L i t t l e O n e
Was I dreaming? I could feel the world spinning around me as I stood in Ivar's room feeling numb. Everything was silent as I just stood there, waiting. The minutes that were passing by felt like hours, days. My palms were clammy and my nerves were on edge. The memory of Ivar's hands gripping my neck kept replaying in my mind. He didn't think twice about his actions as he held my life in his hands. According to Sigurd he tried killing Margrethe as well. Now, like a fool, I'd made fun of his manhood in a room full of not only his family but servants and warriors. No doubt they had heard my comment as well as Sigurd's. If he had no regard for my life then in the woods, I knew he certainly didn't now. Ivar was going to kill me, or worse.
I listened for the sound of his dragging legs outside in the hallway but it was deafeningly silent. The only sound in this room was the crackling wood in the fireplace. Fussing with the hem of my apron I started to pace as I was trapped inside the four walls.
Ivar's bed was covered in furs and thick blankets. Compared to what I had been sleeping in my whole life I wanted nothing more than to crawl into the mess of comfort and sleep for days. Next to his bed was a wooden table holding a pitcher, a wooden cup with some runes carved into it and candles who's wax had melted onto the table it rested on. There was a tapestry hanging from another wall with a picture of Yggdrasil and Odin's ravens flying above it. The rest of the room was empty aside from furs covering the wooden floors here and there and a chair and another table by the fireplace.
Walking over to the bed I let my fingers spread into the furs, feeling how soft they were. Sighing deeply I collapsed into the bed, letting my arms spread out at my sides. I'd never known anything more luxurious and warm in my life. If I was to die tonight, at least I'd know some comfort before I died.
My ears perked at the sound I'd been dreading. Ivar was coming. I sprang to my feet, flattening my dress against my body with my palms. My heart was racing inside my chest the longer it took for the door to open. When it finally did, my world finally stopped spinning.
Ivar didn't look at me as he kept dragging himself inside the room. He stopped only to close the door behind him and then continued on until he reached a chair that was near the fireplace. He pulled himself up with a low grunt and positioned his legs that were bound by two leather straps into a comfortable position. Ivar reached over to the table next to where he was sitting and took the cup in his hand. Ivar finally looked in my direction as he held out his hand and shook the cup at me.
My body moved without my brain telling it to as I took the pitcher from the table by me and made my way to Ivar, obeying his silent command. With trembling hands I poured the liquid into his cup and watched as he took a sip.
"Prepare my bath, slave." Ivar commanded, looking me in the eyes for the first time since he sent me here.
The word 'slave' hit me hard, erupting some anger inside me that I hadn't realized was there. For the second time tonight my words left my lips before I could think it through. "I am not a slave and I am sure as hell not your slave." I spat.
Ivar's smirk grew as he saw that he clearly stuck a chord in me. "Prepare my bath and bathe me." He answered calmly, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"I'd rather die."
Ivar reached out, grabbing my forearm and pulled me to the ground in front of him. He held my arm up to his chest while his other grabbed the back of my head as his fingers tangled into my hair, bringing my face inches from his. "That can be arranged."
Our eyes were locked, the both of us not daring to be the one to blink first. My jaw was clenched and I could feel the muscles flex as his grip only became tighter. Tears started to pool in my eye as his grip started to become unbearable. His smirk grew as he saw that he was winning this silent battle.
Ivar's grip twisted slightly as he pulled his hand back causing me to yelp in pain. My back arched as my head was pulled back with his hand. The tears finally spilled over as they raced down my cheeks. I felt as though my body betrayed me, showing Ivar how soft I was. His fingers loosened from around my arm before his hand traveled up my arm until he reached my shoulder then started down my back until his hand reached my waist. Ivar pulled my body closer to his until our bodies pressed together.
He had completely invaded my personal space as he held me captive against him. I could smell the ale on his breath as he breathed out slow and calm. My own breaths were short and choppy as I trembled. I cursed my body for showing just how afraid I was. Ivar leaned in closer still so his lips were resting against my ear as he whispered "Prepare my bath, slave".
Ivar released me from his hold letting me fall to the ground in front of him. As I hit the floor I whined softly making Ivar laugh.
I rose to my feet as my hand massaged the back of my head where Ivar's hand previously was trying to relieve the sting he'd left behind.
"Run along," Ivar shooed in a sing-song voice while he sank back into his chair. Sighing, I turned and left the room to fetch the buckets of warm water.
As I worked Ivar sat and watched, his cheek resting on the knuckles of his hand. It took a few trips back and forth but the elongated wooden tub was now filled with steaming water. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I turned to the boy, shooting him an annoyed look. "Your bath is ready, Ivar." My tone was dripping in sarcasm.
Ivar slid out of his chair and onto the ground before he made his way over to me. His bath was special made, instead of it being in the shape of a circle his was an oval so he could have his legs stretched out and not have to try and bend them. There were also steps on the side for him to easily get himself in and out. When he reached the steps he pulled himself onto them and then turned to me. His blue eyes locking again with mine.
"Undress me." He commanded.
My eyes widened as his words sank in. He was smiling up at me with a toothy grin as he bit his bottom lip. Despite his earlier actions I felt myself flush as butterflies erupted in my belly. Why did my body have to betray me again?
For the third time this evening, I bent down in front of Ivar. The tips of my fingers landed on his chest and gently ducked under his vest. Flattening my palms against him I slid them up to his collarbones and then down his arms, taking the material with me. He took it off the rest of the way when it reached his elbows. From there I grabbed the bottom hem of his tunic and brought it up and over his head as he raised his arms so I could take it the rest of the way off.
His broad shoulders and muscular chest now came into view. I fought back a moan as I looked over his naked upper half. Regardless of how wicked he was to me I couldn't deny how attracted I was to him. I hated myself for feeling this way as I found it hard to stop taking in his image.
Finally meeting his eyes again I saw his smug grin as he watched me gawking over him. I didn't think it possible for me to feel any more embarrassed but the feeling grew as he chuckled at me.
Averting my eyes I looked now at the leather straps that held his legs together. Undoing the knots I let the leather fall onto the ground until all three were gone then removed his boots, setting them down on the ground next to the straps. My fingers traveled lightly from his knees up his thighs until they reached the strings that held his pants together at his waist. Before I could continue he pushed my hands from him and ordered me to turn around.
I was completely confused yet also relieved that he let me stop. I listened to his grunts as he took his pants off and then climbed into the steaming water. I stole a glance behind me as the sound of the sloshing water started to calm. He had completely submerged himself under the water.
Tip toeing over to the tub I placed my hands on the wooden rim and peaked over the side. I saw his face under the water, his eyes were still open and locked with mine as he saw me peering down at him. He rose slowly out of the water, using his heel of his hands to wipe the water from his eyes.
"What are you waiting for, huh?" He questioned harshly. "Wash me."
"You don't have to be such an ass," my voice was quiet but still full of aggravation.
Ivar didn't turn as he spoke, "You are my slave, I can speak to you however I want."
I breathed out the air in my lungs loudly to show my annoyance at his comment. Grabbing a cloth that was hanging over the side of the tub I dipped it into the water. When it was saturated I rubbed it against the bar of soap until the cloth was full of suds. I slapped the cloth against Ivar's shoulder, the loud sound of the wet cloth hitting his skin echoed in the room.
Ivar chuckled lightly as I continued washing him as rough as possible. As I scrubbed the dirt off of his face I paused for a moment with the cloth over his nose and mouth. I knew at this moment in time I had the upper hand. As I stopped for only a moment as I envisioned myself holding Ivar down until he stopped breathing. I felt his hand land on top of mine and slowly moved the cloth from his face, placing my hand on his rising and falling chest.
"I wouldn't if I were you," he threatened.
"But you could end my life without issue?" I retorted.
"Yes." He answered bluntly. "You are a slave, who would miss you, huh?"
I felt my heart swell before it became heavy with hurt, my breath caught in my lungs. His comment struck a nerve. How could one be so heartless? "Who would miss you, Ivar?"
Ivar's top lip curled up, annoyed I used his own question against him. He sunk a little further into the water as he tore his eyes from me to look at the wall.
"What happened to you?" I took the cloth from his chest as I looked at him, my brows knit together in frustration. "You used to be so sweet and kind and-"
"Kindness won't get you anywhere in life," he interjected, still not looking at me.
"You used to defend me when I was bing made fun of for how small I was,"
"You're still very small," Ivar interrupted again, a small smile playing across his face.
I rolled my eyes playfully but still annoyed at his comment. I felt my tense shoulders relax slightly at the memory of us as children played in my mind. "Ivar, why are you like this?" I pushed.
Ivar's fists clench as he spoke. A deep scowl was painted on his face as his nostrils flared with anger. "The gods have cursed me. They made me a cripple! No one will ever look at me as anything else than a cripple. I am the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, a descendant of Odin. I look at my brothers and I know they will do great things and the only great thing I can do is crawl to the docks and wave them off as they leave."
"So you killed that boy out of jealousy?" My voice was almost a whisper as I moved closer to him. My head ducked forward so I was eye level with him. "When we were children, you killed that boy, the one who wouldn't let you join in the game. It was out of jealousy?"
Ivar finally looked at me, his expression softened slightly as he saw the look of concern and disbelief in my eyes. Had jealousy really driven him that mad as a boy that he killed another child or was is something else? Something deeper, something darker that took over him that day and the boy in the street was just an innocent victim?
He was stoic as the steam from the water rose up in front of his face making his figure come in an out of focus. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. If he was searching his mind for the answer to my question or if I'd finally stuck a chord in him and he was shutting down.
He visibly relaxed from his previously tensed form before he bobbed his head to the side. His expression turning from an unreadable on to a questioning one as his brows knit together. "Tell me, little one, what is it you want, huh?"
Little one. Ivar used to call me that when we were young. He knew how much it used to get to me, being the smallest of all the children. As a simple child, I thought it was our common bond. He didn't have the use of his legs and therefore couldn't fight in battle and I was always told by everyone I was too small to fight. I never confessed this to him, I knew he wouldn't appreciate it. How could one compare being shorter than average to not being able to stand?
"What do you want, why are you asking me why I've changed?What do you want to get out of it?" He pressed on.
I put the soapy cloth down on the step I was sitting on, watching as the water spread from the damp fabric making the wood it was resting on darker as it soaked in the liquid. "I don't know," I sighed, still not looking at Ivar.
"What do you want out of life?" His question took me back. He'd gone from being harsh and uncaring to now wanting to know something about me? I looked up at him confused while I played with my fingers, tangling them in themselves nervously. He sensed my confusion and rolled his eyes in response. Ivar's tongue peaked out from behind his lips as he slowly licked his bottom lip from one corner to the other. "What is it you want out of life? To be some great warrior because your father always told you you would be? Do you even want to be a shield-maiden, huh?"
Thinking for a moment on his questions as I continued to fuss nervously I kept drawing a blank. I was always told by my father that I would grow to be a great warrior, a famous shield-maiden like Lagertha and my mother but did I even want that? Did I just go along with it because that it what I was told? Now that my father is gone and I've been alone, all I have been doing is trying to survive. I've lost all of the ambitions I had in my life or is it that I've never had any in the first place? Tears pooled in my eyes, blurring my vision of my hands as the realization sunk in.
I felt gentle fingers caress my chin, tilting my head up so that I was again being held in Ivar's intimidating gaze. His calloused thumb stroked my chin, calming me slightly. "How long has it been since you've had a bath?"
I shook my head in response, not knowing the answer.
"Then join me." He commanded in his sing-song tone. His hand motioned for me to join him as he pointed to the warm water. Bringing my hand up to my chest, my fingers rested upon the strings of my dress. I grabbed ahold of one of the strings and slowly started to pull until I hesitated, looking away from Ivar.
"Nothing I haven't seen before," he teased as he saw my hesitation.
Pulling the string the rest of the way I felt my dress loosen from around my neck. Standing, I pulled the fabric from one shoulder followed by the other. The garment fell down my front, pooling around my hips until I pushed it the rest of the way down. Without looking I felt Ivar's gaze roaming my body. The cold air caused my nipples to harden and goosebumps to cover my body. I felt myself shiver but I wondered if it was more from the naked man staring at me than the cold.
Stepping into the hot water was like stepping into Valhalla. I sunk down fast not only to warm my cold body but to hide it from Ivar. I moaned as the water lapped up over me. My blond hair floated across the surface of the water around me as I ducked further into the water until it came up to just under my nose.
Ivar's lips turned up in a genuine smile as he saw how much I enjoyed this small gesture of kindness. His smile was contagious as I felt one grow on me as I continued to stare back. Before I could sink all of the way under the surface he curled his finger, silently beckoning me towards him.
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