Chapter 2, Awkward Moment
Minty's Perspective
I finished my first night shift and sighed in relief as I left the old building. Why do we even need to do that? What's the point? Seems like there's no real reason to watch the animatronics at night... But, I get paid, so it's alright. Walking through the town at 6 AM is pretty strange... Some kids are out, but mostly everyone was either in their houses, or going to work early. I shivered when a cold gust went right through my bones and made me very freezing. I hugged myself and squeaked when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head and saw a very... Purple themed man. "H-Hello?" I said and He smiled a bit creepily. "Hello... Are you.. Mmm.. Are you Minty?" He asked and I shuddered when his hand slid down my back. "Y-Yeah, it is." I said and nervously swallowed. The strange man slowly walked up next to me. "Keep walking." He told me and I started sweating. I didn't dare defy him, so I just continued walking and he forcibly took my hand.
I shook and whimpered. "A-And what's your name?" I asked him and his hand brushed through my silky mint hair. I tensed up and his voice made me relax strangely. "It's Willaim (or Vincent)." He told me and stopped touching my hair. "Y-You're very physical h-huh?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah it's a problem I have..." He said and I looked at his shaky hand. "Do you have muscle issues too?" I asked and he moved his hand away. "It's kinda weird..." He told me and I rubbed his shaking hand. "Thanks..." He said and I noticed a picture sticking out of his pocket. "How'd you get a picture of me..?" I asked a little startled and walked away from him. He frowned and followed me. "O-Oh um.. Uh..." He said and failed to give an explanation. I watched him slowly drift away and get upset. I know I should be getting away from him but.. He really does seem lonely.
I stopped walking and watched him come to a stop and look at me. "Hey, do you want to be friends?" I asked and he smiled a little. "Yeah..." He said and I walked over. He shyly his his hand in his pocket and I pulled it out and held it. I smiled when he gently squeezed it. "Thanks." He said and I led him on the sidewalk. He acted a bit like a child in the fact that he followed with a smile, as if he wasn't thinking at all but was just extremely content. It was so adorable. I rubbed it and arrived at my house after a few minutes of silence. "Would you like to come in...?" I asked and rubbed my tired eyes. "No thank you." He said and pulled away his hand. "But can I come back when you wake up?" He asked me and I nodded. "Of course." I said and he smiled "Alright, see ya tomorrow stranger." I said and he left. I closed my door and yawned.
I locked the door and almost stumbled to my bed, where I threw off my jacket and shoes. I flopped on to the bed and curled up in the blankets. I yawned and started to fall asleep. What a strange, cute man.
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