making my way to the Queen's room to be ready when she returned from her time in town so I could help her get ready for dinner. Rounding the corner into the great room I was stopped at the sound of my name.
I froze in my tracks as my heart sank to my stomach. Aslaug was sitting on her throne, her long legs crossed while her arms were outstretched so that her palms rested on the edge of the arm rests. Her expression was stoic as her eyes bore into me.
"Y-yes my Queen." I stammered in response.
"I have been informed that you've been steeling food from my family." She accused.
As she spoke the words I saw Margrethe peered out from behind the antlers decorating her throne. Margrethe looked down at me with a smug grin. I couldn't help but glare back at her.
"And I wonder who told you." I muttered back, not breaking my glare with the rat.
Aslaug's hand clenched into a fist as she brought it up in the air before slamming it down on the arm rest. "It does not matter who's told me. Have you been steal food or not?"
"Enough, Mother." Sigurd's voice came from behind me. I felt my shoulders fall slightly as I relaxed from his presence. Was he finally here to stick up for me? "If you'd have given her more rations to begin with, she wouldn't have had to steal. I thought you wanted to have your people love you, it would be hard to love such a harsh and unjust ruler."
The queen's leer slowly dropped, this struck a nerve. Sigurd put a hand on my shoulder before he started guiding me out of the room and away from his infuriated mother.
"Fuck her!" Sigurd snapped, finally letting go of my shoulder. "Briet, you are free. I'm sorry it took me this long to even do this."
"But Sigurd, you cannot free me. You know that she won't allow it." My voice was quite as I spoke. Clearly I had more than Ivar to worry about when it came to my actions.
"Let me deal with my mother. Go," He commanded, pushing me gently towards the door I had left through earlier today.
I slowly walked towards the door as I heard Sigurd enter his room. When his door closed I stopped. I knew it wouldn't be as simple as just walking out of here with my freedom. Aslaug would never allow it. I'd be killed within a day if I'd just leave. Rubbing my temples I let out a frustrated sigh before ducking into the kitchen to help prepare dinner.
The next morning I was woken up by Sigurd. As my eye adjusted to the morning light I was surprised to see his mop of curly blonde hair hovering over me. At dinner the night before he was visibly angry that I had not taken my chance to leave.
"Sigurd, what-"
"Get up. I spoke with the queen this morning." His tone was sarcastic as he spoke the word 'queen'. "You only have to serve us during our suppers and if there is any large gatherings."
My head turned to the side slightly as I took in the information. Sitting up I took the thin cloth blanket from my body and tossed it aside. "Are you joking?"
"I swear on Odin," He beamed.
Delighted laughter filled the now empty servants quarters as I leapt forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugged the boy. Sigurd took a moment before his arms wrapped around my body in response. "Thank you," I whispered.
"Get dressed," Sigurd ordered. "You are going to come with my brothers and I to train." He tossed me a few coins to use to buy myself some food in the market and told me where to meet him before he left.
Sigurd and I were the first to arrive at the training grounds. It was an open meadow in the woods that the Ragnarsons had set up for practicing archery, axe throwing and swordsmanship. At the one far end there were two long lines of rope tied from one tree to another that was across the clearing. Along the span of ropes was an array of different animal carcasses littered with spent arrows. At the opposite side of the meadow was numerous targets carved into trees with axe marks carved deep into the tree bark.
"You can set your bow over there." Sigurd pointed to tree stump that was being used as a table. It was already cluttered with ale horns and an empty wooden pitcher.
"Where are your brothers?" I asked, placing my bow down.
"Who knows. Probably struggling to get Ivar's crippled ass up here." He answered putting his weapons down next to mine.
"He's coming?" The thought of me standing wet and naked in front of the youngest Ragnarsson turned my cheeks red. The events replayed in my mind, myself rising from the cold water, his blue eyes wandering over my naked form from my exposed chest down to my full hips. A warm sensation spread from my belly down to between my legs as I saw his wanting eyes in my mind. It didn't last long as his lust filled expression quickly turned to one of hostility as I imagined his rough calloused hands wrapped around my neck. I shuddered as my hand slowly reached up to rub at my bruised neck.
"Are you alright?" Sigurd asked as he watched me rub at my neck. After yesterdays run-in with Ivar being around him today was the last thing I wanted.
"Yea... I'm fine." I lied, taking my hand from my body. I quickly changed the subject, "What about you? You've had a stupid grin on your face since I met you after breakfast."
"Oh trust me, nothing is wrong with me. I had a wonderful breakfast with Margrethe." I scrunched my nose at him in response. That girl seemed to have gotten to every son of Ragnar in no time. "Jealous?" Sigurd nudged my arm with his elbow.
Playfully glaring back at his response I laughed. "Jealous of that whore, you wish."
"She is not a whore, Briet."
"She's been with all of you and I'm sure half of Kattegat at that rate." I snapped back.
"Margrethe hasn't been with all of us. She won't fuck the cripple." Sigurd snorted.
I rolled my eyes at his comment. He couldn't help himself but berate his younger brother. "I still don't like her. She's too far up your mother's ass."
"Fuck her." Sigurd replied as he took his canteen from his belt and filled two ale horns, handing me a full one.
"You already have, Sigurd."
"Not Margrethe, my mother!"
I laughed at the annoyed glare he shot me before I took a long sip of ale. "Yes, fuck your mother, that bitch."
Sigurd's smile dropped as he took a few long sips from his cup. "I wish someone would just kill her already."
His words had me taken aback. How could a son talk like that about his own mother? I know what all he's been through growing up but still, she was the woman who brought him into this world, who fed him, cared for him, rocked him to sleep and for him to say that he'd wish she were dead had me stunned.
"Look what she's done to you, don't you want revenge? Wouldn't you find peace if you stuck her with one of your arrows?"
Before I could even think my response through I immediately answered, "Yes, I'd love to kill Aslaug, bu-"
"What's this? My own brother and a slave conspiring to kill my mother," Ivar's icy glare went from my own surprised face to Sigurd's, "our mother, huh?"
My heart dropped from my chest into my stomach. Of all of the times for the little snake to be eavesdropping it had to have been now?
"Shut up, Ivar." Sigurd snarled as he watched Ivar crawl over to the stump we were standing by. Ivar reached up and gripped the edge of the stump and then pulled himself up with struggling breaths. Once he was situated he snatched the cup from my hands and started chugging the liquid.
"With an arrow, really? You wouldn't use a knife or an axe..." he paused, licking his lips looking me up and down as a crooked smile spread on his face "or maybe strangle her with your bare hands, huh?" His head dipped down so he was looking at me through his thick eyelashes. This devilish look stirred something in me. The unfamiliar feeling started between my legs as his intimidating gaze held my sheepish one.
"Enough, Ivar!" Sigurd slammed his cup down making ale splash onto the stump. I felt splatters of liquid hitting my cheek making my eyes blink in response. I silently thanked Odin for finally breaking Ivar's captivation as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
The brothers locked eyes in a silent battle of wills. Now that I'd been around the two brothers I'd noticed just how fractured their relationship is. I had no doubt that they would actually come to blows.
"What are you two up to?" Hvitserk's jovial voice cut through the tension as he and Ubbe had joined the three of us.
Hvitserk put an arm around my shoulder in a playful hug as he set down a large pitcher full of ale. "Come to join the fun, Briet?" His arm squeezed me closer to him before he let go and started to unload the items he had hung over his shoulders.
Ubbe poured himself a drink and then quickly downed it. "Are you two at it again?" He asked between his panting breaths.
Rolling his eyes, Sigurd scoffed and then pushed himself away from the stump. He took his axe from it's loop on his belt, tossing it up into the air and then catching it. "What took you two so long?"
Ubbe's smile grew as he gave his brother a sideways glance. "Margrethe needed some attention,"
Now it was my turn to roll me eyes. Really, all three of them in one morning? I tried to take back my cup from Ivar's hands but before I could get a good grip on the object, he pulled his hand back. The momentum of me darting forward to grab the cup made me fall forward slightly which caused me to fall into him. My head landed on his chest while my hands landed on either side of him. Ivar's smile was almost menacing as I looked up at him before taking a step back, swallowing the panicked feeling that rose in my throat. He offered me the cup, holding it out. With a trembling hand, I took it and quickly filled it.
Finishing the ale I couldn't help my comment from leaving my lips. "Looks like the three of you have been busy this morning."
The three eldest smiled from ear to ear at my observation. "Jealous?" Hvitserk winked at me while he wrapped the wood of his bow around his ankles and slipped the string into it's notch at the top of the bow.
"I think Ivar is," Sigurd chuckled, releasing his axe. It hit it's target with a dull thud.
Glancing over at Ivar I saw his normal smirk fade. I'd never seen this look on him before, this look of hurt? Sadness? Before I could study it any longer Hvitserk had thrown me a quiver of arrows.
Ubbe, Ivar and myself had spent some time shooting at the carcasses. I was a decent shot but compared to the brothers I was shit. Ubbe could hit the eye of the beasts from quiet a far distance and Ivar could match his brother's silent bet by either landing his arrows right next to his brother's or by hitting the other eye.
Sigurd and Hvitserk were both sweaty messes as they were dancing around each other with their swords trying to land winning blows. Sigurd was visibly out of breath. Hvitserk had him, no doubt.
"Winner takes on Briet!" Hvitserk exclaimed just as he swung his sword around and hit Sigurd's back with the blunt side.
Sigurd fell to his knees, letting his sword fall to the ground beside him. Laughing, Hvitserk stuck out his hand to help his brother to his feet. Sigurd grabbed ahold of his wrist and pulled himself to his feet. "I'll get you next time" Sigurd panted.
"In your dreams, lute boy!" Hvitserk laughed. "Come Briet, let's see how good you are!" Hvitserk took a long swig from his cup before placing it back down on the table.
I grabbed for my father's sword, taking it from it's sheath.
"Well we won't have to worry about you getting cut, brother." Ubbe laughed as he took the weapon from my hands. He held the sword up in front of himself and turned it this way and that. "This thing couldn't cut the hair on my head!"
"I didn't know you still played with toys," Ivar teased from his new perch on a much smaller stump near the middle of the fighting circle.
"Very funny," I mocked, taking the sword from Ubbe. "It's been a while since this blade has seen the light of day."
"Clearly!" Ivar burst out in laughter, almost spilling his ale.
I walked up to meet Hvitserk, unwrapping and wrapping my now clammy fingers around the hilt of the sword. It's been a long time since I last fought with a blade. I watched as the boy started to circle me, his eyes never leaving mine. In an instant, his foot came forward as he lunged towards me. He brought his sword down from above his head just as I brought mine up, both hands on the hilt, to block his blow. The sheer force of his momentum caused my elbows to buckle. To keep his blade from cutting my face I dropped to one knee. Hvitserk drew his sword back letting me get to my feet.
"Come on, Briet!" Sigurd called, hoping to give me some of his bravery.
I took a deep breath to regain my focus. Letting go of the air from my lungs, I started side stepping. My weapon was held out in front of me as I started to circle around Hvitserk. His playful smile grew wider as he saw my slight gain in confidence. Again he lunged at me, this time attacking my back. I spun fast and blocked him. Our swords clashed again as he went to attack my now open ribcage. I spun again lifting my arms over my head and angling my sword down my back blocking him. Now it was my turn to play offense. I twirled fast before Hvitserk could draw his sword back to his chest and struck him in his open ribs.
Hvitserk yelped as the blunt object struck him. His eyebrows lifted in surprise at my sudden speed. He smiled at me as he nodded his head in approval. Again we drew back from each other and centered ourselves before we started again with our attacks. The next two rounds Hvitserk won by using sheer force. I was getting tired but I refused to show it knowing this would only making him use his strength over me more than fast attacks. Our swords were clashing together in quick succession as we both spun around each other trying to land blows. Hvitserk grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands and wound up trying to land a hit at my neck. I saw his movements coming and I ducked, taking a quick step forward as his sword wooshed overhead. As he was was still in motion I popped up in front of him and placed the tip of my metal against his stomach.
"Gotcha," I chuckled while out of breath.
Ubbe threw his arms up as he cheered, spilling ale all over. I smiled over at the eldest brother who had a hand on Sigurd's shoulder and was shaking him. Sigurd clapped as he was being jostled around.
"Yea, yea. I let you win!" Hvitserk joked, putting his sword back in it's sheath.
"My turn," Ivar's voice silenced the sounds of joy that echoed through the woods. He drew his sword from it's sheath before he held it out at me in a silent dare.
My heart was still racing from my previous duals with Hvitserk and I knew I wasn't going to physically last much longer.
"What's wrong, are you scared that a crippled will beat you, huh?"
I took a deep breath in to calm my rapidly beating heart and then approached the boy. He was still atop the stump and it hit me that this is where he'd stay for our battle. Before I could ready myself his assaults started. I was ducking and diving out of the way of his brutal attacks more than I was trying to land one. Before I knew it he had me held against his heaving chest with his blade to my throat.
His breath was fanning over my neck and down my collarbone as he held me there. His blade pressed harder against the skin of my neck. His other hand landed on my hip, his grip rough as his fingers dug into my skin through my clothes. That same heated feeling from earlier crept back in-between my legs. Was this desire? Do I really lust for Ivar or is it just that this is the first time I'd been touched like this? His hand roamed up my torso to my breast. His thump massaging the outside of my breast as whispered in my ear.
"If only you were naked like yesterday." His hot breath against my hear caused my skin to cover in goosebumps. "Mmm," He hummed as he felt me shiver against him.
Two could play at this game, I thought to myself as I brought my hand around my back so that my palm rested against his crotch. I felt him stiffen behind me as I put more pressure against his manhood. While he was distracted I brought my other hand around using my fingertips to find his axe. As soon as my fingers came in contact with his axe on his belt I grabbed it from it's loop and spun around so I was facing him with the blade of his axe at his throat. Ivar dropped his sword out of shock as I stood there with him in checkmate.
I cocked an eyebrow at him as a toothy grin formed on my face. I heard Hvitserk and Ubbe's laughter fill the woods from behind me as I continued to stare into Ivar's stunned eyes. The shouts of my victory were short lived.
"Well, it looks like Ivar the boneless might not be boneless after all?" Sigurd's joke was laced with venom as he no doubt saw our hands roaming each other as Ivar had me in a temporary hold.
As soon as the words processed in Ivar's head he reached forward and grabbed his axe from my hand and threw it at his brother's head. The weapon had just missed the top of Sigurd's head as it landed with a thud in a tree behind him. Sigurd turned quickly to look at the axe stuck in the tree in disbelief. Ivar could have killed him and as he looked on at his brother with malice on his face the playful tone in the air was killed off.
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