Chapter 10 Sector Seven
A mysterious figure also known as Shredder was sitting on the throne in the foot clan hideout
Karai appears before Shredder.
Shredder: What is your report?
Karai: We encountered one of the turtles And there was someone else with him.
Shredder: who was it?
Karai: Ever heard of Ragna the Bloodedge?
Shredder: Who is this Ragna the Bloodedge?
Karai: Apparently he's the new guy, I don't know why or how he was brought here. But I do know that he's extremely powerful, and he's got a huge bounty on his head.
Shredder: I see... find him and bring him here.
Karai: Understood father.
Shredder: And tell my men, we have a second target.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
At the Lair, Donnie was showing Noel his inventions, Tsubaki and Makoto are watching Leo and Raph spar with each other,
Donnie: oh Noel! I wanted to show you something.
Noel: What is it?
Donnie then shows her Metal head.
Noel: You made this?
Donnie: Yep pretty cool right?
Noel: I guess so.
Ragna and Mikey made it back to the lair,
Donnie: Your back! what took you so long?
Ragna: We went to that pizza restaurant you told us, but there was some bad news.
Raph: And that would be..?
Ragna: They ran out of pizza.
Leo: And how did Mikey react?
Ragna: When I told him they were out of pizza, he started freaking out, so I bonked him in the head to snap him out of it.
Raph: Nice.
Makoto: So who stole all of the pizza?
Ragna: Mikey, explain.
"How am I the designated thing explainer in this scenario!?" Mikey whined
Ragna glared at Mikey.
Mikey: OK, OK I'll explain.
Mikey: It was a girl, I think her name was Platinum the Trinity, she's also weird, It's like I'm talking with two no three people at once,
Ragna: It's called a split personality,
Tsubaki: I think I heard of Trinity Glassfille.
Mikey: Wait who?
Tsubaki: Like Hakumen, She's one of the Six Heroes.
Noel: So what did she say to you?
Mikey: She said that we should help Ragna defeat the new threat.
Raph: Are we really going to help him?
Leo: Yeah of course we are! It's the only way for them to get back home.
"Thanks guys. So what is this?" Ragna asked as he looked at Metal Head.
Leo: Just another one of Donnie's inventions. Metal Head.
Ragna looked at it like he was not impressed.
Donnie: something the matter?
Ragna: no it's nothing.
Time skip...
Leo: Alright, The Foot Clan is going to be up to something, it would be quicker if we split up,
Raph your with Tsubaki, Mikey goes with Makoto, I'll take Noel, and uh. Where are you going Ragna?
Ragna: I'm actually going to look around by myself.
Mikey: Are you sure?
Ragna: Yeah I'll be fine on my own.
Leo: Alright just be careful Ragna.
Just then Metalhead noticed a spatial transfer from far away
Donnie: Umm... I'll be right back,
Raph: Hey where are you going?!
Donnie: I'm just gonna check out something.
Meanwhile, Out in the city the spatial transfer was complete and a robotic girl with gold hair appeared This is the recreated 11th prime Field Device. A.K.A Lambda-11.
Lambda: Spatial transfer complete, current location, unknown.
Kokonoe: Dammit, My transfer vector's off. I didnt expect for you to get transported to whatever this place, At least I'm back at the Sector Seven Lab,
The voice was Kokonoe, lead professor of Sector Seven and the creator of Lambda-11
Suddenly she became surrounded by Mousers who then attacked her.
But Lambda creates a portal and swords came out from it, impaling all of the mousers.
Kokonoe: Well that takes care of them.
Lambda: ...
Kokonoe: Anyway...
Lambda: Potential Threat detected.
Kokonoe: What?!
Baxter: Well what do we have here?
Lambda: Target Threat Level: A. Switching to battle mode, activating elimination protocol.
Kokonoe: Hold on Lambda.
"Understood, switching to standby mode." Lambda said as she switched to standby mode.
Baxter: You own this female robot!?
Kokonoe: Of course I do you Dumbass.
Baxter: Why do you people always get in the way?
Kokonoe: Because your stupid enough to fight people from other worlds.
Baxter: Are you... calling me stupid!?
Kokonoe: Yeah, I think I'm entitled to call you stupid every so often. Anyway, what are you doing here?
Baxter: I'm after the guy with white spiky hair and a red jacket.
"You mean Ragna the Bloodedge?" Kokonoe corrected.
Baxter: Yeah that guy, you wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?
Kokonoe: Sorry don't know, my creation just got here, besides she's far superior than your robots.
Baxter: Your looking down at me aren't you!
Kokonoe: Look down on you? Don't give me that crap, you just convinced yourself to some that never even happened. Now tell me what business do you have with Ragna anyway?
Baxter: Shredder told me that we have a second target.
Kokonoe: Is that why your after Ragna?
Baxter:Yeah, I was going to go after him until your creation got in the way and since your creation is in my way, I'll just have to dispose of you first.
Kokonoe: Well looks like our little chat is over. Whoever he works for's not gonna like this much but. Lambda, Intercept and pacify.
"Acknowledged, Initiating battle protocols." Lambda said as she prepared for battle.
Time skip...
Despite Baxter's best efforts, he was no match for the recreated 11th prime field device.
"You haven't heard the last of me!" Baxter yelled before he retreated.
Lambda-11: Significant reduction to target's life force confirmed. Resuming Attack.
Kokonoe: Stand down Lambda,
Lambda: ...?
Kokonoe: He'll be back eventually, leave him be until then.
Lambda: Understood.
One minute later, Lambda was continuing her path until she stopped and heard something
Lambda: New threat detected, switching to guard mode.
Kokonoe: Huh? Now what!?
Donnie: Another one of Baxter's creation huh?
Lambda tilts her head in confusion.
Donnie: Wait, you don't know him?
Lambda didn't say anything.
Donnie: So who's your boss?
Kokonoe: Relax she's with me,
Metal Head looks around to see where the voice came from.
Metal Head: Who said that?
Kokonoe: I did, you probably can't see me at the moment, but as you can see this creation belongs to me.
Metalhead: Wait, that Robot girl belongs to you?
Kokonoe: Yeah, got a problem with that?
Donnie: No not at all.
Kokonoe: Your not like that previous scientist we fought, who are you?
Donnie: Names Donatello. friends just call me Donnie, and you?
Kokonoe: I'm Kokonoe, professor of Sector Seven and this is my creation Lambda. like you I'm also a scientist.
Donnie: Wait, Sector Seven?
Kokonoe: Never mind that, so what are you doing out in a place like this?
Donnie: Well I'm just taking Metal Head out for a spin to hunt down the Foot Clan, And judging by your creation she could be a really great help for us, So what do you say? Wanna work together?
Lambda: Awaiting permission.
Kokonoe: Normally I tell him to bugger off, but I'm interested in this so called "Foot Clan Organization" Yeah sure team up.
Lambda: Understood.
Donnie: Great! Guess we're allies now.
With that Lambda and Metal head are now allies.
Meanwhile with Ragna, he was wondering around in the northern part of the city, thinking about what he has gone through ever since he arrived at New York.
Ragna's mind: This adventure is getting crazier by the minute, first talking turtles, then weird ninjas called the Foot, now giant mutants!? This place is messed up.
Ragna was continuing his path until he heard something.
???: So Fong wasn't kidding after all.
"Who's there!?" Ragna said as he looked around to find out who it is.
Dogpound appeared and attacked Ragna from above.
Luckily Ragna blocks the attack with Blood Scythe.
Ragna: The hell's your problem! You could've killed me!
Dogpound: I suppose one of your acquaintances has heard about me?
Ragna: What? I don't know who or what the hell? Wait a second.
Ragna started to think back on what Hakumen told him.
Hakumen: I encountered a mongrel that looked like a dog mutant
Flashback end
Ragna: Oh yeah... Your that dog mutant the masked freak told me about,
Dogpound: So you do know me.
Ragna: seems to me that he wasn't joking. Hakumen's the one who tore your shit up, but if you wanna take it out on me, go ahead.
Dogpound: Fine, besides your coming with me.
Ragna: And why the hell should I listen to you?
Dogpound: If you won't come with me I'll have to force you.
"Bring it, you stupid Mutt." Ragna said before he took out Blood Scythe.
Meanwhile, Metal head and Lambda-11 were traveling together,
Donnie: So what's Lambda-11 anyway?
"She's an imitation of a Murakumo Unit, my colleague Tager found it in Ibukido and I brought her back to life, I also equipped her with the IDEA engine" Kokonoe explained
"So how did you bring her here?" Donnie asked.
Kokonoe: I accidentally brought her here thanks to a spatial transfer.
Donnie: Interesting... I bet My brothers are going to like her.
Kokonoe: You have brothers?
Donnie: Of course I do, There's Leo, Mikey and Raph.
Kokonoe: And let me guess... they're the same species as you right?
Donnie: How did you know?
Kokonoe: It's just a wild guess.
Donnie: By the way, way do you know Ragna?
Kokonoe: Yeah I know him why is he here in this world?
Donnie: yeah, we got ourselves acquainted when he arrived. And he's getting along with all of us.
Kokonoe: That's... Nice.
Suddenly they heard a loud noise.
Donnie: What was that?
Kokonoe: I'm not sure.
Donnie: Kokonoe, have Lambda check it out.
Kokonoe: Got it. Lambda prepare for transfer,
Lambda: Initiating spatial transfer.
Lambda teleports to a different location.
Donnie: I wonder how Ragna's doing?
Back with Ragna, he was trading blows with Dogpound.
Ragna: You know you kinda remind me of Azrael.
Dogpound: Who?
Ragna: You know the Mad Dog of Sector Seven who enjoys the thrill of battle?
Dogpound: Can't say that I heard of him?
Ragna: Trust me, if you would've visited my world, you would've loved him.
Ragna transforms his sword into a scythe.
Ragna flies forwardwhile circle slashing Dogpound but he dodged it.
Dogpound: Fong wasn't kidding this guy's power is unreal!
Ragna: Hey you dropped your guard!
Ragna turns in a fast motion in the air strike Dogpound and follows up with an ax kick
Dogpound was about to get up but Ragna points Blood Scythe at him.
Ragna: Now talk! What is your boss trying to accomplish?
"He's planning on eradicating the Turtles because he bears a deep hatred to Splinter." Bradford explained
"And why is that?" Ragna asked
Dog pound tells him the history between Shredder and Splinter.
Ragna: Wow... Splinter's history with Shredder is messed up. Just one question though, why is he putting me in the equation?
Dogpound: Well, since your allied with the turtles, Shredder has you as his new target.
Ragna: So, what? Your boss is after me too?
Dogpound: You can call it that. See you around.
Ragna: Get back here! I still have some questions!
But Dogpound was already gone.
Ragna: Crap...
in a another location, Lambda reappears from the spatial transfer,
Lambda: Spatial transfer complete.
Kokonoe: God Dammit not again, Lambda take a look around,
Suddenly she heard a loud roar.
Kokonoe: Huh? Who's there!?
Then a certain monster appeared in front of Lambda-11
Lambda: Threat detected.
Kokonoe: Aw crap...
The random mutant monster took out it's weapons.
Kokonoe: Doesn't look like we'll be talking our way out of this one huh Lambda?
Lambda: Exiting standby mode, engaging battle mode.
the monster attacks the Murakumo unit Imitation but Lambda dodges it by flying.
Lambda deploys her petals and swords came out of them impaling the monster, which weakens it.
Lambda: Target's strength level decreased, resume attack?
The monster struggles to get up.
Kokonoe: It's not making this easy for us, I don't like this, Dammit Donnie, Where are you!
Donnie: Right here.
Metal head zaps the random mutant from behind.
Kokonoe: It's out, well this is more convenient... anyway, Lets go.
Donnie: What about that?
Kokonoe: You didn't kill him with that little zap did you?
Donnie: Don't worry he's just unconscious, it'll be awake in an hour or so.
Kokonoe: Then leave him, he'll be fine.
Lambda: Potential threat detected...
Donnie: Huh!?
Fishface: impressive find.
When Fishface landed in front of Lambda and Metal head, Metal Head readies his laser gun.
Donnie: Xever...
Kokonoe: You know this jackass?
Donnie: Yeah he's one of our enemies.
Fishface: and what's this, Another one of your inventions?
Donnie: Actually I didn't create her too.
Xever: Then Tell me girl, who created you?
Lambda didn't say anything
Kokonoe: She works for me you fishy son of a bitch!
Fishface: You have another friend I see. Now tell me, where can I find Ragna the Bloodedge?
Kokonoe: Like hell we'll answer to you!
Fishface: Strong words for a stupid scientist.
Donnie: He's just taunting your creation Kokonoe.
Kokonoe: You think?! Donnie get out of here and go find your brothers!
Donnie: What about him?
Kokonoe: Lambda can deal with this prick! You need to retreat now!
Donnie: Gotcha.
Xever: You, keep her busy, I'm going after the trash can. after that, Ragna is next.
Xever then pursues Metal head leaving the foot ninja and Lambda.
Lambda: Primary target has been lost, switching to secondary target.
Lambda and the foot ninja faced off.
Lambda: Engaging battle mode.
Lambda: Secondary target incapacitated.
Kokonoe: Lambda!
Lambda: Communications restored.
Kokonoe: Lambda are you alright!?
Lambda: Damage levels negligible. Able to continue with previous mission,
Kokonoe: Great, now quickly I need you to follow Xever, the asshole with the fish body!
Lambda: Verifying target... target confirmed
Kokonoe: Metal head's been defeated, now Xever is coming after Ragna, this is your top priority.
Lambda: Adjustment to target priority complete.
Kokonoe: I'm counting on you Lambda!
Lambda: Understood.
Two minutes later, Lambda was getting close to her target.
Kokonoe: Alright, He's probably going to be at the byraly building
Lambda: Under-
Before Lambda could finish, a laser was fired at her, luckily she dodges it in time
The one that attacked her was Metal head, but something was wrong with him
Kokonoe: Donnie!?
Lambda: Attack averted, Verifying target... ally signal detected
Donnie: Kokonoe I-
Metal head fires another laser.
Lambda dodged the attack again
Lambda: Attack evaded.
Kokonoe: What the hell's wrong with Metal Head!?
Donnie: They broke through most of Metal head's operational firewalls, I can't control his body!
Kokonoe: What!?
Donnie: If Metal head's not stopped I could destroy Lambda.
Kokonoe: Lambda! Attack Metal Head!
Lambda: Understood.
Kokonoe: If you can damage his plug, you should be able to immobilize him, whatever you do, don't destroy him!
Lambda: Command acknowledged, attacking the plug.
After a long battle, Lambda successfully shut down Metal head by attacking it's plug
Donnie: Good it's systems are returning to normal
Kokonoe: Yes! Good job Lambda! You did it!
Metal head is now back to its normal self as he gets up.
Donnie: thanks for snapping him out of it.
Kokonoe: No problem, you know, feel free to call us if you got anymore jobs we can do together
Donnie: Sounds good to me,
Kokonoe: Before we go wanna exchange phone numbers?
Donnie: Sure why not? And do you want me to add The rest of my brothers to yours?
Donnie and Kokonoe exchange their phone numbers and Kokonoe added Raph, Leo, and Mikey to her contact list.
Donnie: So... See you around?
Kokonoe: yeah, I'll see you later,
Lambda and Metal Head parted ways.
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