S i n g l e C o m b a t
I didn't wait for the ship to come in to port. Sigurd's words sent my head spiraling. I know I didn't kill his mother but there was no one here to validate my side of the story. Sigurd and Ubbe were trapped in Hedeby leaving only Torvi and Lagertha as witnesses, which he would never believe. For months I'd been praying to the Norn's to change Ivar's fate to let him live and come back to me and now I found myself questioning if I even wanted him back.
Pushing past people as I ran, tears fell freely down my cheeks. I didn't even see Ubbe before I ran straight into his chest. The force pushed me back and I almost fell but Ubbe snatched my forearm and kept me from falling.
Ubbe and I barely spoke to each other, even when we were young so I was taken aback when he asked why I was upset. His tone and expression were both genuine.
"Ivar is going to kill me." I blurted between sobs.
Ubbe looked at me confused. "I don't think Ivar is coming back but if he does, why would he kill you?"
"S-sigurd and I w-were talking, months ago." I stammered, wiping tears from my face and trying to calm myself. "When your mother had first taken my freedom, I was so angry with her that, that Sigurd and I were joking about killing her." I saw Ubbe's face turn red and I quickly spat out the next part. "But I wasn't serious! I was just angry and, and Ivar over heard our conversation. I had no part in her death, please you have to believe me! I begged Lagertha not to kill your mother, she was surrendering and was going to leave peacefully but Lagertha grabbed my bow and shot her as she was walking away." My voice broke at the last part.
Ubbe stared at me, eyes wide and lips in a flat line. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as his lids fluttered shut. He took a deep breath in through his nose before opening his eyes and looked past me.
"Please believe me!" I begged, folding my hands in front of my chest. My voice as well as my body was trembling.
"Relax, Briet. I believe you." He sighed, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I am aware of the relationship Sigurd and my mother had and it was no secret that she didn't like you, even when you were a child. I can understand the two of you needing to vent your frustrations. You are not a killer."
I let out a shaky sigh, relieved at his answer but how would he take the question I am about to ask? I bit my lip and gathered courage before looking into Ubbe's eyes. "Will you protect me from Ivar?" I whispered.
"Ivar won't kill you, he-"
"Yes, he will! He told me before he left that I must protect Aslaug and that I 'shouldn't shoot her with my bow.'. How am I supposed to explain this to him?! He knows my relationship with Lagertha, he'll find out that you and Sigurd were trapped in Hedeby, he'll find out how she was killed."
"Margrethe was the one who tricked Sigurd and I, not you! And Ivar cares for you, Briet, he won't harm you."
A single tear trailed down my cheek. "You don't know your brother." I whispered.
Ubbe looked hurt at my last comment. His eyes traveled over me, watching as I stood there shaking in fear at the thought of Ivar coming back, that he might be in that boat. "Then why did you stay by his side after he freed you? Why did you pick him over Sigurd who so obviously cares for you and wouldn't cause you to be so scared?"
That was one hell of a question. Why Ivar? My lips moved to answer, controlled by my heart- my foolish heart- instead of my brain. "Ivar is a sea. He is calm and gentle and will take you to places you've only dreamed of. Heavenly places. But his rage is like a storm, causing huge waves that crash and break you down. And when you think you're about to drown, the storm passes and you wake to find another beautiful land, more beautiful than before. And you stay because it feels... it feels like home."
"It's a Saxon ship!" One of the passing townsfolk murmured as they rushed past us towards the docks.
Ubbe saw me shudder and pulled me into a half hug to try and calm me. "I'll protect you from my brother. I'll speak with him, tell him what happened and make sure he knows that you had nothing to do with this. In the mean time, go to your home and stay there until I tell you it's safe."
I nodded my head before he pushed me away in the direction of my house but as I took my first steps away I heard a voice call out, "It's Ivar!" And my body froze. My brain told me to run but my heart swelled and all I wanted was to be back in those arms, regardless of just being scared to death of him.
Ubbe had already picked up his pace and was running to the boat to retrieve his brother. Against my better judgement and Ubbe's orders, I ran to him. I needed to see him, to make sure he was alive and it wasn't some Saxon returning his lifeless body as a threat.
It felt like an axe to the chest. As soon as the boat came in to view I saw him being pulled onto the wooden boards for the dock by his brother. His face was pale and sunken. Had he been starved or was it sea sickness? I wanted so much to comfort him but as soon as his icy blue orbs met my stormy grey ones flashes of Aslaug's dead body entered my mind. I felt bile rise in my throat. I turned and ran as fast as I could, away from him, from everyone. I prayed that he didn't really see me, that I was imagining things.
Ubbe and Sigurd had told Ivar about their mother that afternoon after he questioned her absence at his return. I could hear his agonizing roars from inside the walls of my home. I knew it was only a matter of time before he would come for me but it's been almost a week and he hasn't. I haven't even seen him while walking the market place or in the woods or at their training grounds. It was like he disappeared. The longer I went without seeing him the worse my mental state got. I started to become paranoid, thinking either he was following me or that he had someone following me. I once relished walking alone in the woods but now I imagined the sounds of twigs snapping under the body weight of a stalker. I was a skittish and nervous wreck.
Coming out the the woods I heard my name being called. I let out a relieved breath when I turned to see Torvi and her son, Hali. She motioned for me to follow her to the great hall.
"Briet," Lagertha said, her voice warm. She appeared from behind one of the wooden pillars dressed in dark blues, her white owl perched on her shoulder. "I am glad you came."
I smiled half heartedly at her, still unsure of how I felt about her after what happened. She could sense my unease and her smile dropped. Her hand rose to the owl as her index and middle fingers began to gently pet the owl's feathers. "You fought well."
I scoffed. Was this her attempt at getting me to join her warriors so she could usurp another ruler? Another part of my mind quieted the pessimistic voices as her compliment replayed. I fought well. The greatest shield maiden of our time complimented me on my combat skills.
"And I am sorry for what I have done to you."
She took her eyes from mine, looking up to her owl. The bird looked down at her and then back to me, as if they had some silent conversation. I wanted to scream at her. How could she act so calm while apologizing to me. She killed an innocent woman, a serious crime yet she was acting like it was nothing.
The great hall was filled with towns people, all here for Lagertha's announcement of her plans for Kattegat, no doubt. The thralls that once served Aslaug were now following the commands of their new Queen and serving the guests of the hall.
Torvi and Astrid spoke quietly behind Lagertha, acting as if they weren't eavesdropping on our conversation. It was all too obvious, though. Every few words spoken between the pair, one of them would glance up in our direction.
Looking back out at the crowd I immediately saw two very familiar faces, Ubbe and Sigurd. What were they doing here and where was Ivar?
"I know my actions haven't just affected you but your relationship with Ivar."
I looked up at her, my fingers playing awkwardly at the fabric of my clothes. Even hearing his name made me nervous. "What are you talking about?"
"I am not blind. I know that Ivar hasn't come to you since his return and you have not gone to him. Are you afraid of him?" Lagertha could see through my failed attempt at playing dumb. She always could, even when I was a child.
I had to stomp out her suspicions. I rolled my eyes and sighed, trying to seem agitated. "I am not afraid of Ivar."
"Then why don't you go to him?" Her tone was low but direct, again not believing my act.
Before I could answer her question the doors to the building burst open. Before I had time to turn and look the loud sound of metal thudding into wood filled the room. With every two thuds there was a long dragging sound. Ivar. My heart sank to the bottom of my belly. The first time seeing him since his return and the death of his mother and he would see me standing here with the enemy.
I tried to hide but it was too late. The crowd had parted letting him see Lagertha who was now standing by her new throne and me standing by her side. Caught red handed. Mustering up some bravery, I finally looked at Ivar. He was already glaring daggers at Lagertha, acting like no one was in the room except Lagertha and himself.
Ubbe and Sigurd stepped from the crowd and flanked him as he situated himself on a stool. Sigurd looked from Ivar to me, looking me over as I stood there frozen in fear. Ubbe was studying Lagertha's body language, trying to figure out what she would do with his brother before she did it.
"Welcome, Ivar." Lagertha spoke first.
"I've come here for justice. Everyone knows you've killed my mother for no reason, except ambition. Therefore, I demand justice." Ivar spoke evenly and cool even though I could see the fire burning behind his eyes.
"Ivar..." Ubbe said placing a hand on his shoulder trying to get his brother to rethink what he was saying.
"Don't touch me, coward!" Ivar jerked his shoulder away from his brother. His rage surfacing for the first time.
"He is not a coward," Lagertha stepped to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "and perhaps he understands some things that you don't."
"I understand everything perfectly." His voice was almost a whisper. "You murdered my mother in cold blood. I want revenge. I challenge you to single combat." Lagertha's hand slowly slid from his shoulder.
Lagertha leaned in towards him, her voice matching his whispered tone, "I refuse."
"You can't refuse." Ivar's breathing was starting to quicken, he was loosing his calm.
"I refuse to fight you, Ivar Lothbrok, son of Ragnar." She spoke as she took backwards steps before turning and going to her throne.
"Why, hmm?"
She was clearly annoyed at Ivar's taunting. "I don't want to kill you."
Ivar smiled. He had finally hit a nerve with the woman. His devilish smile spread wider across his face before he ducked his head and used his newly acquired spikes to scratch at his scalp. "Who says you would kill me?"
That face, his voice... those eyes. His eyes left Lagertha for the first time since he entered the building and looked at me. I felt my lips part as my heart stopped beating. Those eyes. I wanted to rip my clothes form my body and lay myself out in front of him for him to do as he pleased. I didn't care if he'd kill me, I just wanted to be under his touch, to feel him on me.
"I do." Lagertha's voice ripped me from my thoughts and Ivar's heavy gaze from me.
"Alright, don't fight me then. I don't care, just as long as you know that one day I will kill you, Lagertha." He jabbed the spike towards her to emphasize his threat. "Your fate is fixed."
The night winds were colder than normal, making me have to wrap my cloak around myself a little tighter. I made my way to the door of Ubbe's home in the dark. Each step I took felt like I was pulling a hundred pounds behind me. I knew what I had to face Ivar.
My arm stretched out, my fist closed as I knocked my knuckles against the wooden door. There was no turning back now, they knew I was here. He knew I was here. In the few seconds it took for Ubbe to answer the door, I almost turned and ran but before I forced my body into motion the door swung open.
Ubbe was standing in the door frame looking down at me. "Good evening, Briet." He spoke loud enough so that everyone inside knew who had arrived.
I licked my lips slowly, trying to steady myself. "May I speak with Ivar?"
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