Chapter 6.
Elizabeth POV.
Tomorrow is the day of the first task and I don't know how to feel about it. I don't know what will happen, I did ask Cedric but he also didn't know. But I dare to bet that the other two Champions know, as they seemed so calm about the fact that tomorrow is the first task.
It annoys me not knowing what is coming towards me but there is nothing I can do and I am pretty sure that neither the French nore the Bulgarian Champion will tell me anything.
Well anyways all things considered the last two weeks went pretty well, I finally got my false arm under control thanks to the runes which Professor Bathsheda imprinted on my arm, with magic of course. My phone also works normally again also thanks to the runes, thanks to that I finally had a normal talk with dad without the magic interfering in it.
I also finally got my magical output under control and learned a new spell, the levitation spell called Wingardium Leviosa took me two lessons to master it but I managed it. Professor Flitwick was very impressed with my success and said that when I continue like that, I would be able to start the second year curriculum before this school year ends. Herbology was going fine not as fast as Professor Sprout hoped but well it can't be helped even so Neville is a great tutor. Potions is going great, besides the Cure of boils potion, I also learned the Forgetfulness and Wiggenweld Potion so far Potions is the class I make the most progress in. Well that could also be because I got two tutors there, Daphne and Hermione. Those two are brilliant tutors I am really glad to have them.
So now back to the present I am currently sitting with Daphne by the Slytherin table talking to her and her friends.
Tracy :,,So that is what muggles use to talk to each other?"
Elisabeth :,,It's called a phone or mobile phone."
Millicent :,,How does it work?"
Elisabeth :,,Well it works over radio waves and and satellites. I think I am not a technician or phone expert so I don't know exactly."
Blaise :,,Radio waves?"
Daphne :,,Satellites?"
Elisabeth :,,Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation they are similar to sound waves only that they can travel further. As for Satellites is a spacecraft they are shot into space most of them circling around earth and they have a big variety of uses like communication relay, weather forecasting, navigation, broadcasting, scientific research, and Earth observation."
Blaise :,,That is impossible."
The other pureblood wizards nodded in agreement.
Elisabeth :,,Nope there is whole fleet out there in space from different nations. Most prominent being the Russia and the USA. Especially during the Cold War era there was a space race, which in the end the US won."
Millicent :,,But if the muggles can observe the whole earth how comes that they didn't found us?"
Elisabeth :,,You know the world is full of mysteries and secrets even the non magical world. It may be that there are organisations that know about the wizarding world and they are just waiting in the shadows waiting for their time to strike."
Elisabeth smirked at the wizards some looked scared at the possibility of muggles knowing about them and planning a war against them. Well besides Draco and Pansy who didn't seemed face at all believing that the muggles wouldn't be able to stand a chance in a full blown war. Daphne was the only one that looked interested by the things Elisabeth said. She was about to ask a question but couldn't as Professor Snape came up behind Elisabeth.
Snape :,,Miss Potter, there is someone that wants to meet you. If you would please follow me."
Elisabeth said a quick goodbye and hurried after the Professor.
Elisabeth :,,Who wants to meet me Professor?"
Snape :,,Your godfather."
Elisabeth :,,I have a Godfather?"
The Professor just nodded.
Snape :,,Remus Lupin is your Godfather, he was close friends with your parents together with Sirius Black. Black became your brothers Godfather and Lupin became yours."
Elisabeth nodded as the Professor led her to one of the classrooms that was not used. He opened the door and inside stood a middle aged man with a pale face with premature lines, and light brown grey hair. He also wore a old and somewhat roughed up looking suit, the man smiled as he saw Elisabeth coming in behind Snape.
Snape :,,If you want to Miss Potter then I can stay?"
Elisabeth :,,No thank you Professor I think I will be fine."
The Professor nodded before leaving the room his robes billowing behind him. Elisabeth and Remus looked at each other as the door closed.
Remus :,,Hello Elisabeth my name is Remus Lupin... I am your Godfather."
Elisabeth :,,Please just call me Beth me Mister Lupin."
Remus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Remus :,,Then you can call me Remus.... so ahm... I brought some gifts."
The girl perked up at hearing the word gifts which got a smile on Remus face. He also noted how different Elisabeth was compared to Harry, she was quite tall for her age, her green eyes were far more piercing as Harrys, her posture also just screamed confidence. Remus was sure that Elisabeth would make a great Gryffindor just like her mother.
Putting that thought aside for now Remus pulled out a box from his bag.
Remus :,,I don't exactly have alot of money but I still hope you like it."
Elisabeth looked at him :,,You didn't needed to buy me anything when you have money problems."
Remus :,,Yeah well I wanted to do that after all I owe you fourteen, Christmas and Birthday presents."
Elisabeth shook her head with a small chuckle before taking the box.
Elisabeth :,,Thank you."
She opened the box to see a bunch of quills, chocolate, a blue box with gold writing on it, a small cauldron and at the bottom of the boy layed a wrapped gift that looked like a book.
Elisabeth :,,Sorry but I don't use quills."
Remus chuckled :,,Those aren't real quills those a sugar quills. Your mom liked them the most, the small cauldron is a cake and the blue box is a chocolate frog."
Elisabeth took one of the quills and bit into and truly it was just pure sugar. Elisabeth smiled she loved sugar seems like she had atleast one thing in common with her mother. Putting the box on one of the tables she sat down on a chair and motioned for Remus to sit down aswell.
Elisabeth :,,You knew my parents right?"
Remus :,,Yes I did. I met your mom on the train and we became friends while I met your dad in school we also quickly became friends."
Elisabeth :,,Can you tell me about them?"
Remus :,,Sure, hmm but where to start. How about I start in our first year."
Daphne Greengrass heir to the Greengrass family was interested in many things but muggles and their machines never counted to those things. That changed after the stories that Elisabeth told her about muggles landing on the moon and honestly she wasn't the only one Blaise Zabini, Tracy Davis and Millicent Bullstrode also were wondering about those things together with some of the younger and older students.
Tracy :,,But honestly what is a Cold War? A war fought in winter?"
Millicent :,,Could be or it is some sort of stand off similar to a duel."
Blaise :,,Could be think about it she talked about Russia and the US, a stand off between nations."
Daphne nodded :,,That is why it could be called a cold war, two nations similar in strength and power trying to gain a advantage over the other. While also being ready in case the other one should make the first move."
The other three agreed with her explanation.
Blais :,,Honestly I never thought that I would get interested in muggle history."
Daphne snorted :,,Same here Zabini same here."
While the other four Slytherins continued to talk about that so called Cold War, the young heiress mind went back to a certain black haired girl.
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