Ch.13. At An Impasse
The small rocks grinded in a familiar vibration beneath their feet, as Rhys and Lily made their way through the quarry. Rhys had thankfully managed to cobble together some form of cover up so he wasn't walking around the streets shirtless in the late evening. His torn shirt, while wet and bloody, did well to cover his shoulders and back, while the apron served to cover his front well enough that nobody would notice unless really looking. The dampness of his clothes and the little protection they afforded, did nothing to protecting him against the chill of the night air however; and he soon found himself fighting against the shivers that his body wanted to unleash in a bid to keep warm.
Rhys and Lily had barely made it to the den before they heard the arguing. Or rather, the unmistakable voice of Alice shouting at something that wasn't answering back. Both Rhys and Lily shared a look of hope and surprise, their hearts seemingly in sync as they fluttered happily at the prospect of the unanswering one being Alaric.
However, all fell silent as Rhys and Lily walked around the corner to the entrance of the Den. A look of relief spread across their faces when they did indeed see Alaric, standing a few feet from one of the lumpy couches, with his arms crossed over his chest, and facing down Alice; who's expression immediately fell from one of anger into one of concern. Marshal was sat some feet away from the two that had clearly been arguing, he looked stressed at the sight of Rhys, tucking his phone into his pocket before making a move to hug his friend.
Then they noticed the blood that covered both Rhys and Lily, as well as Rhys' torn clothing, and their expressions only worsened as they bounded forward.
"Oh my god are you alright?" Alice asked, beating Marshal by milliseconds as she pulled Rhys into a tight hug, but immediately recoiled in disgust as she felt cold blood smear against her arm.
"Rhys." Alaric said, quietly yet commanding and cutting the idle chatter of concern, as he stepped over the short distance that separated him from Rhys, and in a rare sign of compassion; placed his worried hand upon Rhys' shoulder. His eyes searched frantically over Rhys is body. He even went so far to tug at his arm and use his index finger and thumb to tilt his head to the side. Rhys allowed the inspection for a second longer, actually rather enjoying the contact. His skin would bloom with a lingering warmth where ever Alaric touched, which struck him as odd as Alaric didn't have body heat. He did stop him once he felt it get a little too awkward for his liking, lightly taking him by the wrist and moving his hand away as a signal that, that was enough.
"Are you hurt?" Alaric asked softly, rubbing the bloody residue between his fingers, giving it a cursory sniff before wiping the sticky substance on his jeans.
"No... No I'm not hurt, thank you." Rhys said looking to his friends and feeling a small amount of comfort spread from his core as he noted the look of concern and worry laden in their expressions. How had he gotten so lucky to have this many people care for him?
Even Lily was uncharacteristically quiet as she fiddled with her fingers near the entrance, still yet to wipe clean of Rhys blood, she seemed to wear it like make up or freckles, as it was dashed upon her cheek. She wore it well.
"Alaric... Where have you been?" Rhys asked, as he gave his own searching look to his friends expression. Alaric's eyes glistened, and for a moment, Rhys could've sworn he saw a flash of regret as he plundered their smokey depths.
He watched as Alaric returned to his stoic demeanour, taking a step back from Rhys as he straightened his stance, and for once: wished people would stop staring at him like his friends were now. An expectancy filled the air like a balloon that was Alaric's job to burst.
"I had some... Things I needed to deal with." He proffered, but even he knew it was a weak explanation. Internally wincing at the possible onslaught of questions. He was usually much better at this. Much more in control.
"No. You don't get to be mysterious at the moment. One of your Brides just tried to drain me dry because she was starving to death. It was like she was a recovering crack addict, except the crack was my blood." Rhys snapped, his fists clenched at his sides as he pulled off his apron, revealing his bare chest and pointed to his shoulder. But upon realising that he had healed it earlier, rolled his eyes in defeat before covering up again.
The entire group entered an uneasy silence at Rhys' outburst. Rhys didn't get angry. Rhys wasn't stern or brutish. He was soft, and kind, he would coax the answer from you like one encourages bees to their garden.
"It's okay. You can tell us, Alaric. You can trust us." Marshal said, interrupting the silence by taking Rhys' job of offering peace and comfort.
Alaric combed his fingers through the silken, black, finery that was his hair. His jaw tightened as if the answer to their questions had a grip upon his tongue and refused to let go.
"They sent me a piece of him." Alaric finally said to the daunting silence that awaited him, and those few words were enough to hit like a clap of thunder. Like the bellow of a primordial God they felt small and helpless. They didn't need to ask any further. It was clear to them that the him he was referring to was the recently deceased Shaun, and there was only one piece missing from his body when it was found.
"They know us." Alaric continued "They know where we live, and who we are. You saw how they killed Shaun. While it was... Over the top, they knew how to deal with a Vampire at least. So I cut the girls off. To protect them, they needed to have no association with me whatsoever, but if I thought for one second the withdrawal would put any of you in danger..." his eyes found Rhys' as his words, while dripping with meaning, drifted into the pregnant silence of the room.
"I've got to get home. My family could be in trouble, all of our families could be in trouble." Alice started, worrying at her bottom lip as her hand immediately snatched at the amethyst around her neck.
All thoughts of horrible thoughts ran ragged through her mind. Macabre visions of her mothers blood seeping into the soft grain of the dining table. Her father with the back of his head blown out as he sits in his chair in front of the tv. Her little brother... Dead and bleeding. Or burning with the family home. The visions caused her chest to constrict painfully.
"No... No I think that's exactly what they want. Together we're strong, our combined natures make us a mixed bag of hell to deal with. If they split us up, they can focus us and our families down one by one." Alaric countered, which caused another hush to fall over the group. It was slowly creeping upon them how much trouble this could be. While it was originally a hunt for revenge on the death of their beloved friend. It was quickly becoming evident that it was also a fight for their own survival.
"Alaric's right." Rhys begrudgingly agreed, rubbing at his face with the palms of his hands.
"Well do we at least tell them?" Lily asked. It was an odd thing. She's never had to worry about her mother before. She was always so strong, and so sure in what she's doing. The idea that anything could be a threat to her was almost an impossibility in her mind.
"I don't know. On the one hand, if it's just us this hunter is after, we'll be worrying them for nothing. On the other, they might be able to help. Both ways probably end up with us being separated though as they'll keep us in side for our own safety."
The group was at an impasse.
But, after cleaning Rhys up and sending a few text messages to family members; the answer naturally seemed to fall to the Den. Here they would be hidden away, and most importantly: they would be together.
A/N: whoop whoop, the gang is all back together again. But for how long I wonder?
Thanks for reading! ^-^
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