Ch.09. Aftermath
What was once a terrible tragedy, with moderate concern in the town of Willowstream; had now become a highly policed situation with a very palpable fear, as it was officially announced that there was a kid killer on the loose. Although the group knew it was more than just young adults this murderer was hunting for.
They had found his naked body, confidently displayed out front of the school. Propped against the oak tree that sat just beside the foot path; Shawn had been relieved of his head, where it lay beside his body in a neutral, almost peaceful, expression. A clean cut had parted the flesh, leaving the internal trunk of his neck vividly on display in all it's meaty horror, where it painted his torso in flecks and streams of crimson. A wooden spike had been driven deep just left of centre in his chest, and what's worse: his genitals were missing from their expected home, and all that was left was a steadily bleeding gash that seeped the ground.
People were silent. A terrified hush had rendered them all incapable of any form of reaction save to stop and stare. That was until the police arrived. Then the fear broke out in worried cries and panicked chatter. Rebecca and Marie were inconsolable, yet out of sight, as their deathly wails travelled over the bustling crowd as if calling out in a ghostly fashion, pleading for Shawns return.
Alaric had disappeared moments after he and Rhys had arrived on the scene, the sopping wet evidence of the shower soaking through their clothes. Rhys had turned to bolster Alaric at the sight of one of his Brides butchered, but when he did so: Alaric was already gone.
Four days had passed since then. New, stricter, rules were set in place for the protection of the student body as well as the rest of town, and there was a constant electricity in the air. Like an invisible gas flow, suffocating all who would breathe it, and all it took was a single spark to set it ablaze.
"Fucking asshole." Alice cursed, placing her phone on the table face up, while watching it like a hawk, so that she could see the moment it lit up. This must've been the fiftieth time today that she had tried to contact Alaric to no success.
The group had even braved the journey to Santana Manor to see him, only to be turned at the door by a decrepit old man that they assumed to be a butler of some kind. Breaking in, something they unanimously, mentally, agreed upon the moment the butler turned them away: wasn't even an option as, not only was that place home to the very frightening: Mr Santana, but they were escorted off the grounds, while being informed that since the murders they're upping the security. Alice hated to wonder what happens when an ancient Vampire "ups security".
"He'll come around. It's still incredibly selfish of him, but he'll come around. He has too..." Lilly said sweetly, her voice trailing off into silence as she unwittingly looked out of the window. She was looking for Alaric, hoping to catch but a glimpse of their friend, standing in his nonchalant way, probably thinking about how all his friends are idiots.
Did he know? Did he know how much they worried about him? How much they missed him? Now that was a thought that clenched at Lilly's heart like a vice. Squeezing just so that she clutched her hand to her chest as she gave a small, exasperated, sigh.
"He's still an asshole. What if he's hurt? Or Dead?"
The words were anything but lost on Rhys, but much of the chatter had faded into the background as he sat with his chin rested in the palm of his hand. Lost in thought as he stared out the same window Lilly had.
The window overlooked the school fields where outside gym classes and recesses were held. Beyond that were small houses that became more and more overgrown with trees, as further passed those houses were the beginnings of the forest that encircled much of the northern side of Willowstream before turning into mountain.
Alaric had been so vulnerable, so open, moments before the death of Shawn. A death he had felt. Like Shawn was being ripped away from him. Alaric had been quite literally naked, and what Rhys assumed was on the verge of a break down. It was a moment that had been ever present in his mind since. The more he thought about it, processed it, he had come upon the realisation that it was the thing that shook him to the very core, reverberating in his bones with an ache that rendered him hollow. More so than the sense of danger, the sense of being hunted.
Alaric was scared.
This man who Rhys had grown up with since childhood. Who he had watched crush solid stone with his bare hands, who at the age of fifteen: had lifted a fully grown man a foot off the ground with just one arm. This creature of the night, who could be here one second and gone before you even registered it. Who healed from all but the most fatal of injuries in mere seconds. He was scared. And that scared Rhys more than anything.
Rhys learned that Alaric's absence had more than frustration and worry about his well being, seeded in to the group. They were scared too. They hadn't had the most dangerous of lives, how dangerous could growing up in a secluded town be? But no matter the threat: Alaric was always there to protect them. Without question and without hesitation.
"You can't be serious." Alice scolded, suddenly calling Rhys back in to the conversation.
"Okay, so I understand the risks and stuff? But I think it's a good idea. Cutting loose, and having fun! Maybe getting on somebody? That's what parties are for! And there's no way someone is going to go murder happy on a group of that many" Lilly responded, crossing her arms defiantly while offering a warm, placating, smile.
"Are you kidding? Shawn's body was literally displayed, as a fresh kill, at the front of the school. And nobody saw! Whoever this is, is anything but shy about killing with a crowd nearby." Alice argued, mimicking Lilly's crossed arms but with a scowl of frustration on her face instead of a smile.
They were discussing the end of year, and the end of school, the entire grade had, had planned that was to be happening in a couple of weeks. Everybody was going to be there, and it wasn't lost on Lilly how much of a target that made them. But a quiet desire to show strength by ignorance, and carry on as if it wasn't happening; was a temptation that seemed much easier to follow than facing this head on.
"I see your point, but we'll be together instead of separate in our classes! Plus a bunch of other people around..."
"This is so stupid... This is literally the final climax of any teenage slasher flick ever."
"You're not wrong. But that's entertainment for you! Look, I wanna go. So I'm gonna." Lilly didn't have to add the part where she asked if they were going to let her go alone. She knew they would protect her and come along anyway. The guilt trip wasn't needed.
"You're impossible. But fine, I'm in. Even if it's just to keep your ass out of trouble. Rhys, Marshal, are you in too?" Alice caved before turning to the two boys.
"Yeah I guess. Stronger together, right?" Rhys gave a wry grin as he shook himself from his day dreams, and gave Marshal a nudge with his elbow.
"Oh! Sure" Marshal said, just about tearing his attention from his phone which had been his sole focus for the passed few days. He had been talking to Mark constantly, and it still felt strange to say that he was officially dating someone, despite them having yet to go on an actual date. Something Lilly still hadn't forgiven him for, which he vaguely remembered her going on a rant to do with jeans.
But for the first time, Marshal was tickled. His heart fluttering whenever his phone got a notification, his thumbs ached pleasingly, well into the night from all the texting, and he couldn't help but hold a small smile on his face at all times. This was a different smile than the one he usually wore. This one was warm, and fuzzy, and solely caused by someone else. He decided it was the best kind of smile.
Their date was tomorrow night at six. A mantra Marshal said to himself often, and it was only until today that it had, had him nothing but excited. Now it wasn't just excitement that kept him jittery. But gut wrenching, heart gnawing, nerves. And he had no idea what he would do.
A/N: Oooo what's happening I wonder? Well, I know what's happening, but my goal here is to trickle just enough to keep you guys interested without giving it all away ^-^
Have any thoughts of who you think the murderer/hunter could be? Let me know!
And as always: Thanks for reading
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