Kevin gets his appendix out
Kevin are you feeling okay you look whiter then usual?" Lea asks him
"Yeah I'm fine it's just last night supper isn't agreeing with me is all" he says as he covers up for the true pain that he was experiencing in his tummy area
"If it hurts anymore or gets worse I am taking you to the hospital to be checked out to see what is really going on with you" she says as she heads back to set
Kevin goes to throw up again cause he didn't want to go to the hospital if it was just nausea
"Kevin go lay down for a bit we can call you when you are needed" Ryan tells him
Kevin heads to his trailer to go lay down for a bit cause he didn't feel good at all
"Kevin are you awake?" Darrin asks knocking on the door to his trailer
Kevin felt a little bit better so he headed to set and suffered through the nausea and fever that came on with this virus that was experiencing at the moment
"Here Kevin we got you some water, so you don't dehydrate" Heather says as she gives her friend some water to drink
"Thanks Heather" he says as he sips it slowly, so it doesn't come back up
Jenna felt his forehead cause he still had a temperature
"You feel really warm Kevin" she says to him
Chris decided to take Kevin's temperature to see how high it was
"I say we take Kevin to the hospital cause his temperature is at 101" Chris says to them
Chord pushes his co-star out to his car, so he could take Kevin to the hospital to be checked out to see what was really going on with him
Mark had a wheelchair waiting for Kevin when Chord pulled up with him in the car at the hospital
"In we go buddy" Mark says to his co-star as he helps Kevin into the wheelchair
Naya decided that she was going to sign Kevin into the emergency room to be seen by the doctors and to figure out what was going on with him
"There is going to be a little bit of a wait cause we are backed up at the moment" the receptionist tells the group
"That's fine we don't mind waiting" Chris says as he pushes Kevin over to one part of the waiting room to wait to be seen
"I just want to sleep" Kevin says from the wheelchair
"You will Kevin right now we want to make sure there is nothing wrong with you" Matt says to his co-star as they continues to wait in the waiting room
The guys went in search of snacks cause the waiting was making them hungry, and the girls stayed with Kevin who was still miserable as could be
"Why ain't I being seen by a doctor yet?" he asks from the wheelchair
"Give them time Kevin they are busy they will get to you soon" Beca says to him
Kevin went to the bathroom cause he drank so much water he had to go really bad
One of the girls stood outside just in case Kevin got called back to be seen by the hospital staff
"Kevin" the nurse says from the door
"Well i guess you can be seen Kevin" Lea says as she wheels him to the door cause he was very weak and didn't have no strength to push him to the door himself
"It's about time" he says grumpily
Kevin had to go through triage before being put in a room
"Here Kevin you can lean against me for support" Mark says as Kevin got on the scale to be weighed
"Thanks Mark" Kevin says as he slowly gets onto the scale, so he could see how much that he weighed
After he was weighed Kevin was put into a room
"Here put this on" a nurse tells him
The guys helped Kevin with his clothes and the girls helped put on his hospital gown and got him comfortable as soon as Kevin hit the pillow he was out lke a light
"Night Kevin we will be the waiting room to wait the outcome" Lea says as she covers her co-star up and takes his glasses off, so they don't break while he sleeps
Kevin didn't feel the bed being moved or his i.v going into his arm, but he woke up an hour later wanting to vomit again
"I hope whatever it is it can be cured" he says as he sits back on his bed waiting on the doctor
As he waited he was on his phone texting and twitting and letting the fans know that he was in the hospital waiting to get treated
@druidDUDE Being in the hospital is the pits i hope i get out soon
A lot of fans were sending him get well wishes in hopes that he gets better quickly
"Hey Kevin how are you feeling?" Lea asks as she comes into his room
"Miserable cause my stomach still hurts" he says as he breaths through the pain that he was experiencing at the moment
"The doctor will be in soon cause there were a lot of ambulance that came in and it looks like there was a huge wreck somewhere" Lea says as she wets his lips a little bit, so he doesn't dehydrate at all
Kevin like the special treatment that he was getting at the moment cause he was in a hospital bed laid up and feeling miserable. He was more glad he was going to be put to sleep cause he was going to have surgery to fix what was causing all of this pain that he was experiencing at the moment
"The doctor told us you are going to have your appendix out" Beca tells Kevin as they walk with him to where the operating room was
"At least I will feel better when my appendix is out, and not bugging me anymore" he says as he puts the cap on his head
"Bye Kevin we will be on a set through your surgery, but we will right here when you get out" Chris says as he gets a pager, so he could let the cast know when Kevin was out of surgery and was moved into recovery, so they could take their time getting over to the hospital following the surgery
"Thanks guys I'll see you after" Kevin says as the nurses take him into pre-op to get ready to go under the knife
Before he went under he sent out a tweet to his followers and everyone
@druidDUDE Going in for surgery soon I hope they take out what was causing all of this pain that is in my stomach
After he tweeted his handed his phone and his glasses to the nurses cause he couldn't have them on as he headed into surgery
"Here goes nothing" he says as the nurse puts the breathing mask on his face, so he was fast asleep for the surgery
Kevin takes a deep breath as he breathes in the medicine for surgery, so he doesn't feel a thing as the doctor was operating on him. Little does Kevin when he wakes up there is going to be a surprise waiting that he wasn't expecting at all
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