The next day was spent getting the last of their gifts ready. Georgie knit the final scarf in between helping Robert make Christmas cookies. They planned to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning alone together. Then they were going to his parent's house where they were going to open presents and have Christmas dinner with his sisters and Darrell.
As the hours passed, Georgie became more anxious, wondering how she was going to manage to get Robert's gift home by the next day since it was Christmas Eve. Not only did she need to find a way to transport the rather large and heavy electronic keyboard to the apartment, she wanted Robert to be away in order to maximize the surprise. But it seemed an almost impossible task with them spending every moment together.
By the next morning, she was feeling desperate. While Robert was in the shower, she took the opportunity to ring Betsy and ask her advice.
"Don't worry about it," Betsy said easily. "I'll have Darrell ask Robbie out for a pint, yeah? While they're off at the pub, I'll bring the keyboard over in Darrell's car."
"That's perfect! Thank you, Betsy!" Georgie exclaimed gratefully. She should have plenty of time to get the keyboard wrapped and under the tree before Robert came home. Even though he'd see it then, she hoped he wouldn't be able to guess what it was and he'd be truly surprised on Christmas morning.
Darrell called Robert a little while later, and it was difficult for Georgie to keep a straight face when Robert turned toward her, looking worried. "He says Betsy is wrapping his presents and wants him out of the flat," he said apologetically. "What should I do?"
"You should go. Maybe I'll wrap your present at the same time."
"You don't need to wrap my scarf, Georgie," Robert laughed. "I've already seen it."
"But you know how Betsy is."
"I reckon I do," he agreed, shaking his head. "Poor Darrell doesn't stand a chance with her. You're certain it's alright?" he asked more seriously, cupping her cheek. "I don't want you to feel alone on Christmas Eve."
"Yes! You two are probably ready for a break from all this Christmas stuff anyway."
"Y'know I would never get tired of it. But if you're certain, I'll rescue Darrell from my sister," he decided, and turned to speak in his mobile. Georgie tried to hide her excitement. Everything was going according to plan.
After Robert left to pick up Darrell, Georgie suddenly became nervous. What if Robert forgot something returned? What if he and Darrell weren't out long enough and he came back too early? What if Betsy couldn't get the keyboard in Darrell's car by herself? When Georgie had bought it, Darrell had carried it for her. But he was a big guy, used to handling heavy loads as a brick layer and Betsy was so much smaller. Nervously chewing her nails, Georgie paced back and forth in the apartment while she waited for Betsy to ring her.
It was important this went smoothly, especially after all the thought Robert had put into the other night. But more importantly, she wanted him to have special memories of this Christmas after everything he'd been through when he'd been a prisoner. Even though he hadn't been physically hurt, the experience had left its mark on him.
In therapy, he'd begun to open up, talking more openly about his nightmares, his feelings of guilt and shame for everything he'd been forced to do to gain her freedom. Then there was the additional guilt he felt for how badly things had turned out when she first came home with him. She couldn't bear to see him suffer from it all. Someone as loving and caring as him didn't deserve it.
The ringing of her mobile interrupted her thoughts.
"That's it. Darrell's just left with Robbie," Betsy said breezily.
"Do you want to come get me so I can help you get the keyboard in the car?"
"Nah. Darrell put it in the back seat and covered it with a blanket before Robbie came, yeah? I'll be there soon."
With her excitement growing, Georgie paced until Betsy rang her to come down to the car. The two of them carried the keyboard up the two flights of stairs and by time they reached the top, they were both breathless.
"The things I do for my brother!" Betsy huffed. "He's lucky I love him!" After they wrestled the keyboard into the apartment, Betsy started laughing.
"What?" Georgie asked bemusedly.
"Bloody hell, Georgie! Robbie's present is bigger than the tree!"
Georgie started laughing too, but mostly with relief that she'd managed to get the keyboard home without Robert finding out. "I know, but I don't think he'll mind."
"Right. I better get back before the boys finish their pints," Betsy said, giving her a tight hug good bye.
Once she was alone, Georgie wrapped the keyboard and dragged it under the tree. Stepping back to take it in, she couldn't help laughing again, remembering Betsy's comment. The present was ridiculously large for such a small tree. Then she heard the key in the lock and she stood in front of the tree with her hands clasped tightly, barely able to contain her excitement.
Robert opened the door and looked up with surprise when he saw her. "Oh," he said without moving.
"Hi, Robert!" Georgie said giddily.
"Well, hello, Georgie," he said, his eyes twinkling, still remaining in the partially opened doorway.
"Come in!" she exclaimed, motioning him forward.
"Uh, well – you see. While I was out with Darrell, I, uh, got you a present. I want to bring it in, but I don't want you to see it until it's under the tree."
"Oh, really," she said, her eyes shining. "It just so happens, I've done the very same thing," and stepped aside to reveal the long box. She was delighted when Robert's eyes got wide. Somehow, he hadn't noticed it.
"What's –?" He stopped and came into the apartment, leaving the front door open. "Come with me," he said with a smile, taking her hand and leading her to the side of the room.
"I want you to close your eyes and no peeking until I say so, yeah?" She closed her eyes with a giggle and then felt a gentle kiss on her lips. She couldn't help opening them with surprise. Robert was just inches from her, his eyes full of love, and he gave her another kiss.
"Close your eyes," he instructed. She put her hands over her face, trying to contain her giggling.
She heard him go to the door, and then it seemed his steps were all over the place. Whatever he'd gotten for her must be large and heavy, and then a terrible thought hit her. What if he'd gotten her the same thing?
"Alright, open your eyes."
Georgie dropped her hands, and then gasped with shock.
"Merry Christmas, sweetie," Grandma May said with tears in her eyes. Marianne was teary eyed as well, standing next to her in front of the tree.
Georgie shrieked as she flung herself at May and hugged her tightly, while tears of happiness came. She felt Marianne hug her and she opened her arms to include the other woman in the embrace.
When she'd recovered, she let go, wiping her tears away. "Why are you –? What –? How did you get here?" she sputtered.
"We told Robert we wanted to come, but we wanted to keep it a surprise," Marianne said, excitedly.
"He helped us work out all the details," Grandma May added.
"I can't believe it!" Georgie exclaimed, and then turned to Robert. He was grinning while looking rather proud of himself. "You kept it a secret this whole time?"
"It wasn't easy!" he laughed.
"And Betsy – and Darrell?"
"Yeah, they were in on it too. Although from the looks of it, they were keeping secrets from me as well!"
"I guess it's the time for secrets," she said grinning back at him.
"I reckon it is."
Turning to May and Marianne, Georgie took their hands and looking back and forth between them, exclaimed, "I'm so happy you're here!"
"We couldn't be away when it's your first Christmas home, Georgie," May said, tearing up again and Georgie hugged her.
"I can't tell you how much this means to me," Georgie said, wiping her eyes. "Now I get to have my whole family together for Christmas."
After giving them a very small tour of their apartment, Georgie sat on the couch between the two women while Robert prepared dinner. They filled her in on the news from back home in Chicago and details about their flight. Then Georgie told them about her school and life in England.
Long used to having guests over, they easily rearranged a few pieces of furniture so they could fit everyone at the table. While they ate, Georgie looked across the table, catching Robert's eye. The expression on his face let her know he was feeling exactly the same happiness she was.
By time they were finished, Georgie noticed the women were tiring and they drove them over to Robert's parents' house where they were going to stay for the duration of their visit. Once everyone had been introduced and Georgie saw the women settled in Mary and Betsy's old bedroom, she and Robert drove home.
Holding hands in the dark car, their fingers laced through each others, they listened to Christmas carols on the radio. Georgie thought about how it had been the perfect Christmas Eve.
"Thank you, Robert – for everything," she said quietly. "All of this – I can't believe how much you do for me."
"I do it because I love you," he said, and kissed the back of her hand.
"I love you too," she said with a sigh, and leaned over so she could lay her head on his shoulder while he drove, her heart swelling with joy.
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