Chapter 23 - Confession
Well... here is the confession, a week early again. One chapter left
No one understands me. No one. They all get the wrong idea, and no one actually knows who I am. Maybe a couple of people do, or did, but on the whole, no one. And that's what this is all about. It wasn't my fault I snapped, it was theirs. All theirs. And Lili just happened to be there when I was about to let out my anger, so naturally, she became my hostage. It didn't take long for Vash to find out, but when he did, furious isn't quite the right word to describe him. It'd a bit of an understatement, but he didn't have to press the barrel of his gun to my head. That was when I decided he had to go. That was when I decided they all had to go, mainly Vash, but I could put him through a bit of torture first couldn't I? All I had to do was press a knife to Lili's throat and the gun fell from his hands. Then, all it took was a little persuasion and Alfred to be nudged in the right direction for the holiday. Vash was given clear instructions on what to do and how to use the poison I had given to him. Initially, it was for both Elizaveta and Roderich, but clearly things didn't turn out that way, so I had to dispose of Roderich myself. Vash had a low limit on what he could take. He's afraid of war really; can't stand killing people, I just didn't think he'd freak out after I got him to shoot Feliciano.
When Lovino and Antonio came back, saying there was a hole in the road, I thought they had to be joking, and I had to go and find it for myself, but there it was. That was something I hadn't planned on that had worked greatly to my advantage. I'm pretty sure I stood by the side of the ditch thanking it for a full half hour before finally deciding I should leave my God-send alone and went back to the house. I still have no idea how it actually happened, probably just a landslide as they said. And you thought I did it didn't you.
The next kill was harder. My 'dummy' had abandoned me, and I had no one else to try, so I had to get my hands dirty. I'd seen how much Matthew had had to drink that day, and knew that at some point in the night, he'd need to toilet. Then, I sneaked into his room to take his glasses without being spotted. It was simple choice after that, and Yao happened to be the closest door to where I was, so he was the one who died.
Arthur was fun to kill. People don't expect me to be strong. They expect me to be weak, but believe me, I'm strong. Much stronger than everyone knows. Even he looked shocked when I appeared next to him and lifted him off his feet. It wasn't hard. The Brit hardly had anything on him! I've never known anyone weigh so little.
Ivan's 'walking out on us' had left me shocked, but I was more shocked when Alfred and Kiku were sent out after him. I went upstairs then to 'take a shower'. Honestly, people are so stupid sometimes. Climbing out of the window was easy and from then on out, it was simply a case of getting to one of them and hoping they'd been split up. Kiku simply made it easier for me. The same happened with Lovino. I hadn't planned on Antonio finding Ivan's body. There's a kill I can't take any blame for at all. It was all Ivan that one. I think he might have seen me kill Kiku, because I walked past him, he panicked and ran, coming face to face with that huge ditch in the road. All I did was follow him. He didn't have to throw himself into it. I'd had a 'strangle with scarf' plan ahead for him too!
I climbed back in through the window of the bathroom, wet my hair, turned off the shower and waited a bit before leaving. Gilbert was standing in the doorway, waiting. He told me he knew what I'd done and was going to tell everyone. He said he knew about Vash, about the kills and so naturally, I panicked and punched him, hard. Believe it or not, I can pack a good punch, and if you carry on beating someone with hard punches, they die. Then I simply left him in his room for someone else to find. Another unpredictable event.
Antonio was the easiest. All I did tell Matthew to meet me in the kitchen, walk up to Antonio and stab his head. Then I climbed out the window as quick as possible and ran back around to the bathroom when I'd supposedly been. The shower was another God-send, as was everyone's opinion on me. They worked together so beautifully, like hot chocolate and marshmallows.
With Matthew, he'd been dead since the morning. Alfred went to give him breakfast and then returned the key to its place. I went in, locking the door behind me and simply killed him before returning the key to its exact place from before. He'd been dead a long time before he was found.
Roderich simply had a greater concentration of the poison that killed Elizaveta. Alfred cooked the meal, I took his bowl through, pausing in between the rooms to add the poison, and then just waited for it to do its work. Ludwig wasn't meant to find him when he did. He was meant to find him later, so there was another issue with having to kill someone before their time. Honestly, the Beilschmidt brothers don't know timing, do they? I could've got caught pushing Ludwig's body out of the window. You don't know who could have been underneath or looking out of the other window. I'm just lucky no one was.
The killer folded the letter closed. He knew he'd accidentally-on-purpose forgotten to put about the last two, but that didn't matter. It wasn't as if anyone would find it.
He laughed and danced over to where Alfred's body had been dragged. "You're a fool you know that? It was so obvious, and you were so stupid. All I had to do was push you and you killed yourself on that rock."
He leaned back and laughed. It wasn't the harsh laugh he'd been doing for a while now, it was stereotypical. The one everyone knew him by.
"Ohonhonhonhon" Francis grinned and sat down. "The best bit was when Juan walked into the cabin." He laughed again and prodded Juan's body. "You should have seen your face. It was fantastic! I mean, come on. Alfred's head was split open on a rock and you didn't wonder where the blood had gone? You're all idiots, all of you." Francis stood up and twisted around to face the house. "And that'll be the last time anyone calls me weak. Tells me I can't win, I'm useless, stupid and a pervert, because I'm anything but that okay, but none of you even understand that." He shrugged. "You all had to go."
He walked around the side of the cabin and picked up one of the bushes. It was a nice bush, and it had been so kind for the movie directors to lend it to him. Ehem... they didn't have a choice. They were dead too. And it had hidden his trap door so well.
"You're all idiot" Francis shouted. "You didn't look into the ownership of this house or who's land it was on. The Alps. You assumed Vash's or Roderich's land. No, France has some mountains of its own you know!"
*Laughs manically* I FOOLED YOU ALL!!!!! *coughs* sorry about that XD, although, I was going to make it Arthur or Alfred, but half way through I still had no idea who it was myself XD I'm just great at stuff like that XD
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