Juvo paced around in his room, as the ship continued on its way towards Gadiem Von, the planet of Faramon. Juvo believed he was the only being who could help him get out of this universe, and in search of the Gods. He could not settle down with all of the newly added information in his head. It was like a storm was setting off somewhere inside him, and he had no idea how to deal with it.
He needed to think everything through. Contemplate. Measure his steps. He had come a long way. And if he managed to get through this last leg of his journey, it might be the beginning to an end of an epoch of injustice.
Perhaps, there is more to it all... How I'm approaching everything is not a straight path, but definitely direct in a way... So far, it's clear- there's no map. Only Faramon can help me get what I want. The head of the Council must know everything that I want to know. But... how to find him? He knew what to do with him, once he came in sight. But how would he track him down? He couldn't possibly search the entire planet. That would be plain impossible.
He kept thinking and pacing around.
Then he stopped.
Could it be? What he had just realised might be a possibility. One that might need less work, and might prove to be helpful in the long run. He would have to wait some time. Except time he had nothing to lose. And as nobody knew what he was planning or where he was, there would be nobody who could be a potential threat to him.
He smiled malevolently. If he succeeded, he would, without doubt succeed. There was no one stopping him.
He would achieve what he desired.
He would right the wrongs.
With the plan roughly ready, he had to determine how to lay it out properly. He had to study the planet. How to put it into action could be only realised henceforth. He needed to stay low at all cost.
"How much longer?" Juvo came out of his room and hollered below.
The crew spoke amongst themselves and conferred with the bots."The bots say, about three galactic days, my Lord," he heard one of his followers reply.
"Okay." He paused. "Resume work."
He had to wait.
The questions kept spiralling in his mind. He had to escape, unnoticed. But how?
He came down and asked one of the Sinturvs to run a search about the planet they were heading towards.
It opened the Universal Web on one of the many large monitors and searched. Numerous files opened and scattered in three dimensions in forms of physical documents that proclaimed their virtual nature, only when touched.
Juvo studied the one most related to his need.
He was not disappointed.
He grinned, showing the glory of his jagged teeth. "Nice. The Major Gods leave the planet to guide and civilise the thirteenth and fourteenth planets of the Simvaritan Solar System at regular intervals." It meant that, if Juvo timed his descent correctly, there won't be many to notice his pod. He found a table of a few names at the side of the document. "What's that?" He pointed at it with intrigue.
The Sinturv spoke out in his raspy tone."Those are names of the days on which these secondary Gods go to the thirteenth and fourteenth planets to do their work. They belong to the standard Gadiem Von week."
"Great," Juvo said, simply. He liked how everything was getting together. "Search for desert areas. Ones near which caves are found. The kind I saw in Darp's vision."
Following the instructions, the Sinturv brought out another set of files and documents. And remarkably, similar sites began to appear. Juvo's plan was finally taking shape. His exhilaration was immeasurable.
In the remaining three days, Juvo perfected his plan, keeping the worst scenarios in mind. He knew how easily he could be trapped. How everything he achieved till now could fall apart. "Like a house of cards..." He used the old human saying.
Some things he had achieved on his way, would prove to be really handy in the next few days. He brought down piles of boxes, handed his way through, picked out what he wanted, threw away what he didn't. But at last, he settled down, satisfied.
He had everything. Everything to fulfill his predetermined anticipation. Just the right manner of execution, and he'd reach his goal. He tried not to get overconfident, for it had been the cause of fall for many.
His first days on the planet were important. As was his last day. Anything in between had to be spent in observation and admiration. For there was nothing to do. It would all play out in front of him, naturally.
"Just need to stay low," he reminded himself. Nothing was more important.
As the ship neared it's destination, admiration renewed itself in the hearts of the crew for their Lord. All of them hailed him.
I would not let you all down. Let's witness a new beginning! A beginning to an end of corruption.
"WE SHALL SEE THE LIGHT!" He shot his hand in the air, which was now charged with energy and enthusiasm.
"WE SHALL SEE THE LIGHT!" his followers repeated from down below, all of their faces bespeaking the will of their hearts.
It was for the light of a new day. The dawn of a new era.
A day of change... for the greater good.
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