The mystery baby
Kevin woke up from the anesthetic a few short hours after the operation was over
"Nurse can I have my phone please?" Kevin calls on the intercom that was in his recovery room as he puts his glasses on, so he could see where he was
"Sure Mr. McHale I will bring it to you" the nurse tells him
Kevin was glad to have his phone back so he could tell his fans how he was doing and that the surgery went very well.
@druidDUDE out of surgery and in recovery now #bored
"Hey Kevin how are you feeling?" Lea asks as she enters his room
"Better then what I was feeling earlier" he says as a nurse comes in to change his i.v
"That's good all of us are going to go back to set, so get some sleep we will be here later to see you" she tells him as she turns around and leaves the room once again, so Kevin could get some sleep
Kevin decided to go back to bed cause the medicine that the nurse gave him started to make him sleepy again
Kevin wakes up and he sees that he is in a regular hospital room
"The city looks perfect from here" he says as he looks out towards the city from his hospital room
Soon the silence was interrupted when one of the nurses bring in a cute baby
"Wait I just had my appendix out I didn't have a baby" he tells the nurse as she leaves the room after she hands him the baby
Soon the cute baby woke up and it wasn't happy at all
"It's okay little one I'm sorry if I yelled" he says as he rocks the baby back to sleep in his arms
Soon the baby goes back to sleep on it's own
Kevin checks the hospital bracelet. To see what the baby was, and he sees that the baby is a girl
"Oh sweetie I'm sorry if I made you cry I'm not your daddy come on let's find your mommy" he says as he calls a nurse to come and get her, so she could go back to her mommy
Soon a nurse comes in and takes the cute baby back to the nursery, so she could be reunited with her mommy
"Bye little one" he says to the cute baby as she leaves the room with the nurse
Kevin decides to see what was on t.v before the cast comes back into the room to see him since he can have visitors now. Since there wasn't anything interesting on t.v he decided to do a q/a with his followers on twitter until the cast comes to visit him in the hospital
"That was a fun q/a i might do another one tonight" he says after he gets down with his long q/a session that he did on twitter, and he followed backsome of his followers that were asking for a follow back
"Now what to do since i can't get out of bed yet and go walk the halls" he says to himself as he looka around his hospital room to see what he could do at the moment since there wasn't anything on for him to watch at all
Soon the same nurse that brought the baby to him the first time returns with the same baby once more
"Excuse me can you tell me where this baby came from cause I'm pretty sure her mommy or daddy misses her" he says as he takes the baby from the nurse once again since the baby was fast asleep in the nurses arms at the moment
The nurse explains about the baby and that they don't know where she came from she was in the nursery with no name of a mother or a father. That they were searching the hospital for the mother to see if she was still there, and she wasn't there she dropped the baby off and ran leaving the baby in the nursery
"The poor thing" he says as he looks down at the beautiful baby girl who was sleeping like a little angel
The nurse explains about child services, and they were too busy or out of town on business at the moment, and they couldn't come for the pretty girl
"It looks like she is all alone in this great big world" he says looking down at the sleeping baby
"Yeah she is, so do you want to take her?' the nurse asks Kevin
"Yeah I'll take her she can be my little princess, and i would like some company when i travel. Besides I'm a little bored in this room, and there isna't nothing on for me to watch, and i can't get out of bed. I might as well have some company" he says as he rocks the baby in his arms that was still sleeping
"We are going to need a name for the birth certificate" the nurse tells him
Kevin looks at the baby girl before deciding on the perfect name for his little girl
"Her name is going to be Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn Kenna McHale" he says when the baby woke up when she heard a name being called
"It looks like she likes that name" the nurse tells him when she sees the baby wake up
"Hey Katie girl" he says to the baby who opened her pretty eyes to look at who was holding her
Kevin couldn't believe he was going to be this pretty girl daddy for the rest of his life
"I'm going to lay you on the bed, so we can play for a little bit since I'm bored and you are probably bored" he says as he lays her on the bed to play with her for a little bit
Kevin opened her blanket a bit, so she could move her legs a bit
"There we go is that better?" he asks the baby
Katie just sucks on her mittens that were on her hands
"I thought so" he says as he takes her cute mittens off, so she could suck on her fingers
Kevin gives her his finger to hold, and she holds tight
"Don't worry Katie i will never let you go" he says to the cute baby that he had in his arms once more
Kevin was having fun with Katie and getting to know her little cues
"Okay I'll see about a bottle" he says as he calls to the nurse to see if a bottle can be brought for Katie who was starting to get cranky right now, so he figures she is probably hungry
Kevin wraps her up, so he could feed her
"There we go sweetie" he says after he wrapped Katie back up and was holding her in his arms once again, so he could feed her
Soon a nurse appears with a bottle for Katie
"Here we go Katie girl" he says as he feeds the baby her meal
Katie started to suckle the formula for her new daddy
"After you eat I will rock you to sleep and daddy will lay you down, so you can sleep" he says to her as she continues to suckle her bottle
Once Kaitlyn was done he burped her and she let out some good burps for her daddy
'There we go all better huh?" he asks as he lays her down, so he could change her
He changes her quickly, so she doesn't start crying
"There we go now close your pretty little eyes" he says as he rocks her in his arms
Katie closes her eyes and goes to sleep
"Night precious" he says as he lays Katie in her bassinet that was brought in for her
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