Chapter 4.
No one POV.
Elizabeth is being seen leaning on a pillar near the fountain in the courtyard. She had free until after lunch, her first lesson was Charms which she looks forward to. In her book how to do basic Spells, was written that while there are nearly countless charms there are only around 10 that you will use nearly everyday. The first charm she will learn today is Lumos a light charm, she doesn't like light that much but it could be helpful when she sneaks out at night to get a snack. By the end of the year she should also know the softening charm Spongify, the severing charm Diffindo, the fire-making spell Incendio, the unlocking Charm Alohomora, the levitation Charm Wingardium Leviosa, the Locking Spell Colloportus and the Mending Charm Reparo. Well eight charms shouldn't be to hard to learn, but combine that with the other lessons. Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic and so on also let's not forget those electives. Why did she choose them again? Oh right because of her age she would be in fourth year and would have to choose some for her third year. It's not like she ist staying here longer then necessary, just finishing this tournament and then back to the good old USA.
She closes the book and stands up as she hears someone walking towards her. She looked up and saw a boy with platinum blonde hair followed by two big boys who looked like they don't even know what 2+2 is. They stopped infront of her as she dropped her book into her pocket dimension.
Elizabeth :,,Can I help you?"
??? :,,You must be Elizabeth Potter. My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Oh and they are Crabbe and Goyle."
He stretched a hand out for a shake and Elizabeth took it with her left hand. They shook hands and Malfoy turned her hand to have a good look at the metal surface of her false arm.
Malfoy :,,Who would have thought that muggle can create something like this."
Elizabeth pulled back her hand before shrugging.
Elizabeth :,,Quite cool isn't it a friend of mine made it for me after I lost my arm."
She opens and closes her hand only for her fingers to snap backwards and stand away in weird angles.
Elizabeth :,,God dammit! This is the second time."
Malfoy :,,Did nobody warn you about that?"
Elizabeth :,,About what?"
Malfoy :,,Magic and muggle technology don't go good with each other. It's the magic around here that messes with your arm."
Elizabeth :,,Oh great that is the last thing I needed."
Malfoy :,,How does that thing work even?"
Elizabeth :,,It's a bionic arm, I control it with my brain like a normal limb. I can control it to some extent even when it is not attached."
Malfoy :,,Interesting, we have some spells that we use so that our prostehtics can be used and controlled by their wearer."
Elizabeth :,,I heard about them even saw one as I was shopping for my school supplies back in the US."
Malfoy :,,You bought your things in the US? Not here?"
Elizabeth :,,Mister Bagman saw it as more efficent if we buy the stuff I need in the US so that they could come directly here instat of having to take a stop by... ahm, Diegon Alley?"
Malfoy :,,Diagon Alley. I think you should talk to our ancient runes teacher Professor Bathsheda Babbling I am sure she has some runes that could help you with your arm."
Elizabeth :,,Really?"
Draco :,,Yeah, there are rune combination that could protect it from the influence of magic I am sure. Maybe even some that make it that it grows with you considering that you are still 14 you are still growing, so that you don't have to replace it because it becomes to small."
Elizabeth :,,Really? Well thank you I will make sure to talk to Professor Babbling as soon as I meet her. Now if you wou-"
A angry scream made the four slightly jump and as they turned towards the sound they saw a angry Ron Weasley coming towards them.
Ron :,,Oi! Stay away from her you slimy snake!!"
Draco :,,Oh Weasley. Where did you leave your friends today?"
Ron stepped between Draco and Elizabeth.
Ron :,,What do you want from Harry's sister, Malfoy?"
Draco :,,Just wanted to introduce myself Weasley. Me and Miss Potter just had a very lovely conversation before you so rudely interupted us."
Ron :,,Oh really? Probably telling her lies as much as I know you."
Elizabeth :,,No, we talked about my arm. Now go please, I don't want a scene here."
Ron :,,Do you even know who he is?!"
Elizabeth :,,Of course not I just met him and until now we were talking like civilized people."
Ron :,,H-"
Elizabeth :,,Anyways! I have to go to my first class, does anyone of you know how I get to the charms class?"
Malfoy :,,From the entrance you go left then up the stairs, then right up the stairs again. Then you take a left and the third door on the right side of the hallway is the Charms classroom."
Elizabeth :,,Thank you Malfoy."
Malfoy :,,You're welcome m'lady."
He bowed his head and Elizabeth did the same before going towards her first class. She stepped through the doors only to come face to face with her twin brother and Hermione.
Elizabeth :,,Oh hey guys."
Harry :,,What are you doing here?"
Elizabeth :,,Well I was outside reading my charms books and now I was on the way to my first charms lesson. Oh and also you should stop your friend. Ron was his name right? He just came up and started a fight with Draco Malfoy."
Harry :,,Malfoy? What did he do this time?"
Elizabeth :,,Ahm nothing we just had a nice conversation, he was actually helping me with my arm problem as that red head started screaming for no reason."
Harry :,,He helped you? Don't take me for a fool what did he say?"
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes.
Elizabeth :,,Like I said he was helping me with my arm problem."
She held up her false arm.
Elizabeth :,,He suggested I talk to the Runes Professor about it. Now if you will excuse me I have to go to class."
Elizabeth pushed past her brother and walked up the stairs as Hermione called after her.
Hermione :,,What is your first lesson today about?!"
Elizabeth :,,Lumos!"
With those words she ran up the stairs, while her brother walked out the door hearing the argument between Ron and Malfoy. Hermione just stood there looking at the chairs and then back to her friends, she sighed knowing this year was going to be tense.
Elizabeth POV.
I stood infront of the door that leads into the charm classroom. I knocked before hearing a faint come in. I opened the door and was met with the small Charms teacher, Professor Flitwick standing ontop of a pile of books.
Flitwick :,,Ah Miss Potter, nice to see you I hope you are ready for your first charms lesson."
Elizabeth :,,I am Professor."
Flitwick :,,Wonderful! Now today we will make the most simple charm there is Lumos and the counter charm Nox. Now as I said this charm is easy so I think we will be finished with after todays lesson. Now wand out."
I walked to one of the tables and got my wand out together with my charms book.
Flitwick :,,We won't need the book today Miss Potter."
I put the book back into my pocket dimension and held up my wand.
Flitwick :,,Good now Lumos is very simple. Just swish your wand while saying Lumos."
A light appeared on the tip of his wand.
Flitwick :,,And to extinguish it you simple give it a flick and say Nox."
He did it and the light went out.
Flitwick :,,Now you Miss Potter. Bring up your wand give it a swish and say Lumos."
I took a deep breath as I gave my wand a swish.
Elizabeth :,,Lumos."
A small flicker of light appeared on the tip of my wand, it was tiny and it's light was by far not as bright as the one the Professor showed me.
Flitwick :,,Well you did get it right but it seems you are not fully comitted. You have to let your magic flow into the spell. The magic is flowing through your body like blood, imagine it flowing into your hand."
I closed my eyes and did as told, I felt energy course through my veins and into my hand. I opened my eyes only to close them immediately because of how bright the light now was.
Flitwick :,,Wonderful! Now the counter spell a flick and say Nox!"
I did as told, I slowly opened my eyes and luckily the light was gone. I let out a breath before looking to the Professor she sees that he also had to cover his eyes.
Flitwick :,,Well I guess you did perform the spell perfectly. But I think we should work a little bit on your control over your Magical output."
Elizabeth :,,Sorry?"
Remus POV.
She is in Hogwarts! I couldn't help the grin coming to my face. My goddaughter is finally in Hogwarts, as I heard that she refused to come to Hogwarts 4 years ago I was shocked and sad. But now I could finally meet her, I have to write to Dumbledore right now asking if I could meet her. Should I buy a gift? I mean I am her Goddfather I should bring her one. But what should I buy her? I looked at the moving picture in the Daily Prophet again.
Ah! I got it!
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