Chapter 1
Anything that is iticalized is sign language and anything that is bolded is written down.
There was a knock at the door and my dad answers it and I hear muffled sounds of conversation and Dad is soon leading a man into the living room and leaves and runs up the stairs calling to Mum. I give the man an uncertain smile. He returns it with a brighter smile.
"Would you like a cup of tea Mister?" I sign at him in hopes that he knows sign language. He looks confused so I grab the pen and paper from the side table beside me.
"Would you like a cup of tea Mister?" I hand him the pad of paper and he smiles at me.
"I would like some tea Ms. Huntly. I take my tea with two milk and three sugar. Thank-you." He says as I hand him the tea. I smile at him and prepare tea for my parents who just walked into the room. My parents both thank me with a smile and I expect my parents to tell me to leave the room but they don't.
"Good evening Mrs. Huntly. I am not sure what your husband told you but my name is Prof. Neville Longbottom and I teach Herebology at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And Elizabeth has been invited to learn at my school come September." My eyebrows go up and so do my parents.
"I am not sure what kind of a scam you running sir but I must tell you that we are not interested." My father says getting slightly angry. My mother is silent beside him watching the man for any signs of a lie. The man then turns to me.
"Elizabeth have you ever done anything weird? When you were scared or angry?" I think back to when I was 4 years old and exploded the lights because I didn't get attention from my parents. I slowly nod my head.
"That was your magic. It can gets out of control with kids sometimes which is why Hogwarts exists. We teach you how to control your magic." He says. My parents both look sceptical which makes sense because a man just told them that their daughter has magic and he teaches at a school for magic that has invited her to learn at.
"Okay but she will not be going." My father says causing a frown to spread across my face.
"Alright but can you tell me why she won't be attending Hogwarts?" Prof. Longbottom asks.
"Elizabeth can't attend school because when she was born, her vocal cords got all twisted up. She has never been able to talk and it is difficult as it is but with added magic and people she doesn't know and we just don't think a good idea." My mum says.
"I understand why but what if I said we could provide her accommodations so she can properly learn at Hogwarts? For example, some of our teachers already know sign language." Prof. Longbottom says trying to convince my parents to let me learn at Hogwarts this upcoming school year.
"Elizabeth? Is this something you want to do?" my father says looking over at me. I nod my head. My mother and father quietly talk amongst themselves.
"Okay she can go but we are holding you personally responsible for her accommodations." He nods his head and hands me my letter which if I had the capability to use my vocal cords I probably who have squealed with excitement. Prof. Longbottom agrees to take us to the place to buy my school supplies in two days time. The next two days I wait in anticipation to getting my school supplies. At noon, the doorbell rings and I race down the stairs and open the door and beam at the professor standing on the porch. I wave at him and invite him in. I ring the intercom three times to tell my parents that we have a guest like I always do. My parents come into the hallway and we leave and soon we are headed to the magically alley. My jaw drops open when I see the alley and how magical it looks. The first place we go to is the bookstore to get my school books. The next 2 hours are spent getting the rest of my school supplies and the last thing on my list is an animal. We are walking down the alleyway to the pet store. We go in and I look around and I see a little kitten by herself who isn't paying attention to the world around her. My parents come over and notice me watching the lonesome kitten.
"Is that the one you want sweetheart?" My dad asks me softly. I nod my head and my mum gets the store employee. When my parents point out that I want the kitten by it's self.
"Are you sure? That kitten is deaf." After hearing that the kitten is deaf, I realize that this is the kitten for me. I nod my head beaming at the employee. The employee picks it up and hands her to me. The snow white fur is soft and she stares at me with big blue eyes and makes a small meowing noise causing a smile to spread across my face. My parents pay fir the kitten and I insist on carrying the kitten in my arms on the way home. Outside the alley, Prof. Longbottom bids us a farewell and we all walk home. The next couple weeks finds me reading my books, going clothes shopping with my mum, and playing with my kitten who I have named Snowflake. September 1st comes and I become very excited because I get to learn at a school where the weird things happening around me are the normal. I get on the train and I sit by myself. Hours go by and I find myself leaving the train to get onto the platform and I spot a very friendly looking giant man, who smiles brightly at all of us. I get into a boat with three other students who all have red hair. When we are halfway to the shore of a big lake, one of the redheads who happen to be a boy, purposely tips the boat and I almost fall into the lake when another redhead boy grabs a hold of my wrist and after pulling me back into the boat, he lightly scolds the other redhead for doing that. We reach the shore and I quickly leave the boat so I don't almost fall in again and this time actually fall in. I give a grateful nod to the boy who recused me. He gives me a small back. We soon enter a giant hall and we all gather in front of the teachers table where a stool and ratty hat is waiting for us. Prof. Longbottom calls us up one at a time and we get sorted into our houses. I kind of zone out until I hear
"James Sirius Potter" the boy who tipped the boat goes up and it barely touches his head before shouting:
"GRYFFINDOR" A loud roar of cheers erupts from the table directly besides to the left. A couple names later I hear:
"Fred Weasley the second" the boy who saved me from falling into the lake goes up and it debates for two minutes before shouting:
"GRYFFINDOR" again the table directly to our left cheers loudly. Then it is my turn to get sorted.
"Elizabeth Huntly" I walk up nervously and Prof. Longbottom drops the hat on my head and I hear a soft voice in my ear.
'Interesting. You have a kind heart but a sharp mind. You have a need to prove to everyone that despite being mute, you can preform magic just as well as others your age. You have more bravery than you think, attending a school where lots of your classmates cannot understand you. Better be GRYFFINDOR" again the table to the left cheers as I remove the hat from my head as I join my fellow gryffindors at our table. I sit next to the boy who was sorted just before me. He smiles brightly at me. I give him a small one back. after the sorting is complete, we all eat food that appeared out of thin air. After we all are fed, Prof. McGonagall dismisses us for bed and we all head to our common rooms. I end up sharing a dorm room with KatelynThomas-Finnagin, Roxanne Weasley, Dominique Weasley, and Alice Longbottom.
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