First tooth & 1st McRiley
Katie was four months old, and was the apple of Kevin eye. He loved to play with her when she was awake, and take her to the park, and do all sorts of fun father/daughter activities together with just the two of them without the paparazzi getting in the way of him enjoying his time with his baby girl that he loved
"Katie are you hungry?" he asks her after they have been playing with her toys for a good hour and a half
"Ya" she says happily to him
"Okay come on I'll make you some lunch" he says as he picks her up and carries her to the kitchen, so he could feed her some lunch and make himself something cause he was hungry as well
Kevin let her pick out what she wanted for lunch that afternoon cause he wanted her to have some independence a little bit
"Remember it is your decision" he says as he gives her a kiss as he puts her baby food in the microwave to heat up after she selected her meal that she wanted to have that day for lunch
Once her baby food was warmed up he let it cool as little bit, so it wouldn't burn her little tongue
"Here we go" he says when the baby food was cooled enough for her to eat
Katie opened her mouth for the bite
"Is that good huh?" he asks as he continues to feed her lunch that she picked out to have that afternoon
She nods as she kicks her legs happily in her high chair
"That's good tonight you get to come with daddy to his radio show, and maybe if you are awake I will hold you" he says as he continues to feed her lunch
Katie was happy about that a lot
"Katie can you open your mouth for me please?" he asks as he looks in her mouth cause he saw something sticking up in her little mouth
"Katie you are getting your first tooth" he says when he sees the white thing sticking up in her mouth
"Are you in pain princess?" he asks her
She shakes her head no
"It must be your front one coming in" he says to her as he goes and gets one of her teething cookies to gum on to help a little bit if she was in a bit of pain at the moment
Katie had her cookie gone in no time
"You love your cookies don't ya Katie bug?" he asks as he cleans off her highchair after she had her cookie for desert that day
Katie started to fall asleep in her high chair, and Kevin carried her to the master where they were going to have naptime together with just the two of them
"Before we do nap I'm going to change you, so you have a nice and dry diaper on Katie" he says as he takes her to the nursery to change her before nap time that day
Katie slept through the entire diaper change, and didn't know that daddy changed her
"There we go all better" he says as he puts her bottoms on her and carries her to the master, so he could nap with her
Kevin laid her in the crib that was hooked onto his bed, so he was close by if she needed anything
"Here we go princess" he says as he lays her in the crib
Kevin gets in on the otherside, and lays next to her cause she loved being really close to daddy during her afternoon nap
"Hey Katie did you have a good nap?" he asks her as he picks her up and takes her to change her diaper just in case she had a present for him
She nods as he enters her nursery
After Kevin changed her he packed the diaper bag, so he could head to the studio to do McRiley that night
"Come on Katie you get to come with daddy, and you get to se him do his radio show" he says as he buckles her in her car seat
Katie played with her toys that daddy had on her car seat to keep her occupied as he drove to the radio station to do his show that night for the listeners who listen to her daddy
(Radio station)
"We are here Katie girl" he says as he pulls into his parking spot that he had when he does McRiley with Amber
He gets her out and grabs her diaper bag, and heads up to where McRiley was produced at
"Hey Kevin" Amber says when she hears him coming into the room
'Hey Amber" he says as he sets down Katie's diaper bag
"You brought Katie?" Amber asks when she saw the cute baby that he had in his arms
"Yeah i did, and i might hold her during the broadcast" he says as he gets her little quilt that he used when they went ot the park to play, and she didn't want to go on the swings or go on the slide
He gets her toys out to play with while he talks to Amber about the show that evening
"I think we should incorporate Katie into it" Amber suggest to Kevin
"Are you sure I'm not so sure" he asks as he looks at Katie who was playing with her toys on her quilt happily
"Yeah it could be fun" Amber says as she takes her place, so they could start McRiley
'Okay if you say so" he says as he goes and gets Katie and brings her to where he was going to be during the show
Katie loved being held by daddy
"You get to be with daddy during the show" he says as he sits down with her on his lap
Katie found the different buttons fascinating and she started to push them, and move them to see what they did. Many of them made her laugh
"This is too good" Amber says as the on-air sign flashes on
Amber loved the different voice changed that Katie did for her
"The reason why Amber's voice and my voice sounds different is I have my baby girl Katilyn McHale with us, and she loves the buttons" Kevin says in his chipmunk voice to the listeners who were tuning in that night
Katie squeals in delight when she head her name being called
After a while she found the microphone, and started to gum on it
"I'm sorry everyone Katie is teething, and she thought the microphone would be good to gum on" he says as he gets on of her teething toys out of the diaper bag that he brought with him just in case she started to gum on something
"I'm going to tweet a picture of Katie of what she looks like cause she is one cute baby" Amber says to the audience that was listening
"That she is" Kevin says as he starts the next song
During the broadcast Katie let out some squeals, giggles, laughs and cries cause she was doing things she wasn't supposed to do
"Katie what am i going to do with you?" he asks as he tends to her boo-boo's that she had
Kevin couldn't stay mad at her very long
"Let's do a question and answer session" Amber suggest out there to the listeners
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