[🥕] A Chaotic Departure! (SEASON 1: EP 2) [PT. 4 / FINALE] [🥕]
Previously on "THE MULTIVERSE"...
The second challenge was to make their own ice cream with their own ingredients of choice, Some of them made some unique flavors, One of them didn't even make one, and there's one that made a donut.. Seriously? So.. Flower and Spongy IPad Case won immunity because they have the highest rating.. Let's see what happens next!
[After the challenge..]
🧽: Hey Gelatin!
🍮🟢: Oh hey Spongy, what's up?
🧽: I just wanna say, Thanks for helping me out on the last challenge!
🍮🟢: Oh, it's no problem Spongy!
📺: Hey, Gelatin.. Can you come over here for a sec?
🍮🟢: Oh, ok! I'll see you around, Spongy. I'm being called by my pal, TV.
🧽: Alright, Gelatin! Bye!
🍮🟢: Bye!
Gelatin went over to TV and Flower, Gelatin doesn't know the plan they're doing..
🍮🟢: So, TV. What is this about?
📺: It's about us getting out of this mess.
🍮🟢: Oh wait what?! Why?! I was making new friends here!
📺: Well, we can't stay here for long, Because according to my research.. If we stay here for too long, We'll eventually slowly vanish and then come back to our realm..
🍮🟢: Oh.. ok..
🌸: Yeah, I was sad too when TV said that to me..
📺: That's why we need a plan to escape this realm before Vegan Gains finds out..
🌸: Ok, But.. HOW do we get out of here, exactly?
📺: Well, lucky for us.. I made the perfect plan..
[Vegan Gains pops out of nowhere]
📺 / 🌸 / 🍮🟢 : AHHHHH!!!
🥕: Sorry for ruining your conversation, But I just wanna let you know that it is.. ELIMERNATION TIME!! Let's go to the elimernation area! [snaps them to the area]
📺: [whispers] We'll talk about it later..
🍮🟢: [whispers] Ok..
🥕: Alright, let me count everyone.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5... 6.. 7... Wait, where missing someone..
🔨: It's Lego Brick, Because you killed him and you never recovered him back, you dingus..
🥕: Oh.. ok. [recovers Lego Brick]
🟩⚫: Yes, I'm back! Now what did I miss?
🥕: You're up for elimernation!
🟩⚫: WHAT?! HO-
🥕: Stop complaining! Anyways, we got.. 1 vote again.. Alright, I'm fine with it.. >:(
🧽: But isn't your expression clearly angry about that?
🥕: >:( [kills Spongy IPad Case and recovers him back]
🧽: Well, that was rude..
🥕: Don't ever correct me again, Anyways, The prizes are... umm.. Rocks!
🔨: Seriously.. Rocks? That's all you can come up with?
🥕: S H U T ! >:(
🔨: Fine..
🥕: Anyways, Flower and Spongy IPad Case are safe because they have immunity on the last challenge, So here are your rocks!
🌸: Cool, I'm gonna paint it pink and glitter it all over!
🧽: Ok, thanks I guess..
🥕: Now for the rest of you, One person has 1 vote.. Who's that unlucky contestants?
🟩⚫: We all know it's gonna be Hammer.
🔨: No you all don't, Just you wait and see..
🥕: Alright, the people safe are....
Lego Hair..
🥕: And the last one safe IIIISSSS...............
🔨: Yes!! See, What can I say? I'll never get eliminated..
💛🥁: Aw, shucks..
🥕: Well, Drummer.. I'll teleport you to your home, Goodbye! [power kicks The Drummer to "THE SIMPSONS"]
Intro plays!! "The Drummer" is officially elimernated from THANOS!
🥕: Alright everyone, now that the elimernation is taken care of, I'm gonna go set up the next challenge, See ya! [vanish]
Everyone was doing their own thing, While TV was calling Gelatin and Flower to discuss about the plan..
📺: Alright guys, Here's how the plan works.. We basically make a replicate cardboard cutout of ourselves to distract Vegan Gains from thinking that's actually us.. But it's not, After that, we just need to run around this land until we see the portal and.. were gonna go back!
🌸: Ok, solid plan.. but, Where do we build the cutouts?
📺: Don't worry, I already made them.
🌸: Alright, when are we gonna do the plan?
📺: After today's challenge, So.. Are you guys in for the plan?
🌸: Definitely! I miss my merchandise.
🍮🟢: Hmm.. Ok, I'm in.
📺: Alright, let's go back
🍮🟢: Ok..
[30 minutes later..]
🥕: Hi guys, do you see this.. obstacle course that is not ripped from Wipeout?
🧁: Yeah, I.. see that.
🔨: Suuuure, it's definitely nooot ripped off.. [SARCASM]
🥕: S H U T ! Anyway, Your next challenge is to make it through this obstacle course, First person to make it through wins the contest! GO!!
[The challenge began!!]
Everyone was running on the start of the obstacle course race.. The first part is a platform-to-platform jumps..
📺: I don't know if I can do this since I'm.. electric.
🟩⚫: HA! See ya'll later in the finish line!! >:) [just went through the first part super fast]
🌸: Well, at least we need to try to do this.. [jumps on to the platform] Oh my gardener..
Muffin was the next person to get through the first part..
🧁: HUP!... HEYUP!! Phew.. Made it through the first part! LET'S GO!!
And.. Spongy IPad Case fell..
🧽: AHHH!! [splashed into the water] God dang it..
🥕: Spongy IPad Case, your out!
🔨: This is easy, How is everybody struggling right now?
🌸: Because I'm afraid.. That if I fell, I would probably get eliminated!
🔨: Heh, not my problem.. [made it through the first part]
🍮🟢: LET'S GO! I made it through!
🌸: Gelatin, help me! This platform is very slippery!
📺: I'm just sitting here because I'm not risking my life doing this..
🍮🟢: Oh alright, Flower. I'm coming! [came over to the platform and carries her to the end of the first part]
🌸: Thanks, Gelatin!
🍮🟢: No problem!
The second part is the "Big Balls", If you watch Wipeout, You know what I mean..
🟩⚫: Woah, this is gonna be challenging.. But I can do it! HYUP!! Woah, this is very slippery!
Lego Brick was grabbing on with his life..
🟩⚫: UGH.. I almost.. got it.. and..
And then Muffin stepped on his head, making him fall to the water..
🧁: That's what you get for making me angry!!
🟩⚫: AAAHHH!! [splashes] what?!
🥕: Lego Brick, your out of here!
🟩⚫: DANG IT! You've made a tough enemy, Muffinhead!
Muffin easily made it through the second part.. While the others are struggling on holding on to the balls..
🔨: How am I even gonna do this if I don't have arms?
🍮🟢: HYUP.. HUP.. And.. DONE!
🌸: Wait, hold on!.. I'm just.. trying to.. wait for the perfect timing to jump..
And.. Flower jumped... but she failed to jump higher and splashed into the water..
🍮🟢: NOOO!! I'll win this for you and TV, Flower!
🥕: Flower, your out.
🌸: Aww man, Well hey, at least I feel refreshing with the water!
Hammer also fell into the water since he doesn't have arms..
🥕: Hammer, you are out!
🔨: Whatever.. I had a disadvantage anyway..
Everyone else fell into the water!
🥕: It looks like Muffin and Gelatin have reached the third and final stage of this obstacle course!
The third part is the Sucker Punch, again, if you watched Wipeout, You get what I mean!
🧁: Oh.. It looks like umm.. were the only ones here, Gelatin.
🍮🟢: Yeah, well.. I'll beat you no matter what!
🧁: We'll see about that..
The both of them carefully walked across, avoiding the boxing gloves..
🍮🟢: So, Muffin.. How's your anger issues?
🧁: It's been doing fine.. I managed to not scream on the last challenge!
🍮🟢: Well, maybe the meditation worked! I'm so smart.
🧁: Yeah, you are.. Also, I think your gonna get punched right now.
🍮🟢: Oh, no it's no- [boxing glove comes out and punches Gelatin off]
🍮🟢: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!- [splashes]
🧁: Oh! This is my chance!
🥕: Gelatin, your out!
🍮🟢: Dang..
🧁: YES!! I MADE IT!! WOOOO!!!!
🥕: Oh, well would you look at that? Muffin wins the contest!!
🥕: And with that, the rest of you are up for elimernation..
🍮🟢: Ugh, I'm in pain..
🌸: Gelatin! Are you okay?!
🍮🟢: Yeah, I'm fine.. It's just.. The boxing glove hit me hard so much.. Now I'm ultra soggy now that I'm in the water..
Flower carried A Super Soggy Gelatin to the surface..
🧽: Is he ok?!
🌸: Yes, he's fine.. He just needs some time to heal..
🥕: [pops out] What?
🔨: You better fix that Jelloboy, right this instant!! >:(
🥕: Ok ok, fine! I'm just gonna make him a hospital bed something.. [spawns a hospital bed with hospital stuff]
Flower gently put Gelatin on the hospital bed..
🌸: Hey.. Are you gonna be ok, Gelatin?
🍮🟢: Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.. Though, I think.. you guys are gonna leave me behind..
🌸: What?! Why!?
📺: Yeah! We could just escape!
🍮🟢: But.. I can't.. since I.. can't move..
🌸: Oh.. ok..
🥕: Well, as seeing from this.. Beep Machine, I don't know what this is.. But, He's gonna be fine
🔨: Doesn't look like he is, dingus.
🥕: >:( SHUT! Can you let me say the elimination vote?!
🔨: Ok, fine whatever..
🥕: Thank you, anyways..
The elimination vote has started!
🥕: Vote for any of these people to be elimernated from THANOS! Voting ends in... yeah..
After the elimination vote is done, Vegan Gains gave everyone a break.
🥕: Alright everyone, I'm giving ya'll a break for the next episode, See ya! [vanish]
📺: Ok, Flower.. It's time.
🌸: B-but.. We can't leave Gelatin here!
📺: There's... no choice, He's severely injured.. I don't know if he's coming with us in this state.
🌸: ... Ok.. Bye Gelatin..
🍮🟢: Bye Guys..
Flower and TV slowly put the cardboard cutouts and slowly ran off to find the portal.. Flower keeps on looking at Gelatin while running to.. She's gonna miss him..
📺: Alright.. I'm scanning the whole place, follow me!
🌸: Ok..
🍮🟢: ... [SIGHS] This sucks..
🧽: Don't worry, Gelatin! I'm always gonna be here, being your company!
🍮🟢: Thanks, Spongy IPad Case..
🧽: No problem, bud!
🧁: I'm sitting in here too, You were the reason my anger issues are slowly wearing off.. And sorry for making you lose there..
🍮🟢: It's fine, Muffin.. Good job for.. winning the challenge..
🧁: Thanks!
🔨: Ok, you guys do your little friendship talk, I'm just gonna do my own thing, bye bye.
🟩⚫: See ya, son!
🍮🟢: He's really annoying..
🧁: Yeah, He's gonna get voted off one day..
🍮🟢: I hope..
📺: Keep going this way.
🌸: TV, We've been running for 30 minutes.. And we can't find the portal!
📺: My sensors indicate that it's nearby..
🌸: Oh, I think I see it! The orange carrot portal!
📺: I knew I'm useful, Let's go.
[Vegan Gains popped out of nowhere, blocking their way..]
🥕: I don't think so.. I'm not letting you leave until were finished with my show.
📺: .... Make us.
🥕: ... >:( [He tried to kill TV but Flower pushed him]
📺: Oh, thank you, Flower. Time for you to go to BRAZIL!! >:)
🥕: Wait.. Don't you freaking dare! My powers don't work on Brazil..
📺: Flower, NOW!
🌸: OUT OF MY WAY! [power kicks Vegan Gains to Brazil]
🌸: Oh, yay! I did it!
📺: Great job, now we need to go to this portal and leave..
🌸: Ok... But I'll miss Gelatin.
📺: Me too, Flower. But.. we need to find Firey and Leafy.. That's our goal this entire time..
🌸: Alright.. hope he's doing ok..
📺: Let's go, Flower..
And just like that, Flower and TV made it out of THANOS.. But Gelatin was left behind of soggyness and stuff.. So.. yeah, What will happen to them now? Find out on.. "THE MULTIVERSE"!!
Hi everyone, this is the end of The Gelatin, Flower and TV THANOS Era, I really hope you guys enjoyed Episode 2, Episode 3 will come out tomorrow on January 26, 2024. So stay tuned for that! And as always, Goodbye and I'll see you in Episode 3! <3 Much love!
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