Central Command Center
The morning sun rises, and it shines brightly in my face.
"Get up! We're going on a trip," Naomi says. I rise up and rub my eyes. Mason must've not heard Naomi because he still lay on his side. Naomi huffs and flicks her wrist, causing a torrential downpour on Mason.
"AIYUH!!!" Mason yells as he falls out of bed.
"Get dressed, we have to meet someone," Naomi demands.
Someone's pushy today I think as I pull on a sleeveless shirt that cuts off just below my chest. I then pull on a pair of black leather pants, and run a brush through my gnarled auburn hair. Mason pulls on a pair of black pants and a black sleeveless shirt. He brushes his auburn hair, but it still springs up. We rush downstairs where Naomi waits for us. She had pinned her hair up in a tight bun, and wears a blue shirt, black pants, and tall black boots.
"Ready?" Naomi asks. We nod, but then my stomach growls.
"We didn't have breakfast yet," I remind her.
"You will eat at Central Command," says a male voice. We turn towards the voice, and in the doorway stands a short, fat man in a military uniform.
"Good morning, I am Second Lieutenant, Heyman Breda," he introduces with a salute. I look at Mason, and we awkwardly salute back. He looks satisfied and shows us to the door. We approach a sleek black car with another man at the wheel. He has black and grey hair, and he smiles.
"Long time no see Naomi," he says cheerfully. He looks behind her at Mason and I.
"Who's this?" he asks, tilting his head to the side.
"My pupils," Naomi responds.
"I'm Cassandra Sir," I say innocently.
"Hello Cassandra. And who are you?" the man asks.
"Mason," my brother says carelessly.
"Nice to meet you, call me Fulman," the man says.
"Let's go," Naomi says as Breda opens the door for us.
"So why does Mustang want these two so much?" Fulman asks.
"They'll be State Alchemists, if they take it seriously," Naomi says gritting her teeth for the last part. Fulman peels out from the curb, and Naomi gets thrown against Mason, who gets thrown into me.
"Fulman! Are you trying to kill us?" Naomi shrieks. Breda and Fulman laugh at her reaction as they drive recklessly down the roads.
We arrive in front of a large white building after a half hour of getting slammed into each other. As soon as Mason steps out, he throws up whatever he had last night for dinner. He then staggers forward, and follows us into the building. We briskly up what felt like a million stairs. We walk into an entryway, and gasp.
The interior is stunning. On the walls are different pictures of Colonels and leaders. The floor is a wood that is finely polished, and it's very shiny. We walk down a white hallway, and to a large oak door. The handle is crafted out of gold, and when Breda knocked, the handle turned.
A tall woman with blonde hair and brown eyes towers in the doorway.
"Lieutenant Breda, I'll take it from here," she offers. The two start a conversation, and I lean towards Naomi.
"Who's that?" I whisper.
"The woman? That would be Riza Hawkeye. She's first Lieutenant, and Mustang's dog," she responds. I nod and look forward.
"Naomi, come in," a cold voice says behind Hawkeye.
"Yes Sir," she says, monotonous. She steps out of the way to reveal the man that we saw coming into Central.
"Good morning, Naomi. I see you brought the kids," he says looking at us.
"Hello," I bubbly say. Mason keeps quiet.
"Hello, and your names are?"
"I'm Cassandra Snare," I say. "And this," I gesture to Mason, who is absorbed in the architecture of the office "is Mason Snare, my twin brother."
"Thank you. Naomi, you can leave if you please, I need to talk with these two," he says.
"Yes," Naomi says, turning around to leave.
"So, what type of Alchemy would you like to study and practice?" the man asks.
"I would like to practice multiple types of Alchemy," I confidently respond.
"Okay, and what would you like to study?" he asks Mason.
"I dunno, maybe polar Alchemy?" Mason responds unsure if that's what he wants to practice.
"Interesting," the man says, trailing off in thought. I use the pause to ask him what his name was.
"My name? I'm Colonel Roy Mustang. Also known as the Flame Alchemist," he says.
I study his face. It is very handsome to be honest. He still has a little baby fat on it, which gives it slight roundness, but it's still shaped like a man's face. He has black messy hair, and concentrated deep brown, almost black eyes. He is in between pale and a normal tan, and he's muscular, but not too muscular.
"I believe that is all, I would like to talk to Naomi for a few minutes, so I'll send Lieutenant Hawkeye to take you to the cafeteria to eat breakfast," Mustang offers. With that, Hawkeye steps in, and we're whisked away from Mustang, as Naomi steps in.
"I'll make this short," Mustang says, looking the woman in front of him in the eyes.
"What do you want?" She asks impatiently.
"Your students will rotate between you and the military," he responds.
"No way, I won't have them become your dogs," she snaps. Mustang, being sick of her attitude towards him, explodes.
"You may not want them to become members of the military, but you can't control what the can and can't do!" Mustang bellows, something he doesn't do all that often. Naomi looks offended, and Mustang feels a pang of guilt for yelling at her like that.
"I'm going to go find them, and I'll talk to them," Naomi says barely above a whisper. He nods at her, and she leaves the room.
"So you want to become a part of the military, huh?" Hawkeye asks in a cool voice as we gouge ourselves with eggs, sausage, fruit, bread, and milk.
"Yep," I say after I swallow a mouthful of an apple. Mason keeps eating. We hear a loud bang, as the doors fly off their hinges, smoking.
"That would be Naomi," Mason mumbles while he stares at the smoke cloud forming. Sure enough, our teacher storms in, lighting flashing in her eyes. People start to whisper.
"Where are my students?!?" She bellows. Mason and I instinctively shrink lower into the chairs. Her stormy eyes scan the room, and she spots us. She starts to stomp towards us, and she towers above us.
"Did you agree?" She growls. We both rapidly shake our heads as she huffs.
"You'll be staying with the military for this week," she finally whispers. Mason and I glance at each other as Naomi exits the cafeteria without a word.
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