Chapter 1.
No one POV.
November 1, 2001
Charles had fallen asleep at least an hour ago while reading his students English papers on the most recent book they had read. His head had dropped onto the desk and his deep breaths were barely and echo in the study, the rise and fall from his shoulders the only thing that showed the man hadn't died in his sleep.
Outside of the mansion, a man with a long silvery beard and hair appeared in the driveway. His blue eyes glinted behind a pair of half-moon glasses that were perched at the end of his long crooked nose. His clothes weren't the strangest thing the school had seen but the robes and heeled boots would have turned some heads if he had appeared in broad daylight. The old man looked up at the mansion and stepped forward, he checked the sign next to the large front doors just to be sure that he was in the right place. See that he was, he nodded and looked down at the little bundle of cloth that he held in his arms.
A small baby girl with jet black hair lay asleep and wrapped in a golden blanket and clutching in one hand a teddy only a little smaller than she was that was covered in the blanket with her. A jagged scar ran from the girls left eyebrow to he ear. Careful no to disturb the infant, the elderly man placed her down on the top front step and reached inside his robes, pulling out a envelope sealed in red wax but marked with a crest.
Dumbledore :,,Goodluck Elizabeth."
Gently placing the letter on top of the bundle, he reached out and pressed the doorbell twice before turning on the spot and disappearing.
The doorbell's sound awoke Charles with a start causing the man to be disorientated for a moment before he began moving towards his study rooms door. Glancing at the clock against the wall besides the door, he was suprised at the time.
Charles :,,If Scott ordered another late night pizza again."
As he wheeled himself towards the door, the sound of the doorbell being pressed a second time didn't appeal to the man's kinder nature.
Charles :,,I am coming! Just give me a moment!"
Pressing a button on his chair, the doors to his study swung open. As he emerged he caught sight of Hank making his way downstairs with blurry eyes and clad in his pajamas and a bathrobe.
Hank :,,Did Scott order another late night Pizza again?"
For the first time that evening, it occured to Charles that he hadn't checked to see who it was but had merely assumed.
Charles :,,I haven't checked but whoever it is they appear to be in a hurry."
Charles reached up and pressed his index and middle finger to his temple while looking towards the door, as his mind searched his eyes went wide.
Charles :,,Hank, get the door now!"
Hearing the urgency in Charles voice, Hank quickly moved across the foyer with Charles right behind him. Pulling open the door, Hank was confused until a cry filled the air. Both man looked down and saw a baby girl wrapped in a golden blanket with a letter on top.
Hank :,,Why would someone leave a baby here?"
Hank questioned as he picked up the child carefully, her cries decreased as Hank passed her to Charles. He looked down at a pair of green eyes that held curiosity and trust, as he adjusted her to fit more comfortably in his arms, he noticed the jagged scar that went from her left eyebrow all the way to her ear.
Charles :,,Because, she is like us."
July 18, 2011
Elizabeth POV.
Life has never been easy, especially when you are a mutant. It also didn't got any better as we were exposed to the world, actually it was the opposite. Atleast for a two years, until we defeated Apocalypse and saved the world from it's doom. Now people.... respect us I guess, there are still some assholes that scream around about us but all things considered everything is back to being the same as it was before our reveal. Well besides the fact that people now know about our powers and what some of us can do.
No one POV.
The sound of an alarm clock rang through the bedroom forcing the young teen out of her sleep. She sat up and yawned before pressing the dismiss button on top of the loud machine. Slipping her legs out of bed and standing up she stretched, arching her back like a cat causing it to let out several loud pops. Satisfied with her stretch, she walked over to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After she was done she walked over to the window and threw open the curtains. It was a sunny day and she frowned at the fact that the sun was blinding her.
Elizabeth :,,Atleast it's peace and quite."
Kurt :,,For the last time, I DIDN'T DO IT!!!"
Elizabeth :,,And I spoke to soon."
Shaking her head she headed for her bedroom door and opened it onto the corridor.
Evans :,,Sorry Eli!!"
Elizabeth closed the door shaking her head as she went to her drawer looking for something to wear. Around a 20 minutes later she came out wearing a simple white T-shirt, black cargo pants and a pair of combat boots, her jet black hair was tied into a bun. By now most people were up as it was close to 10 am on the weekend, most people at Xavier's didn't sleep in to much.
Scott :,,Morning Beth."
Scott called out as she entered the kitchen.
Elizabeth :,,Morning Scott do you know where the Professor is?"
Scott :,,In his office last time I checked."
Elizabeth :,,Thanks"
She grabbed two mugs and filled it with coffee before grabbing a plate she puts chocolate donut and a butter croissant on it before making her way to the Professors study. It was a unspoken rule that the two share breakfast in the morning on the weekends so that they could discuss their schedules for the week and also have some quality time together. Elizabeth pushed open the door, careful not to spill the coffee before turning to face the Professor as he sat behind his large oak desk.
Elizabeth :,,Good Morning Dad."
Professor Charles Xavier looked up and smiled at the 10 year old girl infront of him, as she sat down in one of the chairs infront of his desk.
Charles :,,Good morning Elizabeth. Am I to assume you are the one who told the boys to be quiet this morning?"
Elizabeth let out a quiet chuckle.
Elizabeth :,,You know everything that goes on in this place most of the time. But if you want me to confess to it then yes, I did tell them to shut it."
She took a bite out of her donut chewing while smirking at Charles, who shook his head while letting out a chuckle.
Charles :,,Should I assume that you are the reason they were arguing?"
Elizabeth smiled eavilly, her green eyes twinkling with mischief.
Charles :,,I am starting to think that I let you spend too much time with Scott. But enough of that, I have a few things that I want your opinion on."
Elizabeth sat forward as Charles listed off a few students that he thought were ready for training in the simulation room hidden under the school. As he went over the names she nodded at a few names while shaking at some and making a face by some others.
Elizabeth :,,Dave is a idiot, he brags with his powers but has no clue how to use them. If we let him train he would probably cause more damage to the room then to the simulations. I say until he hasn't learned how to regulate the output of his powers, it isn't a good idea to let him use it in a combat situation."
Charles :,,Fair enough."
Elizabeth :,,Molly isn't ready. She only just started accepting her powers and stop seeing them as a curse. She needs a bit more time to get used to the idea of being a mutant. If we give her another week, I think she should be more comfortable with using it."
Charles nodded, sometimes she had a better idea of how a person would react in certain situations than he did, even if he could read minds.
There was a loud knock on the door a few minutes later and Hank McCoy opened the door carrying a small stack of letters.
Hank :,,Morning you two."
Elizabeth :,,Morning Uncle Hank."
Hank place the stack of letter on Charles desk as she asked Elizabeth about her school work. Charles watched them for a minute before turning to the pile of letters on his desk. He shifted through the usual bills and set aside the ones that seemed to be from possible students and sponsors before stopping on the last letter. The envelope seemed to be made of parchment and more substantial than any of the other messages. It was also sealed with a large wax seal depicting a lion, eagle, badger and snake placed in a shield surrounding a large H.
Curiosity peaked Charles turned the envelope over and read the address, which was written in green ink.
To Elizabeth Potter
1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center,
Westchester County, New York.
Second floor Room 55
Charles eyes widened, only the students knew where Elizabeths room was and he could tell that it wasn't any of the other students handwriting, past or present. So who in the world was this letter from? It couldn't be from any of the anti-mutant terrorist groups as Hank always puts the mail through a machine that checked for hidden bombs, toxic elements, or compounds on the letters or envelopes. Deciding there was nothing else to lose, Charles turned back to Hank and Elizabeth who were now talking about her chemistry homework.
Charles :,,Excuse me you two but Elizabeth you have a letter."
Elizabeth turned back to Charles with a raised eyebrow.
Elizabeth :,,For me? I never get mail."
Charles :,,Well this one is for you."
Charles handed her the letter together with the letter opener. Taking both, Elizabeth inspected the envelope the wax seal and the adress. A look of curiosity and confusion crossed her face before she opened the letter with the letter opener and pulled out three documents that sat inside. Picking one at random she unfolded it and began to read it out loud.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin first class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards.
Dear Ms. Potter
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1.
We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
There was silence in the office for a moment but that was interupted by Elizabeth who started giggling.
Elizabeth :,,Someone is trying to pull a prank. Man this is ridiculous."
Elizabeth was about to throw the letter into the paper shredder as Charles stopped her.
Charles :,,Can you read the rest?"
Elizabeth :,,Why?"
Charles :,,Just do it please."
Elizabeth sighed before grabbing another paper and unfolds it.
First year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils clothes should carry a name tag.
Course Books:
All Students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Other Equipment:
One wand
One Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal vials
One telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring an Owl, a cat or a toad.
Parents are reminded that first years are not allowed their own Broomsticks.
Elizabeth :,,Yep there is no way this is real."
Hank let out a noise of agreement as he picked up the first paper that she had read.
Charles looked skeptical, but his mind was racing. As crazy as it sounded to his daughter, magic would explain some of the weird things that had happened to her as she was growing up and Charles wasn't talking about her mutation. There was the time when she was angry and screamed, shattering all the windows in the room. But as he thought about it, he mentally shook his head. It was ludicrous, magic didn't exist.
Charles :,,What does the last one say?"
Elizabeth picked it up but didn't read it out loud.
Elizabeth :,,A representive will arrive tomorrow to explain. You know I play alot of pranks and I can say one thing this one is boring."
Elizabeth picked up the letters and threw them into the paper shredder. Charles wanted to stop her but he hesitated and then it was to late.
Elizabeth :,,Is it okay when I go train?"
Hank :,,Scott is currently in the simulation room."
Elizabeth :,,He surely won't mind sharing."
Elizabeth left the room as Hank turned to the Professor.
Hank :,,Do you believe that?"
Charles :,,This world is full of mysterious things, maybe there is something similar to magic who knows."
In the training room:
We can see Scott shooting his laser at hologram of a robot as the doors to the room open and the simulation is destroyed.
Scott :,,What?"
Elizabeth :,,Hey Scott!"
Scott :,,Oh come on! I am here can't you wait until I am finished?"
Elizabeth :,,Nope."
Scott :,,Great and here I am thinking I get a peaceful training session alone."
Elizabeth :,,Oh come on you know you love it to train with me."
Scott :,,The last time we trained together you "accidently" put me in one of your shadow pocket dimensions."
Elizabeth :,,Atleast I didn't turned you into a shadow."
Scott looked at Elizabeth and quickly reached for his glasses to shoot a laser. But even before he could Elizabeth vanished as she stepped into her pocket dimension.
Scott took one slow step after another making sure to also look at his feet and his own shadow, so that she can't suprise attack him.
(I based her powers off of the Shadow the Alec Baldwin movie and of Nico di Angelo from the PJO series and added some to it myself)
Elizabeth :,,Come on Scott!"
Scott quickly turned around his hand still on the side of his glasses.
Scott :,,I freaking hate your powers. Turn into a shadow nearly becoming invisible to the naked eye, shadow travelling, shadow control, shadow pocket dimensions and all I can do is shooting a laser."
Scott went down to his knees as someone kicked him in the back of his knees but he rolled around quickly and shot a laser in the direction. As he heard a squeak he knew that he was close to hitting her, he jumped and tried to grab her but to no avail. The next thing he knows he is on the ground and can't move anymore he tries to look at his shadow but he already knew what happened.
Scott :,,Damnit!"
Elizabeth :,,You always forget to look at your shadow."
Scott :,,Yeah yeah, now let me go."
She did and turned back to a normal human a grin plastered on her face.
Scott :,,You are getting to good at this.
Elizabeth :,,I know."
4 am in the morning.
The whole of Xaviers school was awakened by the sound of the doorbell going off at 4 in the morning. Normally the doorbell was soft enough to only wake up a few people in the house, which included Hank and the students who had super hearing or senses. But instead, the doorbell rang so loud that some of the residents fell out of their beds Elizabeth included. Deciding since she was the only senior resident in the vicinity that seemed to be out, she turned to the other students and told them to go back to their rooms while she went to check it out.
Student :,,You sure you don't want help?"
Elizabeth shook her head and told them all to go back to their rooms and walked down to the foyer still dressed in her PJs and her black hair looking like a birds nest. Charles bedroom was the only one on the bottom floor due to the loss of mobility in his legs, which was why it wasn't a suprise that he was the first to get to the foyer closely followed by Hank, Jean, Storm and Scott.
Charles :,,Elizabeth did you-"
Elizabeth :,,Not this time Dad, besides if it were me I would be laughing my butt off right now."
Charles opened his mouth but was interrupted as the doorbell went off again even louder this time, causing everyone to cover their ears.
Elizabeth :,,Never heard of patience being a virtue?!"
Elizabeth screamed in the direction of the door before looking at her father with a raised eyebrow. Charles turned his eyes to the door, pressing two fingers to his temple. A moment later his eyes narrowed and forehead creased with concentration.
Charles :,,I- I can't read them."
Shock ripple through the group at these words. The idea that the person was unreadable left everyone on edge. Elizabeth bite her lip for a moment before she looked at her father, who was exchanging looks with Hank.
The silence was disturbed again, except this time by a knock. Elizabeth jumped slightly and quickly turned to the doors. Hank took a deep breath and walked to the left of the door to peek through the peephole.
Charles :,,Hank, let them in."
Hank glanced back at his old friend before nodding and pulling open the door. The man who had caused the commotion looked to be very old. His white hair and beared reached to his belt and his glasses were sitting on the end of a long and crooked nose, that looked like it was broken atleast twice. But the most bizarre part about the man was his plum- colored suit that hung in such a way that you could tell that when he first got it, he had filled it out quite well. But that seemed to be years ago, to judge by the many wrinkles that creased around the man's blue eyes.
Dumbledore :,,Good Morning Sir my name is Professor Albus Dumbledore and I need to speak with Professor Charles Xavier and his adopted daughter Elizabeth immediately."
The man Professor Albus Dumbledore, had been lead to Charles office and told to wait a few minutes while Charles and Elizabeth made themselves a little more presentable and settled the students. When the two finally entered the office, Dumbledore was reading one of the books while standing next to the desk.
Elizabeth cleared her throat to announce their presence to the man as Charles wheeled himself to his desk. Dumbledore looked up from the book and smiled at them placing it back on the shelf.
Dumbledore :,,My apologies for snooping but I was interested to see what books were in your personal collection and couldn't resist."
Charles :,,It's quite alright."
Charles gestured towards a couch that was opposite to Charles desk. Elizabeth quickly moved behind him and settled him into place directly across from the couch before sitting in the chair on his left, turning her body to face the stanger and still see her adopted father.
Dumbledore :,,I am afraid I must apologize again for coming at such and early hour of the morning. It completely slipped my mind that there would be a difference in time between here and England."
Charles waved his hand dismissively while Elizabeth let out a scoff, something told her that Albus was lying about that fact and given the earliness of the hour she wasn't precisely in the best of moods. Charles gave his daughter a look out of the corner of his eye before returning his attention back to Albus.
Charles :,,Am I correct in thinking that you are here because of the letters from yesterday?"
Dumbledore :,,I am, I also understand that you may be skeptical about the contents, but I assure that what is in there is all true."
Elizabeth :,,Magic doesn't exist and even if someone does claim to have magic then either they have advanced technology or a mutation that seems like magic."
Elizabeths tone was sharper the usual, normally she was a person who could take a joke but at this point the only thing she is willing to do was to go back to her room and sleep for a few more hours.
Charles :,,Elizabeth manners, I understand that you are tired but now is not the time to be grumpy."
Elizabeth scoffed as she turned away from Albus.
Dumbledore :,,I completely understand. I personally am not myself till I have my breakfast. But back to the subject at hand. Based on your reaction you don't believe in Magic. But it does and I think I know what might make it more appealing to both of you."
Charles and Elizabeth exchanged looks.
Dumbledore :,,Elizabeth you are not the last Potter, nor were you abandoned on the doorstep of this school as an infant. You were seperated from your last living relatives your aunt, uncle, cousin and your twin brother Harry."
Elizabeths eyes widened :,,I- I have a brother?"
Two hours later.....
Elizabeth :,,So let me get this straight. My parents and alot of other witches and wizards are dead because a person who calls himself Lord Voldemort. He wanted to rule over the muggle and wizarding and he had a group of followers called the Death Eaters."
Dumbledore :,,Correct."
Elizabeth :,,My parents, brother and I for some reason you still haven't explained were being hunted by Voldemort and his followers. This prompted my parents to take Harry and me into hiding and we stayed that way for about a year till he found us. Both of my parents died trying to protect Harry and me and somehow that created a protection spellt that stopped Voldemort from killing both of us and cause the curse to rebound and hit him instead of us. Thus killing him and freeing the wizarding world from his influence and reign of fear."
Dumbledore nodded.
Elizabeth :,,After that you took Harry to our Aunt and Uncle in Little Whinging but you dropped me off here with a letter containing my name, birthday and a promise that someone in this case you would come back and explain my past. Did I miss something?"
Dumbledore :,,No you summarized it quite nicely."
Elizabeth :,,Holy shit."
Charles who had remained silent for most of the explanation asked :,,How did we that is to say those without magic, not notice the existence of Wizards and magic?"
Dumbledore :,,At one point it was known that witches and wizards were in fact real. The witch hunts that took place in Europe and here in America were because of the fear of dark magic. While more muggles were killed than witches and wizards, it still scared the magical community. The effect was the creation of the international Statute of Secrecy. It's purpose was and is to protect the magical community from going through the second time of such terror. It is enforced in every country by a wizarding goverment which also exists in secret. In the case of the United States, the magical govermenti is MACUSA the Magical Congress of the United States America. It actually is older than the USA itself."
Elizabeth :,, My head hurts. This is quite alot to take in."
Dumbledore :,,I can imagine."
Charles :,,So I am guessing that you want her to go to Hogwarts?"
Dumbledore :,,Yes, the Potter family is one of the most ancient and noble houses in Britain. Every Potter until now went to Hogwarts."
Elizabeth :,,........ I decline."
Dumbledore :,,What?"
Charles :,,What?"
Elizabeth :,,I decline, I will not go to that Hogwarts school."
Charles :,,Elizabeth this is-"
Elizabeth :,,No I decided. I already am part of two worlds I don't need a third one to swoop in and fuck everything up after we just went back to a somewhat normal life."
The room was silent for a moment before Dumbledore took in a deep breath.
Dumbledore :,,This... was quit unexpected."
Elizabeth :,,I am sorry Sir that you had to come all the way here for nothing but I won't change my mind."
Dumbledore :,,What about your brother? He already agreed to join Hogwarts and he knows about you."
Elizabeth :,,It's better for him to not know me or he might be pulled into my shit."
Dumbledore :,,I understand...... this is very unfortunate."
1 September 2011.
Harry looked left and right as he searched for his twin, Hagrid told him about his twin sister and ever since he wanted nothing else then to meet her. Now he was at Hogwarts but he didn't saw anyone until now that seemed to look like his sister.
Ron :,,I think you will see her in the sorting."
Harry :,,I hope"
The doors to the big hall opened and he and the other first years began to walk down the hall. Harry was awed by the ceiling, looking up while he could hear Hermione explaining about how the ceiling is made. Then they came to stop infront of a small chair with a old looking hat on it.
McGonagall :,,When I call your name you step forward and I will place the hat on your head."
(The sorting goes as normal)
Harry was looking at the sorting with each student that was called and that left the group of first years his hope faltered but then.
McGonagall :,,Elizabeth Potter!"
Silence on all tables everyone just like they did by Harry they turned with anticipation towards the front... but no one stepped forward.
McGonagall :,,Elizabeth Potter!!"
Again nothing, the other people from the Gryffindor table looked at Harry briefly while the rest of the hall began mumbling to each other.
McGonagall :,,Elizabeth Potter!!!"
Then there was a crack like the one of a whip as Professor Dumbledore appeared besides Professor McGonagall. He whispered something into her ear a brief look of shock moved across her face before it quickly returned to it's normal sharp features and she nodded at the Headmaster.
McGonagall :,,Susan Bones!"
Harry lowered his head even so he couldn't hear what Professor Dumbledore said he already can imagine what it was about.
Ron :,,I am sorry Harry."
Harry :,,......It's fine."
The next day:
The Daily Prophet
The Boy who returned and the Girl that refused
by Rita Skeeter
As all of you know yesterday was the day were Hogwarts began a new school year. But the begin of this school year was widly anticipated as yesterday our heroes. Harry and Elizabeth Potter were supposed to return to us, for 11 years we have awaited the return of our heroes.
But while Harry Potter returned to us, his sister didn't, you heard right my dear readers. The girl that lived declined the invitation to Hogwarts and choose the muggle world over her heritage as member of the most ancient and noble house of Potter! While we don't know the exact circumstances why she refused to join our community. She also refused the invitation of Ilvermony and I found out that Professor Dumbledore himself tried to the very last hour to convince the girl to join us. Sadly though to no avail even the threat of her magic getting bounded was of no use as reported by the Head Auror of the MACUSA she freely let them do it.
What will happen now? Is every hope of the Girl who lived joining the wizarding society lost? Does she hate the Wizarding society? Where is she? Will she never join us?
Those are the questions that everyone asks themselve probably right now.
I will leave it to you my dear readers to find a answer to those questions.
Dumbledore dropped the newspaper on the table as he turned away from the table to look out of the window. This definetly didn't went as he planned, he thought that telling the girl that she still had a family a twin borther non the lass. Would be enough to get her to join Hogwarts but no. Her description that it was better for him not to know about her and that she didn't needed a third world to come into her life left him quite puzzled, of course he knew about young Elizabeths powers. That is why he brought her to Xaviers school in the first place, but the way she talked and acted as she refused the invitation reminded him more of someone who has seen things nobody should see.
He tried to get her to join 5 times since she firstly declined to no avail, he even talked to the Headmaster of Ilvermorny in a attempt to atleast get her to join that school. But no, the girl remained stubborn and refused the invitation of Ilvermorny aswell. The last hope was the Head Auror of the MACUSA, he went to the girl and told her that her magic would be bounded if she doesn't join any of the magical schools or the magical society. The Head Auror and Dumbledore were more then stunned as she freely allowed him to bound her magic.
What will happen now? What is when Tom returns and Harry stands alone against him? His plan seems to be shattered but he refuses to give up just yet. There was one last hope though the Tri- Wizard Tournament, saying though that depends if he manages to let the tournament happen. But if he does then that may be the only way to bring Elizabeth Potter back to the Wizarding world.
Harry POV.
The first two weeks of school were great well besides potions but anything else here is great. The castle is a sight to behold and I would love nothing more then to go and explore every corner of it.
Still though there was one thought that wouldn't leave his mind and that thought was his twin sister. As I asked Professor McGonagall about it she just looked at me with a soft expression and said.
McGonagall :,,She declined the invitation and refused to join the wizarding world to remain in the muggle world. Her magic has been bounded until she either joines our society or a wizarding school. I am sorry that I can't tell you more Mister Potter."
That hurt more then I thought it would and it also brings up more questions. Why did she refuse? Dose she know about me? And when she does why doesn't she want to come and see him. Ron and Hermione said not to worry to much about it and that she surely has a good reason and Percy said to focus on school and that this was something to think about in the future. But despite their words I feel like I was abandoned and more alone then I ever did.
One question repeated itself over and over again. Why? Just Why that is everything he wants to know. But this question will be left unanswered until the day comes were he finally will meet her.
But maybe that day will never come.
New Story I hope you like it.
The reason I started to write this story was because I wanted to get away from MHA a little. I hope you understand. If you like this story and when you have some suggestion on how to improve the story or have some criticism let me know.
Have a nice day and
Makedonius out!
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