[21] Operation: Save The Boy, pt. 2
And there I sit, in the cold technology of the hospital looking up at the white ceiling while listening to "Heathens" by TØP.
I know, I sound weird. But it's some of the only music I listen to. Zane thinks I listen to Justin Bieber and One Direction, which is not true.
Anyway, today's the amazing day. Where I'm awake during an extremely dangerous procedure.
Sounds glorious, right?
To be honest, I'm scared as hell. But who do I have to be strong for? You guessed it, everyone around me. Mom tells me I have every right to me angry, but I dont show it. I show no anger or sadness for the soul reason of that I really don't want to. It wont do anything at all.
Then, someone pulls my earbud out. I flinch, wondering if it's some axe murderer or something. I turn around to see Aphmau.
Thats not an axe murderer.
She giggles, "Your music is too loud, Garroth."
"Hey, I lost a little bit of hearing from my last surgery," I yank the earbuds back. "I can have it as loud as I want."
She rolls her eyes, "Whatever, Ro'Meave."
I smile at her, hear rushing to my cheeks. She has beautiful eyes. Not in a creepy way, of course. And the way she says my name is just... amazing. I can't even comprehend how amazing it is.
"You're blushing," she pokes me.
"A-Are not!" I probably blush deeper.
She laughs, "Are too!"
"A-Aphmau, stop it!" I nudge her slightly.
She starts laughing and doesn't stop. I look at her like something is wrong with her.
Which there isnt, everything is perfect about her.
I look at her smile. That smile lightens up everything.
Wow, I really do sound like a pervert.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She looks at me like I've grown to heads.
I snap back into reality, "N-No reason, sorry."
"I can see you being a pedophile when you grow up, Garroth," she jokes. "Or now."
I laugh, "I can see it now. 'Twelve year old pedophile with cancer"' I joke.
Aphmau and I start dying of laughter. Cancer jokes are the best.
That is, if you have cancer of course.
At that moment, the iPad starts ringing saying that my dad wants to FaceTime. I look at Aphmau. She shrugs, so I answer it. I slightly notice that she's blushing.
"Hey, dad," I say, still trying to hold in laughter. Aphmau keeps giggling.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asks. Aphmau giggles harder, her face turning an even darker shade of red.
"N-No," I rub the back of my neck.
"Are you sure, soldier?" He laughs.
I roll my eyes, "Yes, dad, I'm sure."
"Okay, whatever you say. Just wanted to talk to you before the plane boards. Are your mom and brothers there?"
"Nah, mom went home to take care of them."
"Okay, well," he pauses, "I have to go. I'll Skype them, dont worry."
"Okay, dad."
"See ya, Soldier."
"Bye," I say, hanging up.
Aphmau looks at me, and then up behind me. I turn around to see several doctors, and my mom coming in behind them.
"I-I think I better go," Aphmau gets up and leaves.
Well, there goes everything.
Mom comes over and sits by me. She grabs my hand and I grasp it back, ready for whatever's coming. The doctor grabs an IV needle and comes towards me, tying a compressor to my arm, stopping the blood flow.
"Do you wanna count to three or just go right in?" He asks, his weirdly green and brown eyes looking inside of my blue ones.
I debate for a second, but then I come to a conclusion, "Count to three."
I still hate needles.
"Okay, one. Two. Three."
The needle goes in, giving me a sharp pain in my hand. It they connect medicine to it and my whole arm almost immediately goes completely numb. One of the nurses wheels in a bed and I climb up on it, my whole body starting to feel drowsy and numb.
They roll me towards the OR. The urge to lay down is crazy, but I want to stay upright. Otherwise, I'll fall asleep. The machines of respirators and IV's are everywhere. I look inside, children. Children with cancer.
It's really unfair.
We roll into the OR before I can get a good look at anything. The doctors help me onto a reclined chair and put a cannula up my nose. By this point, my entire body is numb.
"Okay, Garroth, we're gonna numb your head a little bit more. You shouldn't feel anything," the doctor sits on a chair in front of me.
I feel a few needles go into my head. They don't hurt, they just feel weird. After that, it almost feels like I don't have a scalp.
"Okay, they're going to start making incisions," the doctor says.
Again, I don't feel a thing. But after about five or ten minutes, I hear the sound of a drill get closer and closer to my ears.
They're drilling my head open.
What a lovely thing to hear in this situation.
The loud noises stop. My body is still tense but I relax the muscles a bit. Thank God that's over.
The doctor looks at me again. I notice his nametag that reads:
"W. Mark Regius."
Odd name. I wonder what the W could stand for. William? Waldo?
Willy Wonka, everyone.
"Okay, I just need you to follow my finger," he moves his index finger in all directions. I follow it with my eyes, occasionally having it blurry.
"Okay, good," he writes down something on a notebook piece of paper.
He puts his left index finger up, "Can you touch my left finger with your right?"
My body is deadly numb, but I can manage. Slowly but surely I touch the tip of my finger to his. He smiles under his mask.
"You're doing great," he writes something down once again.
I lift my eyes up and look everywhere as he writes whatever he's writing down in the notebook.
My eyes start to go blurry and they turn black at the edges. My heart starts beating slower and I feel much weaker. My breathing staggers.
"Patients breathing is slowing down, same goes for heart rate."
"Start a blood transfusion."
"Stay with me, Garroth."
And then the darkness washes over me.
Whoever can guess who the doctors name is based off of wins a prize.
Thanks for reading! Bai!
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