Part 4
"Katie, I think it's time I tell you about your real parents" he says to her cause this was going to be coming eventually he rather just get it over with and just be done with it cause he did not want her asking questions later about her real parents and what had happen to them as well cause it might not be good at all
Katie was ready to listen to what he had to say about her real parents and why Kevin was her dad and where was her real dad
"Okay you were only a baby when this happened, so you might not know much" he says as he was still talking to her right now
"I know that" she says to him
"Well, the nurse could not find your parents ta all they searched the hospital high and low to find your parents, and they could not find your parents, so they passed you off to every patient and you were passed off to me twice before i feel in love with you and you were destined to be my little girl, so I adopted you and we have been together ever since that day" he says as they were still talking right now
Katie couldn't believe her real parents abandoned her when she was just a baby, but she was grateful that Kevin adopted her when she was a baby
"Since that day baby I fell more and more in love with you, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me" he says as he was
Katie starts to cry cause that touch her heart as well and she was grateful for her daddy and her papa loved her more and more every day and her daddy loved her even more
"Well sweetie want to give your sister the tour?" he asks her
Katie was up for giving her sister a tour of her home for now and she wanted to be the best sister she could be right now to her baby sister who was going to be sort of like her
"What is wrong with the baby daddy?" she asks him
"She will have cerebral palsy, so you two will have wheelchair races if they think she will be happy with us" he tells her as he was going to tuck the baby in for her nap since she was falling asleep on him right now anyway, so sleep was coming to her since she was happy where she was
Kevin took her to her nursery for her nap and Katie followed behind to see where the new baby was going to sleep and she was happy that the new baby wasn't sleeping in her room at all, but she was going to be across the hall in the spare bedroom
"Does she have to sleep in the room across from mine?" Katie asks Kevin
"No, she can be in my room, and she will be once I set up your old bassinet in my room, I hope it's okay she sleeps in your old bassinet" he asks her
"I don't mind I didn't know I slept in a bassinet when I was a baby" Katie tells him
"You did and I loved the color so I kept it and the bassinet is still in good shape right now so it can be passed down to the next little one or it can go with you" he says as he puts the baby in her crib for the time being right now until he got the bassinet from storage later
Katie loved that her daddy kept everything from when she was little, and her baby sister could wear it and she could get more use out of it as well
"Wait till you see the clothes that you wore when you were little you looked so cute when you went out and about and now it's your sisters turn to look cute" he says as he was looking at her cause he was going to show Katie the clothes that she wore when she was that little
Katie was a little excited to see the outfits that she wore when she was a baby and now her sister gets to wear them as well
"Your clothes are in this tub right here" he says as he went to the attic and he was bringing down her baby clothes that she wore cause the baby girl needed to wear something and Katie's clothes were in good shape
Katie looked at all of the clothes that were in the tub and she could not believe that she was that little at one point in her life
"There is more up there, and I'll bring it down later cause these are your newborn-six months outfits" he tells her as she was looking at her outfits that she wore when she was a baby
Kevin had some outfits bought that said little sister for occasions when they headed out, and he had to find the perfect big sister shirts as well for Katie to wear when they go out cause he knew Katie and the baby were going to be a pretty good team in the future
"I am going to have to come up with a name for the baby, and he was going to name her after Mark and he was going to name her Massachusetts Natalie cause it seemed fitting for his other little girl to be names after two of the co-stars that had almost the perfect on screen and off screen romance
"I am going to do a photo session with Austin and the girls cause I want to remember this moment" he says as he was going to see if he could have pictures taken cause he did not want to forget this moment when he had the two most perfect girls on the planet
Kevin got the session set up and Austin was on board for doing pictures with Kevin and his girls as well cause he was going to be papa to the girls and Katie has called him papa a few times and he has gotten used to it with Katie cause he loved Katie with all of his heart and he wants to be there for her when she needs it cause Kevin is going to be busy with the other one in time
"It's real" Austin says as him and Kevin were in the nursery right now
"Yeah it is and I can't believe it I have two girls" Kevin says as he wraps his head around it
More will come when the internet isn't having problems
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