William Burke
Before I could refuse he was gone. Shock, dread and fear churned in my stomach making me feel suddenly sick and dizzy. Kill Mary Jane Kelly? I could never even dream of such a thing. She was my wife. The most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on. The Love of my life. How could I have been so stupid to agree to his vile task without even knowing what he desired of me? Right and wrong fought within in my heart - save my love but have my childhood destroyed or...or keep my past home and childhood in tact but brutally murder my wife - my Mary Jane Kelly. In an instant I found myself running home, all grace and level-headedness gone, I needed to talk to Hare. I needed help...
"Hare! Hare! I know you're here somewhere, hurry it's urgent." Where on earth was Hare? In a panicked daze the light tap on my shoulder startled me causing me to jump back slightly; Mary giggled at my reaction and I found that I could hardly meet her loving gaze. How could I go through with this? I focused on everything but her beautiful blue eyes that were now filled with worry at my entrance into the inn; I knew that if I spoke then my voice would certainly quaver in both cowardice and self-loathing.
"William, darling, what is it? You look as though you have just seen a ghost love. Come, sit, have some tea and perhaps you will feel a slight bit better? It can't have been so bad surely Will, it was only a short while that you were gone, it's ever so frightfully cold out I was surprised when Hare had said you had gone at all. Take of you're coat and let me fix you a drink alright? I'll fetch Hare to if you'd like?" She was so loving that it caused a pain in my heart when I remembered what the strange man had said. In giving no answer and a dazed, un-seeing look Mary lead me to the empty study behind the reception desk and sat me down after taking my coat. Before I knew it there was a steaming tea in my hand and Hare sat opposite me examining me carefully. I pictured how I looked at that moment: sunken face, pale tone, un-seeing vacant stare, shaking hands, sweat making a slow cold path across my temple.
"For God's sakes man get that tea down you and get a hold of yourself. Never have I seen you like this my friend and I can say for sure that I do not like it. No I do not like it and neither does Mary. She's running around trying to find jobs to keep her mind at ease. You look utterly dreadful so drink up and tell me what the bloody hell happened out there." Hare's stern tone shook me out of my reverie and with a shaking hand I finished my tea before beginning my sombre tale. The steaming liquid warmed my throat and I found my voice once again after having drained the sugary beverage."
"I met with a man who told me that he would destroy all of London and everyone in it if I did not complete a task for him. It was oh so dreadful Hare! He asked something of me that was dreadful, inhumane, utterly wrong. He wants me to kill Mary, my wife, my love. I do not know what to do Hare. I ask you, as my dearest friend and partner, help me for someone must suffer at a great cost by my hand..." I broke off short as I saw Hare bury his head in his hands and shake his blonde hair in frustration.
"Hare what is it? What is the matter good friend?"
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