[3] Love You Forever
I pat my screaming son's back. I try to calm him down as Zianna looks at me in distress. He keeps crying as I lay him down on his back on the floor on top of a soft blue blanket. I stay with him as Zianna brings in a bottle that is halfway full of water.
I put the bottle in his mouth when he doesn't grab it himself. Garroth drinks for a couple seconds but rejects the bottle and begins crying again. I set the bottle down and pick him up, sighing and looking at Zianna, who has tears in her eyes.
"Call your mom and Tobin." I say turning to her. "We may need it."
Zianna nods and a tear flows down her cheek. She pulls out her phone and walks into the other room. I kiss Garroth's head and stroke his hair. Several tears flow down his small, round cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb as Zianna walks in after a few minutes.
"T-Tobin is on his way," she stutters, "and I told my mom we'd meet her at-"
She doesn't finish her sentence once Garroth throws up once again. It gets all over his clothes. I begin to take them off as Zianna wipes his face with a soft washcloth. I grab a blanket and wrap it around his body and pick him up gently.
"We should go now. He'll only get worse if we don't go to the hospital." I say as I hand him to Zianna and grab the keys.
We begin to walk out of the door. I turn around and see little arms reaching for me and big, hopeful blue eyes looking at me with tears in them. I kiss his forehead and let Zianna hold him.
"Mommy is gonna hold you for a minute, buddy, okay?" I say, turning around and unlocking the door.
We step outside and walk to our grey car. I unlock it with a red button on a key chain and open the back door. I gently take him from Zianna's arms and I can feel him tense up. Gently laying him down in his car seat and buckling him, I can feel a small bump on his right arm. I shake my head and turn to Zianna.
"You wanna ride in the back with him?" I ask.
She nods and gets in on the other side. I sit down in the drivers side and slide my seat belt over me. I turn the keys in the ignition and begin to drive as quick as the speed limit will let me. My eyes are glued to the road, but I can still hear Garroth screaming in the back.
Even though I'm driving as fast as the legal limit, I'm still being as careful as possible. I'm not letting my wife and son get hurt because of reckless driving trying to get us to the hospital anyway. I can see the hospital, minutes away from where we are.
I can see the glowing emergency sign up ahead and drive as fast as I can towards it. I park in the closest parking spot I can and immediately get out. I feel my heart beating fast and my my eyes burning with tears. I swallow and pick Garroth up slowly. Zianna already has tears running down her cheeks. She wipes them away with her hand.
I sigh and walk quickly towards the emergency room entrance. Doctors and nurses notice us immediately and a young, brunette nurse walks over to us. He doesn't even know what's going on or how to feel but he leads us to a room without a word. I think it's mainly because most people who are sick don't want to be around a screaming baby. I can understand that, I wouldn't exactly want to be around a crying baby in that situation.
"He's really sick, isn't he?" He asks.
Zianna and I give a glance and nod. I gently lay Garroth down on the firm hospital bed and stroke his hair.
"I'm gonna need one of you to fill this out," the nurse says to us while handing us a clipboard.
Zianna looks at me and Garroth and takes the clipboard and begins to write. I hand her an insurance card in case she needs it. The nurse smiles at Garroth and looks up at me.
"So what's been going on?" He asks.
"He hasn't been able to keep anything down-" I begin.
"Not even water?" He cuts me off.
I shake my head. "He's been crying like this for... maybe three or four days? He has a small bump on his arm-"
"He does?!" Zianna asks.
I turn to her. "I just noticed it today."
I turn back to the nurse. His face is slightly pale and his brown eyes show fear. He looks at me and sighs.
"We're gonna need a lot of tests done."
I turn to Zianna and take a deep breath. Today's gonna be a long day.
I look at my older brother, Tobin. He looks at me with his blue eyes with green mixed in. There's fear in there, but some assurance that Garroth will be okay. I shake my head and bury my face in my hands. He puts a hand on my back.
"It's okay, G. I'm sure he's fine." He says quietly.
"All right, buddy." The doctor hands Garroth to me. Garroth is smiling, for the first time in days.
Zianna, who's sitting to my right, smiles at him. So does her mother, who's sitting on the right side of her. He smiles back.
"Can mommy hold you?" Zianna asks while putting her hands out.
I hand him to her. He gets fussy and reaches for me. I laugh and pick him up once again. He smiles at me with a face similar to mine. I kiss his forehead and look back up at the doctors. They're smiling, but I can tell there's something very wrong.
"W-We have some... bad news." The doctor hesitates. I look her straight in the eye.
"We did some extensive testing and... we discovered he has a tumor in his right arm." She says.
I turn to Zianna. She's frozen with tears already spilling out of her eyes. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her head. I know I can't freeze. I don't want to scare Garroth at all. He gets upset when I get upset or when I get scared. It's kind of cute.
But I want to cry and hold my son as tight as I can. I want to hug Zianna as both of us freeze in fear. But I know I can't. I've always been known to be strong, and I can't let myself become emotional in front of my family.
"B-But you can cure him, right?" Zianna asks.
"We can do our best. We're in luck that it isn't where it's impossible but... it's almost stage three. We need to get him admitted and started on chemo and radiation if we want any hope of him surviving." She says strictly but calmly.
I pull Zianna close and kiss her head once again. She has her face buried in her hands. I can hear her sobs and tears begin to flow out of my eyes, too. I whisper in her ear.
"It's okay, Honey. He's gonna be just fine."
I have a creepy Hamilton poster in my room. Its not creepy during the day, only at night.
Thanks for reading! Bye!
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