Hurt Feelings
Lin's POV
"Hey, Vanessa... can we talk?"
V: Uhm... yea sure.. are you ok?
L: I'm fi-... actually no I'm not
V: What's wrong?
L: I dont feel like saying this over the phone... do you think we can meet up tomorrow for coffee?
V: Yes of course... what time?
*The bell rings*
L: I'll text you the time and place later
Before she could respond I hung up, I wipe my tear-stained cheeks before getting up to open the door. Pippa stood there in all her glory, her hair was all messed up and I would've thought she was just sleeping before she came here but I know what happened. I hated that I knew, it just made me hurt more.
"Hey Lin... can I hang here for a while?" I mean I didn't feel very stable for that, but for Pippa? I'd do anything, anytime. "Yea sure come in" I gave her a smile as she walked in.
"I thought you were with Steven.." she looked at me with wide eyes, "You didn't... walk in on us did you?" I wasn't gonna lie to her, not like I had a reason to lie.
"I kinda did, but I didn't see anything just heard." It hurt to admit I heard it, it hurt to say it out loud. "Oh... I'm sorry-" I cut her off before she could apologize anymore it wasn't her fault it was mine and I told her that.
She just nodded before sitting on the couch, before I walked to her I switched the light on. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked even though I didn't have much energy, "Talk? I really wanna tell you about what Steven did for me today!".
Is it possible for your heart to stop but not die cause the universe doesn't care about you enough? Cause that's what's happening to me right now. Then again I would do anything for her.
"Go ahead, tell me about your date" my voice grew small when I said the word 'date' but she looked so happy... at least she was happy.
~~~~20 minutes later cause I can't write good about Steven~~~~
"... and he's smart and kind and he's funny... did I tell you that already? He made this joke and it went—" this was not a fun experience at all. "Yeah, you said that. It wasn't that funny, Pip" she looked at me like I was crazy.
"What do you mean? It was hilarious I snorted my—" I already know how "funny" he is. "Cola. I know."
My mind was spinning, it was hard not to not listen to her, even though those words stung me. Luckily Daveed and Emmy came back, thank the gods for that. The girls left about 5 minutes after that.
"Good night man!" Daveed was happy, he had a glow... I forgot how that felt. I walked to my room just wanting to numb all the pain, I was hungry, I could feel my stomach growling but the thought of food made me want to puke.
Sleep was out of the question, I just had too much on my mind to rest. Writing was the only thing that could get me to somewhat calm down. I sat at my desk, took a sheet out, and started to write. The only thing illuminating the piece of paper and my room was the dim light from my lamp.
Oh I'm sick of being friend-zoned
I keep losing my appetite
I don't feel alright
Staying up
Talking 'bout people that you like
But I'm a good friend
I'm super supportive
But I keep putting your feelings ahead of mine
Yeah, I'm a good friend...
But I'm tired of thinking 'bout you at night...
I dropped my pen as I watched a few of my tears soak into the page.
~~~~ Next day~~~~
Emmy's POV
Daveed and I were cuddling on my couch and watching some random rom-com. I loved just doing nothing with him, it was calming and fun. Plus he was always so warm so it's hard to not hug him for hours at end.
I didn't hear the door open because the next thing I know Pippa is looking at us surprised. "What are you guys doing?" I panicked and moved away from him and said "Nothing I was just tired and cold...". I'm so glad Daveed didn't mind me lying about this.
"It looks like more to me," she smirked, "please Pippa. Me and Daveed? Really?" I asked as rolled my eyes with a smile. "Yes really! You guys would be so cute together!" Let's just say that I might've crossed a line when I said what I said next.
"No, never in a million years" it was all an act and Dave would forgive me for saying that cause it was for our relationship. Pippa just sighed in defeat and went to her room, when I looked at Daveed he didn't look too happy.
"What's wrong baby?" He didn't respond, he didn't even look at me.
"Davee-" he cut me off before I could finish, "Why did you say that?" He asked in one breath. I looked at him confused, "Why did I say what?" He finally looked up, but he didn't have those warm eyes I loved. They were filled with hurt and a hint of anger.
"You know what you said... you would never be with me in a million years huh?" I shook my head, this was a misunderstanding, I didn't mean it. It was a lie.
"I didn't mean it. I swear..." he took a breath in, "Emmy, I have no idea why you're keeping us from Pippa. And I dont know why you would say that. It hurts, you said never in a million years... How would you feel if I said that to Lin about us!?".
"I wouldn't mind..." I was lying, I would be devastated if he even thought of that. He rolled his eyes and scoffed "Just... tell me why you said it" he was now pacing.
"I was just trying to protect our relationship!" I raised my voice as I stood up too, did he not understand that I was doing this for us?
"From what? The sweet, thoughtful girl that lives with you? Your best friend? The person that thought we would be cute together?" My eyes were tearing up cause he had a point. I didn't know why I was hiding it from her, she never did anything wrong. He never did anything wrong.
"Daveed... please... I can do better" he stopped pacing and looked at me. He was deep in thought "I need some time to think..." No, no, no, no, I can't lose him.
"I will do anything... please.." I pleaded with tears streaming down my face. "Never in a million years..." he mumbled to himself but I heard it.
"Anything... how about you try again in about a million years." With that, he walked away but before leaving my apartment he said "I love you... but I need time". Great the first time he says 'I love you' and it's in the worst situation.
I fell to the ground feeling numb, I didn't even hear the bedroom door open. Cause next thing I know I was engulfed in a hug by Pippa.
I wish I could take it back...
Lin's POV
I walked down the street to the coffee shop Emmy worked at. That's where Vanessa and I would meet up, I haven't seen her in a while. It's time I talk to her more.
I loved the crisp Autumn breeze blowing on my face, it was calming. It was gentle. Unlike some of the experiences I've been having.
I entered the cream-colored building and took a deep breath in, smelling the different coffees being made. I looked around and spotted Vanessa, she was sat in one of the booths wearing a navy blue suit that complemented her figure, she still had the same wavy dark brown hair with lighter brown highlights. Wow, I forgot how pretty she was.
I smiled and made my way to the booth. "Hey... you look the same" I grinned as I sat down, "Is that a compliment... or?" I chuckled and genuinely said, "You look amazing".
"So... what's it been? Like 3 years before you left?" She asked, I nodded. I wish I didn't need to move back then but it was necessary for my life to move forward and away from the devastating place that was my home town. My parents slaved their entire lives there and then died there, it was hard to stay there and see constant reminders of them.
Sadly I had to leave Vanessa there too, she was my entire life before my parents died.
"It has... so you're a lawyer now. You did it!" If possible she smiled brighter, "yea it was a long and tiring journey but I love my job" we talked a lot more just catching up with each other. Through her socials, I found out that she moved here like a year back, one of the reasons I called her was because I knew she lived here now.
"Remember when we used to go on walks in the night, eating Chinese food?" She let out a nostalgic smile at the mention of our walks. "How could I forget? They were the best, we held hands to hide secrets..." she winked at me, I just laughed remembering why we did that.
"So why did you call Lin?" My smile faded a bit as I looked down at my drink, "There's this girl... I like her but she's in love with someone else... it's probably just a crush anyway. It'll pass." She looked at me sympathetically.
"How long have you been feeling this way?" I thought back to the first day I saw her. "About 3 months..." she took a sip of her tea and then asked, "When did you meet her?" I looked at her before looking away and used my smallest voice to say "About 3 months...".
"So this is a love at first sight situation?" I shook my head to say no "Not really... it's more like a one sided situation. She will never like me like that. Ughh Pippa, why does she have to be so perfect!? She has the most beautiful brown eyes and a perfect sense of humor. She's so smart and I just wished she saw me as more..."
"You're in love with her... whether you like it or not. You love her." I looked down again but this time I had tears in my eyes remembering yesterday.
"Did you... did you start writing about this?" She asked concern filling her voice. I just nodded, letting a teardrop fall onto the table. "Oh, Lin... I didn't think it was this bad." I wiped the tears off with the pad of my palm before I could shed more tears.
"Do you have any I could look at now?" I shook my head no and told her that I had it at home and if she was comfortable she could come over and look at them.
She agreed and we made our way back to my apartment.
She sat on my bed as she read the few lines I wrote last night and a bunch of them I wrote before that. I couldn't sit, I was standing and staring at her awkwardly waiting for her to finish.
When she finished she looked up and I saw tears in her eyes, she didn't speak a single word. All she did was get up and pull me into a tight hug.
A/n: This is the first time I didn't take an entire month to update this. So enjoy this even though i wrote it kinda weird. Quick question for you guys, do you think Vanessa is gonna be a good person or a bad person in this??
Anyways, have a g' morning or g' night wherever you are... love y'all
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