[17] Days Gone By pt. 2
I walk up to the school once again. Two weeks ago, I had no idea where I was going. Now I get the idea..
I look around, people rushing everywhere. I'm glad I have hair back, otherwise the scars from my surgery from so long ago would be showing.
Walking in, I see two very familiar faces. Long black hair and light brown hair. I smile to myself, planning to scare Laurance.
I run up to him at his locker. He's talking to Aphmau, and this'd be my perfect opportunity to stop him. I jump on his back, even though I'm taller. He flinches.
I jump down, realizing how much taller I am then him. He is shaken up by the fact that I jumped on his back and screamed.
"Hello, Garroth," he grumbles. I chuckle and turn to Aphmau.
"Hey, Aph." I smile a cheeky smile and wave.
"Hello, Garroth," she giggles.
The bell rings extremely loud. I plug my ears until it stops. Something about having Neuroblastoma makes your ears hear things louder or something. It finally stops as Aphmau is in a giggling fit.
"C'mon," she can't stop giggling, it's cute, "Let's go to class. We don't want to be late!"
All three of us run to class. I seem to be slower than the two of them, but that's okay. It's probably nothing.
But then I trip and drop everything.
I look around. There was nothing to trip on, not people's feet or cracks in the floor. I slowly get up as Laurance and Aphmau run over to me.
"Are you okay?" Aphmau asks, giving me a hand. I grab it and stand up fully.
"Yeah. I-I'm fine." I stutter and look down. My leg is bruised and slightly scratched.
"You're bleeding." Laurance points out. I look down.
"It's just a scratch." I shrug it off and rush to class.
I walk into home room and sit in my seat. Everything goes blurry again. I press my eyes and they go back to normal. I shake my head to get the thought out of the way.
I look over at Aphmau, beautiful as usual. Her black hair frames her face perfectly and her brown eyes sparkle. She's writing something, and then she passes me a note.
Is everything okay?
I grab a new pencil and start to write. I decide to be honest.
I don't know, I'm falling and my eyes are weird. Like when I had cancer.
I secretly pass the note back. She opens it and covers her mouth, near crying. Eventually, she does cry. Her sobs are quiet. The teacher takes notice and goes over to her.
"Aphmau?" She asks. Aph looks up at her and nods, "Are you all right?"
"Are you sure?"
"Y-Yes." Aphmau stops crying and clears her throat.
The teacher nods and stands up. Aphmau wipes her tears on her cheeks with the palm of her hand and continues writing on the note. She passes it to me.
If you think the cancer is back, go to the nurse!
I freeze. I can't let my parents know again. I've already had cancer twice, knowing again would crush them. I hated all the treatment, and I can't go back.
I think about what to write next. As I do that, my head starts to hurt. It hurts worse than ever before. I clutch my hair and wait for the pain to go away, but it doesn't. The teacher sighs and comes over to me.
Make it stop, make it stop quickly.
I don't look at her. There's no way I'm looking at her, otherwise she can see my eyes. There's probably something wrong with them.
"Garroth, do you need to go to the nurse?" Her voice is light and happy, something I'm not.
"No." I grunt, still clutching my blonde hair.
"I think you should," she stands up straight.
"No! I can't!" I look at her, and she looks alarmed.
"Garroth, your eyes-"
"I know! I can't go to the nurse, I can't!" I scream, trying to put up a fight.
"Garroth, you have to." She lowers her voice and once again comes down to my level.
"No, please, no!" I start screaming louder.
"Garroth," she says in a low tone whisper, "I'm not asking anything other than you going to the nurse. Please, just for a few minutes?"
I contemplate it for a few minutes. Maybe it's not cancer, maybe this is a dream. Maybe there's something else going on in my head. After a few minutes, I nod and get up. She motions for Laurance to come and make sure I get there okay.
We walk to the nurses office, slowly so I don't fall again. He stays close by, but not too close. He doesn't want me to have personal space issues or anything.
We walk into the room. It's all white, like a hospital. Here we go again.
Laurance starts talking to the nurse about what happened. I honestly don't hear anything, because my ears are ringing from the headache. The nurse helps me sit up on the table.
"Okay, Garroth, we're going to do a simple test, okay?" She says. I nod and she takes out the flashlight.
"Just follow the flashlight," she remind me.
The nurse moves it in all directions. I can move some, but not all of them. My eyes either go the opposite direction or they blur. She looks at me with a concerned face.
"I think we're gonna have to call your parents," she says.
"You can't! If anything happens, it'll crush them!" I explain.
"They'll want to know what's going on," she says.
She leaves for another room and leaves me by myself. I didn't notice that Laurance had left at first, but he did. I'm alone, my ears ringing in the dead silence.
20 minutes later, my mom comes in and hugs me. She separates and gets a good look at my eye.
"Garroth, are you okay? What happened?" She asks, calmly but I can tell her adrenaline is pumping.
"I... Don't know," I say as tears flood my eyes.
"Let's get you to a doctor," she says.
Mom helps me off the bed and leads me out to the car.
Not again, I think.
We enter the ER doors. I'm shaking with fear and I look around. I hate this place with a passion, always have.
Mom starts talking to the nurse at the desk. She signs a couple papers and they lead us to a small place, hidden by curtains from the outside world. I sit down on the bed, waiting for a doctor.
It takes a while, but a doctor does come in. He's short, with blonde hair and light brown eyes.
"Garroth Ro'Meave?" He asks. I nod.
"I hear you've been having some sight problems," he says, looking through papers. I nod again.
"Well, we're gonna have an MRI scan, if that's okay with you," I shrug. I don't want to, but it's not really like I have a choice.
"Okay, I'll go order one now," he leaves.
Apparently, it doesn't take that long. I should have, but today it didn't. They lead me into a room with a huge machine in it. I lay down on the cold, metal table. They put towels around my head to stabilize it. I'm lifted into the machine and it starts scanning. I close my eyes, trying to zone out the noises.
I open my eyes. Was I sleeping? I'm not sure. The doctor motions for me to get up. I do so, feeling slightly dizzy. He leads me back where my mom is.
"Okay, we should have the results in a few hours," a radiologist smiles.
We walk into a waiting room like area. I try and fall asleep, but the headache is too intense. I grip onto the sides of the chair, and my mom puts an arm around me.
"It's okay, Garroth," she says. "I promise."
The same short, blonde doctor comes out about 2 hours later and sits in front of us. Mom grabs my hand, both of our bodies shaking. The doctor tries to keep a straight face, but he can't. There's too much concern.
He sighs and begins talking:
"We got the test results back," he begins.
"Go on," my mother says.
"And the cancer is back."
*hides in corner*
Thanks for reading! Bai!
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