[🥕] Ice SCREAM!!! 🍨 (SEASON 1: EP 2) [PT. 3] [🥕]
Previously on "THE MULTIVERSE"..
The first challenge was breaking this annoying magnifying glass machine that just can't stop saying "Magnifying Glass Tilted Left, Magnifying Glass Tilted Right.", Let's just say... some of them are kind of annoyed and tried to break the machine, but.. Muffin managed to do it, Also Gelatin also did it by pushing the machine off the cliff.. But then Muffin dabbed... seriously?.. So Vegan Gains made The Drummer immunity instead of Muffin.
After the challenge, some of them are kind of scared of what will happening they get eliminated..
📣: [Normal Foghorn Noise]
🌸: Ugh.. I can't believe I lost.. Oh well, better luck next time for me, I guess..
🟩⚫: I should've had won, man!
🍮🟢: You were literally admiring the machine.. That does not count as "destroying" the machine..
🟩⚫: Shut up, Jellyhead! >:(
🍮🟢: Ok, ok, fine... Hey Muffin!
🧁: Hi.
🍮🟢: So.. How were you doing in the challenge? I heard that you originally won the challenge but then.. you did something that made Vegan Gains angry and then just made The Drummer immunity instead... Why is that?
🧁: I don't wanna talk about it, ok?
🍮🟢: Alright, suit yourself out, pal!
[VEGAN GAINS pops out of nowhere]
🥕: It's TIME for the "ELIMERNATION!"
🌸: Ok.. But.. Is there a way for Hammer, Spongy IPad Case and TV come back to life?
🥕: Oh, I can do that! Let me just.. [snap]
[Hammer, Spongy IPad Case and TV came back to life!]
🔨: Huh? What happened? Did I win?
🥕: You didn't win, idiot.
🔨: WHA-
🥕: Anyways, let me teleport you all to the elimernation area! [snaps them all including him to the "elimernation" area]
🥕: Welcome to the elimernation are-
🟩⚫: Isn't this the same place?
🥕: >:( [kills lego hair] S H U T !
🥕: Anyways, let's see how many votes we ha- [realizes it is 1 vote]
🍮🟢: Oh umm, Vegan Gains? That's just one vote.
🥕: >:( [SIGHS] Ok, I guess I'll say who has 0 votes.. But first! The prizes are a bunch of ice cream cones!
🔨: Where did you get those?
🥕: Oh, I just went to a local McDonalds and then just ordered 8 ice cream cones, BUT THEIR MACHINE IS ALWAYS BROKEN! >:(
🔨: Well, what do you expect, man?
🥕: Don't make me turn you in to that ugly thing again..
🔨: Ok, fine.. I'll shut up.
🥕: Good, Anyways.. Drummer and Gelatin won immunity on the last challenge.. So here are your free ice cream cones!
🍮🟢: YAY!
💛🥁: Doh doh doh doh doh, Do The Homer Shake!
🥕: Now, I'll say the people who had 0 votes..
Spongy Ipad Case..
Lego Hair..
🥕: And the last one safe is....
🥕: Hammer..
🔨: HA! Let's go! I'm still in it to win it! >:)
🥕: That means Foghorn is elimernated with just 1 vote.. That's kind of sad.
📣: [sad foghorn noises]
🥕: Well Foghorn, YOU'RE GOING TO BRAZIL!! [power kicks foghorn to Brazil..]
📣: NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo-
The intro played, And just like that, Foghorn is officially elimernated from "THANOS"!
🍮🟢: Welp, I'm gonna miss that guy..
🔨: Hey, Vegan Gains, can you bring back Lego Hair since you killed him?
🥕: NO! He can't compete on this second challenge because he's a POO!
🥕: So your second challenge is to make your own ice cream! Because stupid McDonald's Ice Cream Machines don't work.. The ingredients are right on that table over there, The two people who has the highest rating from yours truly, wins the contest! GO!!
The second challenge started, and everybody was rushing to the table to grab their ingredients for their own ice cream!
🧽: Welp, Since I don't have arms I can't grab that much ingredients..
🍮🟢: I'll help you, Spongy!
🧽: Oh, thanks Gelatin!
Gelatin helped Spongy IPad Case by carrying his ingredients around.. While the others are just struggling trying to find the right ingredients for their ice cream.
🌸: I need to make Vegan Gains proud of my ice cream, This is gonna be great!
🧁: Ugh.. This is so stressful to find some stupid ingredients for my ice cream..
🔨: Welp, time to do this stupid challenge, I guess..
After everyone got their ingredients, They started to make their own ice cream slowly and surely!
[30 minutes later..]
🥕: And.. TIME! Alright everyone, Hands up! Time to rate those ice creams of yours! Let's start off with you, Gelatin.
🍮🟢: Well, I made a simple Chocolate Ice Cream, you can't go wrong with this one.
🥕: Not bad, 5/10! Spongy Ipad Case?
🧽: I made Cookies & Cream!
🥕: Very good! 9/10! Hammer?
🔨: I didn't make anything..
🥕: >:O, How dare you to not make me an ice cream!! 0/10! Muffin?
🧁: Vanilla Ice Cream, very simple..
🥕: Eh, I don't really like vanilla. 3/10. Flower?
🌸: BEHOLD! My ultimate masterpiece! Strawberry Ice Cream!
🥕: Oooh, very sweet! Amazing!! 10/10 for you, Flower!
🌸: YEAH!!
🥕: TV?
📺: I made the most yummiest ice cream ever, It's a Yoyle Berry Ice Cream!
🥕: Yoyle Berry? Eh, I'll try it out.. [turns metal] Woah, this is really cool! Though, the flavor is kind of bad for me but the metal effect is really cool, 6/10. Drummer, your the last one!
💛🥁: I made.. a.. donut.
🥕: Donut? It's suppose to be Ice Cream, not Donut! >:( But I guess I'll try this anyway.. Oh! This is really good! 8/10!
🥕: Alright, time to reveal the score!
🌸: 10/10
🧽: 9/10
💛🥁: 8/10
📺: 6/10
🍮🟢: 5/10
🧁: 3/10
🔨: 0/10
🥕: Wow, it looks like Flower and Spongy IPad Case wins the contest!
🌸: YEAH!! WOO!!
🧽: Cool!
🥕: As for the rest of you, You are all up for "ELIMERNATION" soo...
The elimination vote has started!
🥕: Vote for any of these people to be elimernated from THANOS! Voting ends in uhh... yeah.
Welp, you heard the Vegan.. Vote for any of these guys to be elimernated from THANOS, Here are your choices:
💛🥁: The Drummer!
📺: TV!
🍮🟢: Gelatin!
🧁: Muffin!
🔨: Hammer!
🟩⚫: Lego Hair!
Voting ends in January 26, 2024.. Also, Next part is going to be the final part of the trio being in THANOS, PLUS, An opening to Firey, Leafy and some of the BURNER Contestants to another object show called... BATTLE FOR GRANDMA! Since it had 1 vote, So.. stay tuned for both of those parts! I'll see you all later! Goodbye!
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