The Murder Of Pterodactyl
Yes, their name is Pterodactyl
This story is dedicated to @whoknows075 aka Terra, Lee or GOOSEMUFFIN
We were walking down the hallway laughing about a recent joke. They smiled and tossed their hair over their shoulder. I didn't know why, but I couldn't keep my mind off them. All I could think of was pushing them down the stairs, shooting them in the back or stealing their kneecaps.
"Hey what are you doing tonight?" I asked. "Oh, my parents and brother are away at the moment, do you wanna hang out?" Terra responded. Suddenly a plan forms in my head. "Don't you have rugby practise tonight?" I ask, my eyes glinting with the newly formed scheme. "Yeah. It finishes at eight."
I knew if I wanted this plan to work, I'd have to have some time. Suddenly I clutch my ankle, howling in pain. "I think I sprained my ankle!" I yell. "I need to get to the office!" "Oh no, I hope you'll be okay!" Terra exclaimed. "I'm sure I'll be just fine." I respond, the glint back in my eyes.
I've collected the spiders; both tanks, and the saw. The cold wind slices my skin as I pull my jet black hoodie back over over my ears. I walk casually towards the ominous house until I see a neighbour sitting on her porch. I duck behind Terra's family car, staring into the boot and seeing several "Collins" street signs; Their Dad's weird obsession. My heart races as I crouch down even lower. I need to be more careful if I don't want to be caught.
I stay crouched in that same position until I see the woman her wander back into her house and close the door. Tip-toeing around the back, I launch the tanks of spiders and the saw onto her low garage roof and very cautiously, grab hold of the gutter and heave myself up.
Standing on the ice cold roof, the wind whips my hair about my pale face. I smile with glee as I think through my plan. This will be perfect.
Sneaking in through their parent's bedroom window, I shuffle into the hallway and lower my hood. Finding their room, I pull off their bedsheets and get to work.
First task, cut a hole in their matress. Cutting a matress with a saw is harder than I expected, but a few blisters later, I've cut the perfect hole, not too deep, but just deep enough. What next? Oh right, the spiders.
I get the crate of dead spiders and pour them into the hole. My mind is buzzing with adrenaline and thrill. Now for the tricky part, the live spiders. I take the noise transmitter and slowly open the box.
The second the box bursts open, I slam my hand onto the transmitter, creating a high pitched siren only heard by spiders. They all screech to a holt and stare up at me. In a slow, monotonous voice, I tell the spiders: "Pterodactyl killed your friends. When they come into the room, you will stay hidden in their bed. When they get into their bed, you will kill. And make it slow and painful. Now go."
The spiders, one by one, crawl into their bed and stay still. I grin manicly as I take the superglue and roll up the edge of their duvet, glueing along the edge. Once they get in, they'll never get out. I then take the tanks and saw and go back the way I came, the cold wind slicing even deeper as dark starts to fall on the street. I check my watch; 7.50. After concealing the tanks and saw, I climb back onto their roof, I find a position to watch the show.
I the skid of tires catches my attention. They're home. My heart beats out of my chest with excitement as I watch their feet emerge into view. They take their pyjamas and go into the bathroom to get changed.
My hands shake with cold and thrill as I wait. In what feels like half an hour, they finally emerge, yawning. I laugh with glee as I see them get into their bed, and the shrill screams as the spiders slowly devour their flesh, blood oozing through their duvet. Their screams are muffled as a massive spider crawls down their through.
The terror in Terra's eyes was all I would think about for months.
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