Chapter 22
Santiago - Argentina
Diego - Brazil
Juan sat pretty much where he'd fallen on the porch, knees drawn up to his chest, eyes dull and staring. He quietly hummed a old nursery rhyme to himself, rocking backwards and forwards, waiting. Of course he was waiting. There was no point in not waiting anymore. It was bound to happen at some point. He was bound to die. The killer was somewhere, here, so what was the point in trying to escape? He'd be caught eventually. He'd given up. He stopped rocking back and forth for a second, staring out. It was silent.
"Hey" he shouted. "I give up."
There was a laugh from behind him and he rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
They winced. "That's harsh Llama."
Juan knew it wasn't real. He knew that the person currently in the process of sitting down next to him, Santiago, wasn't there. There was silence for a moment.
"You missed the snow"
Juan sighed. "I thought I might."
"It wasn't much" Santiago said. "It was barely anything, not enough to make an igloo, or have a good snowball fight really, but I've got a freezer of the stuff at home for when you get back you know."
"It'll melt when you get it out" Juan said bluntly. Of course Santiago would do something stupid like that. "And anyway, I'm not coming back."
"What do you mean?" Santiago frowned. "Who'll look after Ashtin?"
Juan flinched at the mention of his llama. "You will. You always do anyway."
"But he hates me" Santiago protested. "He hates my guts and always spits on me. He always spits on everyone. You're the only one he doesn't spit on!"
"Well you'll have to find someone else" Juan hissed. "Because I can't come back if I tried. They'd find me eventually whatever happened. And anyway, I'm a nation. I'll come back later on idiota."
Santiago was silent for a moment. "Well..." he started.
"What am I even doing?" Juan growled. "You're not even here, it's just my stupid brain messing with me. The only other person alive here is the person who is out to kill us all."
"Hey, it'll be alright."
"No it won't" Juan clapped his hands to his ears and started rocking back and forth again. "It won't, it won't, it won't, it won't, because regardless of whether I come back or not, they'll have won, and I don't want that because that means that everyone just... I don't even know what I'm saying. Come back tomorrow."
"What?" Santiago frowned. "But you're saying you're about to die."
"That's a minor detail, minor detail" Juan muttered. "Anyway... go away. I want to die in peace." He screwed his eyes closed and when he opened them again, Santiago was gone, vanished as though he was never there. "Well he wasn't" Juan hissed, staying in the same position before flopping back to lie flat out on the wood.
There was the crack of a twig somewhere nearby and he groaned.
"Get lost Santiago" he shouted.
"Rude" someone shouted. Someone who was definitely not Santiago.
"What?" Juan shot up, leaping to his feet and staring around. He couldn't see the person, but he knew they were there, and something told him that it wasn't just part of his overactive imagination this time.
"So, you're one of the 'Legendary Latin American Siblings' huh?" they said. "Antonio used to talk about you lot a lot. Mainly Diego, what a pain in the neck Santiago was, but you cropped up a couple of times, one of the calm and collected ones."
"Yeah?" Juan whirled around to find anything he could. "I'm guessing you're the one who's killed everyone?"
There was a short sharp laugh. "No, I'm just a harmless mountainer who's gotten lost in this area and" they quickly changed tones to one which was shorted, angrier, snappier. "Yes of course it's me idiot."
"Okay" Juan took a deep breath. "Why? How?"
Another laugh. "All good reason I assure you, and as for how... it'd take a while if we went through everything now wouldn't it? How's about I tell you about Vash hm? Vash's the one that got everyone stumped, oh I was so proud of that one. I told... someone... I can't remember who that I killed him. That's only technically true. It's a small process called... assisted suicide. Driven suicide. Something like that. I left the rope in his room. I was the one to threaten him."
"Oh yes" they took another step forwards somewhere, still not in Juan's range of sight. "How do you think Elizaveta and Feliciano died? They were forgotten after a while, but everyone got confused by them too. Kiku told everyone that it had to be someone on the opposite side of the table. He was correct. It was Vash. Vash killed Elizaveta. Vash killed Feliciano. He's used to larger guns you see, so a larger gun wasn't a problem, and I gave him the poison for Elizaveta. It was just sheer fluke that Gilbert chucked his drink over her seconds before she died." They sigh and take another few steps. "We all knew his connection to his sister was a strong one, but I'd never have thought he'd have done everything I asked him to do to set her free."
"What?" Juan frowned. "But..."
They sighed. "You're slow. And boring."
Juan didn't even hear them coming. He turned again and they were standing there right in front of him.
"You're dead" Juan pointed out.
"Yes, so is everyone else" they rolled their eyes. "Congratulations for noticing that."
"But..." Juan started, his frown deepening. "But..." he didn't get to finish his sentence. There was a rustle of leaves as the other person lunged forwards, put their hands on either side of his neck and snapped it. For a second, he stood standing, staring, before crumpling.
"Pathetic" they scoffed, stepping over his body and walking to the edge of the gap in the road. "I win" they muttered before grinning, turning round and yelling. "I win!!!! Hear that down their Ivan? I win! I win, I win, I win, I win!" They cackled and patted the edge of the gap. "Thanks for the help chap. Couldn't have done it without you. Didn't even know you were going to happen! What a fortunate turn of events. For me obviously." They laughed and walked away towards their escape.
Confession comes next chapter.
So, everyone's dead... technically... and the killer has won. Who d'you think it is? This time I'll actually tell you if you're right or not!
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