[34] The Bucket List, pt. 1
"But... it is illegal..." Aphmau stated.
"I know, we can do something different if you want," I said without thinking about what I was saying.
"N-No! We can do it!" Aphmau says quickly.
"Aphmau, I-"
"You need to live with what you have left, G." She said sympathetically.
My breath staggers. I want to do it, I really do. But Aphmau could get in huge trouble for helping me out. Not only with her mom, with the law.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Don't do drugs!" Okay, I get that. Drugs are horrible. But, I am dying, and I won't smoke enough to kill me.
Because there's more to my bucket list.
I sigh, "Okay, let's do it. W-Who's gonna help us get it?"
"I might just know someone," she smiles and takes out her phone.
She begins dialing the number, the numbers making tones as she taps them. She clicks the call button and presses it to her ear, looking down at the grass and waiting for an answer.
"Hey," she after a few seconds.
"No, I need something." She says.
I lean against the house and wonder who she's talking to. I can't hear what the other person is saying, so I can't tell who it is. I stuff my hands into my pockets and wait.
"I need you to give us a little weed," she chokes out awkwardly. I look at the door to make sure no one heard us.
"Yeah, Garroth wants to do it before he... you know." She says softly.
"Okay!" Her face lights up.
"Thanks so much, Gene!" She says as she hangs up.
Why would she have his number?
"How do you have Gene's number?" I ask.
"Complicated story. Anyway, he told us to meet us at the park at midnight. Wanna do something until then?" She asks.
"Go inside?" I ask.
She gives a small laugh, "Of course, Garroth."
Aphmau walks inside the sliding door. I follow her inside, making sure to close the door. I don't have the strength I used to, so it takes a minute to do.
We walk into the kitchen. Aphmau is pretty much available to have whatever she wants because she's over so often. Zane and Vylad think of her like a sister.
I think of her as more than that.
She grabs an apple and leans against the counter. Smiling, she takes a bite into it. I smile back. She grabs an apple and hands one to me.
"Want one?" She asks, her speech slightly muffled because of the apple.
I shake my head, "No, thanks."
I haven't had much of an appetite lately. The pain medication I take makes me nauseous. That, and the thought of dying still horrifies me. I can't control it, though.
"Suit yourself," she puts the apple back in the bowl.
"Hey, you two." Mom walks in and puts a clean dish towel on the counter.
"Hi, mom," I say.
"Hey, Zianna!" Aphmau says.
"I saw you guys talking outside. What were you talking about?" She asks and leans on the counter.
Aphmau and I exchange a glance. A glance that would be suspicious to parents. We look back at mom and I give a smile.
"Nothing," I say trying to sound like an innocent child.
Mom gives us the "mom look", "Mhm."
"Nothing! Really." Aphmau says, sounding a little less innocent.
"Okay, okay," mom says, her expression still suspicious.
I begin to think about my bucket list. I still don't know what I want to do. Watch Shane Dawson for the rest of my life? Ha, I wish. Mom would never let me do that.
But because I was on YouTube so much, I thought of an episode on Threadbanger.
DIY Galaxy Apples.
Now, maybe we wouldn't do specifically galaxy apples, but we would do apples covered in Jolly Ranchers. We already have apples, sticks used for crafting, and Jolly Ranchers because Vylad is obsessed with them.
"Can we make Jolly Rancher covered apples?" I ask.
Aphmau gives me a crazy look, "What?"
"Please? I saw a video on Threadbanger and I've wanted to try it for so long!" I beg.
Mom raises an eyebrow, "Garroth, I don't know."
"Please? Just a couple apples?" I give slight begging eyes.
Mom sighs, "All right. You got what you need?"
I nod quickly and pull out the bag of Jolly Ranchers of the cupboard and get the crafting sticks out of the junk drawer. I set them out on the counter and race to get a pan out of the cupboard.
"Slow down, soldier," mom laughs.
That nickname sends a bit of numbness through me. I go pale and sigh, but then I get back up and put the pan onto the counter.
"Okay, first step, unwrap the jolly ranchers," I say.
Aphmau gets right to it. Mom and I help also. I take a quick break and preheat the oven to melt the Jolly Ranchers. I look back in the pan at the assortment of colors of different flavors.
"That's gonna be either a bad flavor or a bad color," Aphmau says.
"Or both." I say.
Aphmau laughs and opens the oven, sliding the pan in. We set a timer and start taking the stem off the apples. Mom opens the craft sticks and hands them to us.
Once I got the stem off the apple, I take the stick and begin sliding it into my apple.
Just like Rob, I screwed up that wording.
But you get what I mean.
We set the apples with crafting sticks in them on the counter and wait for the timer to go off. Vylad comes running in and smiles at us.
"What're you doing?" He asks.
"Making Jolly Rancher covered apples," Aphmau says.
Vylad's face lights up, "Can I have one?"
"Sure, Vylad," I laugh.
He smiles and runs back upstairs. The timer goes off and mom quickly gets it out of the oven. It cools quickly, so we act fast. I take one of the apples and begin rolling it around in the pan.
I take the apple out and look at the horrendous color. I set it on parchment paper and do the same process with another apple. I scrunch up my nose.
"That's an awful color," I say.
Aphmau nods, "Oh yeah."
We all stare at them while they dry. That isn't like watching paint dry, since they dry quickly. Aphmau turns to mom with a smirk.
"Do you guys have glitter and a paint brush?" She asks.
"Junk drawer," I say.
"Why do you need glitter?" Mom asks.
"You'll see," Aphmau says as she pulls out a small brush and a canister of glitter.
Aphmau sets both on the counter and reaches up to the cupboard. She takes out a small, light blue bowl and turns on a soft flow of the faucet. Once it was full enough, she set it on the counter.
"You're putting glitter on the apples?" I ask.
"Yep!" She giggles.
"You're not putting it on mine," I say while scrunching up my nose.
Aphmau glares at me for a second and then picks up the small canister of glitter. She walks over to me and holds it up to my face. I look down at it, horrified.
I don't like glitter.
"I do," she pops the lid off, "what I want."
I roll my eyes and watch her set it back down and dip the small brush in the water and then dip into the glitter. She starts to paint the strange colored apples with water.
I take out my phone and scroll through Instagram. Then, I drop my phone and get down to pick it up. At that moment, I heard Aphmau hit the glitter can and a sharp pain on my head. I get up to glitter everywhere.
"What did you do?!" I ask.
"S-Sorry," she tries to contain her laughter.
"You got it everywhere! Now my casket is gonna be glittery!" I joke.
Aphmau laughs, "I said I was sorry!"
Mom shakes her head and mumbles, "My kitchen. I just cleaned my kitchen."
I laugh and pick up an apple. Aphmau does the same and we hold them up to our mouths. We smile at each other.
"Ready?" I ask. She nods.
"One... two... three."
We bite down into the apple. Well, not exactly, as it was too hard to actually take a bite out of. I keep trying to bite into it, but it doesn't work. I take it out of my mouth to not even see a dent.
"Oh, hell no, this apple is harder than me," I say, twirling it around.
Aphmau starts to die of laughter. Mom gives me a 'WTF' look. I smile at her innocently.
"Love ya, mom." I say.
"Love you too, soldier," she gives me a weird look and slowly walks out of the room.
Aphmau keeps laughing. Her laugh is nice, kinda like an angel's laughter. It's heavenly.
That wasn't weird, was it?
I'm ready for midnight.
If any of you guys drew an entry before October 11th and tagged us, make sure you did tag us. Wattpad is weird for me and doesn't show all notifications.
Thanks for reading! Bai!
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