E i n a r (ᛗ𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦)
"Your head is up in the clouds again." Thora teased, nudging my arm with her elbow making me spill some of my drink.
"What?" I hummed. Her touch brought me back down to Midgard. "Oh, yes. I guess I have been preoccupied."
"That's one way to put it! You were complete shit training today." Svend laughed while he poured more ale into his cup.
Thora shot him a glare from across the table. "Be nice, you heathen."
I couldn't help but chuckle at the two of them. They had been inseparable for a few months now and I loved hearing their banter back and forth. I'm so glad I was able to free Thora while I had the chance.
I took a long sip from my cup. I had been turning more and more towards the mead these last few weeks. It was seemingly the only thing that really kept my mind off of the madness happening in this town and I was already feeling its affect.
"Well it's true! Usually Briet puts up somewhat of a fight but today she was in another realm!"
"Somewhat of a fight? I've been in three battles and I live to tell those stories. How many battles have you been in, Svend?" I shot back making sure to smile so he knew I was joking and not offended.
"Don't forget, you are older than us." Svend pointed between himself and Thora. "The most recent battle I was old enough to fight in was the one for Kattegat."
"Did you fight?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.
"No, my father told me I had to stay back and watch over the home and blacksmith shop. That was my last time speaking with him." The conversation turned dark very quickly.
Thora reached her hand across the table and took Svends' hand in hers.
"Don't be sad, he's in Valhalla, drinking with the great warriors. Besides, I'm still here to take care of my mother and the shop." Svend smiled and raised his horn towards the sky to honor the memory of his father. The three of us drank in his memory.
"No Hvitserk tonight?" I tried to change the subject.
Thora shook her head. "No, he and Katla are hiding away tonight. I guess Hvitserk spoke with a strange man today in the market. He's from some distant land. Hvitserk, seemed really excited to talk to Katla about his conversation with the stranger. He didn't elaborate with her when he told her to come to him tonight so she didn't tell me anything."
"Ugh, all you girls do is gossip!" Svend groaned over dramatically, making a few people sitting at the tables around us turn and look.
"Svend!" A strange man from a few tables away called his name.
The three of us looked in the direction of the voice who called out. Seconds later, a tall man with broad shoulders rose to his feet and carried himself and his very large ale horn over to us. He sat down next to Svend, across from me and slapped his hand on Svends' shoulder.
"Einar! I thought you had sailed to England?" Svend leaned over and hugged his friend.
Thora and I looked at each other, not knowing if we should interrupt now that the two of the were deep in conversation, gossiping like us women about their friends and the goings on in town.
We picked at the rest of the food that was on our plates and made small talk about tomorrow and what things we should work on while training.
"I'm not very good with my bow." Thora admitted. She was right, she was pretty miserable with her bow.
I chuckled. "Well then I guess we could work on that? Or we could take the day off, go riding on the trails through the forest?"
"Who's going riding in the woods?" The man named Einar asked merrily.
This was the first time I was getting a good look at the stranger. He seemed to be taller than Svend with long, dirty blonde hair that was shaved at the sides and pulled in a few braids at the back of his head with a long beard to match. His eyes were a dark green color, like the color of pine needles. His broad chest and muscular arms showed even under the thick fabric of his shirt.
I felt an odd sensation come over me. One that I only ever associated with fear. I could feel that tension growing in my lower stomach and the heat raise on my cheeks and between my thighs. I knew this feeling as desire but I had never experienced it without fear; fear caused by Ivar.
Einar was also eyeing me up, his gaze lingering on my mouth. No doubt he could see the smile that was tugging at my lips and I can only imagine he also saw my cheeks redden from just looking at him.
"Briet here was just saying that we should take a break from our training tomorrow and go for a ride instead." Thora answered him.
"Well, would you care for some extra company?" Einar asked, still not taking his eyes off of me.
When I finally processed his question and realized he might be coming with us tomorrow I felt very nervous and tried to formulate an excuse as to why he couldn't but Thora beat me to it.
"I think that would be fun!" She beamed. I could see her out of the corner of my eye looking between the two of us. "Svend, will you be joining us?"
Svend went on to speak but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I was so wrapped up in Einar. His stare took over me and I felt like I was trapped but I didn't want to look away. I watched as he brought his horn up to his full lips and just before he placed his lips on the rim of the cup he raised it towards me and winked. This made butterflies erupt in my stomach and I felt my cheeks burn hotter.
"What do you say, Briet?"
Svends' voice broke the spell his friend had over me. I felt myself blink a few times before finally looking away from Einar.
"What?" I asked.
Svend and Thora laughed. Clearly they could see what was going on.
"Tomorrow, mid morning. Does this work for you?"
I had more mead than I should have last night. My head was pounding and every loud noise was like a dagger through my ears. I made a point to get out of my bed and walk around town before I had to go to the stables in hopes that I could shake this hangover.
Luckily enough it worked and I was starting to feel more like myself by the time I made it to the stables and started to gather my things. I shoveled some hay for Idunn to eat while I started the arduous task of getting the saddle on her.
While I struggled, I notice movement from behind me. Turning, I saw Ulf standing at the other end of the building, his arms crossed over his chest.
My stomach sank. I didn't want to have to deal with him again. My thoughts must have been painted on my face because his smirk grew wider as he kicked off of the wall and started to make his way towards me.
"Would you like some help with that?" Einar came around the corner of the stall and instantly started to help without me having to respond.
"Oh, thank you." I peaked behind Einar to where Ulf was and saw that he was gone.
"I have some bad news." Einar said, finishing up with the saddle and then moved onto the bridle. "Svend was called upon by Ivar this morning."
I visibly tensed up at the news, nervous for my friend.
"He's still in the great hall and Thora said she was going to stay back and wait for him. It's just going to be the two of us, if that is alright with you?" Einar asked, smiling sweetly.
"It is." Rubbing my temples, I let out a deep breath through parted lips. I have to stop acting so tense about the mention of Ivar. I don't know this man very well and for all I know he could be another spy for Ivar. I have to play the part until I am sure about his intentions. "I'm sorry, I drank too much last night and I'm still feeling terrible."
"We don't have to go riding,"
"No, no. The fresh air will help me." I smiled warmly up at him. "Do you have a horse?"
Riding through the woods was absolutely what I needed. Despite the biting winter winds, the fresh cold air in my lungs and the atmosphere of the woods was enough to clear my mind. Even though I wasn't alone, the first half of our ride was in silence making it feel like I was. Einar stayed a few paces ahead of me on his horse, looking back every so often to make sure I was still with him.
I could tell he was trying to think of something to say to get a conversation going between the two of us. He would open his mouth to speak but then close it when no words came to his mind. I felt bad. I'm terrible at speaking with people so I was no help.
Finally, he spoke.
"I can only imagine how excited Svend is to be able to make something for King Ivar." Einar proclaims. Though he sounds excited, I can't help but notice some sarcasm in his tone.
I can feel the visceral reaction that takes over me at the mention of Ivar and I try desperately to hide it but Einar was still looking at me.
His brows knit together. He took in a deep, audible breath through his nose and let it go through his parted lips. "May I ask you something?"
"Of course." Oh Gods, why did I say that?
"I notice that whenever Ivar is mentioned, you seem to tense up or tremble. Is there a story behind that?" Einar pulled back on the reins of his horse making it stop.
I don't know how to respond to this question. I also pull back on the reins making Idunn stutter step before she finally stopped next to Einar. She found a patch of grass that was showing through the snow and started to eat it while we were stopped.
Einar sighs. "I apologize if that was too straight forward. If it helps, I fucking hate Ivar, too. Svend has told me that you and Ivar used to be lovers. T-that's not why I hate him." He stuttered with the last part.
"We were never lovers." I snap, making a mental note to yell at Svend when I see him tonight for telling Einar about Ivar and I. I instantly regret my reaction when I look over and see the hurt look on Einars' face. I sigh, calming myself and then continued. "It's a long story and I'm not sure I even know where to start. I mean... we did at some point love each other. I think."
I start by explaining Ivars' cruel plan to make me his slave so that his older brother, Sigurd, couldn't take me for his wife. How I had grown feelings for him, though I am still not sure how that even happened. Everything that happened adding up to and then in England. How I left and came back to Kattegat, then the war here, bringing us to where we are today.
Einar was silent the entire time, taking it all in. There was a long silence between the both of us until finally he spoke. "I hate him even more, now."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"I am sorry you had to endure all of that. I am glad though that you were able to get away." He says, trying to lighten the mood.
I scoffed, looking down at Idunn while she continued to nose through the snow for food. "I wish I really was free of him. I mean, I am still here in Kattegat and reminded every day that he is our king-"
"Don't you mean God?"
The both of us burst out into hysterics.
"Yes, Ivar our God! Yes, I am reminded of that every day. And Freydis and her lie."
"Her lie?" Einar asks, wiping away the tears from his laughter with the back of his hand.
I regretted even saying it and I prayed that he would't press the matter.
"I would ask you about that lie but I feel like you have poured so much out to me already, I don't want to push my luck."
I furrowed my brows at his response. I'm so used to people pressing me for information so his ability to just let it go was so new to me. I had to admit, his gentle personality was refreshing. I felt so relaxed around him.
This made him chuckle. "What?"
I shook my head. "I just... I just have never told anyone about any of this. And you are being so kind about everything. Thank you."
He reaches over and grabs my hand, squeezing it gently.
"You're welcome." His eyes softened and I felt myself melt under his gaze.
On the way back, Einar told me the story of why he left his homeland and came to live in Kattegat. A sickness took over the town he grew up in. The raiders who returned from sailing to England seemed to have brought this sickness back with them. It decimated the town, killing his parents and leaving him alone. They didn't have much, being poor farmers, so he left and decided to make a new life for himself here in Kattegat. Svend was the first friend he made when he arrived. Kattegat was still ruled over by Lagertha then.
After his backstory and some silence between us, things seemed to change. Things seemed much more relaxed than earlier this morning and the conversations shifted from deep backstories to happier and more lighthearted ones. Soon there was nothing but laughter between the two of us. It seemed like Einar and I hadn't stopped laughing for hours, making my stomach feel sore.
We had just came from the cover of the trees and were now entering through the gates of town. I tugged back on the reins to slow Idunn down, not that she was going fast to begin with but I didn't want this time with Einar to end.
"Briet, may I ask you to join me for dinner tonight?" Einar asked between his laughter.
I felt my smile grow wider, if that was even possible. "I would love to."
"I will admit, I do believe we will be interrupted at some point by Svend but-" Einar stopped mid sentence, his gaze had left me and his captivating green eyes were now locked onto something in town.
I followed his gaze. An audible gasp coming from my lips when I saw the giant structure that was now standing in the middle of Kattegat.
It was a totem of Ivar, holding a shield that was painted with his colors and his other arm in the air holding onto his sword.
I felt disgusted looking at this monstrosity.
"That statue is the ugliest thing I have ever seen." Katla huffs, throwing food onto her plate from the serving platter. Her face was scrunched in anger.
Thora laughs. "It really is! I feel bad for the poor carpenter who had to carve it, they had to stare at Ivars' ugly face for days."
As much as I wanted to correct Thora, Ivar certainly was not ugly, I kept myself quiet.
"How does he even have the gall to have something like that made and put in the middle of town? The pompous ass." Katla continues.
"Well he is a pompous ass, Katla." Thora points out. The two of them burst out in laughter, raising their cups to drink to the sentiment.
Einar and Svend joined us moments later, Svend sitting next to Thora and Einar next to me. He slid in closer along the bench so his shoulder brushed against mine. I felt my cheeks heat up from his touch. He looked down at me winking while he chuckled quietly.
Gods, he really is handsome.
"No Hvitserk again, Katla?" Svend asks.
"The God Ivar has called on him again. He's in the great hall now. Who knows what shit he is spewing to Hvitserk this time." She answers.
Einar reaches across me to grab the pitcher of mean and pours me a drink. I can smell his freshly cleaned scent while his arm is stretched out in front of me. When he finished pouring the liquid into one of the random cups on the table he hands it to me with a smile. I take the cup from him and make sure my fingers gently brush his. His smile widens slowly while he watches my fingers wrap around the cup. I can see the desire growing in his eyes.
"Apparently he didn't have much to spew because here he comes." Svend says.
Einars' arm falls behind me and he places his hand on my hip and gently pulls me into his side. My heart swells when our bodies touch.
"You look terrible, Hvitserk. What happened?" Katla fusses, hurrying to pour him a drink.
I fight to pull my eyes from Einar and his devious smile and eventually look towards Hvitserk. He does look rather awful. His skin is pale, paler than normal for the winter months and the circles that are normally under his eyes are now a very dark purple color and swollen. He runs his hand through his disheveled hair and downs his drink in one gulp, handing it back to Katla as a silent request for more.
"Lagertha, Bjorn and the others are alive." Hvitserk says quietly.
"How do you know this?" I question, leaning slightly over the table to help keep our conversation quiet and between us.
"Ivar told me that Harald has been defeated in England but that he had the help of Lagertha, Bjorn and Ubbe." Hvitserk grabs one of the chicken legs from the serving platter and bites into it, tearing off a huge chunk.
"So he admits that the girl who was sacrificed wasn't lagertha!" Thoras' voice was louder than it should have been. Katla looks to her with her finger pressed against her lips to tell her to stay quiet.
"He wants to go back to England, in the spring. He thinks that Harald won't be able to win without him. Stupid ass."
His insult garners a laugh from Svend, Katla and Thora.
"There is more. There was an emissary that came from King Olaf the Stout. Olaf has agreed to join Ivar and sail to York. They plan on leaving in the spring, after the birth of his divine child." Hvitserk sneers as he speaks about the baby. "He also plans on making another announcement to the to town. We are all to gather in the great hall tomorrow."
I can feel Einars' large hand land gently on my knee, squeezing ever so slightly. I tried to keep my legs from tensing together, I could feel myself growing wetter from his touch. I kept my eyes on Hvitserk and try desperately to listen to what else he has to say but I can't help the images of Einar ripping off my dress play in my mind.
His fingers gently start to glide up my leg. The slow pace was driving me insane. I wanted his fingers inside me and I was starting to feel desperate. I looked up at Einar through my thick lashes, pulling in my bottom lip between my teeth.
I could hear his low growl in response. His hand slid in between my thighs, his pinky finger brushing against my center. My eyes fluttered shut and it took everything in me not to moan.
"How was your ride, Briet?"
My eyes shot open. I completely forgot where I was. My eyes darted between my friends, trying to figure out who spoke to me.
"Briet?" Katla asked.
"Uh, yes?" I thanked the Gods for the table that was hiding the fact that Einar was now rubbing circles between my legs.
"Your ride today? How was it?" My ride... I started to imagine myself on top of Einar, his cock buried inside me while I moved up and down on him.
"It was good." I said breathlessly, Hvitserks' brow raise at my odd way of responding.
We had stumbled into my home, the door crashing against the wall as we hurried inside. With all of the drinks we had at the longhouse I'm not surprised that walking was a chore for the both of us. Our lips never parted though, even when Einar used his foot to kick the door closed behind him. His tongue traced my lower lip making me shiver. I parted my lips and our tongues instantly brushed against each others.
He runs his hands up and down my sides before they wrap around me and pull me closer into his chest. With my eyes closed, I run my fingers over his chest, feeling just how toned his muscles are under his tunic. I can feel his heart pounding inside his chest, matching my own racing heart. His touch is so gentle compared to what I am used to. His hands travel up my back leaving goosebumps in his wake until his fingers tangle into my hair. He pulls on it slightly and I can't help the whimper that this feeling causes.
Einar pulls away from the kiss leaving me panting and searching for his lips. I can hear him chuckle before I open my eyes to look up at him.
"We don't have to do anything..." He says, using his index finger to brush my cheek lightly.
"What?" I ask breathlessly, confused.
"You flinched and whimpered when I touched you just then. I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do."
He was so sweet. The complete opposite of Ivar. His words made my heart hurt, though. I hadn't realized Ivars' effects on me went this deep.
I moved my hands from his chest up to the back of his head, going up onto my tip toes to give him a gentle, reassuring kiss.
"I want this." I whispered in his ear, biting on his lobe.
In a swift movement, Einar bent down, placed his hands on the back of my thighs and picked me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him while he walked us over towards my bed. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard him hit his shins off the side of my bed making him groan into our kiss.
He bent over at his hips so that I was above the bed and then let go, letting me fall onto the soft blankets. He quickly fumbled with his shirt, tearing it off of himself and throwing it to the floor behind him then got to work on the strings of his pants.
I followed suit, grabbing at the fabric of my dress and pulling it up and over my head leaving myself completely naked and on display for him.
Einar looked down at me on the bed and smiled. "Gods, you are so beautiful."
He dropped onto the bed, caging me with his body. His head dipped down into my neck, leaving wet kisses along my skin as he started to move down my body. When he reached my belly he looked up at me through his thick lashes and I feel my self grow wetter. He spreads my legs, nestling himself between them.
I can feel my heart start to race even faster as I lay here, my sex completely exposed to him. With his eyes still locked on mine, I feel his warm breath fan over my pussy before he presses his hot tongue against me. I moaned and jerked away from him.
Einar grabbed my hips and brought me back down to his face. His thick tongue is on me once more, licking up and down my folds. This sensation is so overwhelming, I never want him to stop. I couldn't keep myself from moaning out his name as his tongue started to move a little faster.
My fingers found his hair, weaving through his mix of braids and soft locks. He hums and closes his lips around my clit making me grip tighter.
He brings his hand up to my mouth, tracing his index and middle fingers along my bottom lip before he presses it inside my mouth. I suck on his digits and run my tongue all around them, tasting the salt from his body. He pulls them from my mouth quickly and brings it down to my entrance, pushing slowly inside me.
"Einar!" I can feel myself getting close, the pressure building in my core was becoming too much. I throw my head back against my pillows, moaning loudly. My hips start to move in sync with his tongue. His finger found a new, sensitive spot inside me and as he rubbed and licked even harder I felt my orgasm rush over me.
My thighs clenching his face to keep it there as my waves of pleasure washed over me leaving me breathless and shaking.
He unhooked his finger from inside me and lifts his head from between my thighs to look up at me. His toothy grin made me laugh, he looked so proud of himself.
Einar pushes up off of the bed so that he's on his knees. He pulls at the strings of his pants and then hooks his thumbs into the fabric at his waist, pulling them down over his hips. His already hard cock bobs out. I watch as he shimmies his pants down his legs and kicks them off. I bite my lip while he leans back down on his hands and starts to crawl up me until his body is caging me again. I can see the moisture left on his beard from my orgasm. I move so that my legs are wrapped around his hips. He leans down to kiss me and I can taste myself on his lips. His cock rubs up against my still sensitive pussy and my hips instinctively start to move against him.
Einar groans. "Do you want me?" He whispers before moving to my neck. His teeth biting against the taught skin before he covers me in kisses.
He pushed his hips into me and the pressure of his cock against my clit drives me insane. "Y-yes..." I answer, trying to move so that when he thrusts himself again he enters me.
Einar pulls back so that our bodies are no longer touching. "Yes what?" His brow raises slowly making his smile all the more seductive.
"Yes, Einar. I want you!" I whined, trying to grab at him and pull him back down.
He dropped down on one elbow and reach down with his other hand and grabbed ahold of his cock. He rubbed the tip of it along my wet folds before he slowly pushed himself inside me.
I feel myself stretch around him, moaning as his length fills me. Einar lets out a low growl, his jaw clenching. "Fuck," he groans, looking down at me to make sure I'm okay.
He draws himself back out of me slowly until just the tip is still inside. I can see the vein in his neck pulse under his skin as he takes in a deep breath and buries himself inside me again.
I feel so full with him inside me. Between the sounds of his panting as he begins to fuck me, the feeling of thick cock pressing against me in the most delicious way and all of the mead I had, I felt like I could be in Valhalla.
I never wanted this to end.
A rush of confidence comes over me and before I know it, I pushed Einar off of me and moved him so that he was on his back. I smiled down at him before I swung my leg over, straddling him. I sat there high on my knees with his cock standing at attention right below my dripping pussy. Wrapping my fingers around the base of him, I slowly lower myself down until I'm sitting on his thighs with this cock deep inside me.
"Gods, Briet you feel so good." Einar's says, his voice shaking. His hands connect with my hips, his thumbs curling down until they rest in the creases of my thighs.
His words give me even more confidence and I start to move my hips against him. He took his hand from my left side and pressed his finger against my clit, massaging it while his other hand gripped my hip tighter, making me move faster. The pleasurable sensations between riding his cock and his fingers is building, making me start to tremble. My moans were getting louder and Einar must have got the hint that my orgasm was coming.
He gripped my hips even tighter and lifted me off of him. I whine, angry that he didn't let me get close enough to cum. He pulled me down so that our lips locked in a sloppy kiss. Without warning he bucked his hips up while he pushed me down onto him, his cock slamming into me.
I swear, I saw stars. My head was in a haze, I was drunk on this feeling of ecstasy. I never wanted this to end.
His fingers moved back to my clit, the increased contact of his finger tips was sending waves of shivers up and down my spine. Einar quickened his pace, fucking me harder and faster while he applied more pressure with his fingers.
The familiar low ache was flooding up and down my body making me feel fevered. I was on the cusp and with one swift movement, Einar pushed me over the edge. I screwed my eyes shut, a load moan left my lips while I felt the waves of ecstasy crash over me. I could feel my pussy clench around Einar's thick cock and that must have been all he needed.
With one swift movement while I was still writhing in pleasure, he pushed me off of him and onto the bed while his cum splattered all over my chest and stomach.
He leaned over me, keeping himself propped over me on straightened arms. He was panting and I watched as a few waves of shivers took over his body.
Looking up at me through his thick lashes he smiled before leaning down and kissing my forehead. He grabbed for his tunic that was near the edge of the bed then crashed onto the bed next to me. He used his shirt to clean me off and then threw it to the ground.
I rolled over onto my side and buried my head into his chest that was damp with sweat. He pulled the fur blankets up from under us and covered us before wrapping his arms around me.
Without saying anything, we laid there reveling in the intense moment we had just shared until we both drifted off to sleep.
The morning light was shining in through the holes in the wood that was used to block the windows. The rays were hitting my face making me roll over in bed, groaning. I was exhausted and the feeling of being hungover was now starting to sink in.
"Good morning." Einar chuckled.
My eyes shot open and I instinctively drew the blankets up over my naked body.
Einar was laughing now. He leaned over and kissed me gently on the forehead. "I have to go, I promised Svend I would help him today at the blacksmith shop."
I moved over closer to him, pressing my naked chest into his and draped my arm around his side.
"No, stay here. You're so warm." I mumbled, shoving my face into the crook of his neck.
"Oh trust me, I don't want to leave. But I'll be back tonight... if you want me."
"Odin couldn't keep you from me." I said slyly, kissing him slowly and deeply.
Tentatively, Einar got out of the bed and dressed himself in his clothes that were scattered over the floor. I laid watching him in my bed, admiring his body and the way he moved. When he was fully dressed he came back over to the bed and kissed me goodbye.
"I'll see you tonight." He smiled and then left, closing the door behind him.
I rolled over onto my back and sighed dreamily as I stared up at my roof. I was replaying the events of last night in my head, reveling in the images of him. I felt my sore self start to grow wet from just thinking of him.
I closed my eyes in hopes the images would be clearer. My hands sunk beneath the covers. I gently ran them down my stomach to my center and just as I started to rub my fingers down myself my door opened slowly.
I shot up in bed, making sure to bring my blankets up so I could keep myself covered.
To my shock and horror, none other than Freydis was standing at my door. She moved in to the side, making sure not to hit her swollen belly on the door before she closed it behind her.
All the while, her smug, horrible smile was painted on her face.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snapped.
"I have come to tell you that the God Ivar wants to address his people. He is having a gathering in the great hall this morning."
I rolled my eyes. Another one of his delusional speeches was not how I wanted to start my day. Freydis walks further into my house, her head moving to the left and right as she looked around my small home.
I leaned over the side of my bed and grabbed my dress that was on the floor and pulled it over my head. I moved the covers off of me while I also pulled down the fabric. I rose from the bed, slipping on my boots and walked over to her, still keeping some distance.
"I see you have found someone to warm your bed." She says finally.
Her comment enraged me. Why should she care? "It's none of your concern."
"No, but it is my concern, as queen, to know where peoples allegiances lie. There are people in town that are not to be trusted. It would be a shame if you were tangled up with one. Do you even know anything about the man that you fuck?"
"Why do you even care?" I felt my anger bubble up inside me. How dare she insinuate that Einar was untrustworthy.
"Because Ivar cares." Her smile finally drops.
"How does Ivar even know about..." My mind drifts back to yesterday, in the stables. Ulf was there, spying on me. He was even walking towards me until Einar got to me first, then he disappeared.
"Of all the people on Midgard you, Freydis, should be the last person to lecture me on who is false and who can be trusted. As for Ivar, maybe he should be concerned about who's divine child is actually growing in your belly."
Freydis' eyes widen slightly before she tries to collect herself.
I moved to the door and ripped it open with such force that it made some of Freydis hair blow across her face. "Get the fuck out of my home."
Ivar's guards had tore their way through Kattegat, rounding up all of the villagers and pushing them towards the great hall, yelling about how the God Ivar needed to address his people. When they came to my door I expected them to knock it down like they did with half of the town. Instead, it was a simple knock. When I opened it I saw a guard I'd never seen before. He was young and seemed nervous. With a trembling voice, he told me that Ivar requested my presence and even offered his hand out to me as if I would take it and somehow let him guid me towards the building.
I laughed and pushed past him, making sure to slam my shoulder into his which nearly knocked him off his feet.
When I had got inside the hall I had to hold back my want to gasp at what I saw. The few windows along the walls were now covered in a black cloth. Along all of the wooden beams holding up the roof of the building had torches that were normally all burning but now, for some reason, the guards were extinguishing the flames making the room slowly grow dark.
The strangest thing, however, was the massive black curtain that was hung where the thrones normally sit and the slow rhythmic banging of drums. Painted in red on the black fabric was Ivar's sigil, the paint must have still been wet when they hung it because there were red drips coming down from the points of the symbol making it look like it was bleeding. Why were the thrones being hidden? What new, over dramatic game was Ivar playing at today?
The townspeople were now all gathered inside, packed shoulder to shoulder. I stood up on my tip toes and searched for my friends but I couldn't find them anywhere in the crowd. Moments later I felt a large, callused hand connect with mine, our fingers entwining.
"I'm glad I was able to find you." Einar whispered in my ear before the last of the torches that were mounted to the pillars was put out leaving only two torches at the base of the steps to the throne for light.
The drums finally stopped leaving the whispers of the townspeople to fill the air. A figure appeared in front of the black cloth and with a loud bang of his staff against the floor everyone in the room fell silent. The curtains were pulled to the side revealing Ivar and Freydis sitting upon their thrones.
Per usual, Ivar was looking out onto the crowd with his usual menacing grin while Freydis sat next to him with that smug grin I wanted so much to smack off her face. Immediately her eyes land on me and I involuntarily squeeze Einars' hand.
She must have seen my reaction because her smile grew to a toothy grin before she looked over to Ivar who was now rising to his feet.
"My people, you are all welcome at my table. It is important to us," He paused and looked over at Freydis who nodded for him to continue "that everyone here feels involved in the life of our great town. Kattegat has grown, it has become the largest trading station on all of Scandinavia. It has changed, changed since the time of my father. In those days, he knew everyone and he was happy to share his power with those he trusted.
"My father," Ivar raised his arm that the arm ring Ragnar gave to him was on, showing it to the crowd "gave me this responsibility. Our father, Odin, gave me this responsibility. I have accepted it and I ask you to trust me. We cannot allow everyone to vote on everything which effect our kingdom. We have a duty- I have a duty to protect it.
Ivar signals to his guards to snuff out the two flames burning at the base of the stairs, leaving the two torches next to Ivar and Freydis as the only source of light in the building.
"So... we have to change the rules. People I trust will vote on land issues, matrimonial matters, murder inquires, things that you do not need to worry about. Because I will take care of you. I will lead you! No, what is truly important is to know who we are and who is with us and who is against us. And we know who we are, don't we? So now it is time to find out those who threaten us. Who is against us. Maybe it is your neighbor. Perhaps it is someone you know. A family member. A brother. Someone you used to love."
Ivar's eyes met with mine briefly before he looked over at Einar. His top lip lifted up slightly in disgust. I watched Ivar's eyes travel down to our hands that were still locked together. There was no mistaking the rage that washed over his face before he quickly had to hide it and continue on with his speech to the town.
"They talk about me. They whisper that I am the enemy. But of course, they are the enemy. They want to destroy our kingdom! They want to encourage the enemies to attack us and invade us!
The crowd grows angry, men and women shouting their disgust for the imaginary people who are plotting against their king and against Kattegat.
"Is that what you want?!" Ivar bellows, making his people grow even more rowdy.
The people all yell back in unison "No!"
"Do you want me to protect you?!"
Ivar's smile grows wicked. I recognized this smile from back in England before he dove into madness. "Do you want me to destroy them?!"
"Yes! Destroy them, kill them!"
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