My heart ached, my legs killed. I couldn't feel my hands. I turned my head to see honey looking furious. She looked like she was about to destroy my new girlfriend. "OH BY THE WAY ADULTS, YOU HATE EACH OTHER!" Daniel shouted then I heard my parents fighting downstairs. Seriously it was like one bad guy after the other.
Honey looked like she was about throw Penelope out the window. "Just think happy thoughts." Penelope said . "HAPPINESS DOESN'T EXIST!" Honey snarled. "It does u just have to find it." Penelope replied. "NO HAPPINESS ,NONE!" Honey replied. She tried to punch Penelope but she dodged.
"Penelope.." I groaned. " Jake? " Penelope said. "Penelope..." I groaned again. Honey tried to grab Penelope's hair but Penelope stopped her.
Penelope tried to run to me but Honey grabbed Penelope's hand and chucked her into her wardrobe. Clothes came flying out and some landed on Penelope. "NO HAPPINESS ONLY FURY!" Honey shouted then she locked the wardrobe door on Penelope . Honey turned her attention to me.She grabbed me and opened her window. She held me above the ground outside the window. I heard loud banging.
"I'm free." Penelope muttered. " Penelope.. " I muttered. Every word I spoke hurt me. Honey seemed hesitant to drop me. She loosened her grip. She now held onto me with four fingers. "Omg." Penelope said. Honey now held onto me with three fingers. " DROP HIM! " Daniel shouted. "NOO!" Penelope screamed.
Honey dropped me. Daniel got out of his Lamborghini and caught me. I looked up into his eyes they looked soulless. My vision blurred. Honey jumped ,Daniel let go of me with one hand and held me with the other. He caught Honey with his spare hand. He chucked us into his Lamborghini. "I'M GOING TO TURN THESE INTO HATE WARRIOR'S. BYE SWEETIE!" Daniel shouted through his megaphone . "NOOO!" I heard her scream.
Daniel hopped into the driver's seat. I passed out as he drives away. I woke up. We arrived at a mansion. "Daniel.." I groaned . Honey was growling next to me. "Yes?" Daniel replied. " What are u doing? Where are we? " I asked. "I'm bringing u to my mansion." Daniel replied. " Penelope... " I muttered.
"NO U BOTH HATE PENELOPE!" Daniel shouted angrily. " I-wh-GRRR I HATE HER SO MUCH! " I yelled. A white hot anger filled me out of no where. I was so furious Penelope was so ugly. Her voice was so annoying.
I felt like I was on fire. "Ure gonna cheat on her ." Daniel said. "WITH WHO?" I demanded. "Katie." Daniel replied. "BUT I HATE KATIE!I kicked the door open and tried to run away"COME BACK HERE NOW!" Daniel yelled. " NEVER! " I shouted slowly walking away, gritting my teeth.
Honey walked out the Lamborghini. She wragged me by my hair and threw me to the ground. "GRRR!" She growled. " thanks honey. " Daniel said. " DON'T THANK ME BASTARD BUT UR WELCOME ANYWAY! " she hit me in the face then she leant against Daniel's Lamborghini muttering angrily.
"Now come inside. Katie is waiting." Daniel ordered . "MAKE ME!" I shouted . I felt stronger than ever. I pushed myself off the ground and backflipped over Daniel . I tried to hit him but he was too fast for me. " NOW! " He shouted as he dodged.
"Come inside. If u come inside Jake and cheat on Penelope it will make her feel hurt." Daniel said . "GRRR !I hate u but ure right!" I replied. He started walking towards the mansion entrance. I followed gritting my teeth.
As soon as he'd stop talking a bit of me started to fight back against the negativity. Honey followed behind me. I saw her eyes losing rage. " U HATE PENELOPE.Now go have fun Jake she's over there."he said while opening the door.
The bit of me fighting band topped and joined the negativity. Honey's eyes gained rage again. I walked into the bedroom.
"Hi😍" Katie greeted me. " HELLO KATIE👿😡😠" I replied. "You know something that will destroy Penelope? Cheating on her." Katie said .
Suddenly the fire in me started dying my real memories started to return. My fury turned into anger. "what the fuck am I doing here? I questioned then I noticed Katie. "STAY BACK WITCH!" I shouted. " u hate Penelope. " Daniel voice said. The fire returned.
My real memories faded being replaced by fakes. "GRRR!" I growled and threw my blazer on the ground. " Come on😏" Katie said smirking. "GRRR! " I snarled and undid my shirt.
Katie undid her shirt. "GRRR! what the? How did i become shirtless?" I said returning again. " COME ON JAKE U HATE PENELOPE! " Daniel yelled. My real self disappeared.
I unzipped my trousers and threw off my boxers. She just smirked. I pounced on her and then I put her mouth on my dick then she began to suck it.
I started ripping her clothes off then I licked every bit of her. "Wow babe😩." Katie muttered.
I returned again. " huh? NOOOO U DID IT AGAIN! " I jumped away from her. My tongue had tasted something disgusting. I backed up against the wall, covering my dick. "I thought u liked it." Katie said . "My memory is fuzzy..." Then I passed out.
Word count😊:879
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