Chapter 3
"What?" Gilbert choked on the sip of beer he'd just taken and stared. Elizaveta was... dead? No, that was jumping to conclusions. She was Elizaveta. She couldn't died and anyway, they were countries. The only way they could be taken down was by another country, mainly one of a greater power than them, but still. Anyway, just because she wasn't breathing didn't mean she was dead.
"Ve~ she'll wake up-a in a second" Feliciano said hurriedly. "In a second, she'll get-a up again-a right? Roderich?"
Roderich flinched at the sound of his name and stood up to turn to him. "Um..."
"We should just give her space yeah?" Alfred stepped forwards. "Dude, if you wanna take her upstairs do."
Roderich nodded and carefully picked her up bridal style, taking her upstairs.
"Would you like me to go and see if she's alright-aru?" Yao said, swallowing a little, clearly not wanting to even think about the possibility of death.
"Probably a good idea dude" Alfred nodded, clearly shaken by it.
Yao bowed his head slightly and walked up after Roderich. He found him in a dark room with a window clouded in fog. Roderich looked up as he walked in and stepped back.
"She's dead isn't she?"
Yao bit his lip. Elizaveta looked bad. Her skin was pale. Too pale to be healthy, which just made the drop of blood spilling over her lip stand out more. It wasn't good. Carefully, he hovered his ear over her mouth and nose, listening carefully for any breaths at all. Nothing. He pushed slightly on her stomach, again, nothing. "I..."
Roderich nodded and sat down in a chair to the side of the bed, staring forwards. "How?"
Yao jumped at bit at the sharpness of his voice. "Pardon-aru?"
"I said how" Roderich stood up again. "If she's dead, I want to know how. She was perfectly fine on the way up here. Perfectly fine as we walked through the door and right up to that moment she was fine."
"Had she maybe had anything to eat or drink that could have had an affect on her-aru?" Yao tilted his head a little.
"No she refused to drink alcohol. She hated it. She didn't have anything to eat or drink since this morning and..." Roderich trailed off. "Gilbert."
"What about Gilbert-aru?" Yao asked.
"They were arguing and... he threw his drink at her as she was about to talk. She swallowed a great deal and then stormed off. That was just before" Roderich gestured to the bed. "Just before this happened." His face turned stormy. "It's his fault. It's all his fault. That damned Prussian is... he... he... he killed her. It has to have been him. It..."
"Listen to yourself" Yao grabbed his shoulders. "How could it have been Gilbert? I'm pretty sure that every other person in the room watched him open his drink. If he'd have added anything to it that could possibly kill her, someone would have noticed and questioned it. How did he know that he'd even be successful-aru?"
"Why are you defending him?" Roderich shook him off. "Last time I checked, he was on your 'most hated' list."
Yao hesitated. "I... don't know. I guess..."
"She's dead" Roderich snapped, cutting him off. "She's dead and I'll bet you anything it's Gilbert's fault."
Yao sighed. "Well, if you're going to make any accusations, wait until you have evidence more than just mutual hatred for the certain person that you're blaming this whole thing on. As I said before, it my have nothing to do with them-aru."
Roderich softened and he slumped back into the chair. "You're right. I'm sorry I just... I..." he took a deep breath. "She's dead. She's... dead." He covered his face with his hands and Yao watched as the first tear shattered on the carpet.
Yao left the room, closing the door behind him as he went and then traced the stairs to the living room.
"Ve~ is Elizaveta alright Yao?" Feliciano jumped up at him, staring with hopeful eyes. "She's okay isn't she? She just passed out right?"
Yao swallowed. "I'm sorry Feliciano-aru."
Feliciano's face went blank and he stepped back slightly. Mirrored expressions of shock and horror flew around the room.
"H... how?" Feliciano stuttered, leaning against Ludwig.
"We don't know" Yao shook his head. "There could be many reasons, but Roderich seems to think it had something to do with Gilbert's drink."
Gilbert went paler than normal. "So... it's... it's my fault?"
"I don't think so" Yao said. "But Roderich is convinced. I'd be careful if I were you."
Yay, crappy chapters already ^-^ Sorry for it being shorter than I normally do them.
Hope you liked, I kind of know where this is going (do I?) So... yeah. Please comment, vote etc.See you next chapter ^-^
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